Built and Bearded: Bearded Bros Series

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Built and Bearded: Bearded Bros Series Page 5

by K. C. Crowne

  I had actually made Oakley jealous.

  The look on Oakley’s face was priceless. Completely worth flirting and showing off my muscles to guests, which, normally, I would try to refrain from.

  I know that I should not act like that with any of the guests. But, of course, guests hit on me from time to time. As long as it was all in good fun, I saw no harm in it. I had never, and would never, hook up with a guest though. That was just bad business. Neither me nor my family needed the kind of drama that could bring with it. No, I kept my affairs off the mountain. There were plenty of eager girls in our town and the next to keep me busy.

  I hadn’t wanted the girls to think that I was serious, so I gave them one more quick, sexy grin before going back into the storage room. I stayed in there as long as I could, hoping that they would realize that I wasn’t coming back out and leave.

  And, while I was back there, I got an idea.

  The next morning, I waited for Oakley’s call like usual. I got up early, showered, trimmed and combed my beard, put on just the right amount of aftershave, and dressed in my best tight fitting t-shirt and flannel combo.

  Looking into the mirror, I was reminded that I had never worked this hard to get a girl’s attention before in my life. I wasn’t trying to be conceited, it was just the way it was.

  This whole thing with Oakley was driving me crazy.

  My cell phone buzzed and I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled it out. Assuming it was Oakley, I almost hit the green button without looking.

  Thank God I looked at the last second. It was Traci again. She was clearly getting desperate and not taking the hint. I was going to have to let her down sooner or later, but today was not that day.

  Sighing, I looked at the clock. It was past 9 a.m. Oakley always called by now. Maybe she was mad at me and not going to call? I hadn't talked with her since my escapade with those two girls at the bar the evening before.

  Just when I was about to give up on her and go to my office to find something to do, my phone buzzed.


  “Hey Oakley,” I immediately answered.

  “Good morning, Dax,” Oakley said in an oddly sweet voice.


  “What’s going on today, boss?” I asked her, keeping my tone light.

  “Hailey and I are hungry. We’re thinking of heading over to the restaurant to get something to eat. Do you want to meet us?” she asked.

  I was slightly surprised, but pleasantly so. Of course, I wanted to meet her.

  “Yep, I haven't eaten yet. When are you heading over?” I asked Oakley.

  “In about fifteen minutes,” she replied.

  “Okay, see you there. Do you want me to pick you guys up?” I offered.

  “No,” she giggled. “We’ll be fine walking. Thanks though.”

  “Alright, see you there.”

  Maybe my little show last night had had its intended outcome.

  With one more look in the mirror, I grabbed my truck keys and headed down to the resort.

  I went to converse with Brad for a bit before Oakley and Hailey showed up. Everything was looking good for the upcoming weekend and events.

  Breakfast went well, too. Oakley was being friendly, and I put on all of my charm. I didn’t take it overboard and flirt, except for making eye contact and giving her my best smiles, but I kept it friendly in return.

  My idea had been to simply lay off with the trying to get her. Maybe, if I just acted normal, as if I wasn’t interested in her that way anymore, she would pick up on it and change her attitude.

  That was my hope anyway.

  Right as we finished eating was getting ready to go over the wine and spirits list for the wedding, my phone buzzed again.

  Shit, I thought. I knew who it was. Not Brad because I had already talked with him this morning.

  I had the phone ringer on silent but could feel the buzzing. I didn’t want to put Oakley off, so I just ignored the buzzing in my pocket until the voicemail picked up.

  About fifteen minutes later, Kelly, the front desk attendant, come into the dining room and announced that I had a guest.

  A guest?

  I saw Oakley look up to see who it was, just as Traci walked into the dining room. Oakley looked flabbergasted when she saw Traci and I saw her and Hailey exchange a quick glance.

  Hailey looked just as shocked as Oakley and my eyes met hers. She squinted at me, as if asking who’s that?

