Bucking Wild

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Bucking Wild Page 69

by Maggie Monroe

  “I don’t want my last two days of the summer to be like this,” I tried to explain. “I’m happy with you. I’ve loved this week.”

  There was something new in his eyes. Determination. Pain. I couldn’t figure it out.

  “Then two days it is.”

  “That’s it?” I asked. “You’re ok, with seeing how the two days go?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” He shrugged, pushing himself off the bed. He walked to the bathroom.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” I held up one of the white paper bags.

  “I think I’ll take a shower. Not that hungry.”

  I didn’t want to correct him. He had been starving. So hungry he rushed to the grill.


  He closed the door behind him, and I wondered how in the hell we were going to make it through the next two days without breaking each other’s hearts all over again. It seemed like it might be the thing we were best at.


  There had been so many things I had neglected since I’d left the island, I didn’t know where to start to repair them all.

  Blake had left a few hours ago. He said he was supposed to meet Cole at the barn to talk about opening the boat business again to his family. I knew it wasn’t the right time to start asking questions.

  This morning had been amazing and a disaster.

  My finger trailed over the address book Aunt Lindy kept next to her phone in the kitchen. There were other ways I could track down Emily, but this one would work.

  I dialed the number and waited for her to answer.


  “Emily, it’s Sierra.”


  “Yeah, hey. I know this is weird calling out of the blue, but I’m at Aunt Lindy’s and I found your number. So I thought I’d call and say hi.”


  I chewed my lip. I was too nervous to get the courage to keep talking.

  “Sorry about your aunt,” she offered.

  “Thank you. I inherited the estate. I’ve been on the island a couple of weeks trying to clean out the house.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a big undertaking.”

  I smiled. It was almost as if she were here. “It is. Bigger than I thought.”

  “Do you maybe want some help?”


  “I could drive over for a few hours. I could help you for a little bit. If you want.”

  I had to stop from squealing. “I would love that. I’d love to see you.”

  “Ok, I’m about thirty minutes away, so give me about an hour and I’ll be there.”

  I clutched the phone in my hand. “Thank you.” I hadn’t even bothered to ask where she lived now or what she did. I guessed we could catch up on all those things when she arrived.

  An hour later I had my former best friend wrapped in a bear hug. I greeted her on the porch and almost cried from happiness.

  “You look amazing.” She glanced at me.

  “And I love your hair.” She was always the cute petite one. We were yin and yang. And it worked for us.

  “Thanks. I thought short summer cut for the summer. You know?”

  I led her inside. “Thanks for offering to help me out. I’m so overwhelmed and I have to leave in two days.”

  “Two days?” She seemed surprised.

  “You sound like Blake.”

  “Blake?” Her mouth fell open.

  “Shit,” I whispered. I wasn’t going to talk about him.

  “You and Blake?”

  I sat at the kitchen table. I nodded. “Sort of. Yes.”

  “Ok. So I know we haven’t talked in eight years. But you have to tell me what’s going on.”

  I laughed. I realized it didn’t matter how many years had passed. We were Emily and Sierra. Best friends for life.

  “We ran into each other and one thing led to another and we’ve been seeing each other.” I left out a majority of the story. My eyes went to hers. “And I told him the truth, Emily. I told him I was pregnant.”

  “Oh. Wow. How did he take it?”

  “Ehh. I think ok. We haven’t really talked about it much. The baby that is. I think he needed the truth. He deserved the truth. But it hurt him about his dad.” I lowered my eyes. “And now I’ve screwed everything up again by not agreeing to move to Florida with him.”

  “What? He wants you to move to Florida?”

  “Yeah. Don’t you think that’s a little fast? I mean we just reconnected. And it’s heavy. Right? Our past is heavy.”

  She leaned in toward me and I realized how good it felt to unburden myself to someone. Especially someone who knew who I used to be. Someone who knew Blake before he was an iconic playboy.

  “First of all … how did you say no? Second of all …he is sexy as hell. How did you say no?”


  “Not really an answer. He is basically the hottest guy on the planet. A guy who used to be very much in love with you. And he wants you to move in with him?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “And it’s too fast, why?”

  “I have a career. I have a life in Dallas. I have people.” Although I couldn’t think of any of them at the moment.

  “Right. And you’re going to tell me for the past eight years you haven’t thought about Blake Wyatt?”

  I shook my head. “Every day.”

  “Then go with him.”

  “I wish it was that easy.”

  “Maybe it is, girl.”

  I looked at my friend. From her view it was simple. But from where I was sitting, it was anything but. Life with Blake couldn’t be more complicated.



  A few hours later I looked up from one of the cardboard boxes I had packed full of salt and pepper shakers. Emily was knee deep in casserole dishes.

  “I had no idea your aunt had so much stuff.”

  “Me either.”

  The sun was starting to go down.

  “How about a glass of wine?” I offered. “We should take a break.”

  Emily smiled. “That sounds good, but what do you think about going to the Dock House?”

  “Really? You want to drive over there?”

