Ride the Stars

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Ride the Stars Page 19

by Autumn Dawn

  It was short-lived. Adopting a polite expression, Jaide tilted her head. “And how are you this morning, Lore? Nemesis, Quadril.” She nodded in greeting. “You’re looking well.”

  “Don’t push it, Jaide,” Nemesis warned.

  Skye had heard enough of her mockery. A curse on slowing his temper! He halted and spun around to pin her with a fierce glare. “Are you seeking death? Do you know what happens to people who steal information from the D.S.?”

  “They send you after them?” she inquired with a sweet smile.

  Cold flame replaced the heat of his fury. “Where are you?” he demanded, his tone frosted steel. He had the satisfaction of seeing her inch back in her seat.

  A shadow wavered on their computer senses, then ghosted off. Skye saw Lore frantically trying to get a lock on it again, but nothing else showed up. As far as all senses were concerned, they were completely alone in space. “Neat trick.” He smiled without humor. “But even you have to land sometime. Carthack’s going to have watchers in every port looking for you. He’d happily kill to get his hands on the advantage a ship such as yours will give him. What are you going to do when they find you?”

  “Ask for a job?” she suggested, completely serious.

  Nemesis started swearing, slow deliberate curses, and Skye wanted to join him. “Come home, Jaide, and I will tell you anything you want to know,” he said with grim calm. “My word on it, but only if you follow us now.”

  She stared at him for a long moment and then cut communications. Just as he was about to explode with fear for her, the shadow appeared again, and they received a request for coordinates.

  Skye resumed his seat and strapped in, holding his breath as he sent them. There was a minor delay and then an affirmative reply as the Splinter shivered out of sight.

  “Go,” Nemesis ordered, “Top speed, before she changes her mind.”

  “She’d better not,” Skye growled, pushing the Black Tide to maximum speed. “Or saints help her when I find her again.”

  Jaide let the Splinter phase into view as they approached the starcruiser, just enough to

  give the stuffy admiral in charge a shock. It amused her to think of the commotion that must be going on at the bridge as an unidentified ship appeared right under their noses without even a sneeze from their sensors.

  Amusement was the only thing keeping her from panicking as she guided her prized possession right into the belly of the very ship she’d robbed that morning. A very large, very armed warship swarming with Draconian enforcers. She just hoped her faith in Skye was justified; otherwise she was about to be a blood splat.

  She left the security features on as she exited her ship, keeping the ship half phased to prevent scanning or swiping. The measure made the Splinter look like a shimmering mirage, difficult to track with the eye or easily measure. Even Skye’s grim stride faltered and paused along with every other man in the bay as he got a good look at her shimmering creation. In spite of his displeasure with her, his gaze held respect and admiration as he joined her, lightly touching her arm.

  He looked so impressed, she didn’t have the heart to tell him that in five to ten years everyone would have the technology. Indeed, the scientist who’d created the phase device was already working on a second generation model. He’d been happy to give her the obsolete prototype, since she’d been brave enough-or mad enough-to test fly it for him.

  Besides, that information was classified.

  “It’s beautiful,” he told her, gravely sincere, holding her gaze for a long moment. Then his eyes drifted back to the ship. “You’ll truly make a name for yourself with this.”

  “If I survive your little tour,” she said dryly, glancing around at the swarm of Draconian enforcers.

  Skye placed a reassuring hand at the small of her back, guiding her towards a lift. “Don’t worry,” he soothed as she glanced back. “No one is going to touch your ship.”

  “No one can touch my ship,” she retorted, turning back around and forcing herself not to eye her only escape again. Distress had her breath coming too fast, and she knew he felt it because he took her hand in his steady one, warming her cold fingers.

  They entered a lift flanked by two enforcers. Raising her small hand, he dropped a quick kiss to her fingers. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  Trust him she might, but she didn’t feel the same way about his glowering admiral. One look at the simmering Draconian and she knew that she was in trouble.

