My Father's Best Friend

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My Father's Best Friend Page 12

by Fiona Davenport

  She’d given me the perfect opportunity without realizing it. I stomped down a little spark of guilt for what I was about to do, knowing it would mean giving up that dream. My hope was that it would inspire a new one.

  “Sweetheart, teaching at a school isn’t the only way to accomplish your dream.” I ran a finger down the side of her face, smiling softly. “What about molding the minds of our kids? Guiding them and helping to carve out a path for their future.”

  At the mention of kids, her eyes got wide. Don’t you mean at the mention of our kids? That guilty little voice pissed me off and I stomped it down again, this time grinding it with my heel.

  “You’ll have an even greater influence over your own children, and an unimaginable sense of pride that you won’t get from students coming and going through your classroom.”

  “I suppose that’s true,” she admitted a little begrudgingly, “but maybe I want both.” There was uncertainty lurking in her tone.

  Then her eyes lit up for a second. “Why don’t we both go to California? I’m sure Berkeley would love to have you.”

  I hated to dim the joy creeping onto her face. “If it were possible for me to keep you with me and give you both, I would in a heartbeat, sweetheart,” I answered. “But I have another two and a half years on my contract. Besides that, do you really want to leave your family? You’ll miss so much of Gregory’s life.” I was laying it on pretty thick, but desperate times and all that.

  She sighed, “Well, what about long distance? We can do it for that long. Then your contract will be over and I can return here for the rest of my education. Maybe by then, you’ll be ready to go back to writing full time and take some time off from teaching again?” Her voice was on the verge of pleading.

  This was not an option I’d even entertained, not for one second and the fact that she even suggested it had my temper coming to a boil. I started a mental tally in my head. One.

  “No fucking way, Charlotte. You will be sleeping in my bed from now on. That subject is closed and not up for discussion.”

  Charlotte looked taken aback for a moment. Then she jumped off the couch and stood over me, her hands on her hips, and her chest heaving with anger. Holy fuck! She looked hot as fucking hell. Focus, I needed to focus.

  “So, it’s your way or the highway?”

  Two. I glared at her. “There is no ‘highway,’ Charlotte. So stop bringing it up. You are mine. I told you last night, when you let me pop that sweet cherry, that no other man would ever touch you. I warned you that you couldn’t turn back.”

  “You have to know this isn’t about me wanting another man, Gabe. It’s about me trying to find a solution we can both be happy with. You’re asking me to give up everything, while you give up nothing!” she yelled at me. “Maybe it’s useless for me to even try. Maybe there is no middle ground. If so, I can solve this problem easily by going to California.” Three.

  “Sweetheart, sit down,” I suggested, doing my best to keep my voice smooth. When she didn’t do as I asked, I infused steel into my voice. “Charlotte, sit your pretty little ass down, and do not ever threaten to leave me.” Four.

  Something in my tone must have made her realize I wasn’t fucking around and she sat gingerly on the couch, eyeing me warily. “Your sass is sexy as hell, sweetheart, but you’re just asking to be punished for defying me in the one thing I’ve asked you not to push.”

  “Punished?” Her voice squeaked adorably.

  “Remember those cuffs?” A small spark of desire mixed with the curiosity in her eyes. I kept my face impassive, but inside I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. “Does that intrigue you?” I asked knowingly. She gave me just the barest nod, seeming confused by her own admission. “You want to know what it’s like to be tied up by me, dominated, owned by me, don’t you?” She blinked at me silently, but once again, I could see everything in her eyes. I was right about her submissive nature and thinking about later, when I would show her how much she’ll love it...I had to stop. It wasn’t time yet.

  I stood and started walking towards the kitchen. It broke the trance-like state that had come over Charlotte.

  “Where are you going?”

  I glanced back. “I’m not asking you to give up everything, sweetheart. I’m asking you to mold your dreams. Maybe create new ones,” I said over my shoulder as I reached my destination and pulled a small box from a drawer and dropped it into my pocket.