  “Yes. Let’s go. We could never get in when we were in high school. There’s always music.”

  “I might have gone earlier in the week with Blake.”

  She laughed. “Of course you did. Want to go with your friend?”

  I looked at her. “I’d love to. Let’s do it.”

  “I’ll drive,” she offered. “I remember what a light weight you used to be.”

  “Hey.” I took pretend offense.

  As soon as we arrived I scanned the deck full of people crowding in front of the Dock House stage. There were sunburned tourists everywhere.

  “I’ve never seen so many people here. This band must be really good,” Emily commented.

  There were no drums or other musical equipment on the stage—only a couple amps and a microphone in the center—and crisscross lights were strung over the platform.

  A hush seemed to settle over the crowd, but it was disturbed when one of the groupies up front began to squeal. “Here he comes!”

  A tall form ambled across the dark stage to the center and turned his back to the concertgoers. I could make out the outline of a guitar strapped on the singer’s back, but nothing more.

  He turned around as the stage lights came up and began to strum the opening notes of a familiar song. A deep, ultra-sexy voice belted out the lyrics, and it was a moment before I processed the crooner standing about five feet in front of me. I felt Emily pull on my arm, but all I could focus on were those bedroom eyes and that voice. Blake.

  He had now reached the chorus, and the crowd joined in a sing-along, hoisting their drinks in the air. He smiled and sauntered across the stage, winking at his front-row fan club along the way.

  “Did you know he could play like this?” Emily yelled over the noise.

  I shook my head and followed him as he made his way back to the center, closing in on the song’s finale. I hadn’t imagined this drop-dead gorgeous man could be one bit hotter. Not for the first time this summer, he proved me wrong again. My pulse raced when I saw him search the crowd, glance past the shrieking girls, and lock eyes with me.

  “Thank you,” he said over the applause and wolf whistles. “Thank you for coming out tonight.”

  The cheers erupted.

  He adjusted his guitar and continued. “It’s great to be around so many old friends at the Dock House. I hope you won’t mind if I test out some new material.”

  The crowd roared again. I looked around at the happy audience smiling and shouting for more from the man who had rocked my world more than once.

  “I’d like to dedicate this one to a special summer friend,” he muttered into the mic.

  I stood behind the row of screaming girls, trying to absorb everything that was happening. As soon as Blake’s words launched into the bar, everything else around me faded to black. The only two people in the room were Blake and me.

  Baby, they say summer love comes and goes

  Comes and goes

  Like birds flying south

  Tourists leaving town

  We’ve been dancing nights so close under the sky

  I see it when I look in your eyes

  I’m not sure I can let go of this swing we’ve found

  Can we chase it and never come down?

  But it doesn’t matter what I’m sayin’

  I’m goin’ to love you while the sun is hot and the waves are warm

  So dance with me, baby, like tomorrow is September

  We’ll always have the summer to remember

  Baby, they say summer love comes and goes

  Comes and goes

  Like birds flying south

  Tourists leaving town

  Before you go, give me one more night on the beach

  So I can hold you in my arms and kiss you deep

  They say summer love comes and goes

  Comes and goes

  Like birds fling south

  Tourists leaving town

  The meaning of the words started to sink into my head as he looked directly into my eyes. For a moment, it felt like he could see deep into my soul, but surely that couldn’t be? Did he mention their swing in the song, and their nights on the beach? It felt personal and intimate. Almost as intimate as giving her body to him.

  No guy had ever sung me a song, much less written one that hit me from all sides.

  “He’s really good.” Emily interrupted my thoughts. “Can you believe he wrote it?”

  I shook my head. “He mentioned he played open mic nights. But this? I had no idea.”



  One full set and an encore later, I retired to the bar to enjoy a well-deserved beer. Or five.

  “You were great tonight, man.” Cole slapped me on the back. “The girls were loving it.”

  “Thanks.” I settled onto a bar stool and swigged the cool liquid.

  “I think I have your two newest fans here. They might want autographs.”

  “Seriously, Cole? Enough with the fan boy stuff.” I saw Sierra and Emily from high school approach from behind my tall cousin.

  “You were amazing, Blake,” Emily exclaimed. She leaned in for a hug. I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I remembered she knew Sierra’s secret and had kept it. I didn’t know whether that made her a loyal friend or someone I should be wary of.

  “Thanks. Good to see you.”

  For some unexplainable reason, Sierra seemed a tad tongue-tied and nodded her head in my direction.

  “Come here, darlin’.” I pulled her between my legs. “You look like you could use a drink.”

  “No Long Island Ice Teas though.” She cracked a smile.

  “What do you say we have one drink and hit the road?” I asked.

  “If we can make it past your adoring fan club,” Sierra quipped. “You’re quite the local celebrity. Or national celebrity. I’m sort of confused right now.”

  “Don’t get so testy, darlin’,” I battled back. “I just like to sing some songs every now and then. No big deal. I didn’t even know you were showing up.”

  “I didn’t either. Emily suggested it.”

  I nodded at her friend.

