George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

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George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead Page 8

by Scarlet Le Clair

  “Right then, let’s get to it, so that Will can go and give that coffee some sweet loving” the Captain grinned.

  Will and I nodded and Lt Jacks chuckled, I loved the Captains humour.

  “I’m leaving here in just under an hour. I’m taking a team of four men. We plan to go visit the sister site, and see what’s up. I’m hoping it’s just a problem with their coms system but it could be that they have been over run. If this is the case we will turn around and come back home. Lt Jacks here will be in charge. You will both start your fitness training today. Any questions?”

  “Is it just us two joining the ranks?” I honestly thought that there would have been more people lining up to join.

  “Yes, unfortunately most don’t want anything to do with the fight. They want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that nothing is happening outside of these gates. As you know Billy has already joined, the men that came in with you, the mechanics Lewis and John have joined us also. Your pal Adam is going to be sentry and construction, and to be honest we could use his strength for the construction side. All men and women will have the opportunity go through training if they want it. Most don’t.”

  I nodded, I understood in a way, why they were scared to get involved. The sad thing is that they would need this training to save their lives. They just couldn’t see it yet.

  “Ok then, I look forward to starting.”

  “Me too” Will took another long drink of my coffee and handed me back my mug. It only had a tiny drop left in the bottom.

  “Gee, thanks” I let all of my sarcasm shine through.

  “No problem” he got up and clapped me on the back.

  “Sir is it ok if we go and get a proper mug of coffee and change into workout clothes?” Will asked the Captain.

  “Of course, it is. I’ll send Lt. Jack to come and meet you in the canteen in a little while ok?”

  “Great thanks” we both got up and left, I followed Will out of the office and through the double doors at the end of the corridor. This brought us into the military living quarters where we currently slept also. Although it was a huge place and our rooms were across the other side.

  Will talked excitedly on the way to our rooms, I nodded along. Too excited to say anything. My mind was in overdrive. I never thought that I would be part of the army. But having something to occupy my mind, something that would benefit my friends, meant something to me and I was going to give it my all.

  “George? You still with me bud?” Will snapped his fingers in my face.

  “Uh? What? Oh, I’m sorry will I was lost in thought then. I’m pretty excited about this” I snapped back to Will and tried to focus on what he was saying.

  “Me too, that’s what I was saying. Let’s go into your room first George”

  I unlocked the door, it smelled like sweat and stale alcohol inside, so I opened the window to let the fresh air through.

  “What’s up?” I asked a serious looking Will.

  “Our ‘Gang’ had a meeting last night in my room. We discussed what jobs each of us were going to take on. Each of us thinks that it’s important to take on jobs that will benefit our group if we ever need to leave here. There was no question of if we will stay together. All of us that left Deacons place and came here are now family. Do you agree?”

  “Yes of course. Although I am closer to some of you than others, I would never leave any of them behind.” I was honest, as far as I knew these people were the only ones I had left alive.

  “That’s good to know. So, we along with Billy are training up on weapons and getting fitter, Adam is learning all he can in construction, Kandace is starting in the gardens, learning how to grow fruit and veg and to look after the chickens. Amelia is starting in the hospital. Nia is in the school area keeping an eye on our kids but also has access to all the army’s maps on this area. All of our gang are learning new skills.” He sounded really positive and his enthusiasm had started to rub off on me.

  “It all sounds great. I hope that we will never have to leave here and eventually we can build this up to be a place that thrives. Where we can call home. But I also think that these skills are essential. I also think that each of them need to do a basic survival course, how to build fires safely and shelter. A basic training in weapons too” I was happy that the others were on board and honoured that they cared about me enough to consider me as part of their family.

  “The captain has already ordered the weapons training for all members of this camp over the age of 14. They will be taken in groups of eight. I’ve asked that Amelia and Kandace be in the first groups. Nia has weapons training from when she was in the force.”

