Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right

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Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right Page 38

by Arlie Russell Hochschild

  Wolf, Vicki. "Salt Dome Instability Caused by Bayou Corne Sinkhole Tragedy and Others." Clean (Citizen's League for Environmental Action Now).

  The above link is no longer active, see

  Wolff, Henry. "Race and the 2012 Election." American Renaissance (November 9, 2012).

  Woodard, Colin. American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America. New York: Penguin Books, 2011.

  World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory Data Repository [2013 data] (accessed August 12, 2015).

  WWL-TV Staff. "Poll: Obama Loses Support in La.; Perry, Romney, Cain Close on GOP Side." WWL-TV (October 13, 2011).

  Zheng, Lingwen, and Mildred Warner. "Business Incentive Use Among U.S. Local GBovernments: A Story of Accountability and Policy Learning." Economic Development Quarterly 24, no. 4 (2010): 325-336.


  Abner Jackson Plantation, 210

  Abraham's Tent. 120, 293nl20


  environmental, 17, 193-94,197

  for civil rights, 209, 212-14

  global capitalism and, 237

  AFDC. See Aid for Families with Dependent Children

  affirmative action

  Hardey on, 92-93

  race and, 92-93, 137-38, 214


  government services used by, 10-11

  political contributions by, 267nl3

  taxes, for top earners, 7, 264n7

  age discrimination, 141—42

  Agent Orange, 270n27

  Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 255

  air quality, 127, 295nl27-128. 307n233

  alcohol, 67

  Amanpour, Christiane, 128

  American Chemical Association, 91-92

  American Chemistry Council, 285n90

  American Dream

  church and, 122-23

  deep story and, 136-37, 140-41

  environment and, 122

  progress and, 140—41

  Tabor on, 173—75

  American Nations (Woodard), 14—15

  Angola Prison, 250

  Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey, 257


  media and, 126-28

  worry and, 188-89, 252-53, 300nnl88-89

  Areno, Annette, 42, 242

  on Trump, 229

  Areno, Derwin, 42, 49, 53

  Areno, Harold, 52, 242

  background on, 39-42, 119

  on Trump, 229

  Areno, Janice, 153-56, 237, 239-40

  on guns, 161

  on honor and work, 156-58, 165-67

  on industrial pollution, 162-63

  on inequality, 160—61

  rubberized horse, 163—65

  on Trump, 228-29

  Areno family

  Bayou d'Inde and, 31, 39-45, 237-38

  cancer in, 44

  on climate change, 48—49

  on industrial pollution, 42-47

  on industrial regulation, 46—47, 52-53

  lawsuit filed by, 53-54, 237-38, 309n238

  religion and, 47-49, 118

  in RESTORE, 129

  Tritico and, 45, 118, 237-38

  Armelise Plantation, 3-4, 13-14

  Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 46

  Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, 50

  Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 22

  Aunt Ruby's Bed and Breakfast, 21-22

  Australia Plantation, 210

  Axiall, 45, 238-39

  explosion at, 70—71

  Baugher, John, 188

  bayou, 271n39

  Bayou Corne Sinkhole, 288nl00

  anger and reflection over, 108—15

  beginning of, 99—101

  cause and blame of, 101-2

  community and, 105-6, 289nl06

  disasters before, 198-204

  government action after, 104—5

  insurance companies relating to, 201

  Jindal and, 102-4 lawsuits on, 107

  Louisiana Department of Natural Resources and, 108

  Napoleonville Dome and, 101-2

  press on, 122

  refugees of, 102-7, 194, 240-41, 301nl94

  rumors, panic, and blame over, 107—8

  salt domes and, 289nl02

