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George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

Page 5

by Scarlet Le Clair

  “What supply run? I don’t know-“I tried to play dumb but she cut me off.

  “Cut the crap George, I know that you and Will are planning something. Billy stopped by” she faked anger.

  Shit, that bloody Billy, he couldn’t keep a secret from her.

  I looked to the floor, embarrassed at being caught out.

  “So?” she demanded

  “So, what?”

  “What are you up to?”

  “It’s just a simple supply run, drive there, get the stuff, and come back.” I shrugged my shoulders trying to make it sound easy, avoiding her eyes.

  “George, we both know that in this world there is no such thing as simple. Sometimes the things you need maybe the closest to you or the furthest thing away. With multiple enemies waiting to hurt you.”

  I wasn’t sure if we were still talking about the supply run or something else. I was too chicken to ask.

  “Yeah, well I promise that I will protect both Will and Billy, we also have Adam coming with us and a couple of the general’s men. We are only driving twenty minutes away”

  “Ok then. But please be safe.”

  “I will” I lifted her hand and kissed it”

  “George, I-“

  We were interrupted by the doctor “Good afternoon both. Nia I’ve just come to top up your pain killers and your anti biotics. You’ve eaten your lunch, right?” Dr Wells asked.

  “Yep, all gone” Nia smiled, the doctor handed her three tablets.

  “A good appetite is a must have when you’re healing. So is rest” Doctor Annabelle looked straight at me.

  I smiled and tried to bat my eyelashes at her. It worked for Nia, why not for me?

  “Doesn’t work George.” Annabelle said but she did laugh and shake her head.

  The doc left and I could see the tablets were taking the edge off the pain but only for a short while as they were not strong enough. They did however make her sleepy and allowed her to get more rest that she normally would.

  We spoke a little bit more about the types of art supplies that she wanted and how she had always loved art. She also thought that the children would love it. I had to agree with that, in my experience there was nothing that children liked more than to get their little hands messy.

  “I’ll see you later sweetheart ok?” I smiled fondly, as she yawned loudly.

  “Please don’t go on the run before saying goodbye, Will, Adam and Billy too please”

  “We will stop by tonight and in the morning, I promise. As long as you promise to get some rest” I kissed her head and left, after she pinky swore to sleep some.

  It was strange that Will had not stopped by the hospital to visit Nia. I started in the direction of our living quarters when I bumped into a large, solid body running around the corner.

  We both went over with him landing on top of me, forcing the air from my lungs and winding me.


  “Ah hell sorry” Will apologised.

  He rolled off me, got up and extended his hand to help me up, which I gratefully took. I bent over at the waist trying to catch my breath. I tried to put my weight on my right ankle and a sharp pain shot up my leg .

  “You ok man?”

  “Yeah…just…winded” I huffed out.

  He led me over to a small wall and sat me down, sitting next to me.

  “I’m sorry, I had a wash then lay on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up and realised that I was late to visit Nia. I ran straight here and I guess I wasn’t looking where I was going”

  “That’s ok... she’s just…gone to… sleep” my breathing was getting easier.

  “Damn it” he sounded so sad that I immediately wanted to make him feel better.

  “I was with her though, took her some books.”

  “Thank you, G, since she is sleeping. Fancy going to the main gardens, they are doing a class on first aid?” he asked. We still hadn’t been given jobs and this would be a useful thing to learn. I’d done it years ago when Poppy was born but had never brushed up on it.

  “Sounds good” I tried to stand up and the pain crippled me. “Ah” I sucked in air through gritted teeth.

  “What’s wrong?” Will looked at me concerned.

  “I think I’ve twisted my ankle.”

  “That’s not good, come on let’s go to see Anna- I mean Dr Wells” I put my arm around his shoulders and he supported my weight.

  “Oh yes lets go see Annabelle” I mocked.

  “Shut up G” he said, he tried to look stern but I could see the hint of a smile around the corners of his mouth and definitely in his eyes.

  I was happy that he liked her too and hoped that they could make a go of it or at least keep each other happy for a short while in this dead world.

  It took us a while to get back to the hospital wing with me limping along and Will dragging me, I wasn’t exactly small or light.

  The doctor, who was sat at the nurse’s station with the man from earlier, jumped up as we hobbled in “What happened?” she frowned.

  “We bumped into each other, and this big lump landed on top of me. I think it’s twisted.” I tried not to moan but it hurt terrible, I’d always had a good pain threshold and it caused me to worry that id broken something.

  “Come into the ward and get him up onto a bed.”

  She entered the code for the ward and ushered us in, placing a finger to her lips to ask us to be quiet.

  Will helped me forward and hoisted me up onto the bed opposite Nia who was fast asleep.

  I tried hard not to call out loud when my ankle banged against the metal frame of the bed. I clamped my lips together so that the sound was like a strangled cry.

  “Careful” the doctor admonished Will.

  I lay back and closed my eyes, and tried to think of other things as the doctor pulled off my boot. She started to prod at my ankle, pressing her fingers into my flesh.

  I tensed up and held my breath, each time she poked my ankle it sent sparks of hot pain searing through it.

