Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 16

by Krista Lakes

  “Me too,” Jace said. His eyes grew soft and he brought her hand to his lips. The fluttering in Ella's stomach had nothing to do with the helicopter. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “I have to work. There's another wedding coming in next weekend and I need to get everything reset. I don't know how much free time I'll have.” Or how much trouble she was in. Delores was bound to be pissed that Ella spent the day off cavorting with Jace instead of slaving away at the inn. “Why? How long are you staying?”

  “My sister leaves for her honeymoon in Belize tonight, but I leave in the morning.” Jace frowned. “I would much rather spend it with you than dealing with this latest crisis.”

  “Breakfast, then?” Ella tried to smile, but she could feel him already leaving her.

  “That would be great,” Jace replied. His phone rang and he cursed. Ella smiled and motioned for him to take it, closing her eyes and pretending she was simply napping in a car and not floating on the wind in a windup toy.

  She tried to imagine breakfast tomorrow. What would they talk about? Was it even a good idea? He was leaving and she wasn't. As much fun as they had this weekend, as strong as their connection appeared to be, their time together was over. Jace would go back to his life as the CEO and she would go back to trying to save the inn.

  “You have that deep thought look again,” Jace said, pulling her from her thoughts. He took her hand again. “What are you thinking about this time?”

  Ella chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment before answering. She needed to know. They couldn't put this conversation off any longer. “What happens next?”

  She hated the way he froze, his breath halting in mid inhale. Yet, he didn't let go of her hand or make any other movement. If she hadn't been touching him, it would have been difficult to notice any reaction from him at all. She held her breath while she waited for him to answer.

  There were two possible outcomes. One, was that he would say that nothing happened next. That this was a wonderful, fun, and energizing fling, but that's all it was. That he was going to go back to his exciting life and she would go back to her dull one. Thanks for the memories.

  Or... or he would say he wanted more. That she was everything he'd ever wanted in a woman and that he needed her to run away with him right now. They could be on his private jet by this evening and he would rescue her from her evil stepmother.

  Three heartbeats turned into four, and into ten. She stared at his hand holding hers.

  “I don't know what happens next,” he said after far too long. Ella didn't dare raise her head. That was closer to the 'nothing happens next' outcome than the 'run away with me' one.

  “It's fine,” she said, saying the lie that all women tell men when it really isn't. She hoped he couldn't see the tear trickling out of her eye.

  “Ella, it isn't fine.” His voice was low and deep, reverberating through her entire body. “I don't want to leave, but I never planned on meeting someone like you.”

  She nodded, letting go of his hand and pretending to brush her hair from her face but really wiping away the tear. “I understand.”

  “Ella-” He shifted his body and put his hand on her cheek, gently forcing her to look at him. “Ella, I haven't been this happy in a very long time. I don't want to lose this, but...”

  “But it's only been a weekend,” Ella finished for him. “You don't want to run away with me only to find the magic doesn't last.”

  Jace nodded. His blue eyes were dark and solemn. Ella stared into them, knowing his words were reasonable and honest, yet somehow they cut her to the core. She felt something with him, something she firmly believed would never go away. Yet, she'd seen enough marriage ceremonies to know that instant love didn't always mean perma-love. They needed to be careful.

  She smile and squared her shoulders. She would be strong through this. It was only a weekend. Her heart would survive.

  “I mean it when I say I haven't been this happy in a long time. You make me happier than I thought I ever could be.” Jace's blue eyes threatened to absorb her completely. She warmed slightly. He meant every word, and her head knew it was perfectly reasonable.

  “Me too.” She took back his hand. “What if we just take it slow? You know where I live. Maybe you can take a long weekend sometime soon?”

  The lines of worry faded from Jace's face and a handsome grin replaced them. “I think I have some vacation days coming up.”

  “You mean you didn't use them all up on your sister's wedding?” Ella teased. Wind rocked the helicopter but she ignored it. She was getting better at this already.