  When I returned to Charlotte, I went to my knees in front of her. I wanted her to know that my words were a request, and not a demand. That despite my dominant and over-possessive nature, there was give and take in this relationship. Not that I was willing to budge on this, but I figured giving her the illusion of having a choice would serve me better.

  “Sweetheart, I know things between us are moving at lightning speed. But, I’ve loved you for months and now that I have you, I can’t give you up. I can’t do it, Charlotte. It would tear me apart.” Her face softened and I could see her love shining through.

  “I had every intention of giving you some time before asking this. Not much, but some. However, I simply can’t wait. And, honestly, I don’t see a reason to. Not when I know you love me.”

  She nodded and her eyes brimmed with tears, whether they were happy or sad, I wasn’t sure yet. “I do, Gabe. I love you more than anything.”

  I pulled the little box from my pocket and opened it to show her a sparkling diamond set in rose gold filigree that was molded around it to form a rose. It was an antique, and when I saw it, it reminded me of my sweet Charlotte’s pink rosebud mouth.

  “I want you to be mine in every way possible. I want you to be my wife, my lover, and the mother of all our children. I want you to raise them to be strong, independent, and smart, just like their mother. I know you’re young sweetheart, but I also know you will never be more ready to start a family with me than you are now. Because you will already be the perfect mother.”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks, but there was a smile hovering around the edges of her mouth. Her fingers ghosted over the ring and her smile grew. “Okay.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, did you just answer ‘okay’ to my heartfelt, poetic, and utterly, devastatingly romantic proposal?” I asked with mock offense.

  She laughed, “I’m terribly sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities, sir.” It took everything in me not to rush her to the bedroom, get her naked, and hear her call me sir on a moan.

  I shook it off as best I could, reminding myself that it was almost time. Removing the delicate ring from the silk it was nestled in, I started to slip it onto her finger—

  “Wait!” I froze, but held tight when she attempted to pull her hand back.

  “Wait, why are you asking me now?”

  My brow furrowed, not understanding her question, “What do you mean? I told you, I want you to be mine.”

  “But why. Why specifically now?”

  I gritted my teeth at her inquiry, irritated that she was so close to seeing my ulterior motive. Did it really matter though? In the end, it was all because I loved her and couldn’t live without her.

  “Are you proposing just so I won’t leave?” Her voice was rising in pitch and it made me wince. I refused to attribute any of my reaction to guilt.

  “Of course I don’t want you to leave, sweetheart,” I answered honestly. “But, does it really matter when I marry you when it was always going to happen anyway?”

  “Yes it matters, Gabe!” she screeched. “You’re supposed to propose because you’re overcome with the need to marry me. Because your love is so strong that you have no other choice. Not because I was thinking of leaving and you had no other solution.”

  Was. That told me all I needed to know. She’d decided to stay. “Charlotte, look at me,” I commanded. Her eyes immediately found mine. “Do you believe that I love you?” She nodded without hesitation, saving herself another count on the tally. “Does it really matter, in the long run, why I’m choosing now when w
e both know it was going to happen eventually?”

  She considered me for a few moments and I could practically see the cogs whirling in her mind.

  “Do you want to marry me, Charlotte?”

  “Yes.” Her voice waivered and she smiled tentatively.

  I surged up from the floor and lifted her into my arms, twirling her around, drowning in the beautiful sound of her laughter. “Then let that be your answer now.”

  Chapter 11


  “Yes.” Her voice was muffled by my shirt, but I felt her answer to the depth of my bones.

  When I stopped moving, I let her slide down my body until her feet touched the floor. I wanted her to feel how much I wanted her. Then I cupped her face in my hands and looked deep into her eyes for a moment. “Do you trust me, sweetheart?”

  I was getting more and more excited to teach her different methods of pleasure. I knew I’d have to go slow and make sure she wasn’t frightened by it, because I knew she’d love it in the end.

  “Of course.”

  I fucking love this woman.

  “I want to teach you about some of my sexual preferences, things I think we will enjoy doing together.”

