Riding Solo

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Riding Solo Page 11

by Woods, Karen

  Later that evening, Grace stood dressed in her new outfit. A black dress with a bit of bling sprinkled around the collar and cuffs. Winnie had also demanded that Grace buy some new underwear too, and by the way she was pulling at the knickers through her dress you could see she didn’t feel comfy wearing them. Grace was use to wearing passion killer briefs, something that covered her up, nothing like the black lacy ones she was wearing now. Sipping a glass of wine she watched the clock ticking away. In just one more hour she would be sat with her date Danny, well, that’s if she didn’t chicken out of it at the last minute. And, she could have you know. If Grace Willis changed her mind no man nor beast would ever change it back for her, she was a stubborn old mare. Her earlier date had been cancelled for coffee with Danny. The two of them had decided a pub date would be much easier.

  As predicted the front door opened, it was on the latch. Winnie was like a hurricane as she rushed inside the front room. “I’ve just given Stan his sleeping tablet early, so he should be out like a light in the next half hour. I’ve given him an extra one just in case,” she giggled as she held the bottom of her stomach. “And, our Jean is going to keep popping in to check on him, so he should be fine. I’ve told him we’re off to bingo and he believed me, so the jobs a good one.” Grace reached over and grabbed another glass from the table behind her. She’d been necking the wine like water for the past half an hour. Grace looked like she had the worries of the world on her shoulders.

  “Fill mine right to the top,” Winnie said. “I feel as nervous as you do and it’s not even my date.” Grace poured the red wine into the glass, Winnie stood hovering waiting to grab it. “Is your arse twitching yet or what?” she chuckled.

  Grace popped a cig into the corner of her mouth and flicked the yellow lighter she held in her hand. Taking a long deep drag she closed her eyes slowly and inhaled the nicotine. Her face seemed to be melting as she opened her eyes again. “I’m as nervous as hell, but it’s something I have to get over isn’t it? If it’s good enough for the goose, then it’s good enough for the gander.”

  Winnie was bouncing about where she stood; this was what she was talking about. Grace’s fighting spirit was back and she could see in her eyes that she was ready for action. “Yes, it is love. Go and have the time of your life. Don’t put any pressure in yourself. If you like Danny then you like him, but if not, it’s nothing to worry about.” Grace smiled, Winnie always made her feel better about herself. Her friend was smirking and her shoulder’s started shaking. “If you do like him, make sure you shake his bones within an inch of his life.”

  Grace nearly choked on her drink; she wiped the side of her mouth with her hand. “Orr stop it you. Sex is the last thing on my mind. Danny will be lucky to even get a kiss. You know what I’m like, I’m a prude.”

  Winnie rubbed her arms over her body, she was touching herself in a sexual manner, acting the goat. “Oh Danny. It’s been so long, be gentle with me.”

  Grace swiped her hand back and pushed her away. “Orr stop it will you. I’m nervous enough without you adding to it.” Music played softly in the background and Grace was still clock watching, the time had finally come for them to leave the house. She stood and reached inside her handbag, grabbing her pink glossy lipstick she edged over to the mirror and puckered up. Sliding the gloss all over her lips she passed it over to Winnie. With a quick squirt of Chanel number five, Grace was ready to go.

  Winnie snatched the scent from her hand and bent down and started squirting it up her skirt. Grace was in a panic. “Now fuck off you loon. Nobody’s going to be smelling up there, so you’re just wasting it. It’s not cheap perfume that you know, so pack it in.”

