Magic Touch

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by Jayda Marx

  Magic Touch

  M/M Paranormal Romance

  Jayda Marx

  Author’s Note

  This M/M paranormal romance features my take on an enchanted magical world. The spells, powers and rituals described are fantasy, for entertainment purposes only, and do not attempt to portray any particular type of magic. This low angst book contains insta-love between fated mates and features their fast track romance. Be on the lookout for steamy scenes and a dash of humor. I want my readers to finish my books with a smile on their face and a fierce case of the warm and fuzzies. Laughter is guaranteed, and each read delivers its own type of drama. Thank you for taking a look and happy reading!

  Chapter One


  Room 317. Night after night, I visit this unassuming white door with three gold numbers attached to it, surrounded by nothing but darkness. I’m drawn to its mystery; every time I look upon it, I’m engulfed by the feeling that it hides something life changing. Everything I desire is kept from me by two inches of wood.

  It’s maddening. Every night, I pound on the door so hard that it rattles on its hinges. I pull on the doorknob with all of my might. I cast enchantments to weaken its integrity before attempting to kick it down. I pry at its edges until my fingers bleed. But still it stands.

  I expect to have similar luck tonight, but I must try. My mind races with curiosity and possibilities, and I can’t leave it alone. Like every other visit, I begin by raising my hand and gently rapping on the door. Unlike past attempts, the doorknob rotates and clicks. My heart leaps into my throat as the door inches open. I peer into the shadows unafraid, eager for what awaits me.

  A figure slowly emerges from across the threshold. Once I can see the man and his features, I fall to my knees in awe of his beauty. His body is medium height and thin, and his heart-shaped face is topped with dark blond curls. Large ocean blue eyes stand out against his alabaster skin and draw me into their depths. Pouty pink lips beckon to mine.

  But it is his aura that calls out to me the loudest. His presence is both comforting and vitalizing. My cells buzz with excitement while my heart relaxes with completion. I know without a doubt that this gorgeous man is my beloved; the one whom Fate has chosen as my perfect mate to love and cherish for all time.

  “I’ve waited my whole life to meet you,” I tell him. “Please, I must know your name.”

  The man looks around as if to see who knocked on his door. I speak louder, but he cannot hear my voice. I stand and wave my arms, but he doesn’t see me. I reach out to touch him, but it is like trying to grab a cloud. He sighs and turns his back to me.

  “No! Please don’t go; I must know your name. How can I find you again? Come with me; we are meant to be together.” My pleas fall on deaf ears. My heart breaks as he disappears into the darkness and closes the door again. I pound on the wood, screaming at the top of my lungs for my mate. I twist the knob and throw my shoulder into the door, but it doesn’t budge.

  Suddenly, I’m knocked backwards by a powerful gust of wind. My jaw drops as doors appear on either side of my mate’s, each numbered in sequential order. My body lurches as I’m pulled backwards down a long hall and several flights of stairs.

  I burst through a pair of glass doors and stop long enough to make out the building in front of me; it’s seven stories tall and made of bricks. It has no name printed on it, but I instinctively know it’s housing. I look around to find green street signs, reading I’m at the intersection of Broadway and Vine.

  And then I’m airborne again. Buildings of every shape and size whip past me and the painted yellow lines on the road blink beneath my feet. I stop abruptly and crumple to the ground. When I lift my head, I see a large sign standing before me which reads ‘Warren’.

  I sat bolt upright in bed, drenched in sweat and fighting for breath. My heart beat wildly with hope; I’d dreamt of the mysterious door for weeks, but it had never opened. I’d never seen the beauty it contained. But what gave me the most joy was knowing this wasn’t just a normal dream to be shaken off and forgotten; it was a premonition.

  For years I’d waited and watched for signs of my beloved. I’d visited other coven villages to see if contact with other mages would result in a spark of recognition and love. I’d lit candles and whispered incantations into the wind, but everything just led to disappointment. But now I had hope.

  The only thing that concerned me was that my beloved was human, living in their world. I knew of the town Warren; it was about forty miles from my village, though I’d never visited. My people rarely had dealings with humans; it was safer to keep to our own kind in our protected villages. If we had to venture into human territories, we kept our identities concealed and made our visit as brief as possible.

  No mage from our village - or any other village for that matter - had ever been fated to a human. They’d always found their mates living within a different coven and they recognized one another instinctively. Courtships were fast and marriages came quickly; there’s nothing to question when your partner is handpicked by Fate and your heart and soul yearn for their mate to complete them.

  My pairing confused me, but I did not doubt it. Even within a dream state, I felt the powerful connection between me and my beloved. I could only imagine how it would feel to actually stand in his presence. I didn’t care that he was human; I needed him by my side for all time. It was others I needed to convince; namely the High Priest and Priestess. I’d need their permission to travel into human territory to meet my beloved, as well as to bring him into our territory to complete our bond. Luckily, I had some pull with them - they were my parents.

  I leapt from bed and dressed in a pair of jeans and a cream sweater, pulling my long black hair from the collar. I stepped into my boots and threw open my front door, smiling at the first light of dawn peeking over the trees. My mother and father were early risers, so I knew they’d be awake.

