Radar Deception: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops Book 3)

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Radar Deception: 2016 Anniversary Edition (Immortal Ops Book 3) Page 13

by Mandy M. Roth

  His chest tightened. “You want to say vows in front of friends and family?”

  Melanie nodded, and his heart soared. She wanted him and wanted others to know it. He kissed her lips and began to slide in and out of her slowly. “Yes, honey. We can do that. We can do anything you want.”

  “Anything?” She gave him a wanton smile as he rode her body.

  Melanie felt so good. So perfect that Green could barely think beyond the moment. Her slit quivered around his cock, grasping at him, doing its best to pull him back into her warmth. Reaching between their bodies, Green rubbed her clit.

  “Ah, yes,” she panted.

  Thrusting into her, Green knew he’d never get enough. Melanie was like a drug. One he hoped to never kick. He lifted her, allowing her to wrap her long legs around his waist, and moved. It didn’t matter where he carried her, only that he moved. Too much energy was building around him. Melanie’s power was overwhelming and the beast within, while stunned into slight submission, had been with him too long to completely deny.

  The next thing Green knew, he had Melanie pressed to the wall and was drilling his cock into her, eliciting gasps and tiny cries from her. She dug her fingernails into the backs of his arms, and the second he smelled blood, he lost what little control he had. He slammed into Melanie’s body so hard that a painting fell to the floor, taking with it a vase from the table beneath it. Still, he didn’t stop. He couldn’t.

  “Too-too…much,” Melanie said, her voice barely there between her moans.

  “Not—” he thrust into her again, “nearly—” grabbing her hands, he pinned them to the wall, “fucking enough.”

  A slow, sexy smile curved over her sweet lips as she countered his movements, taking him even deeper. Green couldn’t have stopped himself even if he wanted to. He was too far gone. It had been too long since he’d known the pleasures of a woman, and even then, none compared to Melanie. Not even Elizabeth.

  Desperate to rid his mind of Elizabeth, Green drew on his beast’s strength. He fucked Melanie harder, staying just this side of hurting her. A spasm tore through her pussy as her orgasm struck. He was powerless to stop his own. Ramming into her, he exploded, filling her with his cum. “Ah, fuck, yeah. Take it. Take all of it.”

  His words sounded foreign to him. Never before had he outwardly expressed so much raw emotion. Melanie brought out a carnal side of him that Green wasn’t sure he liked.

  She went limp against him and he could sense the toll he’d taken on her already weakened body. Kissing his neck softly, Melanie laid her head against his chest. Every part of Green knew she needed to rest, needed to regain what little strength she had, but he couldn’t help himself. His cock hardened almost instantly.

  “You want more?” she asked, not bothering to lift her head.

  He knew he shouldn’t want any more from her, that his first concern should be her safety and well-being, but that wasn’t what happened. He nodded. “I want more.”

  “I’m tired. Can we rest just a little?”

  Green wanted to tell her that was fine. He couldn’t. He needed more. The only answer he gave was in the form of his hips moving as he began fucking her again. Melanie kissed his neck softly, never once complaining that he needed more from her. He only hoped he’d be able to get his fill soon. For both their sakes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you okay?” Peren asked, a smile gracing her face. Her green eyes held something else, perhaps concern.

  It was no surprise to Melanie. Peren wasn’t one for dropping bombshells on others, and this was certainly one. For the past few hours, Melanie had listened as Peren and Missy attempted to bring her up to speed. All they’d succeeded in doing was confusing her more. All the talk of immortal operatives, the Paranormal Security and Intelligence Agency, and friends she’d known all her life being anything but human had her normally capable mind dizzy. So many signs had been given to her over her twenty-plus years, yet she’d missed them all. Melanie had seen only what she wanted to see and nothing more.

  Wilson chuckled. His chocolate-brown eyes held no mockery, only genuine compassion, and she appreciated that more than he’d ever know. It was easy to see he enjoyed being the butt of every joke, the group comedian, but Wilson had a heart of gold. “I’m guessing by the blank look on her face that Melanie is anything but fine.”

