Dragon's Love: A SciFi Alien Baby Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 3)

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Dragon's Love: A SciFi Alien Baby Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 3) Page 15

by Miranda Martin

  "It's fine," she assures me.

  I nod and force myself to at least appear relaxed for her sake. My seat vibrates, the machine rumbles, things shake that seem like they should not be. I've never traveled inside a machine before and I don't like it. My stomach is a tight knot. Looking out the window ahead things are flying at us too fast. Amara moves the stick in front of her side to side and the machine responds by turning in the direction she wants.

  It doesn't ease my nerves. Boulders fly at us but she dodges. Some objects we hit and bounce over tossing us out of our seats then we slam back down. The seats have a high back making it impossible for me to sit in mine which is making the ride worse. My tail and wings have no place to go so I sit on the edge.

  "Do we have to go so fast?" I ask.

  "Why not?" Amara laughs, enjoying herself.

  Her face is alight with joy. She maneuvers the transport with a deft touch. The delight in her eyes is something I've never seen before. The way her hands move across the board in front of her is amazing. There are so many things happening I don't understand. She's at home and it shows. I bounce out of my seat and hit my head on the ceiling.

  "Oops," Amara laughs as I land in a heap, half on my seat.

  "Oops?" I ask, annoyed. "This thing is trying to kill us. We need to get out and walk. Send someone else to get this monster."

  "Oh calm down," she says. "I over sped up around that dune back there," she waves a hand dismissively. "Still getting used to the reaction time."

  I glare while rubbing my head. She may be having fun but I'm miserable. The knot in my stomach gives way to a wave of nausea as I move back onto my seat. Closing my eyes makes it worse. I can feel the motion happening around me. I focus on breathing and holding myself in the seat.

  She is right though. It's not long before the rough turns and the bouncing settles down and we're traveling back to the city more quickly than I ever thought possible. I've never moved this fast before. The suns are barely setting when I see the dome of the city glittering in the distance.

  "That's amazing," I say.

  Amara grins at me. "Like that huh?"

  "Three days travel done in one? I could get used to that!"

  "Yeah, but this transport is almost out of fuel."

  A few moments later the machine jerks, shakes, then comes to a stop, thudding down to the ground.

  "What happened?" I ask.

  "Out of fuel," she says.

  "Oh," I say as disappointment wells up.

  "Well that's all she wrote folks, we made it most of the way though," Amara says, uncharacteristically chipper.

  She leads the way back into the cargo area and I follow as she digs around the crates until she finds the large bag with the medical machine. Hefting it to her shoulder I step forward and take it from her as she turns. She looks ready to argue but then something in her eyes softens and she nods, letting me have it.

  She opens the door and we walk across the desert. It's not far at all to the city. We're close enough I can see people are gathering at the airlock. The suns are dropping below the horizon casting long shadows when we reach it. Once we're in I see Rosalind and Sverre standing side by side. They look stern. The other humans gathered around them are talking amongst themselves pointing out at the transport.

  "Looks like you had an adventure," Rosalind says, looking us over.

  "You could say that," Amara answers.

  "Did you find it?" Rosalind asks.

  "Yeah and a lot more," Amara says, hooking her thumb over her shoulder at the transport. "I don't know what all is out there but it's loaded."

  "I'll take charge of getting it unloaded," Gershom says, pushing his way through the crowd.

  A hiss slips out before I can stop it. The bijass threatens to consume my thoughts as the desire to harm him rears its head. Amara touches my arm. A soft, gentle touch, but it pulls all my attention back. She shakes her head and smiles at me driving the bijass away. Silent, I nod, and her hand drifts down my arm to take my hand in hers.

  "Fine," Rosalind says. "Bring everything to the warehouse. We'll sort it out there. "

  "Absolutely," Gershom smiles and nods.

  There is something about him I don't like or trust. He's wrong, off somehow, and it goes beyond his blatant dislike of my race. He makes my scales itch.

