Built and Bearded: Bearded Bros Series

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Built and Bearded: Bearded Bros Series Page 13

by K. C. Crowne

  I came downstairs from my bath and saw that the lights had been dimmed.

  The entire cabin had been lit up in candlelight along with the burning fire in the fireplace. It was so beautiful and romantic.

  “Oh, my,” I exclaimed, completely surprised. “Dax?” I called out to him.

  He came out from his office wearing his sexy grin. He came to me and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and I suddenly became wet. It had been too damn long since we’d been intimate. He took me by the arm and led me to the kitchen where he had an entire candlelit, gourmet meal placed out in my honor.

  I gasped. “Dax, when did you cook this?”

  He put his finger to his lips as to tell me not to ask. “I wanted for us to have a nice evening,” is all he said.

  He pulled my chair out for me and I had a seat at the white-clothed table. Dax removed the covers from our plates, revealing steak dinners with all the works. All of my favorites.

  He opened a bottle of wine and poured us both a glass. This is so perfect, I thought.

  I smiled at Dax when he sat down across from me. The candlelight bounced off of his face and flashed in his blue eyes. His eyes were so clear that I could see a perfect reflection of the flame.

  Even after our time together, I was still in awe of his beauty.

  We ate dinner and it was excellent. I always had such a wonderful time with Dax that when I was with him, there was nothing else. He was the center of my world.

  After dinner, Dax had revealed that he had a copy of a movie that I had talked about seeing. Living out there in the mountains, we didn’t get to see too many new releases.

  “How did you get this?” I asked him.

  “It’s a secret,” he told me.

  “Okay, I’ll accept that. Put it in.”

  He did and we cuddled on the couch with another glass of wine and the movie.

  Dax’s body was on fire beside mine. He had one strong arm around me and I found that watching the movie was really difficult.

  And he smelled like heaven.

  I couldn’t stop myself. Before the movie ended, I moved my hand from his torso down to find his cock. I heard him take a quick breath. The mound in his pants grew instantly hard.

  “Oakley, are you sure about this?” he asked me. “I’m concerned that it’s too soon.”

  Dax had been the perfect gentleman and I had appreciated that. But I couldn’t take being so close to this perfect specimen of a man and not take advantage of him.

  I had to have him tonight.

  “I’m ready, Dax. I want you.”

  He didn’t ask again. He sat up straight and put his wine glass down on the end table and did the same with mine. Then he reached down and kissed me.

  I loved kissing Dax. His lips were firm but soft and fit around mine perfectly. He kissed my top lip then my bottom lip sensually. He licked me before pushing his tongue inside my mouth. My tongue found his and we both moaned in anticipation of what was to be.

  Dax stood up and reached down to pick me up. He carried me in his arms up the steps to his bedroom.

  “I want you to be comfortable,” he told me.

  I knew that he was still worried about me and that was okay. The way he treasured and took care of me was just one of the many things that I loved about him.

  He sat me down on the bed and pulled my shirt off over my head. I wasn’t wearing a bra and Dax took a step back to admire my breasts.

  “Perfect,” he murmured as he massaged my mounds and fondled my pink nipples.

  Then he carefully pushed me back on the bed. He pulled down my pants and panties and I laid naked before him.

  Dax reached between my legs and slowly parted my thighs. His eyes on mine, his fingers found my hot spot. He massaged my clit, making me wet, and my body writhed under his touch.

  Then he bent down and kissed my thighs. He lightly brushed my tender inner legs with his lips until they found my swollen mound. I parted my legs for him so he could push his tongue up inside of me.

  “Dax,” I called out his name as he tongue fucked my pussy. My juices flowed and he lapped at them. His tongue danced inside of my warmth and then found my clit. He flicked at it with the tip of his tongue until a small budding of an orgasm built up low in my belly.

  I wiggled as the orgasm traveled to my abdomen and Dax held on to my ass with his strong hands so that I couldn’t get away from him.

  “Come,” he ordered me. “I want to drink you up,” he moaned into my pussy.

  I let go and the orgasm took over my body. Sensations that I’d never felt before surged through me. I cried out in delight as my body shook and pulsated with the contractions.

  When I finished coming, Dax stood up and took off his shirt and pants. He stood naked before me so that I could admire his hard body. His dick stood stiff and erect, waiting to sink deeply into me. I parted my legs to let him know that I wanted him to fuck me.

  Dax carefully put his thick cock to my entrance and pushed inside of me. He pulled my ass to the edge of the bed so he could push into me fully. Instead of our usual frantic rhythm, he maintained a steady pace and fucked me slowly.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed Dax’s cock moving inside of me. He massaged my breasts and in no time, my pussy was aching again.

  Dax carefully pushed me back up the bed and climbed on top of me. He took my hands into his and pushed my arms up over my head. He laid his masculine body over me and moved his cock slowly inside of me.

  We moved as one for a long time. Dax nuzzled my ears and kissed my cheeks and neck softly. I’d never felt anything like it.

  “I love you, Oakley” Dax whispered into my ear.