  “Maybe I should head on back,” Emily piped in. “You can take care of this one?” She pointed to Sierra.

  “Of course. I’ll take care of her.”

  Emily stopped to hug Sierra before she left. I heard them exchange something about trying to keep in touch. I drank my beer and ordered Sierra a drink.

  I placed the glass of wine in front of her.

  “So are we ok, Blake?” She looked at me.

  “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  She took a sip. “Because of this morning.” She stared at me.

  “Let’s have our drinks. Listen to some music.” I brushed the hair off her shoulder. “And then I’m going to take you home.”

  “So we can finish having this talk?”

  I laughed. “No, so I can fuck you properly. Now drink up.” I tapped at her wine glass. I was ready to get the hell out of here.

  “Well, look at you.” I spun on my barstool and came eye to eye with my cousin Alex.

  “Hey, man. How’s it going?” I slapped him on the back. “Ready for tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Wait, is this Sierra Emory?” His eyes landed on her.

  She blushed. “Hi, Alex. I haven’t seen you in a while. I think you were in middle school last time.”

  “Yeah, and tomorrow I’m getting married.”


  “That’s right. My little cousin is tying the knot.” I hadn’t thought much about the wedding. I had the invitation plastered to the fridge with a magnet so I wouldn’t forget it.

  “Oh, wow. Congratulations. Who is the lucky girl?” Sierra asked.

  “You wouldn’t know her. She’s not from the island. But she’s a sweetheart.”

  “That’s good to know. I hope it’s a beautiful wedding.”

  Alex grinned widely. “You’re taking her aren’t you, Blake?”

  I balked in my seat. What the hell? “I didn’t think it was a date kind of thing.” Nothing on the island was fancy. Clam bakes at Shirley’s were as sophisticated as it got around here.

  “Oh, no. That’s ok. Thanks, Alex. I’m sure your fiancé wouldn’t want to add a last minute guest like that,” Sierra hurriedly assured.

  And with that subtle hint, I felt Sierra slipping back into her shell. Slipping back into that place that made her feel like she didn’t belonged here. That somehow she didn’t deserve this place and the people who lived here.

  “Of course I’m taking her,” I spoke up. I grabbed her hand against her knee and grinned. “Sexiest date on the island belongs to me.” I winked.

  Alex laughed. “Then I’ll see you there.”

  Sierra twisted her full lips together. I could tell I had taken her off guard.

  “Yep. You’ll see us there.”

  Alex walked away to join the guys in his bachelor party. He was going to be a groom with one hell of a hangover tomorrow.

  “Wedding?” Sierra cocked an eyebrow up.

  “What? He looked disappointed. And I need a date.”

  “And you’re sure you want me to be that date?”

  My palms lifted to her face, drawing her to me. “I want you, Sierra Emory. You hear me?”

  She nodded as I took her lips. I didn’t care if everyone in this damn bar saw me kiss the hell out of her. She was mine. And it was time I made sure she knew exactly how I felt. Things had been off today. We had fought. We had fallen back together.

  And tonight we would love each other until the sun came up.


  I walked with Sierra up the steps to the back door. She had been quiet on the way home. I knew she wanted to talk. But that was the farthest thing
on my mind. I stood next to the swing while she fiddled with the keys.

  I brushed her blond tresses from her shoulders so that her hair cascaded down her back.

  Sierra’s eyes closed from the contact.

  I looped my fingers through her hair, feeling the silkiness. I breathed into her neck. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do out here?”

  Her eyes fluttered open. “What’s that?”

  If she thought we were going to have some big talk, I had to shut it down. Talking was not on the menu.

  “I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me something first.”

  My hands slipped to her hips. I pulled on the edges of her short skirt.

  She nodded. “What’s the promise.”

  “No talking.” A mischievous grin spread across my face.

  Sierra laughed. “You don’t want to talk?”

  I pushed my finger to her lips and eyed her. “Do you promise or not?”

  She tried to arrange her face to make it look serious. “Ok. I promise.”

  “Good girl.”

  My mouth pressed against hers, willing her to part her lips for me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as the kiss in the summer night turned into something primal. She bit at my bottom lip, and then sighed when I crashed my lips harder against hers.

  “I’ve always wanted you on that swing.”

  She opened her mouth to tell me no. But I cut her off with one glance.

  “And tonight. You are mine on that swing.”

  I didn’t know what happened this morning. Why we argued. Why I let feelings get involved. What I did know was that I loved kissing her. Loved how she felt in my hands. Loved sinking into her. I wasn’t going to let this night go to waste. Not when I had two left.

  My hands gathered the edges of her tank top and tugged them over her head. She lifted her arms. Her eyes met mine as the shirt slid against her stomach, over her breasts, and along her arms. I dropped it on the porch.

  My tongue hungrily sought hers, needing to taste the sweetness of her mouth. The tighter I pulled her against me, the more I wanted her. Maybe it was because she wasn’t staying. Maybe I was desperate to memorize everything about her. If I kissed her enough. If I fucked her enough. Everything would change.


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