  Melanie pointed at Wilson as she sat across the table from the majority of the members of the I-Ops team. Lukian and Green were piloting the private jet. Roi had offered to sit in for Green but there had been a unanimous “no” from the rest of the men. Lukian had muttered something about a fence and how he didn’t want to see if Roi could go off road with the jet, but Melanie didn’t question it. “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You’re a rat?”

  “No,” Wilson bit out. “I’m a man who can shift into a rat. And other weird stuff lately.” He squirmed as his gaze raced around the area. “Stuff I’m not talking about.”

  Other stuff? As much as she wanted to question him, she didn’t.

  “A man who can shift into a rat?” Roi whistled. “Big difference. Yeah, thanks for clearing that up for all of us. I’d ask what the other stuff is, but I’ve got a pretty good idea.” He rubbed his stubble-covered chin. “You know, they make creams for that now.”

  “Fuck off,” Wilson said.

  Melanie looked at Roi. “And you’re a wolf?”

  He grinned and Melanie watched in horror as his teeth lengthened. Missy slapped him and Roi pulled her onto his lap. “What? How could I resist the chance to do that?”

  “Easy, act somewhere close to your age,” Missy said, arching a brow playfully.

  Eadan snorted. “Wouldn’t he need a cane or something then?”

  Ignoring her brother’s comment, Melanie glanced at Jon. He’d been quiet for the most part, seeming to soak in her response to them all. His blond hair was cut much closer than any of the other I-Ops’. Jon screamed good ol’ boy. That all-American guy everyone loves. Something told Melanie he was more than he appeared to be, not just talking form-shifting either. “And you’re a tiger…er, able to shift into a tiger?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can and am.” His voice was tinged with the South. She couldn’t help but smile at how polite he was. Whatever he kept hidden from the rest of the I-Ops wasn’t evil. That much she knew. It was just extremely personal to Jon and dark. She couldn’t help but like him. Hell, she liked them all, even Wilson. No—especially Wilson.

  Peren smiled and lifted her brows. “You’re not freaking out. I’m impressed.”

  Melanie shrugged. In truth, she’d been petrified that her friends wouldn’t accept her if they knew she was Fae and that the truth of it all could get them killed. Never did she suspect they were different too. She also never knew that Missy and Eadan had been married for several years or that they’d lost a child. Her gaze went from Missy to Eadan and tears filled her eyes. The ordeal had to have been horrific and she should have been there to comfort them both. Feeling someone watching her closely, Melanie looked up to find Roi staring at her. She did her best to blink away the tears but one still managed to escape. “Sorry.”

  Roi shook his head. “Don’t be. I would never ask Missy to forget her time with your brother.”

  “It’s just that I never knew I was almost an aunt or that Missy was my sister-in-law. I’d have liked to know that. I wouldn’t have told anyone.” Melanie glanced at her brother. “And I would have liked to have been there for you, Eadan, to help you through it all.”

  Eadan took her hand in his and nodded, keeping his lips pressed tight. It was clear it still hurt him, and it broke Melanie’s heart to see him that way. He’d always been so strong and yet so full of humor. Letting her magik up, she pushed it over him, easing his pain. He cocked his head as his forehead creased.

  “Mel, what did you just do?”

  “Eased your pain as much as I could and—” She stopped, not wanting to confess all of what she’d just done.

sp; “And what?” Missy asked. She reached for Eadan but stopped just short of touching him.

  “And I sort of cleared Eadan’s pain to the point he will look for his true mate soon. I want him to be happy, Missy. You have Roi and little ones on the way. I want Eadan to not only find his mate, but seize the moment without regret.”

  Missy slid off Roi’s lap, leaned over Eadan, and hugged Melanie. “I want him happy too, Melanie. He will always be one of my best friends. Wait a minute. Did you say little ones—as in plural?”

  Melanie nodded in affirmation. “Yes. Why?”

  “I’m having twins?”

  Unsure how to answer that, she glanced at Peren, since she’d always been the one who seemed to act as the glue within their friendship. It was Peren whom Missy and Melanie went to whenever they felt as though their lives were falling apart. It was she who managed to bring them together. The three had always been inseparable. The last three weeks had pulled at that bond but not broken it. “Umm?”