  “I love you too, Dax,” I whispered back.

  We rocked together for some time longer just enjoying each other’s bodies. I felt him grow stiffer and I knew he was almost ready. I felt myself on the brink yet again. He reached between us and with one flick of his finger against my clit, I blew apart.

  As I yelled out in orgasm, Dax’s cock throbbed inside of me. He gently pushed in harder and he let go as well, filling me up with his seed.

  Dax moved us up to the pillows and pulled the quilt over our naked bodies. We laid in each other’s arms in happy silence until we both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.


  It had been a few weeks since Oakley had been staying at my place. I had heard her talking to Hailey last evening about her house and that she didn’t know what to do about it.

  She was saying that she needed to come back but didn’t know how to go about bringing it up to her. I guessed that Hailey had asked her about what she had planned on doing with the wedding planning business.

  “One good thing about having your own business is that you can take some time off when you need to and work from wherever you want to,” Oakley had told her.

  Then she asked Hailey about Cooper. I guess things were not going so well between the two of them; something about Congresswoman Stone not approving of Hailey and causing her and Copper trouble.

  I hand’t meant to listen in on her conversation but she had given me no other choice. She’d been acting a little different the past few days, and I needed to know why.

  Next step was to just ask, but I was afraid to hear the answer.

  That day at dinner I decided to lay it out there. “What’s been going on, Oakley?” I asked kindly. “Do you have something on your mind?”

  She looked down at her plate and remained silent for a moment. Then she slowly looked up and we locked eyes.

  I saw it in her eyes. She was going to leave me.

  “Dax, please don’t get upset,” she was saying.

  I hardly heard her anymore. My mind was already on my own misery.

  “Dax,” she called my name demanding my attention.

  I looked at her. “Were going to tell me?”

  “Of course,” she replied, hurt. “Dax, I love you. I don’t want to fight with you or hurt you.”

  “But you are goin
g anyway?” I snapped without really meaning to.

  I was upset, and I was hurt. I had known this day was most likely coming, but I wasn’t ready for it yet. . I had a dream that one day, instead of this dreadful conversation, Oakley would be telling me she wanted to stay for good.

  “Dax, you know that I have my house. My entire life is in my house. What about my family. I haven't seen them in a couple of months now?” she asked me.

  “I know,” I replied.

  “You know but you are still going to be upset with me?” she asked.

  “I can’t help it. I don’t want you to leave,” I told her.

  There, I said it. Her eyes stayed on mine. I could tell that she was considering what I had said.

  “What happens when you leave? Is that it between us?” I asked.

  “No, of course not,” she answered.

  “So, we’ll have a long distance relationship? How will that go? For how long?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head. “We can figure this out. But I need to go home to take care of some things,” she said.

  “Okay, then go,” I retorted.

  I got up from the table and walked out of the cabin. I heard her call my name behind me but I kept going and got into my truck.

  “Wow, you handled that well,” said Brad when I told him what had happened.

  “Yeah, I know,” I replied miserably.

  “Dax, you can’t act like that. Look what had happened when Cole pulled that shit with Lindsay. It blew up in his face,” Brad reminded me.

  My first thought was to run straight to my old hangout down in town. But then I figured that seeing my ex there wasn’t worth it. I just needed to clear my head, not cause any more trouble.

  So, I’d decided to find Brad. My big brother Brad was the wisest of us all. It seemed like we all turned to him when we found ourselves in a dilemma. This was the first time that I had gone to him about a woman, though.

  “So, now what?” I asked him. “What should I do? Beg her to stay?” I asked Brad.

  “No, don’t beg. But you need to discuss the issue and come to an understanding. Why not tell her you want her to move here for good? Ask if she would consider selling her house,” Brad suggested.

  “I guess I could do that,” I agreed.

  “It can’t hurt to put your true feelings out there. If you don’t know, you will be sorry.”

  “I know, you’re right,” I agreed.

  “Okay, let me go back up there and talk with her. Thanks, Brad.”

  “No problem. Let me know if you need me,” he added.

  I drove back up to my cabin and found Oakley in the bedroom packing her stuff. She glared at me when I came into the room.

  “I didn’t expect you back so soon,” she scoffed at me.

  “Sorry for running out on you like that,” I apologized looking at the floor. “That was not the right thing to do,” I added, looking up to meet her gaze.

  Her gaze softened and she came around the bed to stand before me. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to me, hugging her hard.

  “I can’t lose you, Oakley,” I practically cried into her hair.

  Oakley hugged me back before pulling away to look at me. She put her hand up to my beard and stroked my cheek.

  “Dax, don’t you know how I feel about you? How could you think that I’d want to leave you forever?” she asked me.

  “I don’t know. Baby, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’ve never even been in a real committed relationship. I guess I let my guard down and now I’m scared shitless,” I admitted.

  “I can appreciate that, Dax. And I wasn’t going to just up and leave without discussing our plans first. You overreacted without giving me a chance,” she told me softly.

  I kissed her lips tenderly. I couldn’t imagine not kissing these lips every single day of my life.

