Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 6

by Krista Lakes

  He's getting married tomorrow. To Madelyn. Ella reminded herself.

  It hurt to think it. He couldn't have been leaning forward to kiss her. That was her imagination. He was just a great guy who she shouldn't feel anything for. Because he was getting married at her inn tomorrow and she was a professional.

  Which is why she ran. She had to. If she had actually kissed him, if she had let her own emotions take control... She could have ruined everything. No one would ever go to a place where staff kissed the groom the day before the wedding. Well, not the type of clients she wanted.

  Still, the message from Delores had her moving quickly. The last time she got a message like that, she had been stuck scrubbing tile floors with a toothbrush for two days because an important client complained that their room service wasn't taken away quickly enough.

  She took a deep breath at the entryway to Delores's office. She smoothed the front of her uniform and knocked on the door.

  “Come in.” The voice was cold and calculating on the other side. Cold sweat broke out on Ella's forehead.

  The doorknob slipped in Ella's hands, twisting on the cold sweat of her palms as she opened the door. It took her two tries to get the door open.

  “Took you long enough.” Delores didn't even bother to look up from signing a paper on her desk. She finished and stacked it neatly in a box labeled “complete.” Several of them were labeled with an IRS stamp and didn't look anywhere near “complete”.

  Ella was still breathless from running all the way here, so she kept her retort silent. Instead, she simply moved to stand in front of the desk, assuming the meek position she always did whenever Delores was angry. Hands clasped in front, head lowered, eyes down.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Delores looked up at her, fire in her eyes. Ella had never seen her this angry before. It wasn't loud and big angry- that she could have stood up to. This was quiet, slow burning anger that only meant that terrible things were in her future.

  “Um...” Ella's thoughts were wild. Technically, she shouldn't have been at the gazebo right now, but there was no way Delores could have known she was there. She did leave the laundry room light on last night, but that was for the night shift... Could Delores have possibly seen Jace in the barn? Guests weren't allowed in there, but...

  “Wooing the Connor family is supposed to be Allison's job.” Delores glared at her, green eyes staring daggers. “Not yours.”

  “The Connor family?” Ella was completely lost. The only wooing she wanted to do was with Jace, and she was trying very, very hard not to do that.

  “Imagine my surprise when Madelyn Connor calls me and asks that Ella, the maid Ella, be her personal wedding liaison,” Delores continued. She stood from her chair, putting both hands on her desk and leaning forward to better assert her dominance over Ella. “Again, I ask. What the hell do you think you are doing?”

  “Madelyn did what?” Ella gasped.

  “I'm so glad you two are already on a first name basis,” Delores sneered. “How could you do this to your sister?”

  “Do what to my sister?” Ella asked, still utterly confused. Why in the world would Madelyn ask for her? She certainly had never asked or even insinuated Madelyn should do anything of the sort. The last thing Ella wanted was to do anything that would jeopardize the wedding plans for the inn.

  “Allison has been working so hard on making sure everything for this wedding goes perfectly, while you sit on you ass and leave the light on in the laundry room. I can't believe you would usurp your only sister's chance at leaving this hellhole by sabotaging her like this. Sabotaging me like this.” Delores stood straight and made a disgusted sound. “And using your mother's wedding dress to bribe her, Ella- it's deplorable.”

  “I didn't-”

  “Don't lie to me, Ella,” Delores cut her off sharply. She took a deep breath through a pinched mouth, settling herself in her chair and spreading her hands over the desk. “Now, I have to give Madelyn what she wants. And despite my best efforts to convince her that you are not what you appear, she wants you.”

  Ella's brain was having trouble keeping up with what was going on. Madelyn had asked for her. She was going to be the wedding liaison for the Connor wedding. The room felt hot and tiny.

  “So, get out of that maid outfit and put on something decent.” Delores looked Ella over as if she were sure Ella would fail at the task. “You are to be at the beck and call of Madelyn Connor for the remainder of her stay here.”