  Schaff on, 104-7, 194-97, 301nnl94-97

  Texas Brine relating to, 101-2, 104, 105, 107-9, 194-96

  Bayou d'Inde, 27, 29-30

  Areno family and, 31, 39-45, 237-38

  clean-up of, 237-38, 309n238

  fish kill in, 31-34

  water contamination in, 28—34, 40-45

  BBI. See Beckett Brown International

  Beatifo, Bill (fictional name), 142-43

  Beck, Glenn, 23

  Beckett Brown International (BBI), 296nl30

  Beisner, Calvin, 123-24

  Berman, Dennis, 91

  Bertrand, Glen, 119

  betrayal, 139-40

  Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 230

  The Big Sort (Bishop and Cushing), 6, 263n6

  The Billionaires' Tea Party (Oldham), 13

  Bishop, Bill, 6, 263n6

  BJP. See Bharatiya Janata Party

  blue states, 78-80, 232-33

  Bono, Chaz, 162

  Boustany, Charles

  Landry and, 55-59, 275n60

  voting records for, 59-60

  BP oil spill. See Deepwater Horizon

  Brantley, Cappy, 181-82, 190-91, 210, 239

  Brantley, Fay, 181-82, 190-91, 239

  Brown, Michael, 61

  Brown and Ferris International, 46

  brown pelican, 138—39

  Brown vs. the Board of Education, 213, 287n95

  Buffett, Warren, 178

  Bidls, Bears, and the Ballot Box (Deitrick and Goldfarb), 234

  Bureau of Labor Statistics, 257, 259

  Burton Coliseum, 33

  Cajuns. See French Catholic Acadians

  Calcasieu Advisory Task Force, 31

  Calcasieu Estuary, 110, 286n91

  Calcasieu Parish, 26

  Calcasieu Ship Channel, 31

  California Waste Management Board, 80-81

  cancer, 26

  in Areno family, 44

  in Cancer Alley, 62-64

  capital investments, 284n85

  capitalism, global, 236-37. See also free-market

  Cappel, Sally, 12-13, 16, 240, 250

  case study visits and follow-arounds, 16-20

  Casey, Annie E., 9

  Cash, W.J., 208-9, 221-22, 303n208, 304n208

  catcalls, 144-45, 298nl44

  Cerrell Associates, Inc., 80

  Chaney, James, 213

  charity donations, 289nl06

  chemical exposure, 28-29

  to Corexit, 275n65

  of EDC, 96-97, 122, 129, 184-91

  worry versus actual exposure, 188—89

  Chico Aquifer, 96

  child well-being, 9

  children, 256-57, 312n257

  Children's Health Insurance Program, 256

  chlorinated hydrocarbon manufacturing facility, 46, 272n45

  Christian Coalition, 123

  Christian persecution, 219

  Christians for Mountains, 124


  American Dream and, 122—23 education and, 217

  emotions and, 119-21

  environment and, 122—25, 294nl23

  evangelical, 123, 294nl23

  honor and, 158, 190, 217

  in Lake Charles, 18

  moral values and, 122-26, 217

  press and, 117-18, 122-23

  social life and, 118-21

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 13

  Civil Rights Act, 213-14, 305n214

  civil rights activists, 209, 212-14

  Civil War, 8, 209-10

  Confederate officials of, 270nn20-21

  reenactment, 250


  conflict, 148-49

  free-market, and, 148-51

  liberal upper-middle class, 218

  Clean Air Act, 8

  Clean Water Act, 32, 271n32

  climate change, 7

  Areno family on, 48-49

  coast line and, 48-49

  McCorquodale on, 183

  political views relating to, 264n7

  religion and, 48-49, 124

  Sherman on, 48

  climate refugees, 200

  Clinton, Bill, 234-35, 255

  coastal postal addresses, 200

  collective effervescence, 225—26

  common impressions

  on economic growth, 260—62

  fact-checking, 255—61

  on incentive money, 259

  on jobs, 257-58, 260

  on oil and economy, 260—61

  on poverty, 256—57

  on public employees, 257

  on regulation, 258-60

  on state subsidies, 260

  on welfare, 255-56

  community, 218

  Bayou Corne Sinkhole and, 105-6, 289nl06

  free-market and, 112

