Magic Touch

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Magic Touch Page 11

by Jayda Marx

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on the love I had for my perfect mate. I let it swell in my heart and pushed it down my arms and into my hands. When I opened my eyes, I saw that my beloved was cloaked in the soft green light that emanated from all of our palms.

  Clarissa called out into the room, “Goddess Fate, hear our plea; do not take this man from us. Feel the love surrounding him; feel all of the lives he touches. He is needed here. Please heal and strengthen his body. If it is your will, so it shall be.”

  When Clarissa was done with the blessing, Eden pulled a large, clear crystal from her own bag. She pressed it to Puck’s forehead and chanted:

  Troubled blood we ask of thee,

  From this unwilling body flee,

  And shift the host of illness borne,

  Unto this crystal, which none shall mourn

  I watched in awe as what looked like thick black ink spread into the gem, dulling its shine and filling the vessel until it resembled a lump of coal. Eden lifted the crystal away from Puck, and my beloved released a guttural groan as his eyes slid closed.

  “Puck, no!” I yelled as I gently nudged his chest.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” Eden soothed. “Feel.” She took my hand and pressed it against Puck’s throat, where I felt his strong, steady pulse. “He’s only resting. His body needs it after everything it’s been through.”

  “Indigo,” Clarissa said with a hand to my shoulder, gaining my attention. “That poison was potent enough to kill him three times over. Even with our help, it’s a miracle that he survived.”

  “My Puck is a fighter,” I replied proudly. I smiled down on him and ran my hand through his hair, which was soaked with his sweat. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his salty cheek before whispering in his ear, “You’re so strong, darling. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Who would have done such a thing?” My mother asked as tears continued to trail down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know.” All I knew was that it’d take a soulless bastard to harm someone as sweet as Puck.

  “Hopefully he remembers when he wakes up,” my father added. “But right now, the most important thing is to let him rest and heal.”

  “I’m going to put him in bed so that he’s more comfortable.” I scooped Puck into my arms and cradled him close to my chest. I was relieved to feel his temperature was dropping.

  “May your father and I stay?” Mother asked. “I want to be here when he wakes up; I want him to know he has people here who love him.”

  “Of course.” I turned my attention to Clarissa and Eden. “Will you two stay as well? If something goes wrong, I…I can’t...” my eyes filled with moisture again and I couldn’t finish my sentence of not being able to bear losing my beloved.

  Eden patted my hand which clutched onto Puck. “Everything will be fine, but we’re happy to stay.”

  “Thank you.”

  I carried Puck into our bedroom and the others followed closely behind. When my mother saw his clothes on our bed, she snapped her fingers and they all neatly folded themselves and tucked into my dresser drawers. Everyone turned their backs to me as I peeled the t-shirt scraps from Puck’s chest and removed his jeans so that he’d be more comfortable. Once he was in only his briefs, I tucked him into bed.

  I retrieved a cool rag and wiped down Puck’s face and neck before sitting on the mattress beside him. I swore to myself that I’d never leave his side again. The others gathered chairs and sat all around the bed.

  The four of us silently waited with my beloved for hours, watching for any signs of waking, but he continued to rest. His body was so perfectly still that I kept my fingers on his throat, needing to feel the steady rhythm of his pulse to know that he was still with me. When my Puck finally woke up, he’d see that he was surrounded by family, friends, and love.



  Am I dead? I took a survey of my body; the burning pain that coursed through me from the poison was long gone, and I was warm and comfortable. I was surrounded by love, and blanketed in a feeling of powerful peace. Shit, I’m dead.

  It wasn’t so bad, though; I was lying on a cloud which was as soft and inviting as the bed I shared with Indigo. Indigo. My heart ached as I thought about my perfect man, and how I’d never get my forever with him. Guilt bloomed in my chest over the pain he must have felt when he found me, and a hot tear rolled down my cheek. You can cry when you’re dead? That’s a bummer. I’d shed tears for eternity over having to leave my lover.