  “Of course.” Hope and fear surged through Ella in equal parts. It was all happening so fast that she wasn't really sure of what was going on, but she wasn't about to complain. This could be her real chance to make sure the wedding went off without a hitch. She could be sure that this wedding put Blue Lake Inn and Resort on the map.

  “Maria will take over your cleaning responsibilities, as I can't have guests seeing you working with the Connors and then taking out the garbage,” Delores said. “But, I still expect you to maintain all your other duties.”

  “Of course. I'll be sure everything is perfect,” Ella promised, her voice shaking.

  “You had better.” Delores's eyes narrowed in threat. “And Ella, if you screw this up. I will destroy you. You think life was unfair or hard before? It'll have been a dream compared to what I'll do to you if I even hear the whisper of dissatisfaction from the Connors. I want them to love our family, and right now, that unfortunately means you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, ma'am.” Ella nodded. There was no way she was going to let anything mess this up. This was her chance to make the inn shine. It was everything she wanted.

  “Good.” Delores picked up a fresh piece of paper and a pen. “Now get out of my sight.”

  Ella didn't pause for a moment. She nearly ran to the door, excitement growing with every step. This was possibly the most terrifying and thrilling thing that could have happened. She walked on giddy steps, hurrying to her small room in the attic to change her clothes.

  She couldn't wait to make sure that everything went well for the inn. She could make sure this wedding went off without a hitch and that everything was perfect. It was better than she could have hoped for. Yet, for all her excitement, the only person that she wanted to tell was Jace.

  Chapter Seven

  Ella knocked on the bridal suite door, hoping that her knock sounded more confident than she felt. The initial shock of excitement had quickly worn off as she changed. The dress pants she now wore didn't fit quite right and she was fairly certain that the blouse was so old that it was close to being back in style, but they were the only “nice” clothes that she owned. It had taken her nearly ten minutes of staring bleakly into her tiny closet wishing something new would show up before she had given up and put on what she had. Tomorrow, she would have to ask Allison if she could borrow something. Maybe one of Maria's daughters had something...

  The door swung open and Madelyn beamed at her. The tears were long gone and her makeup replaced. She looked radiant and happy. Just as a bride should. Jace would be happy to know his future bride was no longer upset.

  “Thank heaven you're here!” Madelyn exclaimed, reaching out and pulling her into the bridal suite.

  Ella nearly didn't recognize the place. A couple hours ago, the place had been spotless. Now, it was coated in tissue paper and wedding accessories. Shoe boxes, scarves, shopping bags, and various other items were strewn everywhere. Sitting calmly in the center of the storm were two young women sipping champagne and chatting in the afternoon sunshine filtering through the window. They smiled politely as Ella nearly tripped over an empty shoe box.

  “I need you to put on the dress,” Madelyn said.

  Ella stared at her for a moment not really understanding the words that just came out of her mouth. “You need me to do what?”

  “I need you to put on the dress,” Madelyn repeated. “Clarissa is too tall and it won't fit Gwen. I need you to put it on so that I can see the full effect. I need to mak
e sure that the veil and the shoes will work, and I can't do it without it on someone. We don't have a mannequin, so I need you.”

  “I can get you a mannequin...”

  “I want you.” Madelyn said. She shrugged in apology, then said, “I know it's not exactly normal, but... please?”

  Ella almost protested. She shouldn't be putting on someone else's wedding dress. But, as she looked at Madelyn, she knew she didn't have much of a choice. This was Madelyn's wedding and she was paying a lot of good money to get whatever she wanted, and right now, she wanted Ella in her wedding dress.

  “Of course. Whatever you need,” Ella agreed. What in the world had she gotten herself into?

  Madelyn's grin lit up the room and Ella couldn't help but smile in return. The woman's enthusiasm and excitement was contagious and the further Ella walked into the suite, the more genuine the smile became.

  The dress hung reverently on the closet door in the bedroom. Late afternoon sunshine poured through the windows, catching the lace and making it the dress shimmer and glow. Ella fingered the lace sleeves, heart in her throat. Her mother's dress had never looked so beautiful. A dress like this was meant to be worn or at least displayed, not tucked away in a hidden, dusty box.