  Winnie was giddy and once the taxi honked its horn outside she moved like shit off a shovel. “Come on, come on. It’s time for us to party.” The friends left the house and waddled down the garden path, Grace was still picking her knickers from her arse cheeks as she opened the taxi door. Not a word was spoken in the back of the car once the directions had been given. Grace’s knuckles were turning white as she kept her hand firmly on the door handle, she was thinking of bailing out, you could see it in her. Watching the traffic go by she held her head back and let out a laboured breath. The taxi pulled up outside The Farmyard pub in Blackley. It was hammered with punters and a few of them stood outside swigging beer from the bottle and smoking. The sun was still shining and a gentle breeze filled the air. Grace paid the taxi and, as she waited for Winnie, she lit a cigarette. Blowing the thick grey smoke out in front of her, you could see small beads of sweat on her forehead; her chest was rising faster than usual.

  “So, this is it. Do or die time?” Winnie said in a soft voice.

  Grace passed her the rest of the cig and wiped her hand over her black dress. “Right, wish me luck. Make sure you sit where I can see you though, because if he’s a dick-head. I’m getting off.” Winnie was serious for a change, she was ready for this too and there was no way in the world she wanted her pal to be unhappy. Grace walked slowly away, it was like the walk of death and her legs kept buckling from underneath her. A quick glimpse back over her shoulder and she was gone. Winnie stood chugging anxiously on the fag for a few more minutes and once she’d finished she cautiously walked inside the boozer.

  Grace headed straight to the bar. Her heart was racing and she looked like she was going to pass out. Stood waiting to be served she reached inside her handbag to get her purse out. A tap on her shoulder made her jump, as she twisted her head to see who it was she was pleasantly surprised. “Is it Grace?” the man asked.

  She stuttered and her words were stuck inside her mouth. “Yes, is it Danny?” she asked. The barmaid was waiting to take their order. Danny moved forward. “Can I have a pint of lager love, and,” he shot a look to Grace, “and, whatever this gorgeous lady is having too.”

  Grace licked her lips slowly and spoke in her best voice. “Can I have a glass of red wine please?”

  Danny smiled, she didn’t know where to look. She was embarrassed to say the least. And, had she heard this guy properly? Did he say she was gorgeous? The barmaid returned with their order. Danny passed Grace her drink and paid the lady. Shoving his change back in his pocket he whispered into her ear. “You look stunning sweetheart. I didn’t think you were going to turn up you know?”

  Her throat was dry and she needed to gulp her drink so she could answer him. Her words were shaky. “I nearly didn’t come. This is all new to me and well, I’m pretty shy to tell you the truth.” From the corner of her eye Grace could see Winnie getting a drink at the other end of the bar. With a quick wink, she followed Danny to the seating area behind her. Winnie was on tiptoes watching them get a table.

  The pub was alive and the atmosphere was electric. A man stood singing “My Way” on the karaoke. He was belting it out at the top of his voice. Winnie was singing along with him from where she was sat. Danny and Grace were getting on like a house on fire. You could see them laughing and joking as the night went on. Grace’s cheeks were red, she was drunk. Her cheeks always changed colour when she’d had some alcohol. The pubs audience started clapping and cheering as the next singer took the microphone. Grace leant forward in her seat and nearly died on the spot when she saw her friend stepping onto the stage. Sniggering to herself she covered her mouth as the music started. The song began and Grace was gobsmacked as she heard Winnie’s voice for the first time. This woman could sing, she was even dancing along to the tune on the stage. What an entertainer she was. Danny sang along with the Shirley Bassey track and reached over and cupped Grace’s hands in his, before long they were both singing at the top of their voices. Winnie got a standing ovation when the song finally finished. She’d sang her heart out. She was flashing her legs and giving a bow to the audience as she left the stage. At one point they had to grab the microphone back off her, she was ready to give them a medley of her favourite songs. Grace stood up and went to the toilet, Winnie followed her.

  Winnie was still singing when
she joined her in the toilets. She was buzzing that she’d finally sung in front of an audience. All her life she’d dreamt of being a singer, but marriage and family life had put an end to that. She was in her element and she couldn’t stop smiling. “Did you hear me Grace? Was I good? Oh... I was meant for the stage you know. I felt alive up there, totally alive.”

