SEAL the Deal (Alpha SEALs Book 1)

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SEAL the Deal (Alpha SEALs Book 1) Page 7

by Makenna Jameison

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Rebecca.” He turned her to face him and backed her against the wooden railing, resting his arms on either side of her, effectively caging her in with his body.

  “No, don’t!” she said, pushing against his chest with shaking hands. He instantly backed away, startled by her reaction, and ducked his head lower to see into her eyes.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, shaking. “Let’s just walk back to the restaurant.”

  “Did I do something to upset you?”

  “No, it’s just—” she cut herself off and glanced around, looking like she was trying not to cry. He didn’t understand what had upset her and was afraid to reach out and comfort her since she hadn’t reacted well to him trapping her between him and the railing moments ago. He’d had visions of stepping in closer, stealing a kiss, but she’d pushed him back.

  “I just don’t like being over the water,” she admitted.

  “The water?” he asked, puzzled. They were standing on a pier over the ocean, but it never occurred to him as something to be frightened of. He thought his actions had somehow scared her. Maybe she couldn’t swim and that’s why she was upset? Or had a fear of heights?

  They were barely a few feet above the ocean, though, so that didn’t seem entirely plausible. And she’d loved going to the beach last week. Certainly she should realize that she was safe with him. He was a SEAL trained by the U.S. Navy. Was there anyone she could be safer with near any body of water?

  “My husband was killed last year in a car crash—his car flew off the bridge from the impact of the accident, and it took dive teams several days to recover his body. It’s crazy, but I just hate driving over bridges now or even being out over the water like this. If something happened, if somehow I got hurt, too, then Abby would have no one….”

  “Rebecca,” Patrick said, running his hands lightly down her arms. “Do you think I’d ever let anything happen to you?”

  She looked up at him, and it absolutely slayed him to see the fear and uncertainty there. She wanted to trust him, he could tell, but the fear she’d lived with for an entire year wasn’t about to be abated in one moment.

  “Come here,” he said gently, pulling her into his arms. He inhaled the sweet scent of her floral shampoo and tried not to groan aloud as her lush body pushed up against his. She tucked into him so perfectly, her body fitting against his own. He hadn’t allowed himself to feel anything close to this since his divorce, but hell if he didn’t love the feeling of holding Rebecca safe and secure in his arms. The trembling in her small frame subsided as he tightened his arms around her, and he felt a surge of male pride at being able to provide her such basic comfort and protection.

  “How about we go walk on the beach instead?” he asked, dipping his head low so that his lips brushed against her ear. “Would that be okay?”

  She shivered again, but this time he knew it was from his breath across her skin, not her somewhat irrational fear of falling into the dark water below.

  “I’d like that,” she said softly.

  He stepped back, gazing at her a moment, and then dipped his head down, kissing her softly, reverently. She tasted inexplicably of strawberries and the crisp white wine they’d enjoyed with dinner. Her lips were soft and full, and she gave herself over to him, allowing him to control their kiss. She let out a soft sigh when he finally drew back and met his intense gaze. Her breathing was shallow, her chest rising and falling in earnest, and he knew that she had been just as affected as him. As he searched her eyes, he realized that he never wanted to kiss another woman again.

  Chapter 10

  Rebecca sat silently in the car as Patrick drove them back toward the boardwalk. She felt more than a little foolish for acting so silly back on the pier at the restaurant. Who freaked out while walking on a secure structure only a few feet above the water? She knew how to swim; she’d enjoyed being on or near water for her entire life. And Patrick was a freaking SEAL for crying out loud. She was safer with him than anyone, even though she was in fact a strong swimmer herself.

  But ever since the accident, she’d been afraid of bridges or even being over the water, especially at night. It was dark and filled with the unknown. She knew that it was silly and irrational, but imagining her late husband unable to escape from the car and drowning as dark water poured in from all sides had kept her awake on more nights than she cared to admit.