  Ella glanced shyly at Madelyn as she carefully took the dress from the hanger and prepared to put it on. She had never worn the dress before, even in play. It had felt too weird, especially when her father was still alive. After his death, she had been far too busy to indulge in playing dress-up.

  “If you need any help, just holler,” Madelyn said as she prepared to close the bedroom door. “I'll be right outside to help with the buttons when you're changed.”

  Ella nodded, not trusting her voice. The click of the door closing rattled in Ella's ears as she held the beloved dress in her hands. What was she doing?

  Earning this wedding, she told herself as she stripped down to her underwear. Do whatever it takes.

  She didn't feel comfortable taking off her bra, but it wasn't strapless and would show through the lace sleeves. Instead she just tucked the straps into the cups, deciding that a lumpy boob was less noticeable than a bra strap.

  The dress slid over her head with the satin making a soothing, slippery sound. It was cool against her skin, but she still felt hot as she threaded her arms through the lace mesh of the sleeves and adjusted the dress as best as she could. Ella kept her eyes closed as she pulled the skirt straight and prepared to call Madelyn to finish up the back.

  “Wow,” Madelyn's voice was low and reverent.

  Ella looked up into the huge bathroom mirror to see Madelyn slipping into the room behind her. But it wasn't Madelyn that made her breath catch in her chest and squeeze down hard.

  Ella stared at the figure in the mirror as Madelyn came up behind her and began cinching the corset ties on the waist tight and buttoning buttons. The woman staring at Ella in the mirror was her mother. Except for the eyes. The eyes were her father's.

  And they were both smiling at her.

  “I figured we were about the same size,” Madelyn murmured as she carefully put the buttons through each delicate loop. Her fingers paused at the top button, Madelyn's eyes going to Ella's in the mirror. “Thank you again for this.”

  Ella just smiled and nodded, unable to find the words.

  “My mother didn't have a dress,” Madelyn remarked, filling the silence with easy conversation. “She and my father eloped to Vegas, otherwise I would have used hers. There's no way I'd use my stepmother's. Either of them.”

  Ella turned to see Madelyn smiling at the memory. “I'm sure your mom will like this one.”

  “I like to think so,” Madelyn agreed. When Ella frowned at the phrasing, Madelyn explained. “She died two years ago. Cancer.”

  “I'm so sorry.” Ella looked away, feeling awful for bringing up something like that. It was probably hard enough that Madelyn's mother wasn't around, let alone having Ella bring it up.

  “It's okay,” Madelyn assured her. “But, you letting me borrow yours, feels like a gift from her. Somehow it feels like she sent you to be my guardian angel.”

  Ella wasn't sure how to reply to that. She had never really experienced anything to make her believe that anyone was looking out for her. Or, if they were, they were doing a terrible job.

  “Anyway, I know it's silly, but I can't thank you enough for saving me. You're my hero.” Madelyn patted Ella's shoulder. “All done. Come out in the main room. I have everything out there.”

  Ella carefully followed Madelyn out of the bedroom and back into the craziness of the sitting room. The two women sitting on the couch gasped as she stepped out.

  While Madelyn grabbed a small stool for Ella to stand on, the two women introduced themselves. Ella was glad to see that neither of them were the blonde or her group from the night before.

  “I'm Clarissa,” the tall, thin platinum blonde introduced herself. “I'm Maddy's cousin and the maid of honor.”

  “And I'm Gwen, the best friend.” The redhead set down her champagne. “Do you want some champagne? Everything is more fun with champagne.”

  “I'm supposed to be working,” Ella stammered as Madelyn fluffed the skirt out and then went to grab something from a box.

  “Working? Then we're your bosses, right?” Gwen smiled as Ella nodded. “Then, as your boss, I insist that you have a good time and have some champagne with us.”

  “She's right, you know,” Madelyn agreed, rummaging around looking for something. “We'll have far more fun this way.”