  Both Oakley and Hailey recovered swiftly and covered up their surprise, turning their eyes back to their papers. But I saw Oakley glance over at Traci once again.

  Traci was wearing her normal ensemble of a tight, red mini skirt and a black, off the shoulder sweater. Knee-high, black leather boots adorned her lower legs. Her boots clicked into the dining room floor.

  Shit! Shit. Shit.

  To avoid Traci coming right up to our table and announcing that she was my girlfriend, I quickly got up and trotted to the doorway to intercept her.

  “Traci,” I started to say.

  Traci put out her arms for a hug. I wasn’t quick enough to avoid it, so I accepted a quick one and patted her on the back as to suggest that she was a good friend who I hadn’t seen for a while.

  I ignored Traci’s look of confusion.

  “Come on in here,” I said, trying to lead her into the common room.

  I didn’t want Oakley to overhear any of this conversation.

  I saw Traci look over my shoulder at Oakley and Hailey. “Who’s that?” she asked as I walked out of the dining room.

  “I’m in a business meeting,” I told her, standing in front of the fireplace in the common room.

  “Oh. I’ve been trying to call you, you know? Where have you been anyway?” she asked me concerned.

  “We have a huge wedding coming up this weekend. All week I’ve been working with the wedding planners and getting the lodge ready,” I told her. “I’ve been really busy. Maybe you’ve seen it on the news or read my article in the local paper? Congresswoman Stone’s son is getting married here.”

  I had hoped that that explanation was enough to get rid of Traci. It, in fact, was not a complete lie.

  “No, I don’t watch the news or read the paper,” she replied, eyeing me up suspiciously.

  Of course, she didn’t watch the news or read the paper. She wasn’t exactly the scholarly type.

  “Well, grab a newspaper and check out the article I submitted to them this week. It’s all about the wedding. A good article, if I do say so myself,” I said, giving her my most reassuring grin.

  “Okay,” she said. “Well, you still owe me one, you know?”

  “Yes, we’ll hang out next week when all of this is over,” I reassured her.

  “Okay,” she repeated.

  “Let me walk you out,” I offered. “I have to get back to the meeting.”

  I led her by the arm and walked her to her car that was parked right in front of the porch. I didn’t think that Oakley could see me from this angle, but I kept my distance from Traci so that she wouldn’t try to kiss me or anything. Once she was in the car, I turned and headed back into the resort.

  Phew! That was a close one!

  I wasn’t sure what explanation I was going to give to Oakley about who Traci was. But to my surprise, when I got back to the table, she didn’t ask. We went back to planning the liquor menu as if nothing had happened.


  Later that afternoon, Hailey, Dax, and I were back in the lodge. Some of the floral arrangments had been delivered so that we could decorate the wedding arch that the bride and groom would be married under.

  First, we set up a small altar which was off to the side of the massive, stone fireplace. Dax had helped us move the arch to stand it before the altar. The Minister would stand on the small, decorated altar and the bride would walk up the aisle to be received by the groom under the wedding arch.

  We had enough fresh flowers to decorate the arch, plus some arrangments to de
corate the altar and fireplace mantle with. All of these floral arrangments matched the vines that we had woven into the back of the chairs.

  Harley had asked Dax for some help outside with something and I took advantage of his absence to talk with Hailey for a minute.

  “Did you see that girl who came into the dining room this morning? Who was that?” I whispered to her.

  “Of course I saw her. She stood out like a sore thumb,” Hailey chuckled.

  Smiling, I said, “I know,right?”

  “I don’t know who she was, but Dax looked shocked to see her,” she said.

  “Did you notice that awkward hug between them? What was that all about I wonder?”

  “I don’t know but it sure was an awkward exchange,” agreed Hailey.

  “Dax’s phone has been ringing a lot the last few days. I’ve seen him take it out of his pocket and ignore the calls. Do you think it was that girl calling?” I asked.

