Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 9

by Krista Lakes

  “I can do that,” he said, leaning against the far wall of the office. The smile that lit up her face was worth the extra time.

  “Thank you. You have no idea how much you're saving me right now. You have no idea how much she's been pushing.” Allison's shoulders relaxed and her smile was genuine and soft. “So, who's the lucky girl? She must be pretty amazing to have captured you so completely.”

  Jace chuckled. “I certainly think so,” he agreed.

  “If you need any help setting up a romantic date, let me know. The inn is at your disposal.” Allison buttoned up the loose two buttons of her shirt. “I'd love to be able to return this favor you're doing for me right now.”

  The idea of a romantic date, perhaps out in the small gazebo, with no interference from Delores was too good to pass up. “You think you could get Ella the day off tomorrow?”

  Allison's hands stilled. “Ella? You mean the maid, Ella?”

  “Yes.” Jace did not appreciate the way Allison twisted the words “maid” and “Ella” into something that sounded low. His shoulders tightened, wanting to protect Ella from words she'd never even hear.

  Allison dissolved into laughter. Her shoulders shook with mirth and she nearly fell off the desk. Jace stared at her until she caught her breath, completely at a loss as to what was so funny.

  “Oh, Mother's going to be so pissed,” she gasped, holding her sides and wiping tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath, noting Jace's confused and concerned expression. “I'm sorry. It's just that Mother hates Ella. More than hates. Hates isn't even close to the loathing Mother feels.”

  “She hates Ella? Why?” Jace asked.

  “Something to do with Ella's father. I've never really understood it,” Allison shrugged, some of the laughter fading from her eyes. “She blames Ella for everything wrong with her life. Ella doesn't deserve any of it.”

  That certainly explained why Delores had told him Ella was engaged. He had to wonder what Delores wasn't capable of.

  “So I should cancel my plans to ask Delores for her permission to date Ella, then?” Jace asked with a wink.

  “Oh, that would be priceless. Mother would flip!” Allison dissolved into another fit of giggles. “It's basically her worst nightmare and she would deserve it. Especially after all this.”

  Jace couldn't blame her for the slight bitterness in her voice. She had every right to be angry with her mother for what Delores had demanded she do. He decided to ignore the small slight to his ego.

  Allison checked her watch and jumped off the desk. The heel of her shoe landed crooked and she stumbled instead of landing. Jace reached out for her, pulling her to him and keeping her from falling. Her perfume was too sweet for his taste, but it wasn't awful.

  “You okay?” he asked, making sure she had her feet firmly on the ground before letting her go.

  “Yeah.” Allison blushed a deep crimson, but pushed him away. She was done trying to seduce him. “Thank you.”

  “Thanks.” He turned for the door, pausing to look back. “Do you want me to storm out angrily or just walk out looking incredibly pleased?”

  “You'd do that?” Allison asked, her face lighting up.

  “Sure,” Jace said with a smile. “It'll get your mother off your back and mine. If she thinks you've succeeded, then we're both off the hook.”

  “Then looking pleased would be great,” Allison replied. A little more tension melted out of her shoulders and the worry in her eyes lessened. “I can't thank you enough.”

  She pulled out a tube of lipstick from her pocket and held it up. She waited to put it on, making sure he nodded before she did it. The kiss on his cheek was chaste.

  “We good?” Jace asked, loosening his collar and running his hands through his hair.

  “We're great.” Allison nodded, tangling her own hair with her fingers and skewing her clothing to make it look freshly put on. “Good luck with Ella. I'll make sure she has the day off tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twelve

  At least the kitchen fire was out. It had only been a small grease fire and nothing serious.

  Ella pulled her hair back into a ponytail and hurried down the hallway. She still wanted to check the chairs one last time and needed to make sure the florists had the centerpieces set in the reception area. Then she was due up in the Bridal Suite to check on Madelyn and make sure everything was going well upstairs before the ceremony.

