Royally Loved: The Royal Romances Books 1-5

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Royally Loved: The Royal Romances Books 1-5 Page 16

by McKenna James

  “You’re probably right,” he sighed, “but a man can dream.”

  I was fairly surprised to hear this. “You really are ready for kids that soon?”

  “You know, if you would have asked me a month ago, I would have said kids were a long way off for me. Now? Yeah, I could have kids now. I am ready to settle down. I see you with Abigail and Drew and I imagine you to be such an amazing Mum… It’s hard to hold myself back.”

  “If I got pregnant now, wouldn’t it be quite scandalous?”

  He scoffed, “Maggie, I couldn’t care less about scandal. If our most recent situation has taught me anything, it’s that I don’t care what goes on in the media with you by my side. Let them say what they’re going to say. They’ve already fabricated a whole bunch of junk about how I’ve taken advantage of you. That doesn’t make it true. They couldn’t taint the blessing of a child if they tried… Not for me.”

  Fortunately, though, those nasty rumors about him taking advantage of me had mostly subsided. His press conference seemed to shut people up. I no longer worked for the royals and yet I was still choosing to date Edward of my own volition. That should be a sign I wasn’t simply pressured into it.

  “Well, then, I suppose even if we didn’t get a baby yet, we’ll keep trying.” I kissed him gently.

  He rubbed his hand down my back.

  “Whenever it happens, I know that you’re going to make an absolutely amazing mother,” he said softly. “I cannot wait to bear witness to it.”

  This touched my heart.

  “I am so lucky to have found you,” I whispered against his lips.

  “No, pretty sure it’s me who is the incredibly lucky one.”

  Honestly, we were both incredibly lucky. Because finding a love like this—that doesn’t happen every day. I would know, I’d lived much of my life as a single woman. I never even thought I was missing out on anything.

  Now I realize that I was missing out on a lot. Edward brought a love into my life that felt so real and so complete… My life would never be the same and that was for the better.

  “Come on,” he took my hand, “we should be off before my mother gets too frustrated. As much as I’d like to spend the day with you, best we keep you on good terms with her.”

  “Agreed,” I stood behind him and began to get dressed.

  Though it may sound ridiculous, I had the faintest feeling that perhaps this had worked. Perhaps there was a baby growing inside me as we spoke. Maybe we’d soon be parents.

  I was delighted by the thought.



  Six years later

  “And what color are the roses, Prince Heath?” I asked my five-year-old son.

  “They’re red, Mum! But the daffodils are yellow like the sun!” He planted his face in the flower and inhaled deep. “I love the smell of flowers, Mum. They smell pretty like you!”

  “Thank you, sweet boy. Do you know why the flowers smell so lovely?”

  “YES! To attract the bees with their pollen,” he stated proudly. As much as I loved working outside when I was tutoring Princess Abigail and Prince Drew all those years ago, not much had changed since in that regard. Since Prince Heath was big enough to walk and talk, we’d take strolls through the courtyard and garden, and I’d teach him everything from the colors, shapes, and sizes to bits of Science, Spelling, and even Math. At five-years-old, his intelligence is flourishing.

  “Very well, my sweet prince. Now, if you’d like to play for a few minutes, you may do so while Mum rests.” Prince Heath took the small truck I handed him in reward for being so well behaved today and knelt to the ground, pushing it along the cobblestone. I sat back in the rocker Prince Edward had placed among the garden for me, so I could sit comfortably while teaching Heath.

  My feet were so swollen, and the pain in my lower back was far worse than it was when I was carrying Heath. Yes, we are expecting our second child, another son would be arriving any day now. Edward had encouraged me to stay off my feet as much as possible, though I preferred to stay busy with Heath as I was sure once the baby arrived there would be minor jealously.

  Heath was certainly a mum’s boy, stuck right to my hip day and night. I was quite nervous to see how he’d adapt to life as a big brother because Edward was already talking about baby number three. He wanted a daughter, and who was I to deny that to him? After all, it was so much fun trying to make babies. My only stipulation was that we wait until the new baby was at least nine-ten months old before we start trying again.