  “I suppose I have you to thank for this morning’s data theft,” he said in Draconian, making her feel like a bug under a laser beam.

  She blinked innocently at him and held her tongue. It seemed the safest course.

  “This is my wife, sir, the Lady Jaide D’rath. Jaide, this is Admiral Vrsdar.” Skye surprised her by introducing her with his surname and the title she’d just discovered that morning. Just the sound of it left her feeling more secure.

  Forced by protocol to acknowledge her status, the Admiral favored her with a stiff nod and then gestured for them to proceed to his ready room. That was as far as they got before he demanded in galactic standard, “What made you think that you could get away with that little stunt, my lady?”

  A slight squeeze of Skye’s hand as he seated her, plus a reassuring nod, told her to be honest. “Could be because you’d never find me without help?”

  Vrsdar’s eyes narrowed. With a snort that might have been amusement or annoyance, he took his own seat behind his desk, gesturing for Skye to join his wife. Then he eyed her, stroking his thumb across his chin. “What’s the matter, woman, can’t a man have his secrets? Why are you so concerned with your husband’s private business?”

  “In my place, wouldn’t you be?” she returned, looking him straight in the eye.

  This time his lips twitched in definite amusement. “Hmm. Are you willing to sell the technology for your new ship to us? I’m certain the Draconian government could make it worth your while.”

  On familiar ground, she relaxed. Leaning back in her chair and lacing her hands across her stomach, she said, “It’s not my technology, but I could put you in touch with the inventor.”

  “Or I could execute you and confiscate your ship,” he countered, going for the jugular while her guard was down. She stiffened, but again Skye’s calming touch brought her comfort, though not enough to completely relax her. Unhappy with the entire situation, she kept silent and waited warily for him to make the next move.

  Seemingly disappointed that she didn’t come back at him, he pronounced gruffly, “You are sentenced to protective custody until further notice. No, don’t bother glaring at him,” he chided when she sent a dark look at Skye. “He’s got a job to do, and I don’t want you pestering him while he’s about it. You can resume your roaming when he’s finished, and not a minute before.”

  Completely disgusted, though she’d expected something of the sort, Jaide prodded, “And just what is his business?”

  Vrsdar flicked a key on his computer and spun the screen towards her. V.B. Trell’s face looked back at her, frozen in a sneer. “I believe you know Mr. Trell,” Vrsdar said dryly. “Thanks to your little escapade with the Black Tide two years ago, the man escaped. Even then he wouldn’t have gotten past us if he hadn’t had help.”

  Startled, she glanced at Skye. He hadn’t mentioned anything about it.

  “There are certain factions that hate Draconians for their current possession of Antarctica,” the Admiral was saying. “No matter that they weren’t using it. More than one human government wants to drive us out. They’ve gone to incredible lengths to discredit us and force others to see us as a threat. At first it was only terrorists attacks blamed on our people. Then they moved up to kidnapping and rape.” He drilled her with a serious stare. “There is at least one traitor working with these governments. He uses racers like Trell to swoop in and steal the wives and daughters of key officials. Then he charges their systems with adaptagen and impregnates them, returning them in
the last stages of pregnancy to prevent abortions. Out of concern for the infants of our race, our government steps in to collect the unwanted children-those we get to in time. As you can imagine, our ambassadors aren’t greeted with enthusiasm.”

  She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the flood of dark information. Nothing had been said on the news of all this! They must be keeping it very quiet.

  There was more. “In retaliation, there have been several attempts to seize Draconian women. Only the fact that our women are never without escort has saved them from certain torture.” His eyes flickered over her somewhat suspiciously. “I can only wonder that you are still alive, lady, considering all the trouble you are prone to. But I know this; you wouldn’t have survived much longer. Especially with your new technology conveniently wrapped up in the form of a ship. Do you have any idea how much easier such a vessel would make Trell’s work?”

  She was starting to get a clue. “If this is true....” she said slowly, thinking aloud, “why is it taking you so long to arrest Carthack?” Surely the Draconians weren’t that incompetent.

