Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

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Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) Page 31

by Krista Lakes

  I swallowed hard. “How did you get them? What happened?”

  “The car accident that killed my parents—I was in the backseat.” His eyes never wavered from mine, though they did take on a distance. “None of us were wearing our seat belts and we all flew through the windshield.”

  His words were even but his voice wasn't, as if he had rehearsed its telling a million times but this was the first time he had ever actually said it aloud. He released my hand, shifting his body so that he could pull his shirt off. Jagged lines marred his smooth skin, highlighting just where the broken glass of the windshield had ripped his small body to pieces.

  I stared for a moment, trying to take in the pain. The scars were old now, but they held an ache that would never go away. They were a constant reminder of what had happened. Of his loss. I tentatively touched one, right above his heart. He didn't shy away and I looked up.

  His jaw was tight, in fact every muscle in his body was tight. Vulnerability shone in his eyes as he gazed back at me. He was trusting me not to hurt him.

  The first glimmer of sunlight burst over the horizon, casting him in a warm golden glow. His skin, scars and perfection, lit up in the most beautiful shades of the sunrise.

  My fingers traced the darkened skin of a scar up his chest, up to his cheek. Our eyes met and I knew my world was about to spin out of control in the most amazing way. My chest tightened with anticipation and breathing no longer seemed important.

  His hand was on the back of my neck with his fingers tangling in my hair. He pulled me toward him, pausing just a breath away. Our lips hovered apart for an infinity, sharing a breath in the moment, knowing that we could never go back to the way we were after this.

  I closed the last centimeter, pressing my lips into his. His lips were so soft against mine that I forgot entirely what I was doing.

  He pulled back, a smile crossing his handsome face before pulling me into him. It was a no-holds-barred, rock-my-world kiss that left me unable to do anything but kiss him back. Our tongues tangled and merged, as the tide surged against us.

  Our lips parted, our foreheads still pressed together as we panted for air. His heart pounded against my shaking palm, his heartbeat flowing through my fingertips and mingling with my own frantic pulse. He was steady while I trembled, still recovering from his kiss.

  The sun finished escaping her watery bed, shining brightly and filling the sky with color and heat. Waves lapped at our feet as he pulled me further into his lap to kiss me again I wanted to kiss him for eternity with just the sun and the waves as the world.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured reverently, taking a strand of hair and tucking it carefully behind my ear.

  “So are you,” I replied, blushing. I wished my words were better, but they were still true. His chest was hot and smooth against my bare arms as he pulled me into yet another mind-shattering kiss.

  “Charlotte is going to wonder where we are,” I said with a giggle as the sun continued her climb.

  “Let her worry for a moment,” Bastian whispered, his lips going to my throat. I moaned softly as he nipped the delicate flesh. I was turning into a puddle of want in his lap and I wanted so much more than just kisses on my throat.

  I then let out the biggest yawn in the history of mankind.

  Bastian chuckled. “And now I've kept you out all night.”

  “Worth it,” I informed him with a smile. I would have gladly spent a year awake for his kiss. For this moment, I would have done anything.

  His face split into that heart-shatteringly beautiful smile. It was even better than the first one. Happiness made his eyes shine in the morning light, sparkling with gray and blue hues of joy. I nearly died a little.

  “Let's get you home,” he said softly, disentangling his body from mine. I loved the way he said home. As if it were ours. As if we belonged together there.

  He rose smoothly to his feet and then helped me to mine. He picked up his fallen shirt and shook the sand out of it before draping it over my shoulders and leaving his own bare. The sun glistened on the scars, but I could only see beauty in them. He was a survivor.

  Walking hand in hand, we made our way back along the shore to the giant mansion. The beach was fairly flat, but now that we were moving and not sitting, exhaustion was stealing over me. I grew more tired with every step, my feet turning to lead as what was left of my energy was quickly drained. I couldn't believe how far I had ran last night, and now I was regretting it. I could see the house looming over the cove, but I was so tired I wasn't sure I would make it that far. I stumbled, my feet catching on the sand and exhaustion, but Bastian caught me.

