Bucking Wild

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Bucking Wild Page 56

by Maggie Monroe

  “What if you wanted to be a doctor or an engineer? Or an artist?” She smiled slyly.

  I chuckled. “I don’t think my dad would have gone for that.” I stretched one leg out over the pier boards. “I never asked. I never thought about doing something else.”

  “I guess that’s like ballet and me. I started dancing when I was three and it was in my soul.” She squeezed my hand. “I can’t imagine being anything else either.”

  “Do you like Texas now that you’ve been here?” I wondered if she felt the same homesickness her mother did.

  “It’s not Paris, that’s for sure.” She giggled. “And when we moved, I was a senior in high school. There’s no worse time to have to change schools. Everyone already knew each other and they were applying for colleges. I didn’t even know what the SAT was. It was a miserable year. I missed my friends. I missed Madame Collette. I missed my studio. I missed my dad, even though he was a complete asshole.” She stopped to drink her coffee.

  “What was so different when you moved?”

  “I don’t know if it was all the big trucks. Or the hats. Or maybe it was how everyone said hey and y’all. It took a long time to adjust. Everyone was welcoming, much warmer than my friends in France, but it didn’t mean I understood it right away. Texans are unique. And my mom always seemed French to me. I never saw her in her home element until we moved to take care of my grandmother. Now I know she’s really a southerner at heart. She either changed a lot for my dad or changed when we moved back. I don’t know. But there’s a huge difference between living in Paris and Dallas.”

  “I can see that. But I’ve never been to Paris. Hard to compare.”

  “You should go.” Her eyes lit up.

  “Maybe some day.” I wondered what it would be like to walk through the streets with Natalia. She could show me where she lived and went to school. Maybe I’d pick up some of that dirty French she always whispered in my ear. I shook my head. I was getting ahead of myself.

  “All right, so you moved, and what changed things for you? Why haven’t you moved back?” For all I knew that could be her plan. Maybe she was saving up to get back to France.

  “My mom made sure I went to the School of the Arts and once I was there for college, I found my place. I made friends. It made Texas feel like home. Plus, she lives in Dallas, and I don’t want to leave her here with no family. It wouldn’t seem right after everything she’s done for me.”

  I didn’t think about my parents like that. I never felt as if I owed them a damn thing. I loved them—that wasn’t it. But my success was their success. I carried on the legacy of my dad’s name every time I hit the field. I didn’t owe him for that. Sometimes I thought it was the other way around.

  “What do you say we take a walk around the lake before we drive out of here?” I suggested.

  “Sounds good.” She stood and folded the blanket. It was starting to warm up now that the sun was off the horizon. “I’ll get this when we come back.”

  We left our coffee cups with the blanket.

  I felt her hand slide into mine as we started on the small boardwalk that lined the property. It only wrapped part way around the lake before it turned into a state park area that was all natural.

  The sun glistened on Natalia’s hair. I pulled my phone from my back pocket.

  “I have to get a picture of this.” I held the camera toward her and she smiled. The lake was bright blue behind her. “You look sexy as hell right now.”

  I looked at the picture I had taken. She’d never looked more gorgeous than she did like this.

  “What about one of us together?” she suggested. “We’ve never taken one. Is it okay, you think?

  “Of course.” I didn’t have any pictures of us together. I held my phone out and took a few snaps. She kissed me on the cheek in one and we were laughing in another.

  She pointed at my phone. “Guard those with your life,” she instructed.

  “Worried I’m going to post them somewhere?” I teased.

  “No. I trust you. But really, don’t email them to your parents.” Her arched eyebrows rose in perfect symmetry.

  “Yeah, I’m not bringing them into this yet. My mom would want to take you shopping and show you my baby book along with every damn football trophy I have. Besides, they’re in east Texas at a very safe distance.”

  “I like shopping and I like baby books.” She laughed.

  “Come on.” I tugged on her hand. “We have to get going.”

  Her lips pinched together in a pouty frown. “We do?”

  “I’m afraid so, baby.” I pulled her to my chest. I felt her curves align against my body. I leaned to brush my lips against her mouth.

  Her delicate fingers circled my neck, drawing me closer. “Let’s stay,” she whispered.

  “God, you’re killing me. I want to. You’re a fucking temptress. You know that?”

  She moaned, nipping at my lips. If we weren’t outside in the bright sunlight, I’d show her exactly how tempted she made me. But there were boaters on the lake and the owners were somewhere on the property.

  “Your temptress,” she purred.

  I closed my eyes. “Let’s get out of here, or this entire lake is going to see what we do best together.”

  She swallowed hard and blushed. “Sam, I don’t know whether to stop you or let you do it.”

  I laughed. “We still have the cabin for thirty minutes. Come on.”

  I would have rented the damn cabin for the entire week, but we both had work waiting for us. I’d take a beating in practice tomorrow and Natalia was preparing for a road game. We couldn’t shack up all week and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist.

  I drove back to the city with the taste of her still on my lips.

  I had every intention of asking her to move in with me again, but I wanted last night to be about her. I wanted to show her another side of me. A side a beautiful French ballerina would want. Romance and attentiveness. I wanted to listen to her talk, and hold her while she came. I wanted to give her a perfect night, so she’d want more.