  social life and, 118-21, 135

  Condea Vista, 96-97, 129-30, 184-85. See also Sasol

  Confederate officials, 270nn20-21

  Conoco, 45-46

  Corexit, 275n65

  corporate gifts, 13

  corporate goodwill, 78

  corporate income taxes, 75

  corruption, 47—48

  cotton industry, 210-11

  covenant marriage, 216-17

  crawfish farmers, 271n32

  creation care, 124 Creoles, 269nl6

  Cruz, Ted, 224, 229, 242

  cultural marginalization, 221-22

  Cushing, Robert G., 6, 263n6

  deep story, 268nl6

  American Dream and, 136-37, 140-41

  betrayal as, 139-40

  catcalls, 144-45

  class, free-market, and, 148-51

  description of, 135, 297nl35

  emotions and, 297nl35

  gender and, 147-48

  government services and, 143

  intermission, 140-43

  line cutters, 137-39, 145-46

  of progressive left, 235-36

  race and, 146-47

  social life and, 135

  of Tabor, J., 170-75

  for Tea Party, 135-51, 227

  Trump's rise and, 221-22, 227

  waiting in line, 136-37

  Deepwater Horizon, 46, 276n65

  description of, 64—65

  marine mortality after, 277n65

  Obama, B., on, 65

  Deitrick, Bob, 234

  Democrats, 60—61. See also specific topics

  blue states, 78-80, 232-33

  catcalls by, 144-45, 298nl44

  derogatory remarks, 227-28

  desegregation, 213, 287n95

  dioxin rates, 110, 291nl09, 292nll0

  Dodd-Frank restrictions, 274n59

  Douglass, Michael T., 77

  Dow and Union Carbide, 102

  drilling permits, 108-10, 291nll0

  drinking water, 275n63

  Duke, David, 226

  Durkheim, Emile, 225-26

  Earned Income Tax Credit, 256

  earthquakes, 100, 105, 107, 288nl00

  ECHO database, 274n59

  economic agenda, 14

  economic growth, 234

  common impressions on, 260-62

  environment and, 78, 283n78

  from fracking, 90

  high road strategy on, 77, 282n77

  low road strategy on, 77, 282n77

  oil and, 76-77, 260-61

  regulation relating to, 78, 283n78

  Republicans relating to, 261

  economic progress, 50

  economic recovery, 8

  economic self-interest, 228

  EDC. See ethylene dichloride education, 9

  church and, 217

  desegregation in, 213, 287n95

  funding for, 95

  Jindal on, 95, 231

  National Report Card on, 9

  student activity groups, 19-20, 269n20

  UPI and, 273n47

  Edwards, John Bel, 231

  Ehrenreich, Barbara, 144

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 7, 264n7

  The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim), 225-26

  Elliott, Rebecca, 79, 251-52, 255

  emotional elation, 227-28

  emotional self-interest, 228

  emotions, 128, 278n66

  church and, 119-21

  collective effervescence, 225-26

  deep story and, 297nl35

  disgust 162, 228

  elation 227-29

  feeling rules and, 15-16, 178, 227-28

  mourning 18, 49, 225

  PC (politically correct) 35, 128, 158, 227

  sympathy, 139, 146, 227-28

  Trump's rise relating to, 225-28

  empathy walls, 5-8, 82, 233, 263n5

  endurance, 155 Entergy, 46


  American Dream and, 122

  church and, 122-25, 294nl23

  economic growth and, 78, 283n78

  free-market and, 201-2

  geography, risk, and, 252-53

  Honoré on, 62-64, 248

  insurance companies, 201

  jobs and, 51, 77-78, 258-59

  political candidates on, 59-60, 61-64

  Schaff on, 197-201

  Tabor, J., on, 176-78

  Tea Party and, 198, 199-201

  environmental damage. See also specific environmental issues

  before Bayou Corne Sinkhole, 198-204

  as keyhole issue, 21-23, 79-80

  by Pittsburgh Plate Glass, 27-29

  remembering, 49-52, 108, 198-99

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 7-8, 274n60

  ECHO database, 274n59

  enforcement compliance, 274n59