  “Oh, Indy,” I whispered, barely recognizing my own voice; it was gravelly from exhaustion and the burn of the poison.

  “Shh, it’s okay, darling,” Indigo’s voice called to me. “I’m here and everything’s okay.”

  How can this be? I forced my eyes open and found Indigo hovering above me with a gentle smile on his face. He was beautiful; my own personal angel. But that means - “Oh god, you’re dead too.” Why would Jasper kill him after making such a big deal over wanting him? Maybe Indy refused him and Jasper flew mad. Whatever the reason, I’d haunt that bastard for the rest of time.

  “No, Puck,” he insisted, running his fingers through my curls the way I loved, “I’m very much alive and so are you, though I nearly lost you. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

  “I’m...I’m alive? How can it be? What happened?”

  “I heard you call out to me,” he explained. “Through our bond. My parents retrieved Clarissa and Eden and they saved you. Everyone is here with you now.”

  “They are? Can I see them?”

  “Of course.” Indy helped me sit up and positioned a soft pillow behind my back. My eyes filled with moisture again when I saw everyone around the room; they looked as if they’d been waiting a long time. I’d never had so many people care about me.

  “Thank you all,” I said, though my voice hitched. “I’m so blessed to have you in my life.”

  “Oh, Puck.” Althea rushed onto the bed by my side and threw her arms around me. “We’re blessed too.” She sobbed into my hair and I squeezed her as tightly as my tired arms allowed.

  Clarissa and Eden crowded onto the mattress and gave me hugs of their own while Aster stood at Indigo’s side, patting his son’s shoulder.

  “What happened?” Aster quizzed. “Who did this to you?”

  “It was Jasper,” I answered, and everyone gasped. “He showed up claiming to want to be friends. He poisoned me with tea and said that once I was dead, he’d claim Indigo as his own mate.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Indigo roared, springing from the bed. I reached out for him, but Aster was the one to stop him by stepping into his path.

  “You will stay and look after your mate,” he told his son firmly. “He needs you. Besides, killing for revenge makes you no better than the crusaders, and my son is much more honorable than that. I will gather a team and we’ll search the village for Jasper. He’ll be punished according to our laws.”

  It was a long pause before Indigo finally nodded. “Thank you, father.”

  Before Aster left, he gave me a hug and said, “I’m so glad you’re safe, son.” Once again, all I could manage was a nod and a wobbly smile.

  “You need to get your strength up,” Clarissa insisted once Aster was gone. She conjured up a bowl of yellow liquid, which she passed to Indy. “Food will help his body heal,” she told him. Indigo scooped up a spoonful of the liquid and held it to my lips. “It’s just chicken broth,” she told me when I declined the bite.

  “You can trust Clarissa,” Indigo insisted. “Here; I’ll take the first sip.” He tipped the bowl up to his lips and drank a few mouthfuls. “See? It’s safe.”

  My heart squeezed with affection for both of them. “I know I can trust you,” I told Clarissa, taking her hand. She saved me for shit’s sake. “I’m sorry if it seemed otherwise; I’m just not sure I can stomach any food yet.”

  “Will you please try just a few bites?” Indigo requested. “You haven’t eaten in nearly eighteen hours.”
  “What? What time is it?”

  “Just after one in the morning,” Althea replied.

  I couldn’t believe I’d been asleep for so long that it was a new day. I gasped and realized aloud, “It’s Beltane.”

  “This certainly isn’t how I hoped to begin the holiday,” she told me with a sad smile. “I think we should postpone the celebrations for now.”

  My heart sank. “And our bonding ceremony?”

  “Just until you’re feeling better.”

  I shook my head rapidly as my eyes filled with tears again. “No. Please, I’ll drink the soup and take naps and whatever else I need to do to recuperate.” I turned my desperation to Indigo. “Please, Indy, I’m fine. I need this; I need you.”