  Patrick had acted like a perfect gentleman when she’d panicked. He’d listened to her fears, offered to take her elsewhere. He’d even reassured her that she was safe with him. And that kiss. Wow. No matter what happened between them, where this night led, that would live on in her memories forever.

  “I’m sorry about earlier. You must think I was overreacting.”

  “Of course not,” Patrick disagreed. “Everyone around here heard about that accident. And I know I mentioned it previously, but I’m sorry about your husband. No one should have to go through that.”

  “No, they shouldn’t,” Rebecca quietly replied.

  “I take it you and Abby weren’t in the car?”

  “No, thankfully not. He’d been called in to assist on a surgery in Norfolk and was driving home alone late at night. Abby was sound asleep at home in bed, thank God.”

  Patrick reached over and took her hand, his large, warm one wrapping around her own. She smiled, grateful for the contact, small as though it was. He gently wove his fingers through her own, clasping her hand more tightly, connecting them even more. She liked the strong, sure grip of his thick fingers woven between hers. The strength emanating from him. It was comforting and reassuring, and she loved that he was solid and real.

  “Are you still okay to go for a walk on the beach?” he asked quietly. “I’d like to spend more time with you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “What time do you need to get Abby?”

  “She’s staying at her grandparents for the night.”

  “All right.”

  He didn’t add anything else, but the unspoken suggestion of their evening continuing after their walk on the beach seemed to fill the air. The air practically crackled with electricity between them, the night still young, the possibilities endless. She felt young and carefree again, almost without the responsibilities that came along with being a grown-up.

  She breathed in deeply, inhaling his clean, male scent. It filled the interior of the SUV, leaving her dizzy with a want she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her stomach filled with butterflies as he squeezed her hand tighter. Did Patrick have similar thoughts?

  They pulled up to a public parking garage near the beach, and Patrick rounded the vehicle to help her out. She let him lift her down from the large SUV, which was entirely unnecessary but felt good all the same. Rather than take her hand, he pulled her close against his frame, shielding her from the breeze blowing off the water as they headed down toward the boardwalk.

  Rebecca felt the soft, piqued cotton of his shirt beneath her cheek. The warmth of his body. And beneath that, the solid muscles of his chest. His arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders, and they walked slowly down the boardwalk together. Fire pits lit up the patios of restaurants dotting the beach, crowds of patrons gathered around them to enjoy drinks or a meal together. The boardwalk itself was lit with lampposts, softly lighting the path alongside the sand. And beyond that, the waves were crashing in the distance, the dark waters of the ocean churning. Even in the moonlight she could see the whitecaps as the water hit the shore. She shivered as a breeze blew off the ocean, and Patrick pulled her more tightly against his chest.

  “I don’t think that I told you I was divorced.”

  “Not exactly,” she said with a gentle laugh. “I kind of assumed though, uh, with the way you reacted when I said I was a divorce lawyer.”

  She glanced up to see him looking at her curiously. “How did I react?” he asked, seeming genuinely interested in her response.


“You tensed up a little. Clenched your jaw. I’ve been around people enough in the courtroom to recognize when someone is uncomfortable. You learn to read people pretty quickly. Besides, most of the divorces that I handle aren’t exactly amicable.”

  “That’s why people seek you out.”

  “That’s true. So do you have full custody of Logan? I noticed that you never mention your ex-wife.”

  “She died of cancer,” Patrick said quietly.

  “Oh my God, I’m sorry. That must have been terrible for Logan.”

  “Yes. He was young, but he knew she was very ill. No kid should have to go through that.”

  “Absolutely not,” Rebecca agreed.

  They reached one end of the boardwalk at the north end of the beach and turned around by mutual consensus, slowly walking back the way that they’d come.

  “It’s strange how life works out,” Rebecca finally said.

  “I’ve seen a lot of terrible things in my years in the military, during the missions I’ve been on as a SEAL, but watching her die of cancer was one of the toughest things I’ve ever witnessed. Even though we were already divorced, she was still the mother of my son.”