  In an easy motion, he saved me from falling and instead swept me off my feet and into his arms. I tried to protest, but I was to tired that I was having a hard time finding the words. He just murmured softly, silencing my objections and carrying me the rest of the way and up into the house.

  He paused before the stairs for just a moment and I tried to get out of his arms. “You don't have to carry me...”

  He tightened his arms, pinning me in place against him. “Maybe I want to,” he informed me as he shifted my weight and began to climb. He made it feel easy. He wasn't even breathing hard at the top.

  I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes and inhaling the scent of his skin. He smelled of sea salt and a masculine musk that I was quickly falling in love with.

  I whimpered when he set me on my bed, disappointed at the loss of his chest against my cheek.

  I opened my mouth to ask him to stay, to crawl into bed with me. I wanted more of his touch, but no words came out. The bed was just too soft and my eyelids just too heavy.

  He kissed my forehead just as I lost the battle to stay awake, sending me off to dreamland on a kiss.

  “Sleep, Ava,” he whispered as I stole into dreams involving him. “I'll be here when you wake.”

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 16

  I woke to an empty room. The space was too big for just one person.

  At first I thought the whole thing must have been a dream. In what world did a billionaire kiss me on the beach at sunrise and then carry me home? I had to have dreamt it, because things like that didn't happen to me. I was ordinary and that was extraordinary. But then I moved and felt the sand in the bed and I knew it was real.

  I glanced at the clock to discover that it was nearly lunch time. I couldn't blame Bastian for not being here. As much fun as I was asleep, I knew he had a business to run and things to do. He couldn't just sit in my room watching me sleep all day. And actually, the idea of him doing just that was rather creepy.

  I got up and stretched my arms out over my head. It felt good to be alive today. I ran to the bathroom and quickly freshened up before picking up my phone. All the email updates were good and I let out a relieved breath. I picked up the house phone and dialed my dad's cell phone.

  “Mr. Fairchild's phone,” a sweet female voice answered. I frowned, and did a double take. Where was dad?

  “Um, I'm Ava Fairchild and I'm looking for my dad...” Panic starting to bubble in my chest. Why was someone else answering his phone?

  “Oh, good! He made me promise to carry his phone and answer it in case you called.” The voice was warm and friendly. “My name's Audrey and I'm one of the nurses here. He's in having a test done but he's doing great. He wanted you not to worry and that he can't complain about anything here except for the food.”

  I chuckled. That sounded just like a message Dad would leave. “What kind of test?” I asked. I was sure Dr. Verner would have told me if something had happened that necessitated something drastic.

  “Nothing serious,” the nurse promised. “I can't give that information out over the phone, but your dad really wanted you to know he's just fine. Jackie is here if you'd like to speak with her about it. I believe she's out in the waiting room. Cell reception is terrible out there, so he asked me to keep his phone.”

  “No, that's all right.” I shook my head, realizing
that she couldn't see me through the phone. If Jackie was there, then he was fine. Besides, Jackie would talk my ear off about her bowling game instead of telling me about my Dad and my stomach was rumbling. I liked her a lot, but the woman loved to talk. “Will you have him call me this evening?”

  “Of course,” the nurse promised. “He actually wanted me to tell you he'd be calling you if you didn't.”

  I laughed and thanked her before hanging up the phone. I was so glad dad was doing all right. I was glad Jackie was there taking care of him. It made me feel less guilty knowing that someone who loved him was with him. I trusted Jackie enough to entrust my father into her care.

  I ran a brush through my hair one last time, smiling into the mirror and deciding that I looked very pretty this morning. It probably had something to do with how happy I felt. Kissing a gorgeous man on the beach had that effect on me. I winked at the mirror and hurried down the stairs to the kitchen to stop the rumbling in my stomach.

  I could hear Charlotte's sweetly pitched voice contrasting with Bastian's deeper tones long before I entered the kitchen. I walked in to see him at the stove cooking something while Charlotte sat at the table with her laptop reading off numbers and figures.