  “I'm the boss,” Jace replied. “I get as many days off as I want.”

  “Then why not just take them all off?” Ella asked, leaning back. She was glad they weren't talking about “them” anymore. It hurt more than she had expected.

  “Because I do have at least pretend to do work,” Jace teased. As if to accentuate his words, his phone started to ring again.

  “Better get pretending, then,” Ella told him. Her mouth smiled and she decided to pretend herself. She could pretend that everything was fine. She didn't need Jace. She'd been on her own for years and he'd only been here for a couple of days. In a week, everything would be back to normal and she would just look back on this weekend and smile.

  At least, that's what she told herself.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The helicopter landed just as smoothly as it did the time before. Ella didn't even make a noise this time. This time she even managed to smile. Granted, it didn't touch her eyes and the falseness of it hurt her jaw, but she did smile. There was hope for her helicopter flying days yet.

  Jace held her hand as they stepped out of the helicopter and hurried away from the noise of the blades. It was amazing to Ella just how noisy the machine was. As soon as they were clear of the landing zone, the helicopter took off again to return to the hanger, leaving them on the edge of the inn's property.

  “I'm afraid I have to go to work,” Jace informed her as soon as the helicopter was gone.

  “It's okay,” Ella quickly told him before he could say that he was sorry. She understood that he was a busy businessman and that he hadn't planned on taking today off at all. Despite his fine words that he was the boss, she could only imagine how many of his CEO strings he had to pull just to get the time off he did. “Today has been the best day I think I've ever had.”

  Jace's expression softened slightly. “I'm glad. Can I at least walk you home?”

  Ella giggled. “I am home.” She motioned to the inn. “I live here, remember?”

  “Right.” Jace managed to look slightly bashful, which was a good look on him.

  “But, you can walk me to the barn,” Ella offered. “I want to check on Captain and Commander after their big day yesterday.”

  Jace grinned and offered her his arm. From there, he escorted her across the property as if they were in some sort of 18th century romance novel. Ella loved it. It felt romantic and sweet, yet simple. She could see the two of them doing this everyday. The thought sent a pang of hope and regret through her heart. Hope that it could happen, and regret that it would take time.

  “Well, m'lady,” Jace said when they reached the open barn door. “I must take my leave of you here.”

  “Why, thank you, kind sir,” Ella replied just as elegantly. She curtsied. “It was most kind of you.”

  Jace pulled her from the curtsy and directly into a kiss. His lips pressed into hers as if he couldn't bear to let her go. His tongue caressed hers as he pulled her deeper into himself, stealing a part of her away to be his forever.

  She in turn, closed her eyes and memorized every sensation. The softness of his hair in her fingers, the strength of his arms, the gentle smell of manly cedar, even the slight scratch of his five-o'clock shadow. Everything was committed to memory.

  His phone buzzed against her leg, reminding them that he couldn't stay. Slowly, regretfully, they both pulled away.

I'll see you tomorrow,” Jace said. It wasn't a question. He was going to see her tomorrow.

  “I wouldn't miss it for the world,” Ella replied, still breathless from the kiss.

  She almost added, I love you, but that felt too soon. She'd only known him for a couple of days, and he was on vacation after all. Better to just stay quiet than risk freaking him out with saying the L-word too soon.

  “Bye,” he whispered. He kissed her forehead one last time before walking away. She could see in the set of his shoulders how hard it was for him. They were up around his ears and his feet dragged as he walked.

  She watched him for a moment, appreciating how wonderful his ass looked in his dark blue pants. She didn't mean to bite her lip, but she couldn't stop herself from chewing on it. He just looked so damn good.

  With a sigh, she turned and headed into the barn. Captain's head popped over the stall first, followed quickly by Commander's.

  “Hello, handsomes,” she greeted them. They both huffed a hello and flicked their tails. “Who wants to go first?”