  “Excuse me, miss...”

  Ella turned to see a man in a dark suit with a thin tie. She recognized him from the other day when the billionaire family arrived. She was in a hurry, but she would always make time for customer service.

  “How can I help you, Mr....?”

  He ignored her attempt at a name. “Do you know where I could find Delores Phillips? She is the owner of this inn, correct?”

  “If she's not in her office, I'm not sure where she is. If you give me a message, I'd be happy to deliver it for you,” Ella offered.

  “Thank you. I've been unable to get in contact with her,” the man explained. “If you could please give her my card and inform her that it is of the utmost importance that I meet with her, I would appreciate it.”

  Ella carefully took the card from the man's hand. The IRS logo was stamped large and black in the upper corner.

  “I will do so. Is she in some kind of trouble?” Ella asked, uncertainty twisting in her stomach. For the millionth time, Ella wished Delores would let her handle the finances. Ella handled everything else, but she knew Delores would only hand over control of the inn's money over her dead body. And probably not even then.

  “I just need to speak with her as soon as possible,” the man said with a clipped tone. “Please let your boss know.”

  “I will. Anything else?”

  “My air conditioning isn't working. Room 332.”

  “I will have maintenance look at it right away,” Ella promised. “And I'll get Delores your card.”

  The man nodded and continued down the hallway with large, assured steps.

  Delores's office was on her way to the reception hall. Ella considered taking the long way around to avoid running into her stepmother, but it would take extra time and she should give the IRS man's card to her. Delores was the last person Ella wanted to see today. Today was stressful enough without Delores looming over her, but Ella was in a hurry, so she was going to risk running past the office. If she was there, she could give the card. Or just wait until later.

  The door was cracked open. Delores needed to get that fixed. The damn thing was always opening up when it was supposed to be closed. Ella glanced inside, hoping to see Delores hard at work. Instead she saw something entirely else.

  Jace. With Allison's lips planted firmly on his cheek.

  Ella gasped, ducking quickly around the corner. Her cheeks heated and her clothes suddenly felt too tight. She must not have seen what was going on properly. No, not Jace. Not on his wedding day. He wouldn't cheat on Madelyn with Allison. Not today. Not him.

  The level of hurt coursing through her veins surprised her. It wasn't just that he wasn't Ella's. It was that he apparently wasn't Madelyn's either. He wasn't who she thought he was at all. He was a man who would cheat on his wedding day.

  The office door squeaked as it opened completely. Jace strode out, re-tucking his shirt into his pants and smiling. A huge red lipstick kiss stood out like a brand on his cheek. Ella stared after him as he walked away, nearly missing that Allison followed him out. Her clothes were in an even greater disarray than Jace's.

  Ella's heart sunk through the floor. There was no way that it wasn't exactly what it looked like. Jace had cheated on Madelyn with Allison.

  A small chuckle caught her attention. Ella looked up to see Delores' smirking at her, green eyes gleaming. The smug smile that spread across the older woman's face made Ella's skin crawl. Ella looked away, her stomach feeling like it might come up at any moment and luckily when she looked back up, the older woman was gone. Most likely off fol
lowing her daughter and making sure Allison had pleased the groom.

  Ella's nostril's flared. Of course Delores had something to do with this. It was Delores that had seduced and ensnared Jace, not Allison. Allison was just the puppet that Delores used to get her way. The old crone was looking for a way to snag a billionaire, and was willing to do so at any cost.

  Ella checked her watch. She didn't have time to check the chairs or the florists now. She was due up at the bridal suite to check on the bride.

  The bride.

  A cold sweat broke out over Ella's forehead. What the hell was she going to tell Madelyn? Ella's steps were slow as she made her way, feeling more like she was heading to a funeral than to greet a bride.