  “You were bloody amazing kid. Where did you learn to sing like that? All the years I’ve known you and you never once said you could sing.”

  Winnie looked into the mirror and wiped the black mascara that had run down underneath her eyes. I’m sure there was a single tear there waiting to fall. “Singing was my life back in the day. I was always singing, well, before I met Stan that is. I used to do a few gigs in the local bars and I was good you know?” Winnie was distressed and her cheeks creased at the sides as she continued. “Stan was always jealous of the attention I got when I was singing. He denies it though, but as true as I’m standing here, he was jealous, he hated every moment of it. One night when a young man threw a red rose up to me on the stage he blew his top, the red mist came down. Honest Grace, he was like a man possessed he knocked the poor guy flying telling him I was his girlfriend.” Grace was shocked and shook her head slowly; this was all news to her. Winnie continued and placed her hands on her hips, sucking on her lips. “He more or less told me it was him or the music. I was a fool when I think back. I should have told him to take a running jump, but I was young and foolish and agreed to give it up. I could have been a star you know?”

  Grace could see the pain in her eyes and patted her shoulder softly. “You’ll always be a star in my eyes love. They broke the mould when they made you, trust me. One of a kind you are, one of a kind.”

  Winnie remembered why they were there and chuckled. “So, how’s it going? You two seem to be getting on like a house on fire. He’s a good looking man too isn’t he?”

  Grace hated to admit it but she was right. Danny was eye candy for sure. His body was still lean and his grey hair sort of gave him a George Clooney look about him. “He’s really nice Winnie. He’s so different from Martin, but he’s a breath of fresh air let me tell you. He makes me laugh and I can’t find any faults in him… yet.”

  Grace tapped her fingernail on her front teeth as Winnie run into the cubicle and yanked her knickers down. She left the door open and you could see the relief in her face as she sat on the toilet. “So, what’s next? Are you taking him back to your house for a coffee?”

  Grace looked horrified. She barely knew this man and her friend was telling her to bring him home for coffee, there was no way that was happening. What would the guy think of her if she even suggested something like that? No, Danny wasn’t coming to her home, no way in this world.

  Winnie hitched her knickers up and stood at the sink washing her hands. “I’m just saying that’s all. Times have changed since we were younger and things move a lot faster than they did in our day. Nobody would judge you if he went home with you,” she raised her eyebrows. “Come on Grace let’s face it, your husband has just been caught having an affair, you deserve the right to have some fun too.”

  The words stabbed straight into Grace’s heart, the knife twisted deep inside her and the pain of her heartache was there on her face for everyone to see. She clenched her teeth tightly together and the vein at the side of her neck pumped with rage. “For once in your life Winnie, you might be right. You don’t get any better thought of for keeping your trolleys on anyway do you? So I just might take him back to my house for a coffee after all. Who knows a few more wines and I might even show him my kinky draws. A bleeding tenner they were,” she pulled her dress up revealing them. “I may as well show them off and get my money’s worth out of them hadn’t I?”

  Winnie punched her clenched fist into the air. “That’s my girl. Why the hell not. Do it for the girls. Take one for the team.” The women hugged and started to leave once Grace used the lavatory. Just as she walked out of the door Winnie pulled her back by the arm. “I’m going to stay here and sing a few more songs. So don’t you be worrying about me. It’s the best night I’ve had out in a long time. I mean, why should I be sat at home watching Stan sleep every bleeding night. I’m not being selfish but I need to have a life too don’t I?”

  Grace was distraught, and froze. “No way, I’m not leaving you here on your own. I’ll make sure you get home before I go anywhere.”

  Winnie was up in arms and stamped her feet. “Will you listen to me Grace? I’m happy for the first time in years. Honest to God, please let me stay here and sing. I will get a taxi straight home when I’m done. Trust me, I’m old enough and wise enough to stay on my own. You go and do your thing and leave me to do mine.” Grace was fighting a losing battle and knew she had to back down gracefully. A quick kiss on her friend’s cheek and she agreed with her. The women parted company and before the night was over Winnie got on the stage at least three more times. As Grace was leaving with Danny she turned her head back and smirked as she watched her friend singing her heart out for the last time that night.