  Being a mum was all I’d hoped it would be, minus the struggles of my former life. Being the Princess of England certainly offered luxuries and prominence I’d never been afforded before falling love with Edward, and it was such a blessing to have no worries, troubles, or concerns over money. Over the last five years, I’d been heavily active among various charity organizations in England, helping single mothers and families. When I first told Edward I wanted to pay my good fortune forward to others, he asked how involved I would like to be—through donations or all in, hands-on working alongside the charity board and volunteers. I thought he knew the answer before he asked. No charity was too big or small to me. I did see a trend in the work I assisted in—there were mothers struggling to care for their families due to lack of education.

  So, Edward and I founded the Royal University for Mums of England—a continuing education program that allowed mothers to get the training they needed for a career without being bombarded with the expenses of a true university. There were still certain fees they were responsible for, but we were able to help mothers all over our country through, donations and fundraisers, to continue their education and find jobs that would help them care and provide for their families without struggling. This also helped us build a future for our communities.

  “Your Highness, are you finished with your tutoring for the day?” Millie asked as she entered the garden. After Prince Heath was born, Millie became my full-time nanny. I still had issues trusting her as a friend and confidant, and she still loved to gossip, but I kept her at arm’s length. She did the job she was paid to do, and she did it very well. Heath loved her like family, and she always treated him with love and care. She’d been a Godsend in helping with Heath these last couple of weeks. I’m much more tired in the final days of my pregnancy than I remember from my first.

  “Yes, Millie. Heath was very well behaved so I was just letting him play a bit before coming inside to get him cleaned up for dinner.”

  “Very well, Princess, I shall bring him inside now. Would you be joining us or do you prefer to spend more time in the garden?”

  “I’ll come inside shortly and maybe have a nap, Millie. I’m a bit tuckered out today. Have you heard from Edward?”

  “Yes, Princess, he is expected to arrive momentarily.” She quirks her brow in knowing, silently urging me to play into her conversation. “It would seem Prince Drew will be returning with him.”

  Now that, I was not expecting.

  I quirked my brow, silently admonishing her. Millie’s habit for gossip cost me my job as tutor all those years ago, and if not for Edward’s kind soul, she’d been fired too for breach of confidentiality. Yet, the nerve of her to stand here and gossip about Prince Drew … It was unbecoming of her, and I’d have half the mind to report her to the Queen herself, but we had far more important issues of topic to be concerned with.

  “Save it, Millie. I’ll get the story when they both arrive.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” She curtsied with a nod.

  “My sweet prince,” I called to Heath.

  “Yes, Mum?” He stood, truck in hand, and made his way to me.

  “Millie will take you to clean up for dinner now, sweet boy.”

  “Five more minutes?”

  “I’m afraid now, love. Mum will join you shortly.” I tweaked his nose, which made him laugh, then Millie took his hand and led him inside.

  I rested my head against the rocker and rubbed my
round tummy, humming quietly to the baby. The warm spring wind soothes me, and it wasn’t until soft lips caressed my forehead did I realize I’d fallen asleep. My eyes flickered open to see Edward’s smiling face looking back at me.

  “Hello, Sleeping Beauty,” he muttered.

  “I didn’t mean to fall to sleep,” I replied on a yawn as I stretched my arms.

  “How was your visit with Drew and the dean?”

  “Not what we were hoping for actually. He’s home now and may return to university after spring break.”

  “What’s the story there?

  “Ah, you’ve had too much time with Millie, I see,” he joked and pulled me up from the rocker. I jabbed in the side then took his hand.

  “Not funny, Edward. You know I’m concerned about Drew. I’d went along with you today if I’d felt like traveling.”

