Magic Touch

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Magic Touch Page 14

by Jayda Marx

  “Indy, I have no fucking clue what any of this means and I’m kind of freaking out to be honest.”

  He took my face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs along my cheeks. His gentle touch soothed me and settled my soul. “You're the master mage, Puck. You’re more powerful than anyone we’ve ever known.” I had no idea how this could be, but I knew what I had to do.

  “Then I can stop the crusaders.” Althea had said that the ‘master mage’ was the only one who could defeat them. I was the only one who could people. “Stay here; this dome will keep you safe.” Indigo looked like he wanted to argue, but I didn’t have time. I kissed him firmly and quickly, and bolted out of the dome of protection. I made it so that Indigo couldn’t escape; he jumped to his feet and pounded on the wall, looking at me in desperation. “Forgive me; I have to do this alone.”

  “No! Dammit, Puck, let me help you!”

  I put my hand on the shell of the hemisphere and told him, “I love you.”

  Red light to my left caught my attention; Jasper had both of his glowing hands over his head and his glare zeroed in on me. He was gearing up for the kill shot.

  “Freeze!” I yelled, and he went statue still, but I didn’t have time to gloat. I looked around at all the devastation around me; my friends were bleeding and broken, yet still fighting.

  Clarissa lay on the ground, her dress ripped to pieces and covered in blood. Eden stood guard over her lover’s body, casting spells through her tears. Aster carried a maimed Althea on his back, and she sent curses hurtling over his head as he tried to avoid the ones coming for them.

  Each mage was giving everything they had to try to hold off the evil, but it was a lost cause. The crusaders were too powerful; I had to act. But what the hell can I do? I just learned I’m magic like three minutes ago! Stop doubting yourself, Puck; your people need you!

  I took a deep, cleansing breath and screamed, “Everybody stop!” Everyone’s body went as still as Jasper, giving me a moment to think. Shit, what now? Oh, I’ve got it! I closed my eyes and concentrated until the tingling returned in my chest. Focus, Puck. Okay, I want everyone separated; my coven on the left, and crusaders on the right.

  I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight of everyone gliding to the spots I chose, like they were chess pieces being slid across the board by an invisible hand. Once the coven was grouped together, I cast another large dome over them so at least they’d be safe in case everything went to shit.

  “Now, what to do with you fuckers?” I asked out loud as I studied the crusaders. Part of me wanted to light them on fire like the leaf and watch them burn, but again Althea’s words resounded in my head; Mages were never meant to use their gifts for death and destruction. I’d been blessed with these powers, and I had to use them for good, not revenge, or I’d be no better than the evil before me.

  I picked a large stone up from the ground, remembering the way Eden used a vessel to trap the poison from my body. I held the rock over my head and said aloud, “You call yourselves crusaders, yet you do not fight for your people. You let wickedness into your hearts and have used the powers given to you to hurt, kill and destroy. You don’t deserve these gifts, so I’m taking them back. You’ll relinquish your powers to this vessel.”

  True I could have given their power to the weaker members of the coven, but I didn’t want my friends tainted with their cruelty. And I certainly didn’t want shit from them. A lifeless stone was the best choice.

  Red light seeped from each of the crusaders’ bodies, swelling and collecting in a cloud above their heads. As their magic fled from them, a few of the men withered quickly and turned to dust.

  Shit, some of these fuckers are centuries old; the only thing keeping them alive was their magic. It was hard to be sad at their deaths, considering they wanted the same for my people, but it wasn’t my intention to kill. I tweaked the image in my mind to allow them to keep only enough magic in their blood to continue to live, but they could never use their powers again.

  The light crept through the sky and into the rock. It became heavy and I had to place it on the ground again. When the last spark of red light leaked into the stone, I focused my energy onto it until it burst into dust so that no one would be tempted to extract its power. It was gone.

  I looked at the disbanded crusaders once more, seeing only regular men. Their eyes no longer glowed and their bodies - still frozen at my command - were as weak and fragile as the humans they despised. I realized I’d stripped their powers, but I needed to cleanse their hearts.