  Grace was steaming drunk, she’d felt fine in the pub but now the night air had hit her she was wobbling. Danny stood at her side and he was unsure of his next move. “Grace it’s been a great evening, you’re a very nice lady and one of the best I have met in a long time.” Grace threw caution to the wind and went in for the kill. She puckered her lips up and landed a kiss on him. Danny was shocked but you could see he was enjoying every minute of it. The couple walked to the edge of the road where a few taxis were parked up. This was it, Grace had to make a choice. Was the night ending here? Or was she taking him home with her? Sinking her head into his chest she lifted her head up slowly and met his piercing blue eyes, she licked her lips slowly and moved the piece of hair that had fallen onto her face.

  “Do you want to come back to my house for a coffee or something?”

  Danny sniggered to himself; he didn’t expect this, not on a first date anyway. Clearing his throat he held her closer and whispered into her ear. “I would love to Grace.” The couple flagged a taxi and headed home.

  Grace rummaged into her handbag for her key. Once she’d found it she passed it to Danny, her vision was poor at the best of times and now she’d had a few glasses of wine she was as blind as a bat. Grace led Danny into the front room. The house phone was ringing and she hurried to answer it. She growled as she heard the voice of her ex- husband on the other end of the line. “Will you just fuck off and get on with your own life. Stop ringing me will you. You made your choice when you jumped into bed with that tart you were sleeping with, so do yourself a favour, and leave me alone.” The phone was banged down and she stood with both her hands on her hips looking at the ceiling. Danny stood looking at her and didn’t know what to say. Marching about the room Grace kicked her shoes off. “The cheek of him, he thinks he can have an affair and then come back to me with his tail between his legs, he’s not on this planet, him, he’s got a fucking screw loose if you ask me.”

  Danny smiled and walked to her side. “I think it’s best that I go home. You have a lot on your plate and you don’t need me adding to it do you?”

  Grace paused and her mouth was moving but no words were coming out. This was her moment, her big chance to move on, to get even with Martin, but she was struggling. “No Danny, you just stay put. I’ll crack open a bottle of wine and we can get back to where we were. Sorry for the outburst, but he just winds me right up.”

  Danny sat down and felt at ease; there was no way he wanted to go home either. His house was empty and nothing but his pet dog Alby was there to keep him company, he was lonely too. Grace brought two glasses from the kitchen and placed them on the table, her head was spinning but she was trying her best to keep a straight head. Danny poured the wine as Grace unbuckled her shoes. “You have a lovely home,” he said as he looked around. Grace looked about the room and agreed with him. She was planning to redecorate and rid herself of any stamp Martin had put on the property,
she wanted a fresh start. Her sons had said they would help her but she wasn’t holding her breath. Since the split from their father, she’d only seen them a couple of times and it was obvious they thought that she should move on and get over it. Her sons were selfish and cared about nobody but themselves. They never phoned her and if they did it was only about booking her as a babysitter so they could have a night out. Grace’s heart was beating faster than normal; her eyes shot to Danny and something inside her made her make the first move. She was going to do this if it killed her, she wanted payback.

  Their bodies lay entwined on the sofa. Grace was more or less naked and her hair was stuck up all over the place. They were both sweating and panting for breath. Grace held her hand on her heart and at one stage she thought she was going to have a heart attack. Danny was blowing his breath and at the same time giggling. “Bleeding hell Grace, where did all that come from? You’re a saucy mare you are.” Grace hid away behind a pillow. The task was done and she was officially over her husband. Well, she’d had sex with another man so that was a start. Danny lit two cigarettes and passed one to Grace as he lay back down beside her. Silence reigned.


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