  Peren grinned from ear to ear. “Tell me she’s having twins, because I cannot wait for Roi to be peed on by more than one baby.”

  “Well, they won’t have very good aim since they’re girls, but I think they will give their father a run for his money,” Melanie said, chancing a glance at Roi.

  “Girls?” Roi’s face paled. He clutched the edge of the table with one hand and pulled Missy to him tighter with the other. “Two?”

  Missy squealed as she hugged him around the neck. Another noise came from her, and for a moment, Melanie thought for sure Missy would choke the life from Roi. Apparently, Eadan thought so as well.

  “Missy-bean, try not to kill your husband. You’re newlyweds.”

  She giggled as she pressed her lips to Roi’s scruffy cheek. “Ohmygods, Roi. We’re having more than one baby!”

  “Two girls?”

  Melanie nodded.

  Roi gulped so loud Melanie heard it from across the table. “If they are anything like their mother, I am so screwed.” He looked like he was about to be sick. “They are never allowed to date! Ever! And if one of them brings home a supernatural guy, I’m gutting him. I’ll not have any man with the stamina of our kind—” He rubbed his eyes. “Aww, no man can touch them. Supernatural or not.”

  Wilson laughed as he ran a hand through his shaggy chestnut hair. “Mmm, lesbian action is good too.”

  Jon sighed as Eadan thrust power at Wilson, knocking him back in his seat a bit. “No one is touching my goddaughters! Man or woman!”

  Nodding, Roi patted Eadan’s shoulder. “We should work on our intimidation techniques.”

  Melanie shook her head. “No. You’re good. Trust me on this. Men will run shaking from the room the minute their eyes land on the likes of you guys. Just promise not to shoot anyone before they at least get their name out.”

  Roi’s nostrils flared. “You want me to waste bullets on randy punks who only have one thing on their minds? No. Not good enough.”

  Arching a brow, Missy laughed. “It’s a damn good thing my father didn’t share your opinion or you’d be dead.” She flicked his chin lightly with her first finger. “Need I remind you how very ‘randy’ you are?”

  Wilson and Jon made gagging noises.

  Everyone laughed, making the tension in Melanie ebb away. It was quickly replaced by fatigue. Glancing at her brother, she let him sense how physically exhausted she was. As a fellow Fae he would be able to detect how sick she truly was. When Missy, Peren, and Wilson gasped, she realized she’s messed up and sent the signal out to too many people.

  Wilson was next to her before she could blink. He eased her to her feet gently. “Come on, Mels. There are beds in the back portion of the jet. You can sleep awhile.”

  She hesitated. “I don’t want to be alone right now, Wilson. I was planning to beg Eadan to sit with me. I get the sense he’s the only male Green won’t punch if found near me while I’m alone in a room—on a bed for that matter. I kind of like you, even with the rat thing, and don’t want to see Green kill you.”

  Peren and Missy laughed as they made their way to her. Peren slid her arm around Melanie’s waist. “Sweetie, we’re pregnant and tired. How about we rest with you. The beds are big enough to fit all three of us. How’s that?”

  “I so want to watch that,” Wilson said with a wink.

  “I don’t like the idea of stealing Green’s kill, but I’ll do it.” Roi cracked his knuckles. “The lesbian comment is still lingering in the back of my mind. Killing you might put that at ease.” He lifted his arms. “Not that I’m saying my girls can’t live the life they want. I just don’t want Wilson thinking he’s getting any—aww, I can’t even say it. That’s it. You die.”

  Eadan shook his head and white-blond wisps of his hair broke free from the tie that held them back. “I’m going to have to put a protective bubble of power over Wilson before the week’s out. Poor guy. I’d give ya a lucky rabbit’s foot or something, but I’m starting to think you’d need the whole damn rabbit.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Melanie let the girls lead her back to a room with an oversized white bed in it. She climbed in gingerly, doing her best not to wince as pain shot through her lower back. Peren and Missy sandwiched her, hugging her close. They were her best friends, sisters of the heart even, and she would miss them horribly when she was gone. She’d miss all of the I-Ops and her family as well. The thought of leaving Green made a sob tear free from her.