  “You saw our files,” Vrsdar returned, displeased at the reminder. “We have nothing solid on the man himself, only his followers. It’s useless to cut at the worm. One must destroy the head or the body will only regrow.”

  She considered that. “You know, I could be of help with Carthack.”

  Vrsdar’s eyes opened wide with indignant horror. “Allow a woman to put herself in danger? Not in this millennium!”

  “Consider it,” she pressed. “Carthack would never expect it.”

  “Absolutely not.” He stood up, dismissing the issue. “Take your wife for a tour of the ship, Commander. Introduce her to her new home.” High frequency, he added, “Work some of her energy off with a vigorous bedding while you are at it.”

  Jaide’s eyes narrowed. In perfect Draconian, she returned, “I don’t think it will help.”

  Her husband grabbed her hand and bid goodbye to the indignant Admiral, beating a hasty retreat before she could say anything else. His face a dull shade of bronze, he said, “I didn’t know you had sonic implants.”

  One fine black brow arched. “There’s a number of things you don’t know about me, Commander.”

  Walking helped to bleed off her ire with the Admiral, though she couldn’t summon much enthusiasm for the tour. Seen one starcruiser, seen them all. Still, it did give them time to talk.

  “So, have you thought much about children?” Skye asked as they exited engineering. She couldn’t know he had a very important reason for asking, because the very next time he got her into bed he planed to ensure they had one.

  Today, if possible.

  He felt no guilt over his plan. It was the Draconian way, and the woman needed something to do besides roam around getting into trouble. Best to get her thinking about the idea now so she wouldn’t be too upset later.

  Taken completely by surprise, since they’d been discussing the cruiser’s capabilities, she jerked to a halt, staring at him as if he’d lost his mind. “I’m not ready for kids yet! We don’t even have a place to put them!”

  He shrugged, concealing his disappointment as he took her arm, continuing on. “So we will buy a home. You can wait at Domino’s while I’m on assignment, or we can buy a house somewhere.” He needed to know she’d be safe when he couldn’t be with her, and he trusted Domino to see to the task. Besides, Domino adored children. He would make an excellent guardian for his wife and children.

  Her temper fired at his presumption and she jerked away, forcing him to halt again “Excuse me?” she demanded in disbelief. How dare he plan to impregnate her and then go his merry way? “Do I look like a pet to you? What makes you think that I plan to stay behind while you have all the fun? I want a life, too! Besides, what’s the point of being married if you’re gone all the time?”

  Temper and confusion warred in his expression. “I want you, need you in my life, Jaide, but I can’t have you with me at all times. The last thing I need in the middle of a tense situation is to have to watch my back and yours, too. How do I know that you’ll follow orders and stay put when I tell you to? Your past record isn’t very good, and you’re far too independent to make a good soldier.”

  The exact streak of mulishness he was talking about struck her. “You could retire.”

  It was his turn to suffer disbelief. “I’m in my prime!” he said, gesturing impatiently. “Lives depend on what I do, and I love my job. Why should I give it up? There’s nothing else I’d rather be.”

  “Fine,” she said, walking on. “But don’t expect me to sit at home pretending to be something I’m not while you run off saving the world. I’ve never been homemaker material, and I’m rotten with kids. I can’t just sit at home day after day waiting to see if you’ll come back. Is that what you want?

  A muscle in his jaw ticked and his nostrils flared as he drew in air, attempting to hold his temper. “You could have some faith in me. That’s what I want.”

  “I will if you will,” she came back, ignoring the pair of wide-eyed ensigns who passed them in the hall.

  Skye planted himself in front of her, every line of his body radiating fury. “And just where do you suggest I start?” Three pilots edged past him, giving them strange looks, but he didn’t care. Taking an intimidating step closer, he demanded, “So far I can’t even depend on you to stay in one place! Every time I turn my back I find you dodging out.”

  Equally angry and a little hurt, she gave him a little push, which had all the effect of tapping a steel wall. “That’s a low blow, D’rath.”