  She had just seen the groom cheating. How was she supposed to tell Madelyn? Should she even say anything? Telling her would ruin the entire day and it wouldn't be that difficult to just stay quiet and let Madelyn have her fairy tale wedding. She would find out the truth about her husband soon enough. Maybe it was just a one-time, last-minute, cold-feet kind of thing...

  “No,” Ella whispered as she came to the bridal door. “I have to tell her. I'd want to know if it was me. A marriage shouldn't start this way.”

  Ella paused in front of the big white doors. Inside was a perfectly happy bride. A woman about to marry the man she loved. A man who didn't deserve her. And Ella was going to have to be the one to tell her.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Ella spun at the deep voice. Staring at her with kind, brown eyes was a tall man in a tuxedo matching Jace's. He wasn't as striking as Jace, but he was still very attractive.

  “I, uh....” Ella stumbled over her words. She couldn't just blurt out the bad news to everyone she met. She quickly plastered the hotel industry smile on her face. “It's nothing. Can I help you?”

  “I hope so.” The man smiled nervously and held out a small box with a pink bow. “My fiancee is in there. I have something I'd like to give her, but it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Any luck you could give it to her?”

  “Your fiancee?” Ella stumbled over the word. Perhaps he was engaged to one of the bridesmaids...

  He nodded. “Yes, Madelyn. I've been waiting for someone to come out, but I think they're all busy in there getting ready.”

  “Madelyn is your fiancee.” Ella knew she sounded like an idiot, but she couldn't help it. “You must be Jason, then. They don't call you Jace, do they?”

  The man laughed and Ella could see why Madelyn found him so appealing. The guy had a great laugh. “No, Jace is Madelyn's brother. If anything, they call me Jay.”

  Ella had to stifle her own maniacal happy laugh. The groom wasn't cheating on anyone. There was no bad news to deliver to Madelyn. Ella didn't have to ruin the wedding. Everything was fine.

  Well, other than the fact that Jace was a man-whore. Ella decided to ignore that part for a moment. Her heart felt lighter, but that was only because it was empty.

  “I'd be honored to give your present to Madelyn,” Ella announced, not having to fake the smile filling her face. “I'm sure she'll love it.”

  “Thank you.” Jason's face split into a grin. “Make sure to tell her it's from Jason, not Jace. I hate it when the two of us get mixed up.”

  “That happens?” Ella asked.

  “Occasionally. Usually, it just makes for a funny story,” Jason said. He handed her the box and looked like he might do a dance down the hallway.

  “I can only imagine,” Ella agreed. On impulse, she stepped forward and hugged him. He had no idea how grateful she was that he was the groom and not Jace, but she didn't care. She could be the weird random lady hugging people today. “Congratulations on your wedding.”

  “Thanks,” he said slowly, cocking his head at her as she stepped back. He frowned slightly and turned to walk down the hallway. “Sure are friendly here,” he murmured as he left.

  This time, the pause before opening the door was one of excitement rather than dread. Madelyn didn't need to know about her brother's activities. He was a full-grown male and could do whatever, or whoever, he pleased. It wasn't like they were dating anyway. She had no claim on him.

  “Forget him,” she commanded as she knocked before entering. “You don't need someone like that.”

  She wasn't going to think about him. It was silly to think that they'd even shared anything. He was probably just stringing her along to get her into the sack. If he'd bang Allison on Delores's desk, he wasn't someone she needed in her life. She deserved better than that. She was going to go give this beautiful gift to the happy bride and enjoy the rest of the day. After all, it wasn't every day that she got to help a friend marry the love of her life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You ready?” Jace asked, grinning widely at his soon-to-be brother-in-law. Jason was busy fixing the cuff links on his tuxedo and hadn't seen the crowd yet. Jace peered out the door at the wedding area. Guests were seated and waiting patiently for the wedding to start. The white wooden frame of the gazebo was perfect against the blue of the lake and Jace could only imagine how pleased Madelyn was going to be with the pictures.

  “Hell, yes.” Jason's voice was strong and sure, but his hands were shaking as he pulled at the bow-tie encircling his throat.