  “It’s severely swollen, I can’t feel a break. I think that it’s just badly sprained, but I can’t be sure. What I do know, is that you will have to keep off this leg for at least 48 hours. I may be able to tell more when the swelling goes down.”

  “Doc, I have the supply run tomorrow” I tried to get up, but she pushed me back down; she was surprisingly strong for her small size.

  “It hurts me to say it George but you’re not going anywhere on that foot. For the next 48 to 72 hours you are going to lie in this bed with your foot elevated, I’ll get you some cold packs to go on it and a support which will help to compress the wound and stop the swelling.”

  She turned and walked back through the door before I could argue any more. It was pointless anyway, I was no good to the men like this, I would only hinder them.

  “I’m sorry George” Will looked genuinely upset, the corners of his mouth were turned down. I could see the worry in his eyes.

  “Hey, it was an accident. I’m sorry I can’t come with you tomorrow. Want to ask if we can wait a few days?” I asked hoping that he would say yes. I was so looking forward to getting out of here for a few hours. Plus, we had become a team; it didn’t feel right with them leaving without me.

  “Nah its ok, it’s just a simple run, right? I’ll ask one of the other men to come with me.” He smiled and checked his watch.

  We chatted for a while longer about my visit with Nia and the job boards.

  It all sounds good, better to be safe than sorry and get the skills we need to survive, you never know what tomorrow will bring.” Was his response when I told him about the training sessions. He smiled and checked his watch.

  “I’d better go and round up the other guys to meet in the captain’s office. Ill check back in later.” He left quickly too, I think he was still feeling guilty for putting me in here.

  I looked across to Nia, she had slept through it all. She looked so peaceful.

  The door opened aga
in, the doctor entered, followed by Amy.

  “George this is Nurse May, she will look after you when I’m not around.” She nodded to the nurse standing on my left.

  “Please take these” the nurse held out two tablets for me and then a white plastic glass of water.

  “No thanks”

  She looked at the doctor, unsure on what she should do.

  “George, you’ll need the pain meds, they will help you to get comfortable and get the rest that you will need tonight.

  “Nope, keep them for Nia.” I shook my head, I would rather Nia get them, she was in hell of a lot more pain than I was. I would get by just fine.

  “I’m sure she will appreciate the offer. How about we do a deal?” the doctor had a glint in her eye.

  “I’m listening” I looked back at her suspiciously. My eyes flickered to the nurse who was watching our exchange, with interest.

  “How about you take these two, just for you to get a good rest tonight and I’ll see that Nia gets your ration of tablets tomorrow afternoon? She already gets her own in the morning and night.” The doctor offered.

  If I could help Nia to feel better and to heal quicker than I would “Ok then, sounds good to me” I nodded, the doctor smiled like the cat who got the cream. I had a feeling that she was used to getting her way.

  I thanked the nurse and took the two tablets off her, popping the both tablets at once and washing them down with the water that she held out to me.

  I swore under my breath and blushed as the doctor raised her eyebrows at me. “Sorry doc, that hurts” she was putting on the stretchy white bandage and placing my leg in a stirrup to keep it elevated.

  “Make sure to let either myself or Nurse May know if you need anything. We also have two trainees here called Ben and Nara who will check on you both in the nights.

  I nodded, “ok thanks.” I pulled the blanket up over me as best I could. It was chilly in the ward in the evenings.

  The Doctor gently woke Nia up for her check-up and tablets.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Nia’s eyes were wide in shock at seeing me in the bed across from her.

  I explained what had happened to me as the doctor did her thing.

  “I think Will just wanted to take me out of action for tomorrow so that he can get all the glory.” I finished smiling widely and tried to reassure Nia that I was ok.

  “Nia, do you need anything else?” The doctor asked after Nia had swallowed her pills.

  “Oh yes please Doctor Wells, please, please, please make George wear a hospital gown.” Nia’s eyes sparkled mischievously.

  “Oh, I will if he’s not a good patient. I’ll go and see if I have any gowns available. Then ill check what’s for dinner. Be good George” the Doctor winked at me and chuckled as she walked away.

  “So, I guess were roommates again?” Nia smiled at me.

  Maybe this stay wouldn’t be so bad after all, I thought to myself.

  Chapter 6

  The tablets hit me hard, I remember talking a little with Nia, but that’s it. I couldn’t even remember having dinner. But it was the best night’s sleep that I’d had in weeks, months even. I woke up feeling a lot stronger and a lot more alert than I had done in quite a while. My ankle still throbbed but didn’t hurt unless I tried to put weight on it or bumped it.

  One of the staff members had left crutches by the side of my bed. I wasn’t a stranger to them, id broken my leg on a skiing trip that Kelly and I had taken when were first dating and was on crutches for six weeks.

  Damn… Kelly. I closed my eyes, remembering how she looked on our wedding day. I was scared that my memory would fade and that one day I was going to forget how she smiled, how her hair fell, the sound of her laugh. I’d brought a photo album from home with loads of family pictures in it. It was under my bed in my room. I hadn’t opened it yet, I didn’t feel strong enough. Maybe one day soon.

  I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. Everything was quiet, Nia was reading.