  I slammed my hand on the wheel. It was perfect. All my moments with her were.

  I pulled into the parking garage and took the elevator to my floor. I locked the door behind me. There had to be a way to get her here. She didn’t need Austin or the Warriors. I’d hire the best trainer. She would have her position back as prima ballerina. I could guarantee it.

  I walked into the spare bedroom in my apartment. I didn’t know if I could transform it into the same type of studio she had, but there was nothing stopping me from moving. We could have a bigger place. Somewhere that was ours that she could deck out with whatever equipment dancers needed.

  I picked up my phone and called the agent for my building.

  “Hey, it’s Sam Hickson. I want to talk to you about moving.”

  The agent sounded startled. “Mr. Hickson, it’s so good to hear from you.”

  “Thanks. What’s open in the building?”

  “We have a studio on the first floor.” He sounded as if he was looking through his listings. “There is a four-bedroom for sale above you, but that’s a lot of space for a single guy.”

  “I’ll take it.” I was quick to respond.

  “But you haven’t seen it. We haven’t talked price.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I knew what was in my bank account and I knew the going rate for units in this building. I could buy it and list this one.

  “Would you like to see it?”

  “How about now?”

  “Yes, of course. Now works for me. I’ll meet you there with the keys. The owners have already moved out, so it’s vacant. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Even better. I’ll walk upstairs.”

  I hung up and grabbed my keys. I hadn’t worried about finding a bigger place because I didn’t need room for anyone other than myself. An extra room made my apartment plenty big. I usually met the guys at their places or the bars, and I either worked out at
the team facilities or in the gym downstairs.

  I climbed the stairs to the next floor. Phil was waiting for me.

  “I think you’re going to like this place.” He jingled the keys in his hand.


  He opened the door and I stepped inside. It looked like my model, only everything was bigger. There were two bedrooms grouped together, one off of the living room and the master suite at the end of a long hallway. I pushed the door open. I could see it. I could see our lives here.

  I turned and almost smacked into Phil. “When I can put in the offer?”

  “Today, if you want. I’ll get started on the paperwork.”

  “Do it.” I looked at the hardwood floors. They needed to be refinished. The kitchen needed new tile. “How soon can I close? I want to get a remodeling crew up here immediately.”

  “Uh, I’d have to check with the sellers, but I see no reason we can’t do it quickly.”

  “I’ll pay cash, so you don’t have to worry about a bank holding us up. And I don’t need an inspection. I’ll take it as-is. I have a lot of plans for the space.”

  Phil looked stunned. “That’s excellent news. I’ll call the sellers immediately and get everything ready for you.”

  “Great. Call me when it’s ready to sign.”

  I walked out of the apartment and jogged down the stairs to my own place. This was how I was going to do it. I’d build her a studio. I’d show her the life we could have together.

  I understood she wanted to make money and stand on her own. I respected that, but it was keeping us apart when we should be together. I didn’t want to pay her to be my girlfriend—I tried to explain to her it wasn’t like that. I’d pay the bills and the mortgage while she focused on ballet. It wasn’t a paid relationship.

  Sneaking around like this wasn’t going to work. If the Goddesses found out, they would fire her. I knew they had strange traditions, as did our dance team. The girls took some things more seriously than the players.

  And then it hit me. I scrolled through my phone and looked at the pictures we took together this morning on the lake before we left.

  It was shitty. But I knew exactly how to free Natalia so she could do what she really loved.



  Road trips were not my favorite thing. I threw my warm up outfits in a bag along with my makeup case. I also didn’t want to admit that flying out of state meant being far from Sam. It sounded silly, but I didn’t want to be farther away from him than I had to be.

  He promised me another trip to Canyon Lake when we both had a day off again.

  I hadn’t seen him in six days and I missed him. We talked every night, but it wasn’t the same. He texted throughout the day, but I wanted to kiss him. He sent me flowers in the middle of the week, and I wanted to jump in his arms to thank him.

  I hated to admit it, but maybe he was right. Maybe being in two different cities was too hard. I struggled with the decision, but I wanted to finish the season with the Goddesses. There was a part of me that knew I had taken someone else’s spot at try outs. There was a girl out there who dreamed of being a Goddess her entire life, and I made the cut and she didn’t.

  What did it say to her if I walked away? What did it say to the other girls on the team if I left before the playoffs? Part of being a dancer meant supporting the other dancers. It wasn’t only about me. I didn’t think I had made that clear to Sam. Ballet would be there when I was done with this commitment. I had to pray he would be too.

  I zipped up my bag and hauled it to the front door. We had several press events and a big part in the halftime show. There was more packing required than usual and the bag felt too heavy.

  Heather and Presley met me at the gates of the squad entrance.

  “Ready to fly?”

  “I’m all packed.” I held up my bags. I smiled brightly.

  “This is going to be amazing,” Heather helped me put my bag on the cart. “I love traveling.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder. “Is there anything about being a Goddess you don’t love?” I teased.

  “Not a thing,” she answered. “It’s the best job in the world.”

