The Thorntons Box Set

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The Thorntons Box Set Page 2

by Nic Saint

  “Too often,” replied Scott. He’d folded his arms across his chest and stood leaning against a glass display case holding cufflinks. He felt a wave of compassion for the girl. Her first day and already she’d had more than her fair share of assholes. He waved his hand. “Don’t worry about Charles Barnaby. Everybody knows he’s an idiot.”

  “Barnaby? Is that his name?”

  He nodded.

  “Jeez,” muttered Anna, shaking her head. “What’s his problem, anyway? I’m not his wife.”

  “Good thing you aren’t,” said Scott before he realized he was being highly inappropriate. Hitting on the new girl. So cliché. He quickly corrected himself, “I mean, you couldn’t stand to be married to a guy like him.”

  “I almost did,” she said, eyes downcast.

  He frowned. “You were engaged to Charles Barnaby?”

  She laughed. “Not exactly. I was engaged to Brad Hummer, which amounts to the same thing.”

  “Perhaps you should have stayed engaged,” he suggested lightly.

  She threw him a questioning look. “Why the hell would I want to be engaged to a guy like that?”

  “Oh, lots of reasons. About a billion of them to be exact.”

  She gave an incredulous guffaw. “A billion? That guy is worth a billion dollars?”


  She whistled through her teeth, and it was just about the sexiest thing Scott had ever seen. “A girl can put up with a lot when there’s that much dough involved.”

  “That’s exactly what Mrs. Barnaby likes to think.”

  “I bet she does.”

  He grinned and rubbed his finger along the glass case. “Is that why you left this Brad fellow? Not enough cash?”

  For a moment, he thought she might hit him, but then she seemed to reconsider. “For someone I just met you’re asking a lot of very personal questions, Scott.”

  “Ah, but I’m only doing my duty, Anna. As your teacher, it is my task to groom you and groom you well. And to that end, I need to know all there is to know about you.”

  She inclined her head. “Very well. The reason I got dumped by Brad—yes, I was the dumpee, not the dumper—”


  “Thank you. The reason was that he saw me dancing the, um, horizontal mambo with my boss.”

  Her face flushed at these words. She looked adorable.

  Scott raised an eyebrow. “I can see how that might be a reason for a man to dump his fiancée.”

  “I thought so.”

  “On the other hand, if you were indeed dancing the horizontal mambo with your boss, something tells me that Brad wasn’t exactly ringing your bells. So perhaps being dumped wasn’t such a bad thing after all.”

  She pursed her lips, giving him a critical look. “You are quick in your judgments, Mr. Harris.”

  “But am I right or am I right?”

  She sighed, and plunked down on the bow tie stand. “Yeah, I guess you are. In hindsight, Brad wasn’t really my type.”

  “And your boss was?”

  Anna gave him a quick look, then looked away again. “Not exactly.”

  He sensed he’d pushed his inappropriate inquisitiveness as far as it would go, and decided to back off.

  “I’m sorry,” he offered. “It’s none of my business.”

  “Are all you New Yorkers this nosy?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Nosy parkers, every last one of us. And don’t get me started on the taxi drivers. They are the worst.”

  “Figures,” she said softly, and for a brief moment he had the distinct impression here sat a girl with a past even darker than his own.

  He decided to steer the conversation back into safer waters.

  “Say, you wanna go out with me sometime? I mean, not like a date, but like, you know, colleagues?”

  She gave him a sweet smile. “Sure. Hey. Maybe you can even show me around New York?”

  “Deal,” he said, holding up his hand.

  She was quick to high-five him, and he heaved an inward sigh of relief. He liked Anna, and didn’t want to alienate her.

  He was staring at her chest for a full ten seconds before he became aware of it.

  Following his gaze, she adjusted her position a bit. Then she frowned. “You know, for a guy who’s openly gay, you give off a lot of straight signals.”

  He blinked, and his face fell. “Gay? Me?”

  She nodded. “One of the other salesgirls told me. In the dressing room. Um. Susie?”

  “Susie told you I’m gay!” he cried.