  “Not my story to tell, lovely, and I doubt you’ll get much of a response out of Drew. Besides, I only know what the dean eluded to me, and that wasn’t much. Maybe there wasn’t much to tell. Drew’s locked down tight and close lipped about whatever is troubling him. I’m sure he’ll figure it out on his own.

  Obviously we were all concerned for him. Drew had always been vibrant and full of life, eager to learn and grow immensely. So when the headmaster reached out to Edward in regard to Drew’s sudden withdraw, we knew we had to get down to the heart of the matter. Edward had made weekly trips to the school to check in on Drew, and each time he was dismissed as though there was no cause for concern.

  As we entered the hall, Drew exited the library leaving the door open wide. The Queen sat with her face in her hands, obviously stressed beyond disbelief over Drew’s situation.

  I released Edward’s hand and tried to hurry my steps, but my round belly had me wobbling unevenly rather than walking faster. “Don’t you dare, Drew,” I called ahead.

  He swung around and stared me down, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for me to catch up. “I’m in no mood for more sage advice, Maggie, really.”

  I realized as I approached him how much of a young man he’d grown into as I had to lean my head back to make eye contact. Standing at six-feet-one, it was safe to say he towered over me and still had room to grow.

  “No lip, Drew. By the looks of your mother, I’d say the two of you have already minced words, but surely you wouldn’t dare to be cruel and hurtful to a woman with child,” I challenge him with my brow cocked.

  He looks back toward Edward and then down to me, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

  I took that as cue that I’d broke the barrier holding him in silence and walked ahead of him sure that he’d follow. Each step was painful, my back aching and throbbing under the weight of my heavy belly. I made it to the garden and sat in the rocker, taking a deep sigh to ease the pain.

  Drew found his way toward me and sat on the bench next to me, looking around to make sure nobody was near to overhear our conversation.

  “I can remember the first day I met you. You weren’t happy to have a new tutor, and you doubted my abilities to teach you and Abigail. It’s pitiful to admit, but I was intimidated by a twelve-year-old. Now look at you eighteen, a mirror image of Edward, minus the cocky attitude and flirtatious personality, and in your first year of university. You have an amazing life ahead of you as Prince, responsibilities that will weigh heavily on your shoulders, but if any one man in this family was destined to rule all of England, it was you, Prince Drew.” He scrubbed his hand down his face and stared off into the distance, remaining silent.

  “Drew, whatever it is, you can share with me, and it won’t go any further. Promise.”

  “It’s not what’s wrong, Maggie, but what’s right.” He sighs, the defeat in his voice intense.

  “I don’t follow, Drew.”

  “You said it perfectly. I have my whole life ahead of me, as perfect as it may seem. It’s anything but.” He stared at me for a moment then asked, “What if I’m more like Edward than any of us realized?”

  “What do you mean, Drew?”

  “Flirtatious, irresponsible? Ready to escape the Royal life just for lo—”

  I stared blankly as his words registered. The headmaster contacted Edward weeks ago concerned with Drew’s sudden change in behavior. His grades were slipping, he’d secluded himself from friends, and his demeanor was no longer strong and confident, but cocky and dismissive. Edward and The Queen had tossed around ideas of possibly being bullied, though who would bully a royal; perhaps he’d been enticed with drugs? Suddenly the lightbulb of recognition flickered and I realized what the problem had been all along.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Eliza Noble, and she’s turned my world upside down.

  Royal Academy



  “Geez, it's cold as balls out here,” I said as the doorman opened the heavy glass double doors of my condo building, and I stepped out into the frigid cold. I couldn't help but to verbalize my thoughts to him when the wind hit my face, I liked that he got a chuckle out of it. January was always cold in London, but today seemed to be a tad nippier than usual.

  “Running late today, Prince Drew?” he asked as he glanced down at his watch then back up at me.

  Henry, as observant as ever, was correct. I wasn’t late per se, as I was always early to the university library to study before heading to class.

  “First day of winter semester. Luckily I’ve already impressed all my professors with my charming good looks, intelligence, and wit, so they might just overlook any tardiness.” As usual, Henry had pulled the Range Rover in front of the building, ready for my departure.