  “You still cared about her.”

  “I did. My being a SEAL was tough on our marriage. It was too difficult for her, and after I returned from a mission, she told me that she was leaving.”

  “That’s horrible.” Rebecca had seen so many people give up on marriage, but with the women she’d encountered who’d married men who cheated on them or lived double lives, it was tough to imagine someone divorcing Patrick just because it was too hard when he was gone. He was an honest, real man. A good father. He fought for his country and defended those who couldn’t defend themselves. It was hard to imagine how anyone could find fault with that.

  “It is what it is.”

  They passed a tent that a young couple was pitching at the quieter end of the beach, and Patrick chuckled to himself. Rebecca glanced up at him and grinned.

  “I’m sure you were that young and foolish once,” she teased.

  “Agreed. I’m much more selective now,” he said, his voice growing husky.

  “Is that so?”

  Patrick turned so that Rebecca was facing him and bent down slowly. She felt trapped in his heated gaze, unable to move away, and at the same time, not wanting to be anywhere else. Her heart pounded as he bent down, and a second later, his hot mouth was on hers. He kissed her softly, gently at first, and then his tongue lightly traced her lips, seeking entrance.

  She opened her mouth to him, and his tongue slid inside, sweeping through her mouth, claiming her. His large hands slid to her waist, and he pulled her tightly against him so that she could feel his arousal against her belly. Desire pooled at her center, and she pressed her thighs together, trying to ease the ache building inside. Her breasts lightly rubbed against his chest as he held her close, and she could feel her nipples peak beneath the blouse that she wore.

  Patrick groaned in approval, evidently feeling her body’s response even through their layers of clothes. There was no one else around near this quiet end of the boardwalk, and his hands slid around to her backside, palming her bottom. He squeezed lightly, and she ground herself against him, desperate for the feel of his rock-solid body against hers. He lowered his mouth to her neck, his lips hot on her skin. She gasped as his teeth grazed her tender flesh, arching against him and inadvertently pushing her breasts even further against his chest.


  She looked up, meeting his intense gaze as he pulled slightly away from her. His hands returned to her hips, and his thumbs traced gentle circles there, driving her crazy with want. His cool blue eyes looked almost gray in the low light, but they shone with sincerity. “I don’t want to suggest anything that you’re not comfortable with, but what do you think about getting an oceanfront room for the night?”

  She opened her mouth in immediate protest, but he continued.

  “I promise not to do anything you don’t want. I’d be happy just falling asleep with you in my arms, listening to the ocean, and waking up to a sunrise over the beach together. I’m not ready to say goodnight to you just yet though.”

  When he put it that way, it did sound hard to resist. A night in Patrick’s arms sounded like heaven. She wasn’t sure how far she wanted to take things, just yet, but if he was content to let her set the pace, then she had no need to worry. Besides, since she lived in the area, she never stayed in a hotel right on the beach. There was no need to. Although most hotels would be booked solid for the summer, it was still early in the season, and they could probably find a room fairly easily from one of the many hotels that dotted the beach. Unless Patrick had already assumed they’d get a room? Patrick saw the question in her eyes and immediately put her at ease.

  “I didn’t book anything yet, I swear. I thought you’d have to get back to Abby tonight. But the thought of holding you in my arms all night sounds too good to resist.”

  He ran one hand up her side, lightly skimming the side of her breast, and she inhaled at his gentle caress.



  “Yes. Let’s stay here tonight.”

  Chapter 11

  Patrick bit out a curse as the first two hotels he quickly looked up on his smart phone had no occupancies for the evening. Rebecca stood off to the side, arms wrapped tightly around herself as she watched the water. Once Patrick had gotten the idea of spending the night with her in his mind, he couldn’t let go of the notion. Hell, he’d take her back to his place if he had to, and he hadn’t brought a woman there once since his divorce.