  “It’s true,” he said grimly, not giving an inch.

  “Fine.” She nodded her head in angry agreement, choosing to look around at the grey steel walls instead of meeting his gaze. “Just fine! Act as if I’m the only one at fault, here.” She poked him in the chest. “Might I remind you who tricked whom into marriage?” He started to swear, and her voice rose to compensate as she jerked her thumb towards herself. “I’m the one who’s been lied to and used here, but do you hear me griping? I don’t think so. So you better just watch it, pal. If anyone ought to be holding a grudge, it’s me.”

  For a moment he just stared over her head, his jaw clamped shut. When he looked down, his face was slightly more relaxed, his eyes filled with a touch of pain, quickly masked. “If you’ll excuse me, lady wife, I have things to see to.”

  Instantly sorry, she caught at his arm as he brushed past. “Skye, wait!” He froze for a moment, freed himself, and walked on. “Skye!” Pain caught at her throat at the sight of him moving away from her. “I’m sorry!”

  Castigating herself for putting a wrench into it with Skye, Jaide gave herself a mental slap and put Plan A into action. That stubborn Drac was going to get her help whether he wanted it or not. As far as she could tell, there would be no rest until this thing with Carthack was over, and she’d be hanged before she’d just sit around with her finger up her nose waiting for him and the Draconian military to finish it. At the rate these guys were going, she’d be old and gray before it ever happened.

  Patience was not one of her virtues.

  “How you doing?” she said to a soldier who just ‘happened’ to be loitering near her ship, striding quickly by.

  Caught by surprise by her friendly greeting, the sentry took a second too long to catch up, ending up a stride behind her as she unlocked her ship’s security with her black box. “Lady D’rath! Where is your husband?” Apologetic, he added, “I have orders not to let you near your ship without him.”

  She snorted in laughter and gave him a wide grin as the hatch swished open. Gesturing to the sealed cargo bay, she teased, “Why? Does your Admiral think I can fly through walls?” Looking beyond him, she nodded at the far end of the bay. “Look, here comes Skye now.” Slipping inside the Splinter while his head was turned, she swiftly sealed the door, smirking as she caught a glimpse of the sentry’s startled face.

  Vrsdar really needed a better
grade of watchdog.

  Humming an ancient rock ballad under her breath, she slid into her chair and activated the Splinter’s external sensors. Chaos exploded in the bay around her as she activated hover mode and ran through her pre-flight check. In moments the ship was surrounded.

  She grinned. She just couldn’t help it. They had no idea.

  Moments later her husband’s voice exploded over the com. “Jaide!”

  “Yeah, baby?” she called jauntily back as she shed her clothes and pulled on her special black flight suit. She’d be needing it to equalize the pressure for the phase.

  “Get out of there, NOW!” She could almost hear him grinding his teeth.

  “No can do, baby.” Her voice was slightly muffled as she pulled her helmet on, then activated its internal com. “I’ve got some errands to run, but I’ll be back.” As her helmet cycled shut, sealing to the suit, she strapped in. “You just sit tight until I get back, all right?” she added, trying not to laugh.

  He never would.

  “Jaide....if this is about earlier” His tone was low and agonized.

  Hating the guilt in his voice, she injected as much soothing warmth into her reply as she could. “It’s not, hon. We’ll work all that out later, promise. But at the risk of setting you off, I never did plan on putting up with your stuffy admiral’s ‘benevolent custody’. I didn’t build this ship to watch it sit on the line when you needed help.” With her hand on the com switch, she added tenderly, “I love you, sweetheart. See you soon.”

  “Wait! I have to tell you—”

  “Cutting com,” she said. Whatever he had to say could wait. Besides, it was likely just a delaying tactic, which wouldn’t do him any good anyway. She had things to do.

  Skye sucked in a breath as he watched the shifting mirage that was the Splinter rise up and angle towards the door. It was far too late to leave his monitor and pelt to the bay, but he wanted to with all his heart. What was she doing? The bay was sealed shut!


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