Mark of Eon: Eon Warriors #5

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Mark of Eon: Eon Warriors #5 Page 16

by Hackett, Anna

  Aydin raised a brow. He didn’t know Airen well, but he knew that she was very good at her job.

  Jamie’s gaze narrowed. “She seems…cool.”

  Donovan’s smile widened. “The same has been said about you. You seem very warm around your warrior.”

  “Don’t make me punch you.”

  “Sub-Captain, I need your assistance,” Airen called out from the other side of the bridge.

  Donovan winked at Jamie and Aydin, then strode over to the female warrior. Aydin watched the pair. Donovan and Airen fell into a tense conversation. Then the second commander stiffened slightly, a faint flush on her cheeks.

  If anyone could get under Airen’s tough warrior shell, Aydin suspected it would be a persistent Terran.

  Jamie’s nose wrinkled, but she kept her gaze on Donovan and the female warrior.

  Suddenly, a wave of heat splashed over Aydin. Cren. Dizziness hit him. He pressed a hand to a nearby console and dragged in a breath.

  He cleared his throat. “Malax, do you have a cabin we can borrow until we reach the Desteron?”

  “Aydin?” Concern crossed Jamie’s face. She reached up and touched his cheek. “What’s wrong? You’re burning up.”

  “Mating fever?” Malax asked.

  Aydin nodded. He needed Jamie. Now.

  Frowning, Donovan stepped closer, but Aydin blocked the sub-captain. He didn’t want any man getting close to his mate. “Stay back.”

  Malax held out an arm to stop Donovan.

  “What’s going on?” Jamie’s brow creased. “Mating fever?”

  Aydin grabbed his mate’s hand and yanked her off the bridge.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Sub-Captain Donovan Lennox stood on the bridge of the Rengard, staring out into space. It felt nothing like his usual post aboard the Space Corps high-tech ship, the Divergent.

  He missed working with his crew. But he was learning a lot from the Eon and the Rengard’s warriors.

  And there was one warrior he liked watching most of all.

  Second Commander Airen Kann-Felis was sharp, dedicated, and a stickler for the rules. She was also gorgeous. Donovan had never gone for flashy. He liked quiet and understated, and Airen had that in spades. She was all smooth white skin, like cream.

  Donovan liked cream.

  Not for the first time since he’d come aboard the Rengard, he wondered what she was like when she relaxed. When she set the second commander aside and let the woman shine through.

  A muted alarm sounded.

  “Airen?” Malax asked.

  Airen frowned at a console. “We’re showing a problem in an access conduit on the central deck.”

  The war commander frowned. “Did we pick up a stowaway? Kantos?”

  “There’s no sign we did. But it is close to the helian room.”

  After he’d joined the crew, Donovan had learned that the Rengard had some top-secret, high-tech helian technology that helped run the systems on the warship. It also made it a target.

  “I’ll check it over personally,” Airen said.

  “I’ll come with you.” Donovan shifted toward the door.

  She hesitated, but Malax nodded. “An excellent idea. You can show Donovan some of the internal systems.”

  Airen was quiet as they walked down the corridor. He’d learned that she didn’t say too much unnecessarily. Finally, she stopped and pressed a palm to a maintenance door. It opened silently to uncover a tight maintenance conduit.

  Turning sideways, they slid into the space.

  When Donovan’s shoulder brushed hers, he saw her jolt.

  “Do I upset you?” he asked.

  “What?” Her black eyes, threaded with pale-green strands met his. “Of course not.”

  “I feel like I make you nervous.”

  She lifted her chin. “I’m still getting to know you.” She turned. “Here.”

  She dropped down and opened a smaller conduit tunnel. She crawled inside, giving Donovan a glimpse of her slender, firm ass before she disappeared. He looked at the ceiling for a second, praying for some control. The last thing he needed was the second commander catching him with a hard-on tenting his uniform pants.

  Dropping down, he followed her in.

  “The damaged area is just up here,” she said.

