Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series)

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Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series) Page 20

by Wilde, Breena

  But that didn’t mean I had to stop giving Brian shit about it. The truth was, the money I threw around for the band had gotten out of hand to the point that they expected me to foot the bill for everything. Not that I minded. But, okay. I did mind a little. It’d be nice if someone else would pick up dinner or pay for the booze once in a while. At least Brian could. His dad was just as wealthy as mine, and he wasn’t as vocal about how much he hated the music scene as my dad. It was probably because Brian’s dad was rarely around. It was a known fact he had several mistresses all over the world.

  Apparently Brian’s mom was okay with it because she stayed—although I doubted she was keeping her wedding vows, either. I’d seen her getting friendly with a tennis instructor, her gym trainer, and other random men at various times. Brian called his parents’ marriage one of convenience.

  The other guys were barely making ends meet, working odd jobs during the day. I knew they were highly committed to Crushed Velvet’s success.

  “I’ll ask him if you want,” Brian said, his voice hesitant.

  I cracked an eyelid. Brain studied me like I was a foreign object. “What, man?”

  “You seem off.”

  I rolled my head away. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was discussing Katie or any of the other bullshit going on in my head with him.

  “Dude, you shouldn’t keep all that shit bottled up. My therapist says—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what your therapist says.” I opened my eyes and looked at him. It was time to change tactics. He knew how to push my buttons, sure. But I knew how to push his as well.

  “Did your lawyers have to fuck every person in the D.A.’s office to get you off the hook as a suspect in Reid’s murder investigation?”

  Brian stiffened, glancing around to see if anyone had heard. “No. Damn. There wasn’t any evidence to hold me anyway. I didn’t do it.” He punched me in the thigh. “I figured you knew that.” He pressed the overhead button to get the attendant’s attention. He’d just gotten a drink and it was empty.

  “I know, but I’m not the prosecution.” I knew Brian hadn’t killed Reid. Murder wasn’t in his nature any more than it was in Birdy’s. Brian had told me several times that he liked Birdy, but he hadn’t been to see her in jail. Said he couldn’t bear to see his little bird in a cage, whatever the fuck that meant. I knew it was because he’d already moved on. She’d been a good time. Brian was a decent guy, but I’d never known him to stay with one girl in high school or since. He was his father’s son. Couldn’t fault the guy for that.

  The attendant came over. Brian shook his glass at her. “Can I get another vodka on the rocks?”

  “Sure.” The attendant glanced at me as she took Brian’s glass. “You want anything?” Her pale skin smelled of too much perfume and there was red lipstick on one of her front teeth.

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Excellent,” she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She straightened, pulled down her vest, and walked to the front of the cabin.

  “Man, why you gotta be such a douche? It isn’t cool.”

  I pulled out my phone and, even though I knew I couldn’t call or text, I checked both sections anyway. Nothing from Katie. Dammit. It pissed me off that I cared if she’d called. I’d never given other women much thought, except when it concerned what they could give me. If one called and I wasn’t busy, I’d hook up. It was part of the fun of being a musician, part of the fun of being me. With Katie it was different.

  I’d fucked up. I knew it and that goddamn knowledge ate at my insides, slowly and painfully.

  I’d thought about sending flowers with an apology or chocolates or both. I’d even considered sending her something every day while I was gone, just so she’d be reminded of me, but I’d basically fucked the whole whatever we had up. I kept trying to tell myself it was for the best, that my body had done what my heart couldn’t. It was better to piss her off a little now instead of having her fall in love with me and then I ended up crushing her. I didn’t want to do that. As I thought it, though, I knew it was a big pile of horseshit. I loved her. It was the pained truth. At least as much I knew how to love. At the very least I knew I’d never felt like this before. Not even once. If that was love, then I had it. Bad.

  “Here’s your vodka on the rocks. That’ll be eight dollars,” the attendant said, handing Brian the glass. She didn’t bother looking at me.

  Brian pulled his wallet from his back pocket and handed her a ten. “Keep the change.”