  Presley puckered her lips and applied a layer of lipgloss. “The best. Why would you want to do anything else? We dance. We travel. The men love us.” She laughed.

  I tried to keep a straight face. “That’s true.”

  She smacked her lips together. “We know you want to go back to the ballet. But could you least pretend you’re having some fun?”

  “You know what? I am having fun.” I giggled. “I appreciate what you all have done for me. I do.” I pulled them into a hug.

  “Whoa, what’s gotten into you, honey?” Heather asked.

  “Nothing. I just wanted you to know how much I love being a Goddess. Being a part of the team.”

  Presley eyed Heather. “Is she drunk? Did I just hear her say that?”

  “I’m not drunk.” My eyebrows rose.

  “Ahh, there it is. That admonishing tone we love so much. Okay, it’s her.” Presley winked.

  “I don’t admonish,” I argued.

  They folded their arms and stared at me.

  “Maybe a little bit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t do that. It’s a very bad ballet habit.”

  “You blame the ballet?” Heather wasn’t convinced. I actually felt a little hurt. I didn’t realize they thought of me that way.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. Madame Collette was very opinionated. And she practically raised me, so maybe a little of the dance snobbery rubbed off on me. Okay?”

  They both smiled. “We’re just giving you a hard time, Natalia. We know it’s different being a Goddess. But we still love you.”

  I sighed. “Thank God. I was starting to think you weren’t going to let me travel this weekend.”

  “And mess up the halftime show? You’re crazy. Maybe she is drunk.” Presley still wasn’t convinced.

  We climbed onto the bus together. It was a quick ride to the airport and from there, we would fly to DC.

  For the first time I felt as if I had this all figured out.

  I sent Sam a quick text.

  Headed to the airport for DC. I’ll miss you.

  I waited until my phone buzzed.

  Don’t stay gone long.

  I started to giggle and covered my mouth.

  “Who are you texting over there?” Presley leaned over the seat.

  I turned my phone facedown. “Something funny I read.”

  Heather grinned. “I think you have a boyfriend and you aren’t telling us.”

  “No. No way.” I shook my head.

  “Something has you all giddy and mysterious. It’s been going on for weeks. I can tell.”

  “Nothing is going on.” My voice must have returned to ballerina status, because their eyes widened. “Sorry, I did it again, didn’t I?”

  They nodded.

  I had that nervous feeling in my stomach. The same one from the conversation when Heather admitted she knew about Sam and me. Although, this time, it wasn’t only about the money. I didn’t want to lose this. I was finally happy. Everything in my life was bliss. Sam. Dancing. I could wear my pointe shoes. It was perfect.

  “Tell him you’ll be home Sunday night and we’ll take care of you,” Heather instructed.

  I smiled. “Not necessary, but thank you.”

  I settled into my seat as the bus driver closed the doors. In a few minutes, we’d be on the tarmac and in the air.



  We won our game Sunday, but after the first few snaps, I realized Wes wasn’t throwing to me. He was still pissed about last week. I tried to talk to him on the sideline, but he walked the other direction. I was going to have to prove myself again. Fuck.

  This was one time I wished I had the power to get Coach to call the plays. He wanted Wes to throw to me, but the quarterback called the shots once we stepped on the field. He didn’t trust me, and it show

  I sat in the locker room after the game and waited for the room to clear. Wes was dressed in his dark suit. He had to move over to the press room in a few minutes.

  “Hey, man. Can we talk?” I cornered him by the mirrors.

  “Yeah. I have a minute. I’m waiting on the golf cart.”

  “Look, I know I fucked up last week. But what happened out there today? I can catch the damn ball.”

  His hand landed on my shoulder. “You blocked today. That was your job. And you did a damn good job keeping the defenders off our asses. So thank you.” He paused, and his eyes hardened. “But if you ever drop another pass in the end zone again, I swear…”

  “Blakefield, they’re ready for you.”

  He looked at me. “Catch what I’m saying?”

  I glared at him. “Throw me the fucking ball next week.” I walked away from him.

  I had it today. I could feel it. Everything was together. I had closed on the new apartment. The construction started tomorrow. It was only a matter of a couple weeks before I could move Natalia in. If he had thrown the ball to me at all, I could have given him twenty yards. But no, the bastard passed it off to Persons or threw it to Stubbs. He used me as a wall.

  I picked up my bag. I remembered what Natalia had told me at the cabin. She didn’t let one mistake define her life. She was back in her shoes, preparing for auditions. I couldn’t let one dropped pass be the end of my relationship with the quarterback. I needed him and he needed me.

  I lugged my Wranglers bag over my shoulder and stepped into the tunnel outside the locker room. The Fillies were grouped together, talking about going out.

  “Hey, Sam.” One of them turned around and waved.

  “Hey, Vanessa.” They reminded me of Natalia. I wondered how her halftime show went today. I wondered if she was in the air flying home.

  “Want to go get a drink with us?” she asked.

  “I think I’ll pass. I’m pretty worn out, girls.”

  She pouted. “You never come out with us anymore. Last year you were so much fun.”

  Last year I took advantage of every new opportunity. I had rookie fever—no doubt. But I had someone in my life and I wasn’t going to fuck it up.


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