  She raised an eyebrow, intrigued rather than wary.

  My woman is fucking awesome.

  I kissed her with all of my pent up passion from the evening. When I pulled back, she looked dazed and excited. “Go to the bedroom and strip, get in bed and wait for me on your back, legs open. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed, a sweet blush tingeing her nose and cheeks with pink. I turned her towards the bedroom and patted her ass to get her moving. She padded down the hall and I went into the kitchen to get the first thing I would need.

  When I entered the bedroom, I was pleased to see she’d done exactly as I’d asked. I set the container in my hands down on the floor and walked to the end of the bed to see the full effect. After simply admiring the view for a moment, I reached out and ran a finger between the lips of her pussy. It came away shiny and I stuck it in my mouth, her taste building my need.

  “You have no idea how absolutely gorgeous you are right now, sweetheart. Your pink pussy open and already drenched for me.” She squirmed a little, but didn’t close her legs. I winked at her in approval, and rounded the bed, stopping at her side of the headboard.

  “I’m going to cuff you to the bed, sweetheart. All right?” She nodded in response. I sat beside her and kept our gazes locked. “When I ask a question, I need you to answer me out loud. I don’t want to misinterpret anything.”

  Her head started to bob again, but stopped halfway, “Yes, you can, um, cuff me.” She looked uncertain and excited at the same time. It was going to be the biggest challenge of my life to get through my plans without coming.

  I grabbed the pair of buttery soft, leather restraints in the table beside the bed that I’d put there just for this occasion. The chain attached to both sides of the headboard, then met in the middle where there was a gadget that allowed the person cuffed to turn over without getting twisted up.

  After affixing her hands in the cuffs, I lifted a silk swath of fabric and showed it to her. “Do you trust me enough to let me blindfold you? I’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with, as long as you agree to let me push your boundaries a little.”

  She looked between me and the black silk a few times, then took a deep breath, “Yes, I trust you,” she whispered. “You can blindfold me.” As I tied it around her head, I gave her a quick kiss of appreciation.

  I swiftly undressed, although I left on my boxer briefs in the hope it would help me keep myself in check. Grabbing the container from the floor, I climbed onto the bed and knelt between Charlotte’s thighs, setting it next to me. Laying my hands on the silky skin of her thighs, I moved them slowly over her hips and her stomach, to cup her tits, their perfect size spilling from my palms. Hovering over her, I took her mouth in another consuming kiss, driving up her desire, drinking in her moans.

  Breaking the kiss, I sat back on my heels and opened the container, removing a piece of ice. At the first touch on her nipple, she gasped and shivered. Her rosy bud hardened, becoming a stiff peak. Leaning down, I licked it and she shivered for a whole other reason. I circled the nipple with the ice a few times, then ran it across the tip again. Alternating with licks and nips, then giving the other tit the same attention.

  Her moans were escalating and I smiled to myself, pleased that she was finding pleasure in this. After loving on her tits for a few minutes, I grabbed a new ice cube and slid it between her breasts, down to her belly button, circling and licking there as well.

  Then I moved on to her pussy. Taking a fresh cube, I licked her from bottom to top, following the path with the ice. Charlotte cried out and bowed up on the bed, attempting to close her legs, but I was hindering the movement. I used the ice and my tongue to torture her until she was whimpering in desperation. With another new cube, I slid it inside her, pressing in with my finger and latching on to her clit. I sucked hard, setting her off like a rocket, screaming my name and convulsing.

  Pre-come was leaking furiously, my cock begging to be released. I used the time to move off the bed and put the container of ice in the bathroom to calm myself down. After I felt a little stronger, I sat down at her side again and gave her another sweet kiss.

  “How do you feel, sweetheart?”

  “Fucking hell, Gabe. That was amazing,” she panted, still worked up from her orgasm.

  “It’s crucial that you listen carefully to my instructions, Charlotte. There is great pleasure to be had in what comes next, but only if you do as you’re told. I don’t want you to be hurt or frightened.”