  She smiled, but it wasn’t genuine. “Thank you.” She took it and left.

  I smirked. “You’re such a cheapskate.”

  “Twenty percent of eight bucks is only a dollar sixty. I totally over tipped her.” He took a large swig. “Besides I have to pace myself. It’s a six and a half hour flight and she’s going to be coming over here a whole fucking lot. If I tip her five dollars once she’s gonna think I’ll tip her that much every time, but if I tip her a couple bucks and then a twenty at the end, I’m a fucking hero.” Brian leaned back, looking half buzzed and completely self-satisfied.

  I had to admit he had a point. “You’re right.” I laughed. The kid behind my seat kicked it again. I glanced back, wondering where his mother was and why she wasn’t paying attention to her pain in the ass child. She was reading. As soon as I saw the cover I understood. It was the one with handcuffs on it—Fifty Shades of something. It blew me away how many people had read that series. Nichole had tried to get me to read them when they first came out. She’d wanted us to role play the main characters. She’d mentioned a red room, blindfolds, and spankings. I tried to explain in as many ways as I could that I didn’t need a special room, a crop, or a blindfold to dominate. My answer hadn’t satisfied her, so she’d gone elsewhere for her role playing fantasies, which was fine with me. If I were going to get into that kind of relationship with someone I wanted it to be a special someone.

  Katie, I thought, and then ground my teeth together. Fuck, the woman already had me on a leash and we weren’t even together.

  The child’s face was trying to peer between Brian’s chair and mine. “You just said a naughty,” the boy accused.

  “Not me,” I returned, pointing at Brian.

  “Way to bus roll me, Griff.”

  I laughed harder. “Maybe I do need a drink.” I pressed the overhead button.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” Brian said as the kid kicked his seat again.



  Cage ran into the room. “What’s wrong?”

  “The note,” was all I could utter.

  He picked it up and read the words aloud.


  You’ve survived another day. Don’t count on many more. You’re heart is mine, Dandelion Katelyn Jayne.


  I stared at the floor, focused on its diamond pattern. The only person who’d known I would be here was Chloe.

  “Who dropped the basket off?” Cage asked, opening the front door and checking the hall. It was empty.

  I was in shock. Someone wanted to kill me. The real me. We’d checked in under aliases, but someone knew. It wasn’t a fucking joke. “When I opened the door there was no one there. No one in the hall.” I was hyperventilating.

  “Breathe, Dandelion.”

  I went over to the couch and dropped onto the soft leather cushions, putting my head between my knees. My robe separated, exposing my legs. I didn’t bother to cover up.

  Cage went over to the kitchen area and grabbed a bottle of water, then brought it over. “Drink. Take a deep breath. Drink some more.”

  “Thank you.” I opened it and chugged. When it was half gone, I resealed the lid and set it on the glass coffee table.

  “Better?” Cage asked.


  “We should go to the police,” Cage uttered, pacing.

  He was probably right, but I didn’t want to explain why we’d checked in to the hotel under a false name.
I didn’t want the police digging. If they did, it wouldn’t be long before Birdy’s dad—Cage’s boss—found out. I couldn’t have Jonathan Bird know Cage and I were together. The man didn’t like me and I didn’t want him to take that out on Cage. “It’s highly unlikely they’ll find fingerprints.”

  “You never know.” Cage picked up a vase, tossed it in the air, and then set it back down.

  “Do you think it was Chloe?” I asked quietly even though I knew it had to be her.

  “Who else could it be?” Cage asked, sliding onto the couch seat next to mine.

  I shook my head. “No one. Only you.”

  “I’m sure it was her. I mean, when we charge the company card, if it’s over a certain amount, the owners get a notification, so they probably have the data, but I doubt they’ve looked at it. They’re busy.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  Shit. Was Cage going to get in trouble? “We should find her and keep her under surveillance. If she killed Reid, and I’m assuming she did, then we need to figure out why. What’s her motivation? And why does she want to kill me?”

  “We can get some equipment. I have a connection.”