  I jogged to their quaint stone home and raised my hand, but before I could knock, the thick wooden door swept open. My mother had a knowing gleam in her eyes as she smiled gently.

  “I’ve been expecting you.” I wasn’t surprised; my mother was in tune with all of the members of our coven. She had a sixth sense which allowed her to know when others were in need of help or had exciting news to share. She motioned me inside and closed the door behind me. “Come have a seat. Your father is making tea and will join us shortly.”

  She glided through the house and took a seat on a low-rise sofa, smoothing her skirt with both hands. My mother Althea was the epitome of elegance; she carried herself with grace, was kind to everyone she met, and was slow to anger. I couldn’t ask for a better mother, and our coven couldn’t ask for a better leader; her powers were strong, she was intuitive and provided excellent guidance.

  As soon as I took a seat in the chair opposite her, my father Aster entered the room carrying a tray, which he placed on the table between us. He poured hot water into a teacup and gave it to my mother before taking a seat beside her and draping his arm across her shoulders. One thing that was obvious to anyone who met my father was how much he loved my mother. They were a fated pair, and their devotion to one another deepened every day.

  “Your mother tells me you have something to share with us,” he said with an expectant smile. He didn’t share her gift of intuition, and his powers were far outmatched by hers. But it was his wisdom and loyalty which made him a great leader.

  “I do.” I waved off his offer of a cup of tea; I was too jittery to drink. “I had a premonition.” My mother sat her cup on the table and both of my parents leaned in closer, giving me their full attention. “I saw my mate.”

  Mother gasped and clapped her hands together. “This is wonderful news! Oh Indigo, we’ve all waited so long. You mu
st be beside yourself with excitement.”

  I nodded, but before I could say anything, my father butted in with, “Who is he?”

  My parents (along with the rest of the coven) knew of my sexuality and no one batted an eye. Our village consisted of straight couples, gay and lesbian couples, throuples, and everything in between. Everyone was accepting and no one second guessed Fate’s matches. I hope.

  I took a deep breath before answering, “He’s human.” Both of my parents’ eyes widened, but they didn’t speak. “I don’t know his name, but I saw his face, and he’s stunning. He lives in Warren and it is my intention to travel there to meet him. I ask for your blessing to bring him into our land, which will be necessary for our bonding.”

  My father scrubbed a hand roughly over his face, but Mother was the first to speak. “Tell me about your premonition.” I went into detail about the door and how I felt during my dream as she nodded along thoughtfully. When I finished, she leaned back and combed her fingers through her long auburn hair, her dark eyes fixed on the table before her. I knew my mother and that she was choosing her words carefully.

  “Doors in dreams can be tricky,” she said finally. She raised her gaze to meet mine, and there was uncertainty behind her eyes. “They can represent opportunities and new beginnings, but also secrecy and harm. We can’t ignore the fact that this man was hidden from you for so long; what if the reason was protection? I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but we must take into consideration that this could be a trap; a ruse to lure you out of the safety of our land.”

  My heart fell to my stomach. I knew deep in my soul that my dream man and his intentions were only pure, but I had nothing to corroborate that except for gut instinct. The rulings of the High Priest and Priestess were absolute, and must be followed. I swallowed hard and asked, “So I do not have your blessing, then?”

  “If this man is your mate, we would never keep you from him,” my father replied, and I breathed a sigh of relief. “But we must be cautious with the situation. A mage/human bond is unheard of, and we need to ensure this isn’t a ruse, as your mother said. You’re too young to have seen the trials of our people, but we’ve lived through them, and know nothing is impossible.”

  I was only twenty nine years old, which was young even in human years. All mages knew of the history of our people, and the struggle they’d been through by the hand of humans as well as other mages. But my parents had been on the Earth for several centuries and witnessed everything first hand, so I understood their concerns.

  They looked at each other, and I knew they were having a silent mental conversation. They’d perfected it over the years, as was the way with many bonded pairs. After a couple of minutes, they nodded and turned their attention to me.

  “You may travel to Warren,” my mother began. She held up a hand when I opened my mouth to thank her. “But there will be conditions. This will be a scouting visit only. You may seek out the man you believe to be your mate, but you may not make contact with him. You are to follow him and gather as much information about him as possible, and then bring that information back to us so that we may make our final verdict.”

  “It’s dangerous to have a human in our territory, and downright foolish to do so without knowing their identity,” my father explained. “For your visit, I’ll place a concealment enchantment on you so that you will remain unseen and unheard by anyone.” His lips tipped up in a smirk. “That way you’ll be protected, but you also won’t be tempted to speak to him.” He knows me so well.

  “You’ll have until nine o’clock tonight to return,” Mother added. “If you don’t, we will assume you’re in danger, gather a team and come looking for you, so don’t be late.”

  “I understand.” I wouldn’t cause the coven undue worry.

  We all stood and my mother came around the coffee table to wrap me in a tight hug. “Indigo, I wish with all my heart that this man is truly your mate. I only want your happiness.”