  She didn't really expect an answer as she picked up the curry comb. She would work on Captain first and then move onto Commander. When she was done, she knew there were a couple of apples stashed away that both horses would enjoy as a treat.

  Captain pushed his head against her chest in greeting as she entered the stall. She pat him on the neck twice before moving to start the brushing. The motion was soothing and mindless, allowing her thoughts to run free.

  I love him. Her stomach fluttered at the thought. Three days and I'm head over heels for this guy. Good lord, what would happen if I spent a full week with him?

  She shook her head, but smiled. The thought of a full week with Jace made her heart pump and her insides heat. She knew it wasn't just the sex that excited her. It was him. It was the way he looked at her like she mattered. It was how his eyes followed her across the room, even when she wasn't doing anything important.

  He was everything she could ever want in a man. She had to tell him that tomorrow. That she didn't want this to end. That just the few days meant the world to her. She wasn't about to just let him leave without telling him that she was falling hard.

  She didn't have to tell him that she thought she was falling in love. She could just tell him that she had to see him again. That she'd come to New York City to see him, her work schedule be damned. He was someone she was willing to make time for. Tomorrow, she would tell him that the two of them had a future together.

  “So, you and the billionaire.” Delores's voice cut through Ella's pleasant thoughts like a saw.

  “Stepmother....” Ella turned, startled. She nearly dropped the curry comb. Delores never came into the barn. Ever. She said that the smell of animals made her sick. This was the first time that Ella could ever remember the woman invading the space. It felt wrong. This was Ella's sanctuary and Delores had no right to be here.

  “I hope you've enjoyed your little dalliance,” Delores continued. Her heels clicked on the floorboards as her eyes flicked disdainfully across the well worn surfaces. “Because it's over now.”

  “I don't know what you're talking about,” Ella said, hoping she sounded more sure of herself than she felt. She had no idea how much her stepmother knew, but playing dumb was always a good first defense.

  “I saw you kissing just now. I saw you using your feminine charms.” The way Delores said the words made them sound dirty and insulting. “But it's over now.”

  Ella raised her chin, but said nothing. Delores could say whatever she wanted, but it was up to Ella and Jace if it was over. “What do you want, Delores?”

  “It's time for you to get back to work,” Delores snapped at her.

  “It's still my day off.” Ella's hands shook and she was glad she was holding the comb. It gave her something to concentrate on.

  “Of course it is.” A slow, cruel smile spread over Delores's face. “But tomorrow, you're back in my employ again. Back following my rules. Tomorrow, expect things to change. You've had it too easy. Your father coddled you, and in his memory I've been kind. But no longer. Tomorrow, you finally earn your keep around here.”

  “My father was a good man,” Ella replied, her heart defiant.

  “Your father was a liar,” Delores spat. “He promised me the moon and left me here with this monstrosity of an inn and a horrible child like you. He deserved a worse death than what he got.”

  Ella was shocked. Delores had said some cruel things in the past few years, but how dare she talk about her father that way! “You're just angry you didn't check his bank account before marrying him.” Ella surprised herself at saying the words out loud. She'd thought them for years, but had never said them out loud.

  Delores froze. Her mouth pinched into almost nothingness and her face whitened. “You have no idea, you ungrateful child. You deserve a hellhole like this. How you got that billionaire to even look twice at you is beyond me.”

  Ella didn't know what to say. She'd never spoken to Delores like that. Ever. But she wasn't about to take the words back. “I love him.”

  “Of course you do.” Delores couldn't have sounded more patronizing if she tried. “I'm sure he's promised you the world. Men like him always do, but I have a feeling you've already given all of your leverage away.”

  Ella flushed. “That's none of your business.”

  Delores's eyes widened. “I knew you were worthless, but apparently you don't even have the good sense to get paid. It looks like all you got was a pretty dress. You should have held out for at least some jewelry.”