  “But first…” I stopped and looked at him, taking him in. His blue eyes were filled with concern and his lips were pressed into a tight line. I thought about them on my pussy and my insides unfurled, releasing some of the tension. I wasn’t ready to let him go. His shirt only had a couple of buttons done up and his pants were on and zipped, but not buttoned.

  “What?” Cage leaned forward.

  “I want to get so fucking drunk I don’t remember my name,” I said.

  Cage laughed. “I can set that up, but are you sure? If we call the police we’ll probably have to check out.” I got the feeling he didn’t want to leave yet either.

  “I need to let off some steam,” I said, standing.

  “Mind if I hang with you?”

  The tension unfurled even further. “Yes. I mean no… I mean… I want you to stay.”

  “Glad we got that cleared up,” Cage said, coming over and kissing my cheek. Then he picked up the phone. “What’s your poison?”

  “When I want to get wasted, it’s tequila. All the way.” I bit my lip, nervous.

  “Tequila it is.” He pressed the button for room service. “I’d like a bottle of—”

  “Better make it two. I can drink an entire bottle myself,” I interrupted.

  A look of admiration zipped across his face. “Make that two bottles of the finest tequila you’ve got.” He waited a moment. I could hear the person on the other end of the line talking but didn’t understand what she was saying. “Yes, that would be fine. Thank you.” Cage hung up. “It’ll be ten minutes.”

  “That’s ten minutes too long.” I grabbed another bottle of water, broke the cap—then froze. “I’m so sorry. These are like four dollars a bottle. I’ll pay for them.”

  Cage chuckled. “Don’t’ worry about it.”

  “But I’m sure your firm won’t appreciate eight dollars for two bottles of water.”

  He touched my cheek with his thumb. “Probably not, but it’s no big deal.”

  I figured he was trying to play his man card and be cool about the money, but I still felt bad. He probably made a six-figure income working at Bird, Morgan, and Childress. That didn’t change the fact that in New York, six figures equated to middle class. “Either way, I’ll pay you back.”

  “Thanks, Dandelion.” His head tilted. He leaned down and kissed me. It was soft, full of desire.

  I responded with ferocity and his kiss changed quickly. His hands pushed open my robe and he wrapped me in a bear hug, kissing my passionately.

  My hands went under his shirt.

  His fingers found my nipples. He squeezed with just the right amount of pressure.

  I moaned against his mouth as a rush of wet heat hit my pussy. He kissed a trail down my chest and his mouth took over for one of his hands. He suckled, nibbled, and suckled some more. My nails ran tracks over his back as my head fell back.

  His mouth moved to my other breast and he went to work on it, teasing the nipple, tugging until it was a pointed tip. I let out another moan.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Fuck.” Cage stood, adjusted his hardened cock. “Don’t move.”

  I lowered my head, but didn’t close my robe even though I knew it wasn’t covering any of my lady parts. He winked, then opened the door.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take it inside.”

  “Thank you,” another male voice said. I guessed it was the room service attendant and that Cage had just given him another large tip.

  With a large smile on his face, Cage wheeled the mini trolley filled with two bottles of tequila, sliced lemons and limes, salt, shot glasses, and ice. “You’re beautiful,” he said, stopping in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  “This is going to be fun.” He twisted off the tequila lid, flipped over two shot glasses, and poured. I licked my hand, sprinkled a little salt on the spot, licked again and then drank the shot.



  Cage did the same, then handed me a lime.

  I shook it away. “After the next one.”

  He set down the lime he’d been about to suck on and poured us each another. This time he held out the shot glass. I did the same. “To new friends and blowing off steam.” I clinked his glass and drank down the shot. I slammed it on the tray covered in white linen, picked up a lemon, and stuck it in my mouth, then smiled. “What do you think?”

  His eyes ran the whole length of my body. “You’re the sexiest fucking woman I’ve ever met.”

  I pulled the lemon out and tossed it on a silver platter. “You must not get out much,” I said with a laugh.