  “I’m sorry. Can we start over and have that conversation?” I asked, holding her around the waist.

  “Yes. Why don’t you come with me? We can spend some time with my family and Hailey and pack some of my things. We can take care of my house,and car, and all of my stuff back home?” I asked.

  “You’d take me with you? And pack you things?”

  “Yes,” she smiled.

  “And come back here with me?”

  I held my breath while I waited for her answer.

  “Where else would I go?”

  Oakley was grinning at me. I took that as a yes and pulled her to me. I wanted to cry but held it in. I’d been emotional enough lately.

  “I love you, Dax.” I heard her muffled voice say as I squeezed her tightly.

  I was never, ever going to let her go.


  Dax came home with me and I was so happy to have him. We stayed at my house for two weeks, and he got to meet my family under regular boyfriend and girlfriend circumstances.

  I didn’t have to worry about my family not approving of me moving to the resort to live with Dax. My mom had told me how Dax had never left my side at the hospital. I mean, I already knew it, but hearing how he had fought to keep me there through my mom’s point of view, allowed me to know for sure that Dax was the right man for me.

  And it showed my family how much he cared for me. That he would always take care of me and protect me. No matter what.

  Even though it was nice to be back home, in my house and my hometown, I realized how much I missed the resort.

  In fact, coming home had made me realize that it had never really been my home. I lived there,but was I ever really happy there?

  “What are you thinking about?” Dax asked me. “You look emotional. Is everything alright? Not having second thoughts about coming back with me, are you?”

  We were at my house packing up the last of my items that we were going to take back to the resort with me. Dax had hired an estate company to sell off the rest of my belongings and then a real estate company to sell off my house.

  “No, Dax,” I responded to his fifty questions. I looked him right in the eyes. “Coming here has made me realize that this isn’t my home after all.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Dax asked, amused. “Where is your home then?”

  I gave him a sly smile. “At the resort. With you.”

  It was his turn to flash me his sexy grin. “I’m glad that you have finally realized it. Because once we get back there, I’m never letting you leave,” he joked.

  “There will be zero chance that I will ever want to leave. And, I was thinking,” I began.

  “Yes?” he inquired, eyebrow raised.

  “Maybe I can be the wedding planner at the resort? You can advertise my business. Get us some new brides and grooms?” I suggested.

  “I thought that you would never ask,” Dax laughed. “In fact, Brad has already asked me about it.”

  “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked surprised.

  “Because I wanted you to decide for yourself,” he answered, pulling me to him and kissing my lips.

  “Oh, I’ve decided. Now there’s no getting rid of me,” I warned him as I returned his kiss.

  I felt Dax’s lips form a smile against mine. How did I ever get so lucky as to find him?

  Dax quickly turned me around and hugged me from behind, his hands around my tummy. “You should use this bed one last time before you leave it for good,” he groaned into my ear.

  “Only if you use it with me,” I groaned back, pushing my ass into his growing erection.

  “I’d have it no other way,” he whispered in a deep, manly voice.

  Dax moved his hands up to my full breasts and massaged them from behind me. I leaned my head back into his chest and moaned in pleasure as he fondled me. I pulled up my shirt, up over my tits and pulled it off.

  His hands went back down to my bra, moved to unclip it, and I watched as it fell to the floor. My perky breasts sprung out and Dax massaged them and kissed my neck.

  Next, he pulled down my pants and pushed
me forward onto the bed so that I was kneeling. He pulled off his shirt and then slipped out of his jeans.

  I looked back to watch his protruding thick cock find my pussy. He thrust it inside me hard, jamming me into the bed. I yelled out in ecstasy as he fucked me from behind.

  Dax grabbed my ass and fucked me hard. We both were crying out in enjoyment andmy orgasm was growing fast.

  “Fuck me harder,” I yelled to him and Dax thrust his hard member into me even deeper and faster.

  We both groaned as our orgasms took over our bodies. I rocked my pussy back against his cock as we came together.

  We finished and Dax carefully flipped me over. He crawled onto the bed and we both laid there naked looking around the room.

  “Are you going to miss this room at all? He asked me.

  “No, but I’m glad that I got this great memory to take with me now,” I told him seductively.

  Dax smiled and we kissed.

  “Time to go home,” he told me.


  I couldn’t believe that it was our one year anniversary. The year had gone quickly and all was well. We’d grown closer than ever before and she fit right in at the resort.

  I wanted tonight to be perfect. Special.

  I had been planning it for two weeks. And with the help of my brothers, I think that I had it set up to go as planned.

  Brad had shut down the dining room early and Angela took the liberty to decorate it for us. Anglea had fine taste and she adorned the room with beautiful fresh flower bouquets and candlelight.

  Brad had set up his little record player and put on moving classical music. Michael, our Head Chef, prepared our favorite foods.

  I told Oakley that we were going to meet the family for an important dinner meeting; a possible client. So, we both dressed up in formal attire and headed down to the dining room.

  I led her by the arm to the dining room doors and opened them. When I saw her face light up, it was worth all of my efforts.


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