Ride the Stars

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Ride the Stars Page 11

by Autumn Dawn

  As Skye held her pinned to the floor, suddenly he knew. Something flashed in her eyes, shooting straight to his soul, calling forth knowledge and need from that deep male part of him attuned to the woman in her. His expression softened with understanding, and her countenance changed to one of fearful vulnerability. She expected his rejection.

  He would give her something much better.

  “I want you, Jaide,” he breathed in her ear. She froze. Good, she was listening. Loosening his grasp, he settled his body more fully over her, keeping most of his weight on his forearms and one knee. Nuzzling her with the side of his face, he purred, “Only you. You feel so good.” He took her lobe in his mouth, moaning, and she shivered, her lips parting in a sensual daze. “Oh, heartflame,” he breathed, stirred at the sight. Releasing her wrists, he tangled his fingers in her silky braids, sliding his other hand to her waist. Hesitant hands came up to grasp his shoulders. “Yes,” he praised her, kissing his way down her jaw, her throat, preparing her for acceptance. “Please touch me. I want you. I need you....”

  Certain she was lost in a dream, Jaide feared some trick. He didn’t mean this, she knew. Lust or pity drove him, that had to be it. Yet his touch was all she’d ever wanted, everything she’d ever dreamed about, and she was helpless in the face of her need, just as she’d always known she’d be.

  Her breasts ached, and she twisted, trying without seeming to coax his hands to soothe them. One large hand slid up to cover her rib cage, but maddeningly moved no higher. Whimpering, she raised one knee, pressing it against his solid leg. He grasped her thigh just above her knee, pulling her tighter to him, but his touch moved no higher. Then he kissed her.

  It was even better than the time outside the parts shop. They had no audience. There was no Seti in her blood to dull the surge of pleasure as his lips teased hers. He sipped. He tasted. Drug his bottom lip across her mouth, driving her wild. Only when she seized his hair and brought him to her did he enter, and then it was with a wild passion that sizzled her synapses, bringing forth a surge of pleasure so intense she screamed into his mouth, scratching frantically at his back as her senses spun completely out of control. Space and time melded, and for a moment she feared she’d black out.

  Tender fingers caressed her temple, the side of her cheek. “Are you all right?” His voice was warm and husky, with just a hint of amusement.

  “I think I died,” she croaked, unwilling to open her eyes.

  He chuckled, then brushed her mouth with his, whispering, “Take me with you.” He’d just begun to deepen the kiss when a shadow fell across them. Jaide opened her eyes to see Nemesis peering down at them.

  “Is this a private entertainment or should I bring refreshment?” he asked, a hint of humor in his dry tone.

  Skye muttered something unintelligible into her hair, but to her surprise, didn’t tell him to go away. Instead he got to his feet, his eyes darkening as they took in her flushed appearance. Taking her hand, he helped her up, pulling her close a moment before once more seating her before him. Then he took up one of the hairbrushes and continued to dress her hair.

  As Nemesis moved about in the kitchen, Jaide frowned in confusion. She couldn’t figure out why Skye was so willing to let Nemesis play chaperone, or why Nemesis would want to. What had happened to her passionate lover? Heaven knew the man was willing. Heck, she was willing. Eager, even.

  That thought brought her up cold. What was she doing? Had she completely lost her mind? Here she sat, having just allowed the man who was braiding her hair to kiss her silly, and she wasn’t taking off at a dead run. Where was her self-control? Her hard won street smarts? What in the name of nuclear fusion was wrong with her brain?

  Perhaps she could plead insanity. There was that one mad uncle on her mother’s side....But no, as Skye’s hand brushed against the back of her neck she knew where to place the blame. Squarely on his wide shoulders.

  Unseen, a wry smile inched across Skye’s lips. She truly had no idea what he was doing. But then how could she know that in his culture, females were treated with honor, their virtue carefully guarded by their family. Only the basest of men touched a woman intimately without a formal agreement between them, and a fiancée who took his woman’s virtue without immediately announcing their marriage might be spit on in the streets. Shunned, at the very least. Women could not be too protected.