  She released me and it was my father’s turn to give me a hug. “Good luck, son.”

  “Thank you both.”

  My father placed both of his hands on my head and recited:

  Body and voice shall be concealed

  And neither one can be revealed

  Until they both return to me

  I command it, so mote it be

  A gentle tingle blanketed my body. I looked down and could see myself clearly, but when I looked into the mirror that hung over their fireplace, I had no reflection; I was invisible to everyone else.

  “Can you hear me?” I asked in a strong voice, but neither one of them reacted. I inspected the clock on their wall to see it was already after seven AM. I was wasting time which I could be using to find my beloved.

  I clasped my fingers around the malachite gem I wore on a chain around my neck. Every member of the coven had a similar stone that had been charmed by the High Priest and Priestess; only those in possession of a gem were able to cross the boundaries of our territory. It was one of the many magical precautions set in place to keep our people safe.

  I crouched down and drew a circle on the floor with my finger, chanting:

  I call forth a portal, safe and clear

  To take me far away from here

  As I traced the shape, I brought the image of the road signs near my beloved’s building into my mind. An iridescent shimmer appeared within the circle, signaling the opening of the portal. My heart pounded with excitement and hope as I looked into its glimmering depths.

  “Nine o’clock,” my mother reminded me.

  I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. And then I leapt.

  Chapter Two


  My feet hit pavement and I looked up in time to see the shimmering portal above me vanish into thin air. I inspected the area around me; intersecting street signs reading ‘Broadway’ and ‘Vine’ were to my left, and a brick apartment building stood before me, just like in my dream. Even though I never doubted the validity of my vision, it was still exciting to see it come to life.

  I hurried to the glass double doors and peeked through, searching for onlookers; a door opening with no visible cause could create panic. No one was around, so I slipped inside. In front of me was a long hallway of doors, to my right was a staircase, and to the left was a wall of bronze-colored squares.

  Upon closer inspection, I realized the squares were mailboxes, each labeled with an apartment number and name. I trailed my finger along the cool metal until I reached the box marked with ‘317’. Under the number was a paper tag which read ‘P. Hawkins’.

  My heart raced; I had the majority of my beloved’s name, but I wanted, no needed to know everything there was to know about him. I bounded up the stairs until I came to the third floor. My steps were long and swift as I hurried down the hall, stopping in my tracks in front of the door which had appeared to me so many times. It looked exactly as I expected.

  I fought the urge to twist the knob or pound on the wood, remembering I was not to make contact. Instead, I stood perfectly still, staring at the door and willing it to open. Minutes stretched as they ticked by, and the temptation became too much to bear. Just when I lifted my hand to knock, the knob turned. My pulse pounded with anticipation when the bottom of the door grazed the carpet as it slowly opened.

  I gasped aloud when the man emerged from his home. He was even more beautiful than I remembered; his lips were fuller, his deep blue eyes even more captivating. And with one glance, I knew without a doubt that this man was indeed my beloved; his presence awakened my energy. Green light skittered across my palm involuntarily, tickling and warming my skin. My blood raced through my veins and my body was flooded with heat. Everything inside me was screaming, This man is mine!

  I pushed away the instinct to return home and declare to my people that I’d found my mate. The fact remained that he was human, and I needed to learn as much about him as possible before he would be accepted into my world.

  After the man
closed and locked his door, he too gasped, and I took an instinctive step towards him, wanting to help him if he needed it. When he turned around, his eyes were wide and his hand was massaging his chest. Oh god, he’s hurt. I wasn’t the most talented healer, but I searched my brain for the strongest curing spell I knew. I had to help my beloved.

  But before I could act, the man inched toward me, tipping his head to the side and squinting his eyes. My thought of, What the hell is happening? was pushed away when the cool, crisp scent of his cologne hit my nostrils. I breathed it deeply into my lungs and my palms lit up again.

  His hand left his chest and reached out towards mine. I should have moved. I should have stopped him in some way, but I stood still, waiting for him to touch me. My chest rose and fell rapidly, my breathing quick and stilted from suspense.

  My beloved was mere centimeters away from making contact when a door opened down the hall, capturing both of our attention. A short, stout woman with gray hair waddled with a limp into the hall towards us. She stopped near my mate and looked between his face and his outstretched hand and back.

  “Good morning, Puck. Is everything okay?” Puck! My beloved’s name is Puck! My heart leapt from the new information.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Willoughby,” he answered, dropping his hand. His smooth tenor voice was a sweet melody to my ears. “Everything’s fine. It’s just...well, have you ever had the feeling that someone’s watching you?”

  “Oh, yes,” she replied with a nod. “Especially after I watch a scary movie.”

  Puck chuckled. “You’re braver than I am; I stay away from scary movies, but I know the feeling you’re talking about. This wasn’t like that though; it was...comforting, I guess.”

  “Hmm, that’s a bit strange,” Mrs. Willoughby replied, furrowing her bushy brows. I didn’t find it strange at all; Puck’s words filled me with joy because they meant he’d felt the mate pull between us. He sensed my presence even though I was hidden, and was comforted by it. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face.


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