  Ella grinned, feeling the bonds of friendship starting to form with these women. “Well, I can't say no to my bosses.”

  Gwen laughed and went to grab her a glass. “I knew you'd come around.”

  “Okay, here's the veil,” Madelyn announced. Ella dipped her knees while Madelyn fastened the lace veil to the crown of her head.

  “Oh, Madelyn...” Clarissa gasped. “It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

  “It is, isn't it?” Madelyn beamed. “I was so afraid Martha's veil wouldn't match, but it's like it was made for this dress.”

  “Martha is the groom's mother,” Gwen clarified for Ella, handing her a very full glass of champagne.

  “It's my something borrowed.” Madelyn frowned. “Or is it my something old? I forget.”

  “It was going to be both, but now the veil is something old, the shoes are something new, the dress is now the something borrowed, and the garter we picked out is your something blue,” Clarissa told her. “I have Charles searching for the penny in your shoe.”

  “Right,” Madelyn nodded. “Now, the shoes. I want to make sure they look right.”

  “They're hidden under the dress.” Gwen rolled her eyes and grinned at Ella. “I still say you should wear cowboy boots.”

  “Hell to the no,” came Madelyn's response as she dug through a pile of tissue paper. She frowned as her hands came up empty. “They must be in the bedroom.

  A knock on the door caught the women's attention. “Will you get that Clarissa? I'm going to go look for the shoes.” Madelyn disappeared into the bedroom.

  “Who could it be?” wondered Clarissa, heading to the door. Before she could check the peephole, the door swung open and in walked Jace.

  Jace, the groom. And Ella was wearing Madelyn's wedding dress.

  Horror filled Ella's stomach like molten lead as their eyes met. He couldn't see her like this. It was bad luck. Not in his soon-to-be-wife's wedding dress. Not him. Anyone but him.

  With whimper, she leapt from the stool, spilling her champagne all over the floor but managing to avoid the dress. She ran to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and wishing that the whole hotel would just go up in flames around her.

  Chapter Eight


  That was the only word that Jace could think of to describe what he had just seen. Even as Ella fled, spilling champagne all over the carpet, she was stunning. He didn't know it was possible for someone to be so breathtaking
ly lovely.

  He looked at the three women staring at him, trying to figure out why Ella had just run from the room. They all shrugged at him, concern filling their eyes.

  “Hey, Cousin. Madelyn is in there with her. She'll be fine.” Clarissa asked, settling back on the couch. He was surprised she could find it given the amount of tissue paper filling the room. “What's up?”

  “Just coming up to check in on Madelyn,” he replied. He had always like Clarissa. She was one of the few people that Jace was actually glad to have at the wedding. “What are you all doing for lunch?”

  “We have a tea service planned for this afternoon,” Clarissa told him. She crossed her arms. “No boys allowed.”

  Jace was instantly transported back in time to when the three of them were younger and Clarissa and Madelyn would have elaborate parties, making sure to tell him just how much he wasn't invited due to his gender.

  “Besides,” Gwen added, her smile kind. “We're playing dress up and fixing all the accessories and stuff, so you wouldn't want to be here anyway.”

  “That's why Ella was wearing the dress.” Jace glanced back at the closed bedroom door. At least now he knew why she was wearing a wedding dress, but that still didn't explain why she had run.

  “You know Ella?” Gwen asked, pouring herself a fresh glass of champagne.

  “She helped show me around yesterday after I got lost,” he said. He left out the part where he found her completely and utterly amazing or the fact that he hadn't been able to think of anyone since.

  “You mean, she helped hide you from Rosalind?” Clarissa teased. “I'm not surprised. She seems like a total sweetheart.”

  “That she is,” Jace agreed. Clarissa's eyes narrowed for a moment, sensing that there might be more to his words than he meant. He shrugged, hoping that his observant cousin wouldn't get any ideas.

  “Gwen, where's the other bottle of champagne?” Clarissa asked, holding an empty glass bottle and pouting.


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