  “I’m sure indeed. Have a great day, Your Highness.” I slid behind the wheel of the SUV, praising the gods for heated seats and the heated steering wheel as Henry closed the door. I buckled up, put the SUV into drive, and navigated onto the cobblestone street. Whitby University wasn’t but a four block drive from the condo, the perfect proximity for a crisp morning walk to class. Okay, so maybe in October, but not in this blistery mess. Snow coated the sidewalks and roads, and I’d have to take extra caution in case of black ice.

  Although I was running behind my usual schedule, I had a full day of classes and would need caffeine to jump start my brain. As I pulled into The Pour Pauper, my favorite local café, I parked at the end of the lot, adjacent to the front entrance, to keep the Range Rover from being parked near other vehicles. I was meticulous in caring for my belongings—wealthy or not.

  I exited the vehicle and clicked the key fob, the familiar double tweet of the alarm system letting me know that the vehicle was locked.

  “Shit!” a delicate voice declared. I looked up and noticed a female form standing in front of an open hood, waving her hand through the steam that rolled from beneath the hood. Even I would know what that meant.

  My pace slowed as I approached her. She was dressed in a Houndstooth coat that covered her bottom, so no getting a look at that. Her long strawberry blonde hair was blowing with the blustery wind, and a small smear of grease kissed her cheek. I was intrigued, to say the least.

  “Pardon me,” I spoke in her direction. “Do you need some assistance?”

  She looked up at me, and I swear to God, my heart almost stopped beating for a second. Bloody hell! She was fucking gorgeous.

  I had to steady myself just to hear what she was saying. Her eyes were some sort of bewitching green, though they looked almost as clear as glass. They were mesmerizing and as soon as they locked into mine I was a goner. Her skin was smooth and creamy, and the way her hair fell around her face took my breath. I never believed in love at first sight before today, but this girl was making me question everything. She was beautiful!

  “I'm sorry, what?” she replied in a voice that was as soothing as a purring cat.

  Damn, now I was in a fog.

  “Do you need me to help you with something?” I managed to get out a sentence at least, however choppy it may have sounded.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she looked at me as if she was in a trance.

  “Miss?” I prodded. Her silence was puzzling. Did she recognize me? Was she simply frustrated with her car problems? I wouldn’t know because she appeared mute at the moment.

  “I'm sorry.” She shook her head and looked away. “No, I can manage.” I could hear the sneer in her voice even though she did well to hide it from her face.

  She turned back toward the car and leaned inside the hood as if she knew what she was doing, although I had a sneaking suspicion that she did not.

  I quirked my brow, curious why she was being so brash. “Are you sure?” I asked, hoping she'd let me help. “I could call a tow company if you’d like. I’m sure the radiator will need to be repaired.”

  “Yes, I'm sure,” she said in a tone that wasn’t very friendly. “What do you know about a radiator?” She thrust her palms against her hips in a defiant stance as she barked at me. Yes, at this moment she was quite the bitch. “I can call someone if necessary.”

  I inwardly chuckled to myself then smiled in delight. “Okay, I was only asking.”

  Her tone bit me, and it wasn’t necessary. I mean, she was the one standing in front of a dented, old hatchback with the hood up. I understood her irritation, but there was no call in taking those frustrations out on me. I was only offering to help the poor wretch.

  Oh well, fuck her.

  “She can give that thing a botch job if she wants to,” I muttered as I walked toward the café.

  I waved at Ariand as I entered and took a seat at the high-top table in the corner. I was a regular here, and Ariand knew my order by heart it seemed—a sesame seed bagel with light cream cheese and a double shot mocha latte, extra steam and heavy cream. I’d need the caffeine to make it through classes.

  I stewed over the young lady’s stubbornness, and it infuriated me that I, Prince Drew Harrington, heir to the crown, was snubbed off by a commoner. After being courteous and kind.


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