  “Maybe. I wonder if she’s a girlfriend?” Hailey inquired in a confused tone.

  “I don’t know what to think about him anymore. But, I’ve been doing what you suggested and not giving Dax the cold shoulder. Maybe later, I can nonchalantly ask who she was,” I proposed.

  “Yeah,” Hailey returned, just as Dax reentered the room.

  We went back to decorating the arch.

  The liquor order came in while we were decorating and Dax left us to attend to it. Just then, the same two girls from the night before came in from outside again. They headed to the same stools that they sat on last night and ordered two of the same drinks.

  “Not them again,” I groaned to Hailey.

  “Maybe you should end this,” suggested Hailey. “We’re almost done here. Let’s get a drink when we finish.”

  “Really? I don’t think that I can compete with those girls,” I confided in Hailey, frowning.

  “I don’t think that you would have to,” she replied, tilting her head as she watched Dax talk with the girls. “Looks like he’s bartending now, too.”

  “At least he’s not showing off his big muscles tonight,” I added.

  “Yeah,” Hailey agreed.

  When we finished up with the decorations, we did, indeed, head over to the bar for a drink. Dax was bartending and he came over to ask if we needed any help with anything.

  “Sorry, I had to take over the bar for the night. Sam is sick,” he informed us.

  “That’s okay. No, we don’t need any help. We’re done for the night. Instead, we’re going to have a couple of drinks,” I told Dax.

  He smiled. “Okay,what will you be having? A beer and a Merlot?”

  “Yep,” I replied and Hailey nodded in agreement.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the two young girls checking Hailey and me out. The blonde was frowning as Dax talked with us. As soon as he put our drinks in front of us, she called him back over to them.

  Hailey and I pretended to not care what Dax was doing. Dax had seemed to forget about me and spent a long time talking with those girls. It was starting to bother me. Maybe I did need to compete with them before it was too late?


  I was shocked that Oakley had decided to have a drink tonight. When the two hot chicks walked in, I had planned on using them to rile her up a little again tonight since it had worked so well the night before.

  But now the girls expected me to talk to them and I was starting to feel bad ignoring Oakley who was sitting at the other end of the bar.

  This was my chance to have some time to talk “off of the clock” with Oakley. I was sure the beers would lighten up her a little more, too. Though she had been much nicer to me that day. And thankfully, she’d never once mentioned Traci. I felt like I’d dodged a bullet on that one.

  The two guests were in party mode. They ordered drink after drink. The kind of drinks that I had to mix in the blender and that took me time to make. I was relieved when Oakley and Hailey needed another drink as well.

  I took my time getting their drinks so that I had a few minutes to talk with them. But again, as soon as I put Oakley's beer in front of her, the girls were calling to get my attention.

  A couple of other guests came in and I got them drinks as well. I kept trying to make eye contact with Oakley, hoping that she didn’t think that I was ignoring her. She was in a deep conversation with Hailey, but a few times she did make eye contact and smile at me.

  Her smile made my heart flutter. I wanted nothing else but to go over and sit with her. I was losing my chance.

  Damn work.

  I saw that Hailey’s glass was empty and she was getting up. No! I didn’t want Oakley to leave. To my relief, Harley came into the lodge from outside along with a few other guests.

  Of course, I could handle a busy bar, but I decided to ask Harley for help. It would give me a few moments to spend with Oakley.

  Harley agreed and I walked away from the two needy, flirty chicks before they could get my attention for another drink. Harley got stuck making them.

  I went to Oakley and asked if she wanted to have one more. To my relief, she said yes. When I asked Hailey, she told me that she was going to go back down to the cabin.

  I was glad that Oakley decided to stay. I hated that I had to work, but I knew that Harley wouldn’t close the bar for me. He’d had lessons since early that morning plus a fitness class as well.

  But to my surprise, Harley ended up engaged in several long conversations with the guests and the two girls, so I was able to focus on Oakley. I took a seat at the end of the bar so that I could talk with her. I started with a friendly conversation, asking her some questions about herself.