  “Morning” I croaked.

  “Good morning sleepy head” she grinned.

  I sat up and swung my legs off the side of the bed, being careful not to hit my injured one.

  I poured a glass of water and pulled my crutches towards me.

  I got up slowly and made my way towards the bathroom, wobbling a little. I tested placing some weight on my foot but it was no use.

  As I got closer to Nia’s bed I noticed that she had an empty bowl by her bed. Id slept through breakfast.

  “What time is it?” I nodded to her bowl.

  “It’s around 11am maybe later.”

  “Wow, those meds are awesome” I stumbled into the bathroom and managed to use it without hurting myself further.

  When I re-entered the ward, the doctor was in there checking on Nia’s dressings.

  “Ah, its healing nicely, doesn’t seem to have any infection there. How does it feel?” she covered it up with a new dressing.

  “Yeah, its ok, it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. It’s more like an ache now.”

  “Yes, it was a bad cut, I’m sure that you will feel it for a while. But I’m pleased with your recovery. I’ll release you tomorrow but you’ll still need to rest it ok?”

  “Yes!” Nia was happy that she was getting out of the hospital.

  “Now George, how are you feeling today?” the doctor turned to me and walked to the side of my bed.

  “I’m ok. I had a good rest.” I was sitting on top of my covers still in my clothes from the day before.

  “I’m glad, you need to keep that foot up as much as possible again today. Will and your other friends stopped by today, to see you and Nia. Will left those” she pointed to some clothes draped over the chair on my left. I don’t know how I had missed them.

  “That’s great doc thanks.” I was grateful to have something clean to change into, but sad that I had not seen Will and the others to say good luck before they left.

  “Do you want some cereal? I can get someone to bring you some?”

  My stomach was growling at me, before the world I used to know ended I wasn’t a lover of cereal. Now id eat anything.

  “Yes please” I yawned, wow even after all that sleep I was still tired.

  She said someone would bring me some shortly, then disappeared back through the doors.

  “So, did Will and the boys seem ok? Who else went with them?” I was itching to be on the road with them. I also felt a little guilty that it was a mission that I had accepted and then invited them all to and I was the one that stayed behind.

  “They took an extra man from the captain’s crew. Will said that the captain is going to start asking the other survivors to start doing runs if this one is successful.”

  “Sounds good, he told me that his men are running thin. I’m thinking that once I get out of here that I’ll start taking classes. Survival ones.”

  “I’d like to as well, just the basic ones. I’ve thought about what you said George. I’m going to ask the captain about the assistant teacher position.” She looked happy. And it made my heart grow a little.

  “I think that you will be an amazing teacher, Nia, you’re kind and caring. The little ones will love you” I told her honestly.

  “Thank you, George. Any idea what job you will sign up for?”

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell her, I didn’t want to cause her any more worry.

  “Uh… I was thinking maybe supply runs?” I looked away from her, knowing what would come next.

  “George, no! are you serious! We finally have a safe place for all of us and you want to leave?” she asked sounding shocked.

  “Ni, I just need to get out of here, from behind these walls. It won’t be all the time. I just need to get away from… here”

  “Or is it because you want to get away from me?” she sounded hurt.

  “Ni, no. I care about you, Will and the others. We’re good friends. You just don’t get it, you never will” I shook my head at my outburst
and my inability to explain what I felt coped up in here.

  I didn’t want to say aloud what I truly felt in my heart. That if id tried harder to get back home then maybe my wife and children would be alive and here with me now. That it was all my fault that the three people that I cared the most about in the world were now six feet under.

  I closed my eyes and gulped, trying to hold back my own tears. Trying to keep the pain off my face.

  “I…” Her mouth opened like she wanted to say something else, her eyes were full of unshed tears.

  She turned on her side away from me.

  “Ni- “

  “Just leave it George, I get it. You can’t face me anymore. I understand that much”

  “no, it’s not-“ I tried to explain but she cut me off

  “I’m tired, I just want to sleep.”

  The door to the ward opened and in came a woman from the kitchen carrying a tray. She smiled widely, and came straight to my bed, placing the tray on my bedside table.

  “There you go sugar. I’ll be back later to collect the dishes” then she was gone.

  The tray contained, a little cup of milk, a bowl of cereal and a black cup of coffee. I was so grateful that he military still had cereal and coffee. They also had access to chickens and cattle.

  I pulled the tray onto my lap and used the milk for my cereal, leaving my coffee black. It was stronger that way and I hoped that it may wake me up a little more.

  I ate slowly, going over and over my conversation with Nia. She was reading way more into it than there really was. It wasn’t her or the others that I was trying to get away from. It was the two freshly covered graves outside.

  I cried silently into my coffee, I didn’t know what else to do. I hoped that when I went on runs that the adrenaline and danger would distract me even for a little while from the horror and agony that was now my reality.

  I placed my empty cup back on the tray and got off the bed, picking up the change of clothes that the boys had left for me.

  I hobbled once again as quietly as I could to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I stripped down and looked at myself in the mirror.

  My body was now hard and lean after months of very little food. I would have to start working on my fitness levels. My hair had gotten a little longer and I needed a shave.


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