  “Shh, it’s okay.” He traced his thumb along my lips to quiet and soothe me. He gave me a gentle smile before looking at his mother. “The celebrations stand; we can’t let evil win. And as long as Puck feels up to it, nothing will keep me from completing our bond.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and he winked at me.

  “I guess I should have known better,” Althea chuckled. “We’ll leave and allow you to get some rest.” She gave me another hug and told me, “Don’t push yourself too hard, dear one. Let Indigo care for you.”

  “I will.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek and backed away so that Clarissa and Eden could do the same. “Thank you both; I wouldn’t be here without you.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Eden smiled. “You rest up now. I’m looking forward to your ceremony; you two deserve happiness.”

  They all bid us goodbye and left Indigo and I alone in our bed. “Will you try for me?” he asked, motioning to the bowl of broth. I nodded and he fed me nearly half of the liquid until I waved him off.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can eat any more.”

  “Don’t be sorry, you did great.” He placed the bowl on his nightstand and wrapped his arm around me.

  “Did you eat anything?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Indigo smirked. “No, I was too worried about you.”

  “And how am I supposed to get better when I’m worried about you?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “You’re something else, you know that?”

  “I know. Now, will you please at least drink the rest of that broth?” Indy snickered again and swallowed the rest of the soup before showing me the empty bowl. “Thank you.” A huge yawn stretched my lips and cracked my jaw.

  “You need more rest, darling.” He helped me lie down and fluffed my pillow just right before covering me up.

  “Will you hold me?”

  “Now that’s a silly question.” I smiled as he climbed under the quilt with me and wrapped his body around mine. “I was terrified when I found you,” he said quietly. “I thought I’d lost you. I couldn’t go on without you, Puck.”

  “Me neither.”

  “And I’m sorry that it was my so-called friend who hurt you. I never thought he’d do something like that. I should have protected you better.”

  “You couldn’t have known what he was planning,” I argued, though my words were a little slurred. “He tricked me too. I thought he wanted to be my friend; I just wanted you to be happy.”

  “You’re all I need to be happy.” He kissed my neck and held me tighter. “I love you, Puck.”

  “I love you too,” I replied, and the world drifted away.

  Chapter Eleven


  "How do you feel?" Indigo asked me for the hundredth time as we sat in the living room. Since we woke up, he'd doted on me and waited on me hand and foot; he fed me breakfast, rubbed my feet, and drew me a bubble bath so I could relax. He also smudged the house with the santo palo bundle Eden gave me to purify the air around me.

  "Well, I'm getting ready to marry the most incredible man in the world, so I feel pretty damn great."

  It was nearly sunset, when our ceremony would be held; Althea said the most powerful time of day was when the sun and moon were both in the sky, so it was then that our bonding would take place. Other celebrations had been going on throughout the day; Indigo and I went out earlier and watched children dance around a maypole.

  While we were out, I met more members of the coven. News about what happened with Jasper spread fast, and many of the mages I met told me how glad they were that I was safe. They were kind, genuine people and it meant a lot to me to have their well wishes and support.

  It was also widely known that Aster and the team he gathered never found Jasper, even though they searched every inch of the village. He’d disappeared from the coven, but no one was fearful of him returning; Althea placed an enchantment over the territory which wouldn’t allow him to enter it. Nobody thought he’d try anyway; nothing awaited him here except imprisonment and isolation.

  I enjoyed speaking with my new friends, but I still suffered some effects from the poison, and had to leave the festivities to return home and rest up for the ceremony. Now I was rejuvenated and eager for what awaited Indigo and me.

  "I can't wait to marry you," Indy said, echoing my thoughts. Our ceremony wasn't technically a wedding; it was so much more - a binding of lives and souls, but I wanted to claim Indy as my husband as well as my mate. "You look gorgeous."

  "So do you." He and I were both dressed in white linen tunics and matching pants. We were barefoot to be close to nature, and Indigo had his hair pulled up the way I loved.