  “Uh wait. Nia was in the police force?” I was shocked. We had never spoken of our lives before the disaster.

  “Yep, as was I, for ten years. But that’s a story for another time. Get changed ill meet you at the dining hall in ten” he smiled and left my room humming a tune that I didn’t know.

  “See you there” I called to a closed door. I couldn’t believe that they were both in the police force and I didn’t know.

  I guess once things settled it was a discussion we may have, sometimes the past was too painful to talk about.

  I stripped off and got dressed quickly in a pair of dirty grey joggers and a black vest, the only half decent shoes I had were the black boots that the captain had given me and so I put them on.

  I left my room, locking the door behind me and made my way to the canteen, I had laced up my boots tightly around my hurt ankle just to give it a little extra support.

  Will was sat on the table nearest the door. The room was full of people today. “What’s going on?” I asked confused, the canteen was never this full.

  “Scrambled egg day, there’s not much of it to go around but it’s good.” Will replied, shoving a forkful of egg into his mouth.

  I legged it to the back of the cue, I hadn’t been at camp long but I knew that when there was scrambled egg or anything fresh on offer then you got there quickly.

  “Sorry, all gone. We only have dry cereal or self-heating meals left.” The woman behind the counter called out. Receiving a load of moans and groans in reply.

  “This is bloody ridiculous, it’s always the same few that get the food. How the fuck can you run out of eggs. There’s a whole barn full of chickens” one man behind me called. A few other shouted out “Yeah” in agreement with him.

  I saw the situation going south very quickly, a few people got up and left, not wanting to be in the way if a fight broke out.

  “I’m sorry, but they only lay so many eggs per day, we have made as much as we could and it goes on a first come first served basis” the woman from behind the counter explained calmly. She was a large woman with frizzy curly red hair.

  “Well, you fat Bitch, go and make some more, I’ll wait” he snarled, he sat down on the table opposite the serving hatch and put his feet up on the table. His dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, his eyes were so dark that they looked black and he had small, thin lips. He was dressed in military uniform and I could see that it had gone to his head.

  “There are no more eggs, it will be a few days now before we can get enough-“ he cut her off.

  “Go and cook me some bloody eggs now my lovely or you won’t want to know what happens if you answer me back again.” He stood up and puffed out his chest. A few other men stood behind him, dressed in civilian clothes.

  She didn’t reply but I could see that she was getting nervous, she pulled down the hatch quickly and I heard the click of a lock from the other side.

  The man roared, jumping over the table in one fluid movement and screamed at the hatch, he started to pound on it.

  I moved closer to him as people were moving away “Hey man come on she said that there wasn’t any left” I placed my hand on his arm trying to calm him down.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he screamed at me, swinging around his arm he hit me on the chin.

  “Oh, hell no” I hea
rd from Will behind me as he ran at us. Then all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 9

  The fight turned into an all-out brawl. They threw punches and then chairs, then fists. Nobody was badly hurt but there were a few bruises and black eyes. It landed us straight back in the Captains office along with officer dick head.

  “I’m so disappointed, I do not have time for this. I thought that I could count on you to keep order here, not start a riot!” the captain roared at us. His face had gone completely red and I felt like a school boy again in the principal’s office.

  “They started it, they are pricks. They don’t deserve to wear the uniform.” Gary shouted.

  “The way you spoke to that woman was disgusting. My friend here was trying to calm the situation and you clocked him one. You pal are the one who doesn’t deserve to wear that uniform” the venom in Will’s voice gave me the chills. But officer dickhead didn’t flinch. He just curled his lip up into a snarl.

  “I have spoken to various witnesses and the majority say that you started it Gary”

  Oh, so the dickheads name was Gary.

  “That’s fucking pathetic. They are all wimps. You’ll never win this war with pussy’s like them running this place.” Gary jumped up and out of his seat causing it to fly backwards.

  “Sit down Gary” the Captains voice was low but the tone was harsh.