  “Yeah.” She wrinkled her nose uncertainly. “I’m guessing you haven’t come out yet, huh? She shouldn’t have told me?”

  “No, she damn well shouldn’t have!” he said vehemently.

  He gritted his teeth. So this was Susie’s way of warding off the competition. He wondered if she told all the salesgirls he was gay. That would explain why none of them had hit on him.

  She quickly put a hand on his arm. “It’s fine,” she assured him. “I won’t tell anyone. Your secret’s safe with me, Scott.”

  “That’s… great,” he said. He wondered briefly if he shouldn’t set the record straight, but then decided against it. Perhaps it was a good thing that everybody thought he was gay. That way, he’d never be tempted to try something with any of them.

  Anna was still talking, and he made a conscious effort to listen. “I don’t mind, you know,” she was saying. “I mean, I always wanted to have a gay friend, and now I guess I have. Right?”

  “Right,” he said curtly, still furious with Susie’s betrayal.

  She withdrew her hand. “Look, if you don’t want to be my friend, it’s also fine.” She shrugged. “I mean, whatever, you know.”

  “No, no,” he was quick to assure her. “I want to be your friend, Anna. Your…” He swallowed with some difficulty. “… gay friend.”

  She rewarded him with a bright smile, and then slung her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips. “Yay!” she squealed.

  “Yay,” he mumbled, and kissed her right back… and lingered. When she looked confused, he said, “That’s what us gay New Yorkers all do. We simply love kissing. Men, women… puppies…”

  “Oh, right,” she said, brightening, and suddenly he found himself kissing the most gorgeous girl he’d ever met. And for good measure, he even put a little tongue into it.

  “Right,” she breathed when he finally released her. “Right. That was… nice.”

  “Very nice,” he agreed.

  She eyed him uncertainly and he gave her a big, cheery grin. “Welcome to New York!”

  She blinked, and involuntarily touched her fingers to her lips. “Thanks, I guess” she murmured.

  Judging by the fire he felt stirring in his bosom, Scott knew it wouldn’t be long before he would miraculously make a sexual about-face and declare himself a straight man from now on. For the first time in his life, Scott Harris, notorious ladies’ man, inveterate bachelor and life and soul of any party, was in love.

  Chapter 4

  “Yes, Mom. He’s gay. So what? There’s plenty of gays in Boulder, right?”

  “I know, honey. But what are you going to do with him?”

  Anna had to giggle at that. “Do? What makes you think I have to do anything with him?”

  “You know what I mean.” Mom looked exasperated. “After the Brad debacle, I’m quite frankly desperate for you to ever land yourself a decent man again.”

  “Brad was not a decent man, mother,” she said in clipped tones. Too bad it had taken her so long to find out. “He was a brute and a heartless, self-absorbed—”

  “Yes, yes, we’ve gone over all that already.” Mom sighed deeply. “It’s just that…”

  “It’s just what, Mom?” she said, trying to keep the impatience out of her voice. Five minutes on Skype with her mother, and already she was getting all worked up.

  “You’re not getting any younger, Anna,” Mom began. “Truth be told, men like to catch their wom
en young. After a certain age, your chances of finding a good man simply dry up.”

  ‘Catch their women young.’ What did Mom think she was? A fish? “Look, I’m not worried, so neither should you be. No, Scott isn’t an eligible bachelor, but he’s a friend. And right now, that’s all I need.”

  Her mother grumbled some more, but she paid her no attention. She was sitting in front of her laptop, her feet up on the table, dressed in her PJs, and munching on a cheese sandwich from a place Scott had recommended. So far, she was agreeing wholeheartedly with his recommendation. The sandwich was delicious.

  “I really don’t like that you’re all alone out there, hon,” Mom repeated for the millionth time. “At least when something happens to you here, I can always visit you at the hospital.”

  Anna almost spat out a piece of cheese. Why did Mom always have to think the worst. “Hospital? Mom, I have no intention of going to the hospital.”

  “Nobody ever does, honey,” Mom said matter-of-factly.