  “Good morning, sleepy-head,” Bastian greeted me, talking over Charlotte's readings. I beamed at him. “Want some food?”

  I nodded and sat at the table next to Charlotte so I could watch him. He moved so smoothly in the kitchen that it was like watching someone dance.

  “Rough night?” Charlotte asked, glancing back and forth between the two of us with one eyebrow raised.

  “It started out that way,” I said, unable to stop the grin forming on my face. “But it's been a great morning.”

  “Oooooookay...” Charlotte shook her head at both of us, and then went back to her computer. Now that I was there, she just mumbled quietly as she input information.

  It wasn't long before Bastian brought over three plates of big, beautiful sandwiches with artfully arranged potato chips on the side. Since I didn't see a bag, I had a feeling they were homemade.

  Bastian's arm grazed mine as he set the plate down in front of Charlotte, sending a surge of electric desire straight through me. It was like the hours between our kiss and this minute had never passed. All I could think about was kissing him again.

  I looked up at him and immediately blushed and looked away. Just looking at his face reminded me of kissing him. And now I wanted to do so, so much more than just kiss him. My fingers ached to touch his skin again and to tangle in his hair.

  Charlotte watched me closely for a moment, before swallowing her bite of grilled cheese and looking over at Bastian. “I don't know what put you in such a good mood that you made your Famous Grilled Cheese,” she said, taking another bite and turning to look pointedly at me. “But thank you.”

  I blushed and giggled nervously, trying not to look up at Bastian. “I didn't do anything...”

  “I don't want to know,” Charlotte quickly amended, holding up her hand. She looked back and forth at the not-so-secret gazes between Bastian and me. “So seriously, I do not want to know what the two of you were out doing all night.”

  “Who says we were out all night?” Bastian asked, smiling. I had to struggle not to giggle like a school girl at anything he said. It didn't help that my stomach was full of happy butterflies or that I suddenly was finding everything very amusing. I was drunk on happiness just by being around him.

  “I don't want to know.” Charlotte shot him a dirty look. “I don't want to know so much that I'm going to take this delicious sandwich to the other room. You two can sit in here making googly eyes without me. I'd like to keep my lunch down.”

  She picked up her plate, but left smiling.

  “You think she suspects anything?” Bastian asked, taking the last bite of his sandwich.

  I giggled, and took another bite of my sandwich. It was definitely the best grilled cheese sandwich I had ever eaten. Three kinds of cheese and the bread was toasted to perfection. I knew that grilled cheese wasn't usually a gourmet event, but Bastian made it one.

  “Okay, sister in the room,” Charlotte announced, walking back into the kitchen with one hand covering her eyes as if she were afraid she might see us doing something naughty. As tempted as I was to take Bastian on the kitchen table, she had no reason to cover her eyes.

  “I'm seriously just eating a sandwich,” I told her. “And now that sounds dirty.”

  Charlotte snorted and dropped her hand. “I'm sorry to interrupt your sandwich,” she said the word slowly and deliberately. “But Leo's here for the conference call.”

  Charlotte managed to only blush a little, but her cheeks still told the full story about how she felt about Leo. Bastian sighed and stood up, putting his plate in the sink before standing beside me.

  “Dinner?” he asked. His eyes sparkled and I wondered just what he had planned. I hoped it involved him shirtless.

  “Yes, please,” I answered, a little too breathless. He grinned as if he could read the dirty thoughts in my mind. I wanted to kiss him again so badly it was driving me crazy.

  Bastian grinned and walked past me to the door, skimming his hand along my shoulders as he passed. The deepest parts of me tightened at his wonderful touch, my skin aflame from his fingers. If he did this to me all day, I would go insane for sure.

  Charlotte waited until he passed her to leave before giving me two big thumbs up. I laughed as she then followed him out. As much as she joked, I was glad she liked the two of us together. I knew I didn't need it, but I was glad to have her approval.