  By acting as their chaperone, Nemesis was showing Jaide the same honor he would a woman of their people; in essence holding her in trust as a potential bride.

  It hadn’t taken formal discussion. His actions had spoken for themselves, declaring his intentions to pursue and tame. The crew, his family, had been pleased, and highly amused by the woman’s resistance. A strong woman was always prized, and there was nothing a Draconian liked better than the thrill of the chase. None of them doubted who would win the day.

  Skye sobered a little. If only she weren’t so afraid. Whatever had caused her to doubt herself must have been powerful indeed to send her running from her need for him. Even now he could sense her fear coming back, feel it in the stiffness of her back against his legs. She still couldn’t understand that he wasn’t playing a selfish game of seduction, but waging a man’s battle for her heart.

  Odd how moments of fear could clarify the mind, he thought as his fingers brushed the pink skin of her healing face. He’d almost lost her, and he’d sworn it wouldn’t happen again before he could act on his feelings. If he’d been paying attention, he would have realized from their first kiss how he felt.

  Skye took a bracing breath, remembering how incredible that had been, even with her still self-drugged. Draconians believed that kisses like that held deep significance; that only two people meant to be could share such depth. As a man who’d had his share of kisses, he was more than qualified to say that he’d never felt anything like it. He wanted more.

  A lot more.

  Still, convincing her of that might be some trick. Sliding the tawny strands of her hair through his fingers, he enjoyed the silken feel. Smiling, he thought about how wonderful it would feel unbound and sliding across his chest, savoring the image. Someday soon she would welcome him as her forever mate and her lover. Until then, they could share this.

  The instant they stepped out of the climate controlled ship, heat and humidity slammed into them. Jaide gasped and clutched Skye’s triceps in surprise, causing him to halt, too. Liquid air rushed into her lungs, bringing with it an almost instant lethargy. She’d never felt anything like it outside of a sauna. The ubiquitous white of the surrounding domes only made the glare worse, reflecting waves of heat back to them with the intensity of an oven.

  “Too hot for you?” His knowing grin suggested he spoke of more than the weather. “Don’t worry about it. We won’t be outside for long.”

  Reminded of their destination, she shook her head, but he spoke before she could.

  Cupping her jaw gently in his hand, he made her look at him. “I’ll take care of you, heartflame. Don’t worry.”

  Her throat tightened at his intimate promise. “Don’t call me that,” she rasped. “And don’t make promises you won’t keep.” Don’t make me believe. I can’t take it.

  “I never do.” He released her with a lingering caress.

  Jaide squirmed in her new clothes, wishing he would stop. Even though the white gauze of her hooded wrap covered her from head to foot, protecting her from the harsh sun, the ultra feminine clothes beneath were clearly visible. Of all the colors Skye could have chosen, he’d picked white for the Egyptian styled harem pants and midriff baring handkerchief top. The embroidered turquoise, red and gold linen belt around her waist felt out of place, and only served to remind her of the gap between the hem of her top and the waist of her pants. Of course the fact that her entire back was bare except for the strings holding her top on didn’t help to soothe her nerves. She couldn't figure out how he’d talked her into it. If she’d had any sense she would have stayed behind like Sesame, who absolutely refuse
d to brave the one hundred percent humidity.

  She was a mechanic, dang it! Mechanics never wore white, or gauze, for that matter. Such silly colors wouldn’t last three minutes around an engine. It was rare enough that she traded in steel-toed boots for woven sandals. She missed the weight of her tool belt, longed for the security of rugged denim.

  It only made it worse that Skye and Lore were dressed the same as ever, without a single concession to the murderous heat. As far as she could tell, they weren’t even sweating.

  Now that was a feat, even for an alien.

  “At least no one will recognize me in this get up,” she muttered.

  A slow smile of satisfaction tugged at her escort’s sultry mouth. Taking her elbow to steady her, Skye murmured in her ear, “You look beautiful.”