  "I've got a surprise for you, darling."

  "You do?" I asked excitedly.

  He nodded with a smile. "I made you a gift while you were napping earlier."

  Though I was still eager, guilt also settled in my stomach. "Indy, I don't have anything for you."

  "Puck, just having you by my side is more gift than I deserve." I thanked him for his sweet words with a tender kiss. "Close your eyes." I did as he requested, chewing on my lip in anticipation. After a few moments, he whispered, "Open them."

  I gasped at the sight of a flower crown crafted from blue roses and baby's breath. "It's beautiful."

  "In my culture, flower crowns represent strength and purity, and their circular shape stands for eternity. Those three characteristics also describe my love for you; pure, strong and eternal. I'd be honored if you wear this for our ceremony."

  "I'm the one who's honored," I insisted, my voice trembling with emotion. "Will you put it on me?" Indigo beamed and settled the wreath onto my curls. "How do I look?"


  My heart fluttered, and I wanted to do something for him too. "Hang on just a second." He gave me a confused look as I jogged into the kitchen, to the bouquet of roses he gave me that were sitting in a vase on the dining table. I lifted out a single flower and snapped its stem so that it was only a couple of inches long. Then I rummaged through the junk drawer (mages have them too; who knew?) until I came across a straight pin. When I re-entered the living room, I explained, "Grooms always wear boutonnieres at human weddings." I held up the rose and asked, "May I?"

  "Please." I pinned the flower to his shirt, right above his heart. Indigo caressed his fingers over the delicate petals before smiling at me. "Thank you, darling." He gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and peeked at the clock on the wall. "It's time. Are you ready?"

  "I've never been more ready for anything."

  He took my hand and led me outside, through the soft grass of our backyard. The air was cool but comfortable as the sun sank towards the horizon. Orange streaks painted the sky below the first stars of the night.

  We soon reached a clearing near the forest, where the entire coven awaited us. They cheered at our arrival, and Althea and Aster wore matching proud smiles.

  The crowd fell silent when Althea raised her hand; she looked regal in a white peasant style dress and a diadem adorned with quartz crystals.

  "Indigo and Puck, please stand before me," she announced. Indigo squeezed my shaking hand in support and we took our pla
ces in front of her. "Brothers and sisters, create a circle around the couple."

  The coven members moved quickly and silently to form a large circle around us, and Althea paced around the inside of the ring reciting, “Into this circle, we invite positive energy and blessings for these lovers, and cast out negativity. We call to Fate to witness the bonding of these two which you have paired. This is a sacred place for love, support, and warmth.” She stopped in the same place she started and smiled at us.

  “The ground is blessed, but before the binding can be made, we must invoke the elements.” Althea waved her hand and a small altar appeared before her. “To fire, I make my offer.” With another wave, she produced a thin white candle, whose flame flickered in the breeze. Then she walked to the edge of the circle, where Aster, Clarissa and Eden stood. Before the ceremony, Althea asked Indigo and me to choose three others to provide an offering, and the choice was easy.

  Althea first gave her attention to Clarissa. “What is your contribution to honor the element of water?”

  “A seashell, High Priestess,” Clarissa replied as she held out a large pink conch shell with a bow of her head. Althea bowed in return and placed the seashell on the altar before approaching Eden.

  “And what do you offer of the element earth?”

  “Herbs, High Priestess.” She held out a small cloth bag which Althea carried to the altar. Then she proceeded to Aster.

  “What is your gift of the element air?”

  “A feather, High Priestess.” He presented his gift as the others had done, but he and Althea shared a kiss before she brought the fluffy white feather to the altar. I was glad they blessed our ceremony with a bit of the love between them, as their relationship would serve as an inspiration to me.

  When the area was fully prepared, Althea once again turned to Indigo and me. My heart beat wildly with anticipation in my chest, as I knew the ceremony was about to begin. I was mere minutes away from being married to my true love.


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