  He’d been with women, yes, but not in his own bed. The idea of Rebecca there made him want to roar in approval, but that would have to wait for a later date. Because when she was there in his bed, beneath his sheets, there was no way he’d be able to stop himself from claiming her as his own.

  He’d go as far as she wanted tonight, content with whatever she gave to him. He hadn’t been joking about wanting to spend the night with her in his arms, listening to the waves crash outside their window. Few things soothed him like the water did, but something about Rebecca’s presence eased him as well. But if he took her back to his house? He knew he wouldn’t ever want her to leave.

  After lucking out on his third try, he whisked Rebecca down the boardwalk to a luxury hotel right on the oceanfront. He’d booked a king-sized suite, complete with a balcony overlooking the ocean and whirlpool in the room. As soon as they entered, he turned on the water, filling the large hot tub until the water was steaming. He turned on the jets a moment later and glanced up at Rebecca.

  “I thought maybe we could relax in here.”

  “I didn’t bring a suit.”

  “Neither did I,” he said with a grin.

  He could sense her uncertainty but knew that if he got in, she’d join him. Hell, she’d agreed to spend the night with him. And he had nothing to be ashamed of—he worked hard for his body, doing hours of PT with his team. Rebecca was obviously attracted to him. He’d be patient with her—to some extent. But the woman was absolutely gorgeous, and he knew when he’d kissed her earlier that she’d been just as aroused as him.

  He dipped his head low, kissing her deeply, before walking over and opening the doors to the balcony. Rebecca followed him there, gazing out at the dark ocean beyond as they listened to the waves crash against the shore.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  He pulled off his shirt, turning away from Rebecca as she blushed, and quickly stripped off his remaining clothes, offering her a view of his backside. His erection thrust out before him, and he knew she’d be alarmed if she saw just how aroused he already was. He stepped into the hot tub, groaning as the jets pounded against his muscles as he sank into the built-in seat.

  Glancing back at Rebecca, he almost laughed. Her jaw had almost comically dropped at his disrobing, and she gaped at him. The hint of a blush
was still spreading across her cheeks, but he could see desire pooling in her brown eyes. Her nipples were taut against the thin blouse that she wore, and he knew she was as turned on right now as he was.

  “Care to join me?” He turned so that his back was facing her, feeling a certain sense of chivalry at her unease. Not that he didn’t fully intend to explore every inch of her later. He was dying to examine all those womanly curves hidden beneath her clothing with his fingertips—followed shortly after by his tongue. But he’d let her get comfortable for now. “I won’t even watch you undress. The vision I have in my mind is pretty spectacular though.”

  Rebecca laughed, and he heard the rustle of fabric as her clothes fell to the ground. He forced himself to look straight ahead until she slipped into the water beside him, and he finally hastened a glance her way, just catching sight of the top swells of her breasts as she sank into the water.

  Rebecca surprised him, coming to sit right at his side. For a woman who’d seemed shy about him watching her a moment ago, she didn’t seem at all reserved now that they were in the hot tub together.

  “Sorry,” she said unnecessarily. “I just needed a moment.”

  “You’re well worth the wait,” he said, smiling down at her.

  Her lips parted as she gazed up at him, and arousal filled her eyes. He felt himself harden even more, and he tilted her chin up toward him, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. She moaned softly as his tongue darted into her mouth, and he allowed his hand to softly caress her side before sliding it up to palm her breast. Unable to resist, his other hand slid there as well. The globes of her full breasts were barely contained in his large hands, and he squeezed and caressed them, needing to touch her as much as he needed his next breath.

  His thumbs found her nipples, rubbing back and forth, and they peaked beneath his touch. He longed to see all of her, to rake his eyes over all that soft skin and those womanly curves. Without hesitation, he reached around her slender waist and pulled her onto his lap. His arousal pushed against her ass, and she jolted in surprise, before grinding herself enticingly against him.


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