  Embarrassment shut her mouth, and she was grateful for the dark glasses hiding her from his eyes. No one had ever called her beautiful. Not even her father had ever said she was so much as pretty. She didn’t know how to respond.

  Unperturbed, Skye just smiled and hailed a transport to take them to their destination.

  Domino’s club was quiet so early in the morning, and Domino himself was sitting at a corner table, sipping from a steaming mug. For Jaide it was likely difficult to tell anything about his race from the clubhouse door, since she was probably still blinded by the bright sunlight, but Skye’s Draconian eyes had no such difficultly. Domino still wore his black hair to his shoulders. The goatee was new though.

  The moment he saw them, his face lit up, and he set his cup down. “Skye! How are you, my friend?” he asked in Draconian, gripping forearms with his visitor and thumping him on the back with a wide grin. “It’s been too many months. Has hunting been so good?”

  Skye flashed him a predator’s grin, stashing his blast glasses in his pocket. “The best.” Taking the frowning Jaide’s hand, he drew her forward. “This is my Jaide, our augmenter.”

  “Watch those my’s, pal,” Jaide snapped, squirming internally at the possessive way he said it to the strange Draconian. Feeling even more foolish for having let herself be talked out of her boots and jeans, she nodded to the stranger. “Jaide Calanarre. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand.

  He took her forearm and gently gripped it. “Call me Domino.” His lids dropped a sexy fraction. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Skye’s Jaide.” At her provoked expression, he raised an intrigued gaze to Skye. “What is this that irks her so, brother? Is she your woman or not?”

  His brother smiled ruefully. “She thinks she isn’t.”

  “So?” Domino laughed in surprise and delight. “I’m glad for you then.” Gesturing toward his table with one powerful yet elegant hand, he said in Galactic Standard, “Come, enjoy my hospitality. Citrus blossom tea?” He lifted his own mug. “Very refreshing.” When they agreed, he left them to seat themselves as he moved through the round tables and disappeared through a door beside the black marble bar.

  He was back in moments with a tray bearing mugs, a tea pot and a platter with a generous selection of chilled fruits and meats.

  “And for the lady.…” Domino presented Jaide with a frosty, salt rimmed glass of pale green liquid. “A little Draconian hospitality.”

  She tasted it. “Mm! Sweet. Melon and...slightly alcoholic?” When he inclined his head, she smiled and thanked him, knowing she could use a little something to help her relax.

  Skye waited patiently until they’d finished their exchange, then leaned forward, cradling his tea in his large hands. “Much as I enjoy your company, there is one item of business that must be dealt with first. Have you heard of a man called Aden Box?”

  Their host’s smile grew unpleasant. Jaide shivered, casting a quick look at Skye. She hoped he knew what he was doing. Domino’s next words reassured her immensely. “The cur comes here on occasion. I do hope you’ve come to collect him. I’m tired of his stench.”

  “Haven’t found anything to let you dispatch him yourself?”

  Domino’s expression was pure disgust. “No, and not for lack of hunting. He’s filth, and I know he’s filth, but I’m shot if I can find any proof.”

  “How about drug running and extortion?” Skye gestured to Jaide, and Domino’s eyes kindled with interest. “Bring him to me, Domino, and I promise to rid you of your problems.”

  Jaide gasped, staring at him. “What do mean, ‘you’ll take care of his problems’? You can’t just kill him!”

  Skye raised a brow. “Did I say I would?”

  “You didn’t have to. You guys aren’t exactly known for your subtlety.”

  He waved her objection aside. “You watch too many telecasts.”

  “I hardly watch any!” she protested hotly. “And you’re changing the subject. No killing. I’ll just pay him off, end of story. Nobody gets hurt.”

  “Except you.” His eyes were glowing. “But I don’t have to kill him. All I have to do is take him to an honest judge with sufficient evidence. Unless I catch him in the act of murder, or I’ve taken a license out on him, I won’t kill him.”