  “I have an idea. The moment I’m settled in, why don’t you come visit? I mean, it’s only a three-hour flight, right?”

  Even before she’d finished the sentence, she already regretted it, but it was too late. Her mom’s face lit up. “You mean that? Oh, that’s such a great idea. I could come over for Christmas.”

  “I probably have to work,” Anna quickly interjected.

  “Even better. When you come home, all exhausted, I’ll have a nice turkey waiting there for you. How does that sound?”

  Anna had to admit that sounded pretty damn appealing.

  “And you can even invite that nice gay man.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure he has other things to do on Christmas eve, mom.”

  “Well, mind you ask. You just never know.”

  It was sound advice. And she didn’t even have to wait until Christmas to invite him over. For the past week, she and Scott had become fast friends, and had spent every lunch hour together. He’d shown her all the best places to eat in town, and had even invited her to dinner. Strictly friends, of course, and she’d loved every minute.

  Scott was engaging company. In fact, she found herself wishing more than once that he wasn’t gay. A guy like him was the full package for a girl. He was smart, handsome, charming, pleasant and respectful. She knew she shouldn’t be falling for him, but she couldn’t help remembering the kiss they’d shared on her first day at Thornton’s. For some reason, it’d felt like something a lot more than simply a friendship kiss, and she now wondered if Scott would mind broadening his horizons and go from first to second base? Or even beyond?

  Just then, the doorbell rang, and she jumped up.

  “Gotta go, Mom. It’s him.”

  “The gay guy?” Mom said in that disapproving tone of hers.

  “Yes, Mom. The gay guy.”

  “Oh, dear Lord,” Mom muttered before disappearing from view.

  Anna grinned as she clip-clopped to the door.

  “Hey, buddy,” she said by way of greeting, holding up her hand.

  “Hey, buddy,” said Scott, high-fiving her. Throwing her a casual glance, he added, “Nice PJs by the way. Thornton’s?”

  “Nope. The Gap,” she grinned back. She didn’t mind prancing around in front of Scott. She knew there was no danger of him jumping her bones. And neither would he judge her for not being dressed up to the nines. Oh, how she loved hanging out with this guy.

  He draped his handsome form onto her couch, and yawned. “So, what shall we do tonight? Gossip Girl marathon again?”

  “Actually,” Anna said as she installed herself next to him, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “Oh?”

  She inched a bit closer, until she could place her hands on his flat stomach. She wasn’t surprised to find it hard and unyielding. “You know I’m alone in this town, right?”


  “And you know, perhaps, that women have, erm, certain needs?” She wiggled her eyebrows at this and he smiled.

  “Uh-huh,” he said emphatically.

  She tugged his shirt from his pants and casually slid her hand beneath, feeling her way across his hard abs. She could have sworn he flinched. “Scott?” she purred.


  “Have you ever… done it with a girl?”

  He lifted his chin and she could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Would it surprise you if I said yes?”

  She grinned coyly. “No, it wouldn’t. Handsome guy like you? There must be plenty of girls wanting to lay their hands on you.”

  He pointedly stared at her hand as it moved higher beneath his shirt. “Like you’re doing now, you mean?”

  “Exactly like I’m doing now,” she breathed, moving a little closer still. Would he bite? She really wanted him to. She hadn’t been with a man since that night on the CyberSoft parking lot, and she could use one now. Scott was exactly what she needed. He had the right equipment—she could tell from the growing bulge in his pants—and he came with absolutely no strings attached.

  “Go on,” he said, stretching his arms over his head. “I’m listening.”

  She leaned in, and placed her lips on his. It was the litmus test. If he pulled back now, she would accept defeat. If not…

  He didn’t budge.

  Chapter 5

  Scott couldn’t believe his good fortune. He’d been lusting for Anna for a week now, ever since they met. They’d become good friends, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out how to move beyond this stage. He wanted to tell her not to believe any of Susie’s nonsense about him being gay, but he instinctively sensed she would stop seeing him as a friend and start seeing him as a man. And since she didn’t want to get involved with anyone, that pretty much rendered that scenario null and void.