  She stopped. Together, they crouched in the conduit. He looked at the melted, burned-out patch of metal.

  “What the cren?” she muttered.

  “Something came through here.” Donovan arched his head, looking up through the incinerated hole above. The edges had dripped then solidified.

  Her brow furrowed. “There’s nothing on scanners.”

  “Some of these Kantos nasties are good at evading scanners.”

  She turned again, and this time, Donovan got her toned ass just inches from his face. He swallowed a groan.

  “There’s a trail of…something sticky.” Her frown deepened, as she gestured at the floor of the conduit.

  Donovan saw the glittering trail and, as Airen started crawling to follow it, he followed her.

  They turned a corner and a second later, he spotted a slug-like alien. It was leisurely eating one of the Rengard’s components.

  “Is it Kantos?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she said.

  The alien turned. It looked almost cute…until it bared a large set of fangs at them. Then it moved. Faster than any slug should move.

  As it launched itself at him, Donovan grabbed it. Its squishy body oozed between his fingers, and its teeth snapped at his face.

  Airen shoved in close and grabbed it as well.

  “It’s slippery,” he warned.

  The alien slipped free of their hands and landed with a slap in front of them. Before it could launch at them, Donovan hit it, knocking it against the wall.

  “Pin it,” Airen yelled.

  Donovan pulled his leg up and pressed his boot against the slug. It tried to slide free but he kept it pinned to the wall.

  Airen’s armor shifted, a knife forming on her arm. She reached past Donovan, her body pressed against his, then stabbed the slug’s body.

  The creature slumped.

  She pulled back.

  “Nice work, Second Commander.”

  “You too, Sub-Captain.”

  He pulled his boot back and watched the slug’s body lie motionless in the conduit. Then he turned his head and found his face inches from Airen’s.

  She stilled, her gaze catching on his lips.

  The air in the conduit charged.

  “You have gorgeous eyes,” he murmured.

  Something flared in them, the delicate strands of green glowing turquoise.

  Unable to stop himself, Donovan leaned forward and touched his mouth to hers.

  She gasped and pulled back. She licked her lips. Then suddenly, they were both moving. The next second, Airen Kann-Felis threw an arm around his neck and kissed the hell out of him.

  Donovan groaned. She tasted so fucking good. He angled his head, deepening the kiss and heard her make a hungry, little sound.

  Suddenly, Airen jerked back. Her cheeks were flushed with color. “This is inappropriate.”

  “Two consenting adults enjoying each other?”

  “We work together. Our species have an alliance.”

  “That’s nothing we can’t work around. I’d like to know how you taste, Airen, all over.”

  Her cheeks flared with color. “No.” She pulled back, her shoulders stiffening. She tossed her braided hair back over her shoulder. “I do not get involved with people I work with.”


  She shuffled back through the conduit and touched her communicator. “I need a small containment box brought to my location.”

  “Yes, Second Commander,” a warrior responded.

  Then her green-black eyes met Donovan’s gaze. “My error in judgement will not happen again, Sub-Captain.”

  He raised a brow. “You aren’
t attracted to me?”

  Something indescribable flickered across her face. Then, she licked her lips and turned away.

  No comment? Well, we’ll see, sweetheart. We’ll see. She definitely hadn’t said she didn’t want him.

  It was a good thing Donovan was a patient man, and had always excelled at strategy.

  * * *

  Jamie listened to Aydin’s groans, glorying in the sound.

  He was sitting against the pillows on the bed, and she was between his bent legs with his magnificent cock in her mouth.


  She sucked harder. He was close, and she was enjoying herself. Driving her warrior over the edge was divine. He tried to pull her up, but she held on and sucked harder.

  “Shara.” His hand slid into her hair, his hips jerked. “Jamie.”

  As he came, she sucked his release down her throat. With a growl, he pushed her up.

  Suddenly, Jamie found herself flat on her back with a hot, naked warrior on top of her.

  Then he was inside her.