  “All right.” Her voice held a hint of trepidation.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I will always take care of you.” I opened the drawer again and lifted the small, leather crop, running the strips through my fingers as I gave her instruction.

  “First, you need a word, something you can say that will tell me I’ve gone beyond your limit and I need to stop. I will always stop. Do you understand?”


  She chose a word, and I went back to my explanation. “You are giving me complete and utter control of your body, sweetheart. You will not make a sound unless you are asked a direct question or are using your safe word. Not even a moan, Charlotte. That was the only time tonight you will be allowed to come without permission. You are not to orgasm unless I allow it. Your orgasms are mine. And, let me be very clear about something, that particular edict extends beyond what we do together this evening. You won’t always have to ask, but you are not allowed to get off on your own. That’s my job, and mine alone. Should you break this rule, you will be punished.”

  She stilled and went rigid at my announcement.

  “Sweetheart, trust, remember? I would never do anything to hurt you beyond adding to our pleasure. Do you have any questions?”

  She shook her head slowly, and said, “No, not right now, but I probably will later.” I saw that she was nervous and soothed her by petting her body a few times, soft gestures of comfort and love.

  “Before we begin, I’m going to warn you. You are already due for punishment.”

  She gasped, “What for?”

  I laid a hand on her throat and put just the slightest pressure there. “For even thinking about leaving me. I counted four times.” I pressed a little harder. “Although threatening to leave should warrant several more. But, I’m feeling generous and keeping the tally low. Be grateful for that and turn over, sweetheart. Get on your knees and forearms, legs spread wide and your sexy ass high in the air.”

  She paused again, looking uncomfortable.

  “There won’t be any anal play tonight,” I said, knowing the direction her thoughts had gone in. “Maybe someday, but don’t worry about that tonight.”

  Tension seeped from her shoulders as I helped her turn and get into the right position. Then I situated myself behind her, my cock practically weep
ing at the sight of her body offered up to me, her arousal glistening on the lips of her pussy and the inner skin of her thighs.

  Leaning over her back, I grasped her tits and squeezed, manipulating her nipples, twisting and plucking, ratcheting up her need. Going back to my original spot, I pushed her legs a little wider and used my thumbs to hold open the lips of her pussy so I could lick and suck all the evidence of her desire. After a few minutes, a moan slipped from her mouth and I immediately stopped and sat up.

  “Silence,” I commanded, my voice hard as steel, much the same as my cock. “You broke a rule, sweetheart.”

  Picking up the crop, I lashed it lightly across one round globe of her ass, ready to explode at the reddening of her creamy, white skin.

  Charlotte cried out and I immediately halted to make sure she was okay. “Are you using your safe word, sweetheart, or do you trust me to go on?”

  She didn’t answer right away and I began to worry that I was wrong about my belief that this would appeal to her. Then she spoke. “You can continue,” she said shakily.

  “Since that was so unexpected, I’m going to forgive your outburst at the first lash. But, no more, Charlotte. I expect silence.” I waited and she obeyed, so I rubbed away the sting on her bottom, and kissed the skin. “I’m going to give you the punishment you tallied up so it’s out of the way.”

  I checked to make sure that she was still wet, much needed proof that this was turning her on, and found her absolutely soaked. I administered two quick slaps of the crop on each cheek, then smoothed my hand over the pinked skin, helping to alleviate some of the sting.

  “Fuck, sweetheart. Seeing these marks on your unmarred skin has me so close to coming.” Feeling her wetness again, I groaned. “Is it making you hot, sweetheart? Answer.”

  “Y—yes. I didn’t think it would be so...” she trailed off, seemingly searching for the right word, “erotic.”

  I smiled widely, even though she couldn’t see it. Fuck yes! I knew she was fucking made for me. I started to explore her body with my hands and mouth, always returning to her pussy, licking and nipping everywhere but where she wanted it most. She was shaking and squirming with the need to be vocal and when I finally ran my tongue over her clit, she couldn’t hold it in and cried out my name. I immediately slapped the crop across her ass, a little harder this time.


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