  She relaxed a fraction. “Oh. Well, it’s still a lost cause,” she grumbled. “You know my name’s on his credit voucher, even if I wasn’t the one who made the charges. Legally, I have to pay him.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he told her, drawing her to him and kissing the corner of her mouth. She clutched his thigh under the table in warning. He looked at her a long moment, then slowly smiled. “I don’t think you realize the social consequences of that action. Touch me there in any way, and by our laws you agree to my rule.” He lowered his voice, but not enough that the others couldn’t hear. “To my intimate rule.”

  Jaide flushed and snatched her hand away. “I’m not playing games with you, Skye,” she snapped, incensed at his gall. “I want you to stop interfering.”

  His fiery look both excited and warned. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  With a curse, Jaide broke away and stalked to the lady’s room, the only place of privacy he wasn’t likely to invade.

  This was too much! Pacing the isle between the immaculate stalls, she tried to come up with a plan that wouldn’t get her killed. The sensual heat lingering from his touch, his gaze, made it difficult to think. The man had such tempting, hard thighs....

  Jaide caught herself drifting and snarled. That was the first thing that had to go! She had to find a way to sneak past the others and find a herb shop, and then she could deal with Box.

  A sneaky idea glimmered in her mind, and she smiled at her own genius. With a large enough tip and a good story, why wouldn’t a herb shop deliver? The slight smile turned into a wicked grin as she spotted a communications terminal in the corner.

  Her fingers paused as they hovered over the selection of herbs listed under a dealer’s electronic shopping site. They had Seti.

  A sweat broke out on her body, and her hand started to shake. Suddenly her mouth was as dry as the surface of the moon. No one was standing over her. She could get away with it and no one would ever know.

  Nobody but her.

  In a sudden panic, she cut the connection, then gripped the blue and red tiled wall. Pressing her forehead tightly to it, she forced herself to get control of her breathing. “I don’t need it,” she chanted, over and over. “I can live without it.”

  Is this what it’s like for my brother?

  Jaide hissed at the power of that thought. No! She’d reviled her brother for much of her life because of his drug use. Despised him for his weakness. She was nothing like him.

  Was she?

  No! Shoving away from the wall with a silent howl, she bit her lip and began to pace. Back and forth, like an animal in a room with no doors.

  No doors, but maybe a window.

  Because she wasn’t Chrys. No matter how hard she tried, she could never be like him, could never accept the things he reveled in. Nothing in her craved his life, or ever would. She could choose to be different, choose to be strong.

  But what d
id that mean? Clenching her fists, she stared bleakly at the floor. Being strong meant facing danger, facing painful choices without shaking knees and a pounding heart. It meant she’d have to face Skye and the way he made her feel.

  But that wasn’t fair! She’d already proven that she sucked at making choices involving hormones. Squeezing her eyes tight, she thought as hard as she could, Don’t do this to me, God! I can’t go through this again. Please.... Weary resignation seeped into her. Never mind. If you’re going to do it, just do it and get it over with, please. Either way, she wasn’t going back to the Seti. Anything was better than living the rest of her life on the run.

  Feeling somewhat better for having made a choice, Jaide unwound her wrap and headed for a stall. No sense in not making use of the facilities while she was here.

  Skye’s eyes widened as she emerged from the restroom with her wrap draped over her arm. The woman was something else without the gauze obscuring her.

  “It catches on everything,” she mumbled, sliding her eyes down to the laminate floor. If she hadn’t known better, she’d have sworn it was real wood.

  “I can’t say I’m sorry.” He smiled, then extended a hand to her, seating her in the chair next to his.

  They stayed for lunch and nearly to the opening hour for the club, then Skye reluctantly stood, picking up Jaide’s gauze. “You’ll need its protection in the street,” he said, wrapping it around her, making her shiver with his gentle ministrations. “Cold?” he asked, knowing she wasn’t.

  She mumbled something in reply.

  “What was that?” He cocked his head, a teasing smile playing on his lips.


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