  “You’re going to let them takeover this place, and those things will be in here eating the rest of the innocent people before you know it. These two pansy’s will run this place into the ground. Let me run this place under Lt Jacks, I’ll keep a good law and order here.”

  “I agree that there are certain ways that things need to be run in order to be successful” the Captain nodded.

  Gary’s face had turned into a smile, if you can call it that. It was more of a grimace, he looked evil. I still swear that his eyes flickered to full on black before returning to normal.

  “But, what we don’t need is a dictatorship. I want this camp to work together to become great. We don’t need arrogant, chauvinistic people like you. Please give your uniform to Lt Jacks who is waiting outside.”

  “you’re going to regret this, all of you cock suckers are!” Gary picked up his fallen chair and threw it across the room. it didn’t hit anyone, but it came awfully close to Will’s head.

  I looked at my friend, his fists were closed tightly and I could see the muscles bulging in his jaw. He was angry and dying to get up and hit Gary again but was trying to be obedient for the captain.

  Gary, flung open the door in temper but it flung back too quickly and before he could react, it hit him in the face.

  “Ahhh” the door had knocked him flat on his ass.

  I tried to stifle the snigger that was threatening to burst from my mouth but I couldn’t, the man got what he deserved. Blood was gushing from his nose and his eyes were streaming water.

  “Oh no, it looks like you’ve broken your nose. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy” Will said sarcastically, standing up and towering over Gary who was holding his nose and howling.

  “Help me you assholes”

  “Yeah cause calling us names is really going to convince us to help.” I replied sarcastically.

  “Please” he begged. Staggering to his feet.

  Lt Jacks rolled his eyes and gestured to two of his men to come over and join us. They did so promptly and saluted him.

  “At ease men, take Mr. Smith here to the infirmary.”

  “And Gary, ill warn you now. Any abuse given to the medical staff and you will be asked to leave. We will not tolerate this kind of behaviour. Am I clear?” the Captains tone had turned to ice although it remained at the same level.

  “Yes, yes. Just help me. Please” he nodded his head, blood spattering over the floor.

  “Ok, take him” the captain nodded.

  The two men escorted Gary away from us as Jacks called out for a cleaner. Gary’s friends who had been waiting with Jack’s outside the office all got up to follow him.

  Rochelle peeked out from behind the Lt.

  “Are you ok baby?” the captain asked her softly.

  Will and I looked at each other surprised. Baby? Must be his daughter, it makes sense that he would want to keep her close. She ran to him and kissed him on the lips.

  Definitely not his daughter then. Will’s mouth opened in a perfect ‘o’ as I’m sure mine did. She must have been around half his age. But who the hell was I to judge?

  I was lying in a sleeping bag with a half-naked woman when my wife and children were… no I mustn’t think like that. My friends and the Captain needed me to be thinking clearly to be able to help them.

  “Uh we will be going then sir” Lt. Jacks said, obviously feeling as awkward as we were.

  “What? Oh, us yes. I’m sorry” the Captain pushed Rochelle away gently and kissed her on the head. She walked back passed us red in the face. Her lips were swollen and her hair was a little out of place.

  I smiled. It was nice that they had each other in this world of darkness. She was his star to guide him home.

  “I’m sorry about that” the Captain cleared his throat.

  “Come in Daniel please”

  Lt Jacks came in and closed the door behind him. The four of us remained standing.

  “Do you think that I should stay in case this situation with Smith gets worse?” the Captain looked tired. I think that the worry over his friends back at home base was putting extra years on him.

  “No sir. I’ll have it under control. I’ll ask O’shea and Parker to keep an eye on him in the hospital tonight and then for the next week I’ll sign him up for so many training ops that by the end of each night he won’t have the energy to shit never mind cause any trouble” he grinned, I had a feeling that he was going to enjoy watching Gary struggle.