  She moaned, her fingers digging into his back. His cock was still hard, filling her up. Hallelujah for Eon stamina. The mating fever was wild and she loved it. They’d been having sex for hours, and it was amazing.

  He thrust into her again, and again.

  His gaze was locked on her face. “I love you, Jamie.”

  With those husky words, her climax hit. She cried his name.

  Aydin came again with a long groan. A second later, he rolled off her and onto his back, pulling her close. They were both breathing heavily.

  Lazily, Jamie leaned over and smacked a kiss to his chest. “I love you too, Aydin.” She felt him go still beneath her. “I’ve never loved anyone before.”

  His arm tightened around her.

  “I might mess it up,” she said. “Get things wrong. Try and shut you out sometimes.”

  His hand moved to cup her jaw. “You’re mine. I’m inside your shields already, Jamie. I know you.”

  He did, and he loved her.


  “So,” she said. “For now, I’m on the Desteron—”

  “That means we have time to sort out all the details for our future. As long as we end each day in our bed, I’m happy.”

  She smiled. He’d get no complaints from her.

  “When we can, we’ll head to my hometown and visit my mother and siblings.”

  Jamie stiffened. “I don’t know anything about family, Aydin.”

  “They’ll love you.”

  “A scarred, rough space marine from Earth?” She snorted. “I bet they’ve always imagined their perfect son and brother with some pretty, softly-spoken Eon woman.” Jamie threw out an arm, getting worked up. “Some perfect woman who wears lipstick, and knows how to cook—”

  “You can’t cook?”

  “Not even an egg!”

  With a laugh, he snagged her around the middle and pushed her back on the bed. “Be at ease, Jamie. I can’t cook either.”

  “What if they hate me?” She murmured her greatest fear.

  “They won’t, because I love you.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “And I’ll be with you.”

  Okay, well maybe she could do this meet the family thing without screwing it up.

  Suddenly, the comp beside the bed chimed.

  “Is it safe?” Donovan’s amused voice.

  “Yes, smartass,” Jamie replied.

  “I thought you’d like to know that we just crossed into Eon space. The Desteron is in visual range.”

  Thank God. “Great news.”

  “Be ready for transfer in one ship hour,” Donovan said.

  “Acknowledged,” she replied

  Donovan paused. “I’m happy for you, Jamie.”

  She smiled at Aydin. “Thanks, D.”

  “So, we have an hour.” Aydin’s tone deepened.

  Jamie rolled and let her hand drift down his ridged stomach. “Any ideas on how we fill the time we have left?”

  His gaze was on her, blazing. “A few.”

  “You’ll have to catch me, first.” She leaped off the bed and ran for the washroom.

  Strong arms caught her two steps from the door. She laughed, and his hands covered her breasts. Then she moaned.

  “I’m going to see how many times I can make you come in the next hour, Lieutenant.”

  She groaned. She’d already lost track of how many orgasms she’d had since they’d holed up in this cabin.

  “I won’t be able to walk,” she complained.

  “I like making you weak with need.” He spun her and cupped her jaw. “And any time you can’t walk, I’ll carry you.”

  And he would. She knew she would be the most important thing in his life. Forever. Until they were both old and gray.

  She trembled. The one thing she’d always wanted was now right before her, wrapped up in a hot, muscular Eon warrior package.

  “You’d better get to work on those orgasms you promised,” she said.

  He scooped her up, giving her a playful slap on the ass. Jamie laughed but it wasn’t long before the laughter turned to moans.

  * * *

  It was nice to finally be back aboard the Desteron.

  Aydin stood on the bridge, the worst of the mating fever now passed. But he still found it hard to pull his gaze off his mate.

  Jamie was laughing with Lara and Eve. Cutie was perched on her shoulder and kept nuzzling Jamie’s cheek.

  His mate looked more relaxed and less guarded than the woman who’d first come aboard the Desteron, but she was still all space marine.

  He still felt the smoldering embers of desire in his gut, and he knew it would build slowly until he had to drag her back to his cabin. Their cabin.