  establishment of, 32

  on government reporting, 109, 290nl09, 291nl09

  Schaff on, 202-3

  TRI of, 252

  Trump on, 225

  environmental protection budget cuts, 109-10

  environmental reports, 109-11

  EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

  Equal Rights Amendment, 7

  ethane cracker, 238-39, 284n86

  ethylene dichloride (EDC), 45-46, 102, 271n31

  chemical leak of, 96-97, 122, 129, 184-91

  I-10 bridge and, 184-91

  evangelical church, 123, 294nl23

  Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan, 51-52

  exploratory research, 247

  Exxon, 282n76

  fact-checking, 255—61

  Falwell, Jerry, 123

  federal employees, 161-62

  federal policies, 109-10, 290nl09, 291nl09

  feeling rules, 15-16, 178, 227-28 See also emotion

  feminist movement, 214

  fertility, 188, 300nl88, 312n257

  Filipino workers, 74, 280n74

  financial crisis, 231—32


  consumption safety, 110-11

  kill, in Bayou d'Inde, 31-34

  marine mortality and, 277n65

  -related jobs, 32, 211, 271n32

  Seafood Advisory on, 31-34, 271n31

  Fleming, John, 26, 37, 239

  flooding, 200

  Florida, Richard, 233

  focus groups, 247-48

  Ford, Henry, 7

  foreign policy, 90

  forgetting, 49-52, 108, 198-99

  formaldehyde, 48

  Fox News, 126-28, 295nl28

  Great Recession, 2008 and, 268nl5

  fracking, 241-42, 260, 285n90, 286n91

  boom, 90-92

conomic growth from, 90

  foreign policy and, 90

  history of, 89-90

  industrial pollution relating to, 90-91

  jobs in, 74, 90

  in Lake Charles, 21

  Frank, Thomas, 8, 14, 228, 268nl4

  Frankland, Peggy, 32-33

  free collective bargaining, 7


  Honoré on, 62—71

  regulation and, 67-69

  Freedom of Information Act, 187

  Freedom Riders, 209

  Freedom Summer, 212-13

  free-market, 9-10

  class, deep story, and, 148-51

  community and, 112

  environment and, 201-2

  global capitalism and, 236—37

  insurance companies and, 201

  Jindal on, 112

  Trump and, 228

  French Catholic Acadians (Cajuns), 41. 56, 269nl6

  French language, 42, 271n42


  for education, 95

  incentive money, 73-74, 92, 94, 259

  under Jindal, 231

  for Louisiana, 9, 265n9

  in red states, 9—10

  Galicia, Sharon, 229, 237

  Gallup polls, 249

  gender. See also women

  deep story and, 147-48

  jobs and, 138

  masculinity and, 202-3

  regulation and, 68

  white male, 212, 215-16, 229-30

  General Social Survey (GSS), 79, 266nl1—12

  overview of, 251—52

  research using, 249-50, 251-52


  political divide relating to, 14-15

  risk, environment, and, 252—53

  Gitlin, Todd, 214

  global capitalism, 236—37

  Goldfarb, Lew, 234

  Goldwater, Barry, 7

  Goldwater, Peggy, 7

  Good Jobs First, 260

  Goodman, Andrew, 213

  goodwill, 78

  government cuts

  under Jindal, 231-32

  in Tea Party era, 7-8

  government redistribution, 93-94, 160-61

  Trump relating to, 221

  government reporting, 109-10, 290nl09, 291nl09

  government services

  affluence and use of, 10-11

  deep story and, 143

  Schaff on, 112-14, 197

  Tea Party on, 10-11

  to undeserved, 149-50, 157-60, 255-56

  welfare, 255-56. 310n255

  women and, 188, 300nl88, 312n257

  grassroots environmental groups, 32

  Great Depression, 8

  Great Paradox, 79-80

  political divide and, 8-16

  regulation and, 102

  two notches up thesis on, 10-12

  Great Recession, 2008, 8, 141, 143

  Fox News and, 268nl5

  Obama, B„ and, 268nl5

  Green Army, 62, 195

  gross state product (GSP), 260—61

  GSS. See General Social Survey


  Areno, J., on, 161


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