  Sunrise Kisses: Chapter 17

  “Hi, Daddy,” I said, picking up the phone and grinning from ear to ear as I set down my work. I glanced at my watch and saw it was much later than I thought. I had worked all afternoon and into the evening without realizing it.

  “Hi, kiddo,” he replied, sounding relaxed and happy. “How's work coming?”

  “Slow but steady,” I told him. “I'll get it all done in time. How are you?”

  “As good as can be expected. The food here is terrible,” he complained. I could hear the TV on in the background. “They won't let me have any salt.”

  I smiled, thinking of him pouting while watching Jeopardy in bed. “At least I'll get the appraisal done on time,” I promised. “That should make you feel better.”

  “Don't work too hard,” he cautioned. “You should have some fun while you're out there. You need a little distraction.”

  I thought of how Bastian kept finding excuses throughout the day to walk through whichever room I happened to be working in, even if Charlotte or Leo happened to be with him. It made it very difficult to concentrate, knowing he was there, watching me with his blue-gray eyes. I had at least managed to sneak in one short kiss before Charlotte nearly walked in on us.

  “What about you, Dad? What was the test for today?” I asked, changing the subject. I didn't want to talk to my father about Bastian or the way he kissed.

  “Dr. Verner assures me that he's getting good data,” Dad explained. “It looks like I'm going to need a pacemaker, but I'll let him explain it to you when you get here.”

  “A pacemaker?” I felt a jolt of panic again. Pacemakers meant that something was wrong. I shook my head. I already knew something was wrong, but it was still difficult to let the reality set in.

  “Yes, and don't worry, Ava.” Dad turned down the TV in the background. “He says once it's in, I'll be right as rain. It's a very simple procedure. I even get to go home the next day. No more scares. I'll be back to usual.”

  “I wish I could be there for you, Dad,” I pouted. I wanted to run out the door and hop on the first plane home. “I feel so guilty. You're sick and I'm here, and...”

  “No,” Dad interrupted me. “No, Ava. Do not feel guilty about this.”

  I played with a strand of hair, twirling it between my fingers. “Can I feel a little guilty about it? I mean, it's your heart.”

,” Dad warned, his voice going deep. That tone used to scare me when I was a child and it hadn't lost much to the years.

  “Please?” I begged. “It feels like such a big deal.”

  “Fine, you may feel a little guilty.” He sighed, giving into me. “You can make it up to me at Christmas and make me an extra batch of those cookies I like.”

  “Done,” I promised, my heart feeling a little bit lighter. It wasn't a real solution to my guilt, but at least Dad sounded like himself again. “I'm glad you're feeling better, Dad. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

  “You'd do just fine,” he assured me. “You're strong. Like me. Besides, you aren't getting rid of me that easily. Dr. Verner says with this new pacemaker, you'll be struggling to keep up with me.”

  I smiled, knowing that my dad was going to prove Dr. Verner right even if it killed him.

  “Everything's going to be just fine, okay?” Dad's voice was soft. I heard a voice in the background that I assumed was a nurse. “Hey, honey- the nurse is here to check my vitals. Can I call you in the morning?”

  “Yeah, I'll be waiting for it,” I answered. “I”m glad you're doing good, Dad.”

  “Better than good,” he promised. “I love you, Ava. More than words.”

  I smiled. It was something we had said for as long as I could remember. My mother used to say, “I love you more than words can say,” but as a child, I couldn't repeat the phrase properly. It had morphed into, “I love you more than words,” and stuck. I knew Dad was feeling better if he used that expression.

  “I love you too, Daddy,” I replied. “More than words.”

  I hung up the phone with my heart feeling heavy and light at the same time. So many emotions were rushing around my head that I didn't know what to feel. At least until my stomach rumbled. Then I decided I felt hungry.

  I head down to the kitchen, hoping to see Bastian or Charlotte on my way, but the house was deserted. The kitchen was dark and empty. I knew Bastian was busy with work today and an idea came to me. He probably hadn't stopped working long enough to realize it was dinner time.


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