  I drew my finger in a large circle as I’d seen Indigo do many times, creating a shimmering portal. I turned to the group and announced, “Once you pass through this portal, you will have no memory of this place or the magic that once flowed through you. You’ll remember nothing of your old lives. This passage will take you each to an area where humans are in need, and you will provide them aid. Use your hands to build and create instead of destroy. Spend the rest of your lives spreading love and finding love; give retribution to the race you damaged. I’m giving you a second chance, so make it count. Go now.”

  At my order, the men marched like soldiers through the portal and into their new lives. When I closed the glistening passage, the sky returned to its beautiful blue hue and the sun shone brightly, warming the air. I dropped the protective hemisphere from around the coven, and allowed them to move freely; the ones who could move, that is. Many fell to the ground and cried over their lost loved ones. Some writhed in pain as others tried and failed to heal them. The curses against them were too strong; the threat against them was gone, but the damage was done. There’s got to be something I can do to help.

  I held up my hands, closed my eyes, and prayed to any deity or entity that may be listening; Please, I need to help them. Use my powers; use them all, I don’t care. Drain them from me if you have to, but please allow my people to live and to heal.

  The tingle returned, more intense than ever, but not just in my chest; it consumed my entire body. I felt it buzzing through every strand of my hair down to my toes. Purple light illuminated my skin and billowed around me.

  My body levitated from the ground and the light stretched out from me like tentacles, which wrapped around the bodies of the injured and the lost. White blazes of energy pulsed from me, travelling down the branches and into those in need. With each pump, my body grew weaker.

  Tears cascaded down my face as I watched Clarissa sit up from the ground; her gashes healed and her dress knitted back together, and Eden sobbed as she took her lips in a passionate kiss.

  Althea’s legs straightened and strengthened, and she slid from Aster’s back, supporting herself on her own two feet. The pair laughed in relief and Aster embraced his wife and spun her in a circle. I’d never seen such joy as what was plastered on his face.

  One by one, the coven members were released from their ailments and afflictions; even the grip of death. When all were healed and reunited with their loved ones, the light connecting us slowly faded away, and I slammed to the ground on my hands and knees.

  Footsteps sounded around me, and familiar hands cupped my face. “Darling, are you okay? Please look at me.” I raised my head and gazed into Indigo’s worried eyes. “Oh thank gods. How do you feel?”

  “Tired,” I slurred before collapsing against him. He wrapped his arms around me in support and rocked me back and forth as more footsteps approached.

  “You saved us, dear one,” Althea’s voice sounded at my ear, though I was too exhausted to open my eyes and acknowledge her. “You saved us all.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you for bringing my mate back to me,” Eden’s voice added. I tried to tell her there was no thanks necessary and I was happy to help, but I only managed a grunt.

  “He needs rest,” Althea said. “He used so much of his power and his body’s not used to it yet.” I wondered if I’d used up all of my power by helping the others, though it was a sacrifice I was happy to make. “Take him home to reco
ver,” she told her son.

  Indigo scooped me into his arms and carried me to our home and into our bedroom. He removed my shoes and tucked me into our still unmade bed.

  “Stay with me?” I asked in a strained voice.

  “Always.” He kicked off his boots and climbed into bed with me, drawing me close to his body. In all of the craziness and chaos, he was my constant; my anchor in the storm. But thinking of the chaotic events brought up a question I couldn’t shake.

  “Who the hell am I, Indy?”

  “My hero,” he replied, nuzzling his face to mine. “And the man I’ll love for the rest of time.” His sweet answer brought my mind enough peace to drift into sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I woke to the sensation of Indigo slowly combing his fingers through my hair. I peeled my eyes open to find him smiling adoringly at me. “How do you feel, darling?”