  “Not true, Dandelion. I was in the military, remember? I’ve been all over the world, seen many different women. You put them all to shame.” He poured us another shot.

  I let the compliment sink in. “Thanks.” I licked my hand, salted, licked again and then drank. Ate a lime. Cage and I repeated the procedure three more times.

  The alcohol warmed my insides. More tension evaporated. “How about some music?” I asked.

  There was a stereo. Cage turned it on, plugged his phone into it, and then put on some music. It was a song I hadn’t heard before, but it reminded me a little of Marvin Gaye.

  “Who is this?” I asked, coming around the counter.

  “His name is Vincent Neale,” Cage said. His eyes were dark, hungry, and focused on my mouth. His lips opened. Mine met his and our tongues twined. He tasted like lemon and tequila. I grabbed hold of his shoulders. I wanted all of him all over me, in me, everywhere. He seemed to sense my need and pushed off my robe. I let it fall to the floor and went to work on the couple of buttons on his shirt. My fingers kept fumbling over them. He paused in his kisses and his eyes met mine. There was a playful glint in them.

  “I can’t stand this shirt,” he said and ripped at it, sending the buttons flying.

  “Neither can I,” I said, pushing it off his shoulders and down his arms. Then I unzipped his pants, freeing his enormous cock. It sprang out. My first thought was I wanted to suck it.

  I got on my knees, using my robe to protect them from the cool slate floor. I looked up at him. His eyes were dark, like twin pools at midnight. I kissed the tip and ran my tongue around the edge as I continued to watch him. He sucked in, grabbing the towel and pulling it off my hair.

  “That feels good.” He grabbed two fistfuls of my hair and pulled lightly. “Dandelion.”

  I closed my eyes and covered the top of his cock with my mouth. Slowly I ran my lips down his shaft, then back up and down, getting him wet. I sucked as I came up and swirled the tip with my tongue, used my teeth along the ridge.

  “Fuck,” he moaned. His hands grabbed the fistfuls of my hair harder. I moved a little faster, allowing the tip of his cock to go down my throat so that I almost gagged. He pulled me
off and I opened my eyes. “I don’t want to be rough or come in your mouth if you don’t want me to. I can put on a condom.” His eyes were glazed. He was nearly drunk, if not already, and it was obvious he didn’t want me to stop.

  I didn’t want to stop either. The alcohol had done its job. I wasn’t feeling anything except fucking horny. I gave him a sultry grin. “I want you as wild as you want to be, and I want to taste you.”

  He bent down and kissed me hard, sticking his tongue in my mouth. “You’re fucking hot.” He stood and I took his cock back in my mouth. He grabbed hold of my hair and pushed me up and down him as I moved. I moaned, pinching my nipples. I was close to orgasm. He pressed my mouth all the way onto him so that the tip of his cock was down my throat and held me there. “Squeeze my balls,” he demanded. I took them in my palm.

  “Fuck, that’s it, Dandelion.” He released me and I began moving up and down his shaft. “I’m going to come.” When his warmth exploded inside my mouth, I swallowed, milking him.

  Some dripped out the sides but I didn’t care.

  When he was done he pulled me off my knees, wiped my mouth with his shirt, and then kissed me hard. “Another shot of tequila?”

  “Yes,” I said, slurring.

  He poured us another shot. After I drank it I took a lemon and stuck it in my mouth. He did the same.

  “I want to do things to you,” Cage said, rubbing my nipples with his thumbs.

  I moaned, letting the lemon fall out of my mouth. “I want you to do things.”

  He wheeled the cart over to the counter, picked up my robe and laid it across it, then took me by the waist and lifted me onto the counter. “Lie on your stomach. Spread your legs.”

  I did what he asked, turning my head so I could watch him. He bent over and kissed my wet pussy. “Fuck, you’re so ready.” He slid two fingers inside me, moving in and out. I moved my body with him, so needy. He pulled out, then slid something else inside me. It was cool. “What is that?”

  “Ice. How does it feel?” He put another in, and then another. And another.


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