  “Good.” Jace opened the door from the hotel and pushed Jason through it. The other man managed not to stumble, but he did blanch slightly at the sight of the crowd awaiting him. For as long as Jace and Jason had been friends, Jason had disliked standing in front of large crowds.

  Jason straightened his shoulders and held his chin high as he walked down the aisle to stand and wait for his bride. He showed no fear, just excitement. Jace was proud of him.

  Once under the gazebo, he turned and looked at Jace, knowing that as his best man, Jace would have to come down eventually. There were a lot of people seated out there.

  “Don't let me trip, okay?” Clarissa, the maid of honor, came up behind him and latched onto his arm. She held onto him as if she were expecting someone to reach out and push her over. He patted the back of her hand, watching as Jason's younger brother walked down the aisle with Gwen beaming at his side. “I'm scared my shoe is going to get stuck in the grass or something.”

  With careful, slow steps, Jace walked Clarissa down the aisle to the gazebo. He made sure to watch his steps and not to step on her long purple gown, all while smiling at the guests on either side. There were a lot of money-hungry looking faces and fluttering eyelashes looking back at him, but no Ella. He hadn't seen her yet.

  Jace waited for Clarissa to let go of her death grip on his arm before moving to stand next to Jace.

  “You have the rings, right?” Jason whispered, smiling out at the audience.

  “Rings? What rings?” Jace patted his coat pockets and shrugged, enjoying the panicked expression that came over poor Jason's face. The bridal music was starting, so he put his hand on Jason's shoulder before the panic could take over. “Don't worry, man. I have everything under control.”

  Jason shot him a dirty look and was about to say something when the carriage, drawn by the two white horses he'd helped groom, arrived. Everyone turned and looked as Madelyn, glowing and radiant, stepped off the white carriage with the help of their father.

  Jace's heart swelled with pride for his beautiful little sister. She had grown up so much in the past few years and their friendship had only gotten better. It had always been the two of them against the world, but with age and responsibility they had become even closer. He was going to miss having her all to himself, but he couldn't think of a better man than Jason to take her away.

  Madelyn's hand fit neatly in their father's arm as they began the procession down the outdoor aisle. But Jace wasn't looking at Madelyn anymore. Despite the fact that Madelyn was stunning and perfect, it was another woman that had his complete attention. Peeking out from behind the carriage was Ella. She had her blonde hair pulled back into a simple, tight bun and was wearing a very conservative navy b
lue dress, but she was all he could see.

  He watched as she sighed softly, moving to pet Commander's nose, and making sure the bride made it down the aisle safely. The happy, wistful smile made her face soft and warm. It took actual effort not to walk to her and kiss her.

  Her eyes flickered up to his and he smiled. Hurt flashed across her face and she ducked back behind the big horse. Jace wasn't sure what to make of that. If anything, she should have been shocked or relieved to see he wasn't the groom. Hurt was the last thing he expected. He quickly replayed their last conversation in his mind and couldn't find anything that would make her disappointed in him.

  If the impulse to go to her and kiss her was strong before, the urge to go and fix whatever hurt he had done to make her sad was even more intense. His right foot actually lifted from the gazebo floor before he caught himself. He was in a wedding. His little sister's wedding.

  Madelyn would kill him. Literally.

  Setting his foot back down, he moved slightly to the side to try and see around the horse and carriage, but she was gone. He shifted his feet again, but it was no use. Clarissa shot him a dirty look to stay still. He stopped arching his neck and tried to focus solely on the happy bride, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Ella. He needed to find her and talk to her. At least she would be at the reception. He smiled, feeling the lines of worry shift from his face as he thought of how he was going to ask her to dance at the reception.

  With happy thoughts filling his mind and face, he focused on the promises of his little sister and best friend, knowing that there were going to be two happy endings this evening.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Make this place a success, baby girl. If anyone can do it, it's you.”


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