  I took stock of my body and realized that my fatigue and weakness had dissipated. I was rested and had regained my strength, so I pushed myself up into a sitting position. “I feel good.” Or at least I did until I saw darkness creeping in around the curtains again. “Oh fuck, they’re back. I’m so sorry, I thought I got rid of them. We have to tell the others-”

  “Shh, shh, it’s okay,” he soothed, petting my hair again. “It’s evening; you slept nearly ten hours. You did get rid of them, Puck. You saved our coven and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Do I still have my powers?”

  Indy’s brow furrowed and he cocked his head. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you?”

  “Oh, um…” I tried to think of the best way to explain it. “I sort of made a deal with the gods or Fate or anyone listening that if they let me save my friends, they could have my magic.”

  His eyes filled with moisture, which he blinked away, and he cleared his throat before whispering, “I’m honored to call such a wonderful man mine.” I pecked his lips and he continued, “But Puck, only you know if you still have your powers. Try to conjure something.”

  I smiled as I brought an image to my mind and when I snapped my fingers, a bouquet of purple roses appeared in my palm. Okay, still magical. I passed the flowers to Indigo, who beamed from ear to ear.

  “Thank you, they’re beautiful,” he said before giving them a big sniff.

  “I wonder why my light is purple.”

  “I think I can answer that.” Indy brought forth a vase of water and placed his flowers on the nightstand. “Purple represents the union of body and soul, and the balance between our physical and our spiritual energies. It combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red into a perfectly balanced blend. The color purple represents magic itself, and you are the master of its power.”

  “But...why me?”

  “I can’t think of a better man to wield this gift.” I smiled when he kissed my knuckles. “And I’m not the only one. Come with me.”

  I stepped into my sneakers while he pulled on his boots, and then he led me to the front entrance. When he opened the door, my jaw dropped at the sight of the entire coven waiting outside of our home.

  When they saw me, they erupted into cheers and applause. My heart raced and Indy wrapped his arm around my shoulders, looking so damn proud he could pop.

  “Puck?” a quiet voice asked as a little girl came to the front of the crowd. She had curly brown hair and dimples, and held a yellow wildflower out for me to take. “Thank you for saving my daddy.” I swallowed hard as I took the flower from her fingers.

  “And my mommy,” a second small voice chirped. A young boy with black hair dressed in overalls presented me with a folded piece of paper. When I opened it, I read ‘Thank You’ scrawled out in crayons, and he’d drawn a picture of me surrounded by purple light.

  “You’re both so welcome,” I replied in a shaky voice. I tucked the flower behind my ear and the card in my pocket before leaning down to give them both a hug. “Thank you for the gifts. I love them.” They giggled and ran off towards their beaming parents.

  “We are all grateful to you,” Althea announced from the front row. “We owe you our lives, and our allegiance.”

  My heart thumped wildly in my chest as she knelt on one knee and removed her diadem, holding it out towards me. As soon as she touched the ground, the rest of the coven knelt as well, and bowed their heads in respect.

  Holy shit. I turned to ask Indigo if he could believe what was happening, just to find him kneeling as well, with his head bowed and his arm crossed over his chest.

  “No, no, no.” I dropped to my knees in front of him and pushed his head up with my hands. “You and I are equals; life partners, remember? You never kneel to me.” Unless you're gonna suck my dick, then I’m sure as shit not gonna stop you, I added mentally, and Indy’s eyes widened as a naughty grin took over his lips. Wait, did you hear that? He nodded and I smiled right along with him. “Okay, that’s kind of awesome.” He chuckled as I pulled him to his feet and I turned to the crowd.

  “Please, everyone stand up.” I waited while they did as I requested. “You are all my equals. You accepted me when you thought I was just a human who was mated to Indigo, and I ask that you don’t treat me any differently now. It was my pleasure to do what I did; I didn’t do it for praise or accolades. I did it because I care about you and wanted to help.”