  "We need to go set this up," Amara says, pointing at the bag I'm carrying.

  "Right," Rosalind agrees. "Let's go."

  The sound of Gershom barking orders fades behind us as we make our way through the city. Glancing over my shoulder I see him organizing people into small teams. There's something more there than meets the eye, if only I could put my finger on it.

  "How is Calista?" Amara asks as we turn a corner and I lose sight of Gershom.

  "Rough but okay," Rosalind says.

  "Good," Amara says. "Well we're back. This should help."

  "What happened out there? We worried when you didn't return on time."

  "Pirates," I say.

  "How many?" Rosalind asks.

  "Eight that we know of," Amara answers. "We knocked them out and took their weapons and armor."

  Rosalind nods. "And their transport?"

  "Yeah," Amara grins. "Ain't it great?"

  "Until they come to collect," Rosalind says.

  Amara frowns.

  "We must be ready," I say.

  We arrive at our destination and Amara goes to work on setting up the machine. It mounts onto one bed. I hold parts and hand her wires as she works. At last she steps back.

  "Well, here goes nothing," she says as she reaches over and flips a switch.

  A series of lights flash, red, then blue, then green. A screen lights up, flashes three times, then symbols appear. The machine beeps and then two metal arms on its side rise and wave around the air. I take a step back pushing Amara behind me and lower to a crouch, ready to attack.

  "Don't be silly," Amara says, pushing past me.

  She walks up to the bed and the two arms turn and point at her. The ends of the arms are small cylinders. A blue light comes out of both of them then they move down the length of Amara. The machine makes a whirring noise, beeps several times as the lights flash different colors then it whistles and something else flashes on the screen. It brightens and then it projects an image out over the bed.

  A tiny body, a baby, floats in the air over the bed. It turns in a slow circle. The tiny body is no bigger than my pinky finger, curled into a tight ball. I move closer to look at it, standing behind Amara.

  "No," Amara says. "It can't be."

  "What is it? Is the machine not working?" I ask.

  "No. It can't be! It's broken, damn thing must be, that's what it has to be!"

  "I don't under-"

  "Can't you back off? Why are you always in my space!" she screams, whirling around and pushing me back.

  "Amara what is-"

  "By all the burning stars in space, could you shut up! For once?" She shakes her head and I see tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

  Her hands ball into fists then she storms past me and runs out of the room. I want to follow her. I want to run after her but I know it will only make her more angry. My heart is breaking in my chest as I stare after her, lost, unsure what to do. Indecision locks me in place.

  "Amara?" I say, my voice a whisper.

  I turn and look at the small hologram projected over the bed and contemplate what it means.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  It can't be. I'm not ready for this. I haven't even decided to let him in yet and now this? How did this happen?

  What am I saying, I know damn well how it happened! I'm a fool. I've done this to myself and now I'm stuck. I can't do this. Can I? Cold chills run over my skin. Walking the streets in the hot outside air should warm me but it can't touch the chill. I don't even know how long I've been out here, wandering in a circle, trying to wrap my head around the situation.

  I wrap my arms arou
nd my stomach. Then it hits me. The life inside there, growing in me. As I close my arms on it a warm glow spreads from my core out through my limbs. It combats the fear. One or the other will have to win out sooner or later.


  Mei's yell pulls me out of my thoughts.

  "What?" I ask, whirling around.

  It takes a moment to spot her. I've been so lost in my thoughts I don't know where I'm at. She's at the door to the medical building, smiling. Her beautiful, long blond hair looks like a red halo in the dim light of the setting suns. Having gotten my bearings I walk towards her.

  "It's time! Calista is in labor!"


  We run through the building. The rest of the girls stand in a huddle as Mei and I arrive. Sverre and Astarot stand a few feet to one side talking softly to each other.

  "What are we waiting for?" Mei asks, rushing past the group and through the door to the medical area.

  Calista is on the bed already panting, sweat pouring down her face. Jolie, swollen belly and all, is next to her wiping her forehead with a damp cloth and making soft sounds. Calista's hands grip the rails of the bed as she pants faster and her jaw tightens.