  She answered and asked some return questions. Oakley had another beer and I noticed her eyeing me up. The friendly chit-chat turned into flirty chatter and I was enjoying every second of it.

  Finally, she was opening up to me. I didn’t know what exactly had precipitated it, but I didn’t really care. I was going to enjoy it for as long as I could.

  I noticed how attractive her flushed, high cheekbones were. She was wearing a red lipstick and I imagined leaning over and kissing her full lips. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a body-hugging, blue v-neck sweater that showed off her sexy cleavage when she bent forward.

  My dick stood up and took notice.

  I squirmed on my chair, hoping that nobody would notice my hard cock swelling in my jeans.

  Over the next hour, the guest started to trickle out. Finally, it was just Harley, Oakley, and me. Harley had a short, friendly conversation with Oakley before telling me he was heading out. He had an early morning fitness class the next day.

  I saw that Oakley was almost done with her beer and I didn’t want her to leave so as Harley walked out, I asked her to stay for one more.

  “Have another beer while I close the bar and then I’ll drive you down to the cabin. It’s dark out there,” I said in a macho, protective voice.

  Of course, Oakley would be fine walking down to the cabin. It was a clear night and we kept the roads and walkways well-lit for wandering guests.

  Oakley gave me a seductive smile.

  “It is pretty dark out there,” she agreed.

  I returned her smile and turned to grab her another beer from the cooler. When I turned back around, Oakley was standing behind me.

  Her electric blue eyes bore through my own. My heart skipped a beat. She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me to her. Next thing I knew, her soft, red lips were pressing into mine.

  I wrapped my arms around her small waist, pulled her to me, and melted into her.


  I was so wet. I could feel Dax’s swollen member push through his jeans and into my stomach. I kissed him hard and he returned my kiss, pulling me tightly into his broad chest.

  As we kissed, I reached up to run my hand over his thick beard; something that I had been wanting to do since the first day we had met. It was rough but yet soft. I felt his mustache on my face as he kissed my lips.

bsp; This man was so damn sexy.

  I moved my hand down over his hardened chest, stopping to trace the outline of his toned pecs. As I felt his body, his cock grew, and I wanted to release it from its confinement.

  I moved my hand down to his groin and rubbed his hardness over his jeans. I felt him groan into my mouth and I went to unbuckle his jeans.

  Dax took his turn to feel my body. He ran his hands over my ass, up my back, and slid them the to back of my head. His fingers lingered on the back of my hair until they clamped around the clip holding in my bun. He squeezed the clip and my hair fell loose down my back and around my shoulders.

  Dax ran his fingers through my hair, finger combing it before moving to find my round breasts. He squeezed them lightly and felt my nipples tighten under my clothes.

  I moved my hand down into his pants and pulled out his dick. It was hard and long. Just as I had imagined it would be. It throbbed under my touch and I massaged it.

  I reached up to pull off Dax’s t-shirt. He helped me by quickly pulling it from his body. Next, he reached to pull off my sweater.

  “Take off your bra,” he whispered into my ear.

  I reached behind me and unfastened it, letting my plump breasts fall free. Dax moaned at the sight of them and reached up to massage him. I too felt his hard, toned body, and for a moment, we stood and enjoyed each other’s touch.

  “I want you,” Dax said in a deep, throaty tone. He was taking quick, sharp breaths and I knew that he desired me. “I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw your picture on your website.”

  I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down, kicking off my boots at the same time. Dax picked me up and placed my ass on the bar. He reached for my panties and slid them down over my long legs.

  He wasted no time taking off his boots and jeans. Now naked, we both took in the sexy view.

  “Oh my God, you are so sexy,” he groaned as he pulled apart my legs and moved his erect dick toward my waiting pussy. I was so wet that I was dripping.

  “Fuck me, Dax,” I told him, and he wasted no time.


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