  “And,” I corrected, and her eyes grew misty. “I’m honored by this,” I said, taking her diadem in my hands, “Truly I am, but you are the one who deserves to wear it. You rallied your people and fought beside them, trying to protect them at all costs. I have so much to learn. You and Aster lead with grace and wisdom, and you’re who I want to follow.” I placed her crown back onto her head, and she took me in a crushing hug.

  Aster joined in on the embrace and told me, “I will always be proud to call you my son.” I hugged them each back tightly before backing up into Indigo’s arms.

  “And no matter what you say,” Althea added, “Your actions deserve praise. So tonight, we feast again in your honor!” The crowd cheered again at her words, and Indy kissed the top of my head.

  And so, we all made our way to the ceremonial grounds again, but it was a much different scene than that morning. There was no fear or panic in the air; only jubilation. Much like at my and Indigo’s wedding, we feasted, lit a fire and danced together. But we weren’t the only ones celebrating; now that the crusaders were gone, Althea opened our borders to all mages. Word that the enemy had been defeated spread quickly, and members of covens far and wide entered our territory through portals.

  All around me, people reconnected with old friends and toasted to the freedom of their, well our, people. All evening, hordes of people approached me to thank me for my actions and to say they were honored to be in the presence of the master mage. From men and women I received hugs, cheek kisses and even marriage proposals, all of which Indigo took in stride, chalking it up to the excitement of the evening and the free flowing wine.

  “I’m so damn proud of you,” Indigo whispered in my ear when we were finally alone. He stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist, nibbling on my neck. “Look around; this is all because of you. We don’t have to be afraid anymore. We can live amongst all of our people without worry. I think I need to thank you properly.”

  I shook my head, rolling it across his chest. “I told you I don’t want thanks.”

  His breath was hot in my ear when he replied, “What if by ‘thank you’ I meant I wanted you to take me home and fuck me?”

  Hearing the naughty words on his lips both shocked me and made me hard as steel. I turned around to face him and saw my own need blazing in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say so?” I cast a portal and tackled him into it, and I landed on top of him in our soft bed.

  I kissed him fiercely, devouring his lips with my own. I shoved my tongue into his mouth without warning and licked against his, tasting the flavor of sweet red wine that clung to him. I kissed him harder and Indigo’
s fingers dug into the flesh of my ass through my jeans, pulling me into him and mashing our hard cocks together.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” I breathed against his lips. I grinded against him, but it wasn’t enough. I needed to feel his skin on mine. With a thought and a wave of my hand, I stripped our clothes off of our bodies and onto the floor.

  “You’re so sexy,” Indy mumbled into my mouth, and I ripped my lips from his.

  “You’re the sexy one; look at you.” His long hair fanned out around him, framing his handsome face. And his body; hot damn his body. I traced my finger down his stomach and over the ridges of his muscles until it landed on a patch of coarse black hair. “You know, I haven’t got to taste you yet.”

  “Oh Puck, please.”

  I shimmied down his body until I was eye level with his beautiful, throbbing cock. I flicked my tongue across his slit, collecting a drop of pre-cum and humming at its salty flavor. I wrapped my lips around his tip and lapped at his flesh as Indy moaned and sank his fingers in my curls.

  I sucked hard against him and bobbed my lips along his length. “That feels amazing,” Indy whispered, spurring me on. I thrust my head faster, and each time I moved up, I swiped my tongue around his sensitive tip, making him shudder.

  I wrapped my fingers around his thick base and stroked him in time with my lips to cover every inch of him. My other hand tickled down and cupped his hairy balls, bouncing them on my palm.

  “Ohhh, Puck.” I sucked and pumped, licked and massaged until Indy’s breathing was ragged and he clutched the blanket at his sides. “Please, darling, I need you inside me.”

  Jesus. I pulled my lips from his dick and propped his feet onto the mattress, getting my first glance at his little pink pucker. “You want me here?” I asked, tickling my finger against his wrinkled flesh.

  “Yes! Take me, Puck.” I willed the bottle of lube from our nightstand to appear in my palm. I popped the lid to cover my fingers, but Indigo shook his head. “I can’t wait.”


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