  "MMMMHHH," she groans then returns to panting.

  "How far apart?" Mei asks, moving to the side of Calista opposite Jolie.

  "Less than one minute," Jolie says.

  "This machine isn't helping!" Ladon hisses.

  Somehow I'd missed him standing in the shadows at the head of the bed.

  "It will," I say.

  "It had better," he hisses, the threat obvious in his voice and his words.

  "Okay Calista, it's time," Mei says, placing a hand on Calista's face. "I will get you in position."

  Mei motions at us girls but I hang back. The look on Calista's face is pure agony, twisted into a harsh grin that is a parody of amusement. My stomach clenches seeing her go from panting heavily to gritting her teeth and groaning.

  The other girls move to either side as if they've practiced for this moment. They take Calista's pants off, pushing her legs up to an angle. The machine arms move around her and blue lights shine onto her protruding stomach. Fear makes a cold sweat across my skin. I can't do this. How can she? How is she bearing this much pain?

  A hologram of a baby appears above the bed. Mei looks from it to Calista and places a hand on the laboring woman's stomach, feeling around. She presses a spot on Calista's side and the hologram baby's head moves.

  "It's not quite head down yet," Mei says.

  "That's not good, right?" Lana asks.

  "No, it's not," Mei frowns.

  "Help her!" Ladon yells, his wings fluttering and his tail swinging from side to side so hard and fast that Inga has to dodge to avoid being knocked to the ground.

  "Ladon!" Mei yells.

  Ladon turns towards her, rage on his face. He hisses as his hands curl showing the sharp nails ready to attack.

  I'm watching all of this happen in slow motion. Ladon is losing it. It's obvious. He's giving in because Calista is in pain and he can't fix it. His love for her is too strong. Too much for him to bear her being hurt. It's making him dangerous. He pushes Inga to one side then Lana is in his way and he shoves her aside too as he heads for Mei.

  Rosalind moves but she won't make it in time. I move, thrusting myself between Ladon and Mei.

  "Stop!" I say, putting a hand on his chest.

  I can feel his hearts pounding as his chest rises and falls with ragged breaths.

  "Out of my way human," he hisses.

  "No," I say, standing straight and pushing him back. "You love her, we get it, but this is women's work. You have no place here, now get out."

  "I'll not-"

  "You will do what I say!" I yell, pointing at the door. "Out! Now!"

  He hisses, his wings open wide and his tail makes violent slashes side to side but he doesn't move forward. I meet his glare and wait him out. His wings fold in, his tail calms, then his arms drop to his side.

  "I'll-" he starts.

  "No, you won't," I cut him off. "Out. Now."

  He hangs his head then turns and walks out of the room without another word. Everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief as he leaves.

  "Wow," Mei says.

  "It's nothing," I say. "Let's do this."

  Mei nods and while watching the machine and murmuring words of encouragement to Calista she gently presses on her stomach. The hologram shifts and all the girls in the room release a collective breath.

  "She's in position!" Mei exclaims.

  "Good, good, good, good," Calista pants like a mantra.

  "Okay, we're almost ready, when the next contraction hits, you push okay?"

  "Yes, yes, yes," Calista nods, sweat pouring down her face then it hits. Her face twists in pain. She cries out, a wordless sound as she groans.

  When I look at Calista again, I see more than I did before. I don't just see pain and the agony. There's something much more now that I look with eyes not clouded by fear. The panting between pushes is her focusing, preparing herself. The pushes are concentration, intense sure, but concentration. She's in a zone, she's creating life. Life may begin in pain and blood but it's still a miracle she's creating.

  As I realize and see this my heart explodes in my chest with feelings and emotions too strong. My arms wrap around my stomach and I embrace the life growing inside of me.

  It doesn't take long before the strong cries of a new life emerge. Mei lifts the baby up and places it against Calista's chest. Inga moves closer, laying a blanket across mama and newborn.