  Ella's jaw hurt from clenching it and her knuckles were white around the comb. If she had an inch less of self-control, Ella would have chucked it at the older woman's head. The implication that Jace was using her stung. She wanted her stepmother gone before she said or did something she'd really regret. “I'll see you tomorrow, Stepmother.”

  “Have a good night, dear.” Delores chuckled. It was a low evil sound that held no joy. “Oh, and by the way, you're not the only one with a billionaire on your arm.”

  Ella looked up surprised. “The father? You?” She had to stifle a laugh.

  “Yes. He said I gave him the best night he's had in years.” Delores smiled, but there was no warmth. “Just imagine, if everything works out, I'll still be your stepmother.”

  Ella said nothing as Delores sashayed her way out of the barn.

  “You're wrong. You have no power over me,” Ella whispered, saying the words for the first time in her life. “I don't care what you do, you can't stop me from being with him.”

  The defiant words made her blush and heat. For the first time in her life, she was ready to defy her stepmother, to refuse her father's wishes. It was frightening and powerful at the same time. But, for the first time, she had something worth fighting for.


  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was close to midnight, and Ella couldn't sleep. Her mind was racing from the day. Jace. The helicopter. What happened next. She couldn't sit still, let alone lay in bed and try and sleep.

  So, she went to the lobby bar and took over for the bartender. The bartender was more than happy to get off a couple hours early and get out of cleaning up, especially since there was only two customers left.

  Everything was quiet after the hustle and bustle of the wedding the day before. Ella was glad. Wiping down the bar and putting everything into place was soothing. She wished she could clean and organize her thoughts as easily, but Jace had her completely tangled up.

  The tax man, still wearing the same dark suit and thin tie- or one exactly like it- stood up and left the perfect amount of cash with a ten percent tip neatly on the counter. Ella groaned as she remembered she hadn't given his card to Delores yet. The fact that he was still here troubled her. What kind of trouble was Delores in?

  “You look like you need a drink,” the lone patron remarked, stealing her attention away.

  “Unfortunately, I don't think it would help me
much,” Ella replied, topping off his drink. She recognized him as Jace and Madelyn's father. He looked so much like Jace, yet entirely different. Where Jace looked bright and energetic, his father looked worn and defeated.

  “You're smarter than me, then,” the man replied. His words were just slurred enough that Ella was glad he wasn't driving and it was a short walk to his room. “I'm Charles, by the way.”

  “It's nice to meet you, Charles.” Ella poured him a glass of water to go with his whiskey just as Madelyn walked across the bar. “I'm Ella.”

  “Hey, Daddy,” she greeted him, coming close to kiss his cheek. She wore a simple pale pink dress that looked far more tropical than the local climate supported. “I thought I would find you here. Hi, Ella.”

  “Hi, baby girl,” her father said, his face lighting up as he kissed her back. He turned back to face Ella. “So you're the infamous Ella I've been hearing about.”

  “Infamous?” Ella repeated. “I don't know if I'd call myself infamous.”

  “Maddy was telling me how Ella the angel saved her wedding,” he said.

  “I just did what any good friend would do,” Ella replied, picking up a wet tumbler and drying it off.

  “You did far more than that,” Charles replied as Jason walked in and wrapped his arm around his bride. “You gave my daughter the perfect wedding. You made her happy.”

  Ella wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, but the compliment made her blush.

  Another man's voice came from across the room. “There you are,” Madelyn's new husband Jason said. He pressed a kiss on Madelyn's temple and she glowed with pleasure. “You ready? We're all packed and ready to go.”

  “Yup, just saying goodbye.” Madelyn smiled at her father. “Take care, Daddy. I'll see you when we get home. Don't be too difficult for Ella.”

  “I wouldn't dream of it. I'm never difficult for pretty bartenders who save my daughter's happiness,” Charles promised, making Madelyn laugh.

  “Oh, Daddy. I'll see you soon,” Madelyn promised. She smiled at Ella. “Bye, Ella. I'll call you when we get back. We need another girls' night.”


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