  “Ok Daniel, I trust you. I know that you can handle this. I shall leave as planned then. You two…” he turned his attention to Will and I.

  “Please be good when I’m gone, don’t get into any more trouble ok? Our force is thin enough as it is, I don’t want to be losing any more members. That being said. Thank you for protecting our kitchen staff, we may need to think about putting protective duty onto kitchen, cattle and barn areas”

  We both nodded, I was ashamed that we had caused the Captain grief but not that we had stood up for the women.

  “Ok. I wouldn’t mind that duty” Will spoke up.

  “Me either, maybe we can alternate shifts daily? I’d like to learn how to look after the cattle and we can watch over the kitchen staff whilst we’re there”

  “Sounds perfect” the Captain smiled.

  “Yeah, sounds good to me too, I’m thinking that maybe you wouldn’t have to alternate days but rather we could have the two of you guarding. Maybe you can alternate walking the ground every hour? To help out the sentry guards.” Lt Jacks said.

  “I like that idea” the Captain agreed, nodding his head.

  I liked that plan too. I’d get to spend more time with Will, whilst also learning everything that we needed to help the camp to thrive.

  “We can hash out the details later.” Lt Jacks said opening the door.

  I took that as our cue to leave.

  “I’ll walk out with you gentlemen.” The captain followed us out.

  “I’ll miss you” Rochelle came running out from behind her desk and hugged the captain tight.

  “Me too, but I’ll be back before you know it.” He kissed her quickly and gave us a curt nod.

  “Now gentlemen, don’t think that you have gotten away with that brawl earlier either. I know it’s not your fault but you still need to be reprimanded.” He had a slight smirk on his face.

  I decided then and there that I liked him.

  “10 laps around the compound, stay inside the fences but I want you as far and wide as you can go, George be careful on that ankle. Ok?” he winked

  And I didn’t like him again “Yes sir” I mumbled walking
passed him, putting extra emphasis on my limp. I know that I said I wanted to get fit but ten laps? This compound was huge.

  “Yes sir” Will was a lot more enthusiastic about the challenge than I. his green eyes that matched Nia’s shade perfectly shone brightly in excitement.

  He gave Rochelle another hug and they both spoke their good byes in whispers.

  Not wanting to intrude on their personal moment Lt. Jacks, Will and I left to go start our training.

  Wills enthusiasm was rubbing off on me, by the time we had gotten to our starting point, I was telling myself that I could do ten laps of this place easily, with my eyes closed and hobbling on my busted ankle.

  “Ready. Set. Go” Lt Jacks called, in his hands he held a stop watch.

  And we were off. I started off well, my ankle was giving me a little bit of pain but nothing I couldn’t manage. The more I ran on it the better it felt, Will left me behind on lap two, I was holding him back. I kept up with my steady pace, trying to think of song lyrics, or trying to guess what was for lunch later. Anything to keep my mind off what my body was doing.

  By lap five Will was on his seventh lap, that was my guess anyway. He’d overtaken me twice.

  By my lap seven I was on my knees being sick, I was that unfit. It was a slight improvement for me. Around six months ago I probably wouldn’t have done two laps.

  Before we were advised of the virus and told to stay indoors. I was a retail manager for a small electrical firm for ten years. I was used to lifting heavy objects but there wasn’t a lot of cardio involved. My upper body strength was good but anything else was just mediocre at best.

  “Ok that’s enough running for today. Will, well done. George, try again tomorrow. Get yourself cleaned up and start your duty in the kitchens ok?” Lt Jacks called.

  Wil helped me up chuckling. “You ok there mate?”

  “Yeah fine” I croaked.

  We walked towards the building where our rooms and the canteen were. The army called it building 1, we called it the main building. Not very original I know but we didn’t really have the time or energy for making up names.

  “Ok, I’m going for a quick wash and will head straight to the kitchen, meet you there in a little while.” Will carried on ahead of me, turning left towards his room to get a change of clothes.


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