  The baby suckles while we all move closer to watch. It's the most beautiful, heart wrenching, perfect moment I've ever seen.

  "Look at his eyes," Lana whispers.

  "They're beautiful," Inga says.

  "Those scales!" Rosalind says, a softness in her voice I've never heard before.

  Calista is glowing in a way I've never seen. She smiles and coos at the baby in her arms. Jolie has tears streaming down her face with her hands crossed over her large belly. I place a hand on my stomach, eyes swimming with unshed moisture.

  The baby's tiny hands clutch at the air as he suckles. His perfect, round face is lightly mottled with brilliantly colored scales. He stretches and kicks until his little feet peek out from under the blanket. The tears finally fall down my face as I watch. I can do this.

  "Okay, I handled the umbilical cord and the afterbirth came easily while he nursed," Mei says with a smile.

  After a while, the newborn's suckles slow.

  "Can I wash him now?" Mei asks.

  Calista breaks his seal with a finger then holds him up. Mei takes him and Calista lays back into her pillows, sighing. I follow Mei to the counter where she unwraps the baby. He coos and makes soft hissing sounds. Mei lays the blanket aside the lowers him into the warm bath prepared for him. As she does I get my first good look at the baby.

  He's covered in bright scales, brilliant shades of yellow, blue, and green. His eyes are slit like his father's and yellowish green. His wings are gorgeous! Tiny, translucent, and shimmery. They're still folded firmly to his back, covered in birth. His tail is a tiny little nub that wiggles back and forth splashing at the water. Tears well up in my eyes and I struggle to not break down and ball. He's so beautiful, so perfect, it's overwhelming. I need to talk to Shidan.

  "Amazing," Inga says, coming to stand next to me.

  She wipes a tear from her cheek, smiling from ear to ear.

  "Yeah," I agree, unable to say more because emotions close my throat.

  He is amazing. His tiny little fingers, little toes, that tail, and the wings! So perfect, so small, so much I can't process. So much feeling at one time. Inga puts an arm around me and pulls me close. Feeling out of character for myself I return her embrace as we watch Mei wash the baby.

  "We should let Ladon know," I say.

  Inga nods but we stand together until Mei finishes bathing the baby. She takes vitals before returning hi
m to Calista who puts him back to her breast where he latches on and nurses.

  "Have you guys picked a name yet?" Inga asks.

  Calista giggles and strokes the baby's cheek. "Illadon."

  "Illidan, like hero of Azeroth Illidan?" Jolie's look of amazement is priceless.

  "Only sort of! Il-la-don," Calista sounds it out. "It's like naming the baby after his daddy but more awesome!"

  "Calista, you are the biggest nerd ever and I love you!" Jolie laughs.

  "I think it's the perfect name for a new, ferocious little warrior," Inga insists and the baby coos like he agrees.

  My jaw hurts I'm smiling so much as I head out to tell the men they can come meet our newest community member.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  "I'm at a loss," I say.

  "You told her how you felt?" Astarot asks.


  "And she didn't respond in kind?"

  "No," I say. "I think we're close. She lets me in but then pushes me away. She is my treasure. I want to protect her and cherish her."

  "I understand," Sverre says.

  "Well, there's only one thing to do," Astarot says.

  "What is that?" I ask.

  "Tell her. Again. Lay it all out for her. Make it clear to her you don't want to take anything from her but to give her everything. She seems as if she is a strong woman who doesn't want to lose her identity. I've seen you two together. This is what she fears."

  I nod my agreement. He's right. I see it.

  "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, this is the power of love," Sverre says.

  Ladon punches the wall, interrupting our conversation. We all look to see if he's okay. He has resumed pacing back and forth, hissing, his tail slashing violently from side to side, wings rustling. We exchange a look, wondering which of us should go to him. Approaching a Zmaj that close to being in the grip of the bijass isn't easy. Sverre shrugs, accepting the responsibility and goes to Ladon.


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