  He’d even talked to his big brother Roland about the situation. Roland had to laugh when he told him he’d fallen for a girl at work.

  “You? Mr. Ladies’ Man? I don’t buy it bro,” Roland had said, and he was right, of course. He’d never been with anyone where he’d felt more than a spark of affection. He’d gone after them for the fun, for the excitement, or simply for the sex. But love? That emotion was as alien to him as compassion to a corporate shark.

  And yet here he was, thinking about Anna—dreaming of Anna—lusting after Anna.

  “She thinks you’re gay?”

  Roland hadn’t stopped laughing after that, nor could he blame him. The situation was hilarious, only not for him.

  And now suddenly, she wanted to have sex. Just for fun. No strings attached. Hell, why not? Perhaps he could slip her the secret when they were lying huddled up in bed? He covered her mouth with his, and took it voraciously. The moment she plunged her tongue into his mouth, he felt something snap inside, and he clasped her into his arms, his tongue wrestling with hers. She was so lovely, and now she was going to be his. Finally.

  Suddenly, an odd sound echoed through the room. Anna broke the kiss and gave a weary sigh. She then gave him a peck on the cheek, and said, “Sorry about this. It’s my mom.”

  He blinked in confusion. “Mom?” What was she talking about? Was her mother here?

  She jogged over to the table and plunked down on the chair. “Yes, Mom?”

  Oh, right. Of course. Skype. He slumped and licked his lips. He hoped it was merely an appetizer for what was to come. If he didn’t have her tonight, he was going to spontaneously self-combust.

  “Yes, he’s here, Mom.”

  The glow from the screen lit up Anna’s face. A strand of her blond hair fell across her forehead. She looked so lovely. He smiled as he studied her features. She’d drawn up one foot and was hugging her knee, her other leg dangling from the chair. Then she turned to him, and gave him a tiny wave with her finger.

  “Scott? Mom wants to say hi.”

  Oh, dear. He was meeting the in-laws already and he hadn’t even slept with the girl. He was on his feet and drawing up
a chair in moments, and when he saw Anna’s mom, was pleasantly surprised. She had the classical features of a real-life Hollywood movie star.

  “Hi, Mrs. Moonstone,” he said.

  Anna’s mom’s face lit up. “My, my. You are a handsome devil, aren’t you?”

  Scott grinned at the compliment. “You’re quite lovely yourself, Mrs. Moonstone.”

  “Jackie, please,” she purred. She studied him for a moment. “Pity you’re gay, Scott. You’re just what the doctor ordered. For my daughter, that is.”

  “Mom!” cried Anna, aghast.

  Scott merely shrugged. “Can’t be helped,” he said.

  “I suppose it can’t,” said Jackie dubiously. “Well, anyway, nice to meet you, Scott. Mind you take care of my little girl, all right?”

  “I won’t disappoint you, Jackie,” he said warmly.

  She subjected him to another scrutinizing gaze. “Are you quite sure you’re not—”

  “Mom!” Anna repeated, and Scott had to laugh. They were almost like a comedy duo, these two. “It’s fine, Anna. Your mother is merely concerned about your well-being. Isn’t that right, Jackie?”

  “Quite right, Scott.” She brightened. “You know, I’m glad we met. I was really worried about Anna, but I can see she’s in good hands. She found a friend in you, didn’t she?”

  “I like to think so,” confirmed Scott softly.

  “Yes, she did,” said Jackie with a nod. She gave them both a wave. “All right. That’s it, then. Do continue with whatever it was you were doing. Ta-tah.”

  “Ta-tah, Jackie,” said Scott, and let his hand slip around Anna’s back. He just couldn’t wait to have her in his arms again.

  “See you tomorrow, Mom,” said Anna, and snuck her hand across Scott’s leg, giving it a tiny squeeze.

  The moment she’d slapped the laptop shut, she slung her leg across his lap and straddled him. Automatically, his hands moved up her chest, and he placed them on her boobs. Then his mouth claimed hers, and when she slipped her tongue into his mouth, he knew that sooner or later, he simply had to tell her the truth.

  But not tonight.


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