  “Mel?” Peren asked, hugging her tighter.

  “How long did you know Lukian before you knew you loved him?”

  Peren let out a soft, soothing laugh. “I think it was instantaneous.”

  Missy grumbled. “I couldn’t stand my husband when I first met him. He grew on me quickly though. How long before you knew you loved Green?”

  Love Green?

  Melanie almost denied the claim but couldn’t. She chose to avoid giving an answer. “I married him—erm, I mean mated with him, I guess they call it that.”

  The sound that came from Missy made Melanie jump. Missy grabbed her arm. “Ohmygods, why didn’t you tell us the minute you boarded? Hell, the minute you spotted us?”

  Melanie averted her gaze. “Because I don’t think he’s very happy about it. I referred to him as my husband a couple of times and this weird look came over his face. I’d say it was one of regret. That’s the best way I can describe it.”

  “Do you love him, Melanie?” Peren asked, and something in the tone of her voice was different.

  “I think so. I’m not exactly sure what love is, Peren, but I know that I was fine with the idea of dying before Green came into my life. The thought of being away from him terrifies me. The thought of him being harmed on account of me scares me even more. I want to wrap my arms around him and will us somewhere that he’ll always be safe. Somewhere we can always be together.”

  “Have you told him that you love him?”

  “No, but he’s never told me that he loves me either, so I’m guessing he doesn’t. It makes sense. We’ve not known each other very long.”

  Peren grunted as she rolled out of the bed. “I’ll be right back. Get some rest.”


  She didn’t stop.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I never pegged you for an idiot, Green,” Peren said, coming through the cockpit doorway with the look of a crazed woman. Her auburn hair hung in waves over her shoulders, and the fire in her eyes told Green he was in trouble, though he was unsure as to why.

  Green glanced at Lukian. “Care to shed some light as to why your mate looks like she wants to slit my throat?”

  Lukian shrugged. He had a way about him that rarely was riled. On the night Lukian met Peren, he’d let that mask fall. He’d shown his fear for her safety and his hatred of the men trying to harm her. It was that moment that alerted Green that Lukian had found his true mate. “I do my best to avoid speaking for her. She scares me when she’s pissed.”

  “Yes, you
scream alpha male,” Green mused, unable to stop the twitch of his lips as he fought back a smile. Lukian prided himself on his ability to rule. After all, the man was the king of the lycans. Royal and powerful, but wherever Peren was concerned, he was powerless to her desires. It was love in its rawest form.

  Peren pushed Green’s shoulder, not letting up on her seemingly unprovoked assault. “How stupid are you? Seriously.”

  “Umm?” He wasn’t sure how to answer that since technically he was a genius. Off the charts, in fact. Green thought it best to remain silent and allow the obviously hormonal woman to have her say.

  Laughing, Lukian stared at his wife. “Baby, you’re going to need to spell out whatever is bothering you. Green’s a man, not a mind reader. We tend to miss hints women give us.”

  She snorted. “No shit! Really?”

  Green swallowed hard. “I’m sensing some sarcasm. Everything okay?”

  “No, everything is not okay! One of my best friends is lying in your room, riddled with pain and convinced she’s married to a man who doesn’t love her.”

  “You mated with Melanie?” Lukian asked, shock evident in his voice. “I didn’t smell your mark on her.”

  “He didn’t mate with her.” Peren pushed Green again. “But he let Melanie think he did. That girl has never loved a man outside of her brother and father, yet she just admitted to being in love with you. How dare you lie to her! How dare you hurt her, Green! She’s dying. Why in the hell would you let her think you were her husband if you don’t care for her—if you don’t love her?”

  “Peren, baby, it’s not our business.” Lukian’s tone was stern, though the way he squared his shoulders told Green he was as pissed at him as Peren was. Maybe more so.

  Peren didn’t seem to notice or care for Lukian’s display of dominance. “Melanie is more worried about dying and leaving you alone than she is of actually dying, Green. How could you lie to her? How could you let her believe you’re her husband when you’re not?”


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