  “We’ve connected with the king,” a warrior called out.

  Davion nodded. “On screen.”

  King Gayel appeared on the large screen.

  “Gayel,” Davion greeted the Eon king.

  The king nodded. As Jamie reached Aydin’s side, he wrapped an arm around her. Cutie gave him a quick nuzzle, then leaped to the floor.

  The king’s gaze landed on them.

  “Excellent work recovering the helians, Medical Commander and Lieutenant.”

  “Thank you,” Aydin replied.

  “You risked your lives, and the empire thanks you.”

  “We had some help,” Jamie said. “An Oronis spy.”

  “I’ll pass some quiet thanks on to the Oronis Knight Master,” the king replied.

  “Gayel, Aydin has reported that all the helians are recovering,” Davion said. “Even those that were injured.”

  “That’s excellent news,” the king said.

  Davion frowned. “But we’ve been combing through the Kantos data we retrieved.”

  The king leaned forward, his handsome face pensive. “Go on.”

  “They are definitely experimenting on helians. Trying to find a way to join their bugs with the helians.”

  “We already knew that, and we need to shut them down.”

  Aydin stepped forward. “I think it’s more than just forcing a bonding. There is reference to a larger weapon that they are trying to create. They want to be able to neutralize helians. Permanently.”

  Gasps echoed around the bridge.

  The king’s jaw worked, anger burning in his gaze. “We will not let them undermine the foundation of our people. We will not allow them to harm the Eon, helians, Terrans, or any of our other allies.”

  Davion nodded. “I’m working with Malax. It’s time that we became more offensive in this fight.”

  The king nodded, then his gaze moved back Aydin and Jamie. “Congratulations on your mating.”

  “Thank you.” Aydin pulled Jamie close. “I am blessed.” He looked down and enjoyed the soft look on her face. “The peak of the mating fever has passed.”

  Jamie gasped. “Did you just tell your king that we’ve been screwing like bunnies?”

  “We’re mated, he al
ready knew that.”

  “You didn’t have to announce it.” She smacked his shoulder.

  Then he kissed her and she melted against him.

  “Cocky,” she muttered against his lips. They both ignored the laughter around them.

  “You like it.”

  She sighed. “I do.”

  A loud growl cut through the bridge, followed by a raucous chitter. They spun and saw Shaggy and Cutie squaring off.

  “Oh no,” Jamie said.

  Eve darted forward. “Shaggy!”

  Cutie ran and then leaped onto Shaggy’s head. Jamie had taken one step forward to grab her wayward pet, but Aydin grabbed her.


  Jamie blinked. Cutie was clamped onto the canine’s neck, nuzzling his fur. Shaggy gave a low, happy woof, his aqua-blue eyes glowing.

  “What the hell?” Jamie muttered.

  Eve started laughing. “Um, Jamie, I think my pet and your pet have a crush on each other.”

  “Love is in the air,” Lara said with a snicker.

  “But they hated each other,” Jamie said.

  Aydin tugged her close, his lips to her ear. “We both know that’s no barrier to falling in love.”

  The others started talking with the king and while they were busy, Aydin pulled her out the door and off of the bridge.

  His hand slid down her side.

  “Are you feeling a little frisky, Medical Commander?”

  “I always do around you.”

  She touched a hand to his chest. “No one’s ever looked at me the way you do.”

  “I’ll look at you like this when you’re old and wrinkled.”

  “I’ll look at you like this when you’re saggy, slow, and forgetful.”

  He pulled her up on her toes, his lips brushing hers. “You will never be alone again, Jamie. I’ll always be at your side.”

  Her lips trembled. “Don’t make me cry.”

  “Let’s get back to our cabin so I can fuck you hard until you’re crying out my name.”

  Heat flared in her dark eyes and she pulled back. Then she took a few steps. “You’ll have to catch me first.”

  She ran and Aydin broke into a sprint, following her. And as he did, he listened to his mate’s laughter, and smiled.


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