by Jill Smokler
The real prep for motherhood was the dump I took on the delivery table with my first daughter. Haven’t gone to the bathroom without an audience since.
My four-year-old and I went to the store and as we’re going past the wine rack he points and says loudly, “Mommy do you need more juice?”
Sometimes when my husband snores so loudly that I can’t sleep, I imagine pushing him off the edge of the bed. I don’t do it, though, because the noise of his fat ass hitting the floor would probably wake up the kids.
I accidentally caught a glimpse of my naked self in the mirror today and was horrified. I literally didn’t recognize my body.
My friends all felt guilty returning to work after maternity leave. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait and didn’t feel a bit of guilt.
Would it be wrong to send the teacher a bottle of vodka on the first day of school? With my kid, she’s going to need it.
I just dusted my daughter’s Barbie Townhouse. Where did I go wrong in life to end up as Barbie’s maid???
My husband and I love to kiss extra long just to gross our teens out. I figure it’s the best birth control we can offer them.
My daughter likes to dress up as me in my heels and briefcase. Little does she know, I still feel like I’m dressing up as my own mother every single day.
I have a fake front tooth. For fun, I take it out to scare young children.
I haven’t talked to a single adult in three and a half days. I’m not sure I even remember how.
When my kids ask me to stop singing I just get louder. I remember hating when my mom did that to me and I’m more than happy to carry on the tradition.
My dad used to stick straws up his nose and pretend to be a walrus in restaurants to embarrass me. I can’t wait to do the same.
My daughter volunteered to be the first kindergartner to share about her family in front of the class and parents on the first day! So proud! That is, until she said, “My mommy has the most prettiest and shiniest earrings in her boobies!”
Is it wrong of me to admit that I’m looking forward to embarrassing the hell out of my kids? I think of it as some sort of payback for their terrible toddler antics.
My kid’s awkward phase is embarrassing ME.
Last week, I saw a new doctor. The paperwork asked if I was sexually active, so I said yes. “What do you do?” the doctor later asked in the exam room. I told her I normally did vaginal, but sometimes anal. She meant for work.
There’s nothing like calling my five-foot, eight-inch teenage son “Punkin” in front of his friends.
The only reason I don’t divorce my compulsive-liar husband is because I love being a stay-at-home mom. If there was some way to make a living off finger painting and gardening with my kids, I’d be gone in a heartbeat.
My kids complained about my cooking for the fifth night in a row. Instead of responding like an adult I threw the pan in the sink, screamed, “You never like anything I make!” and stomped out of the room. I’d say that went over well.
I never need to ask, “Do I look fat in this?” Everyone in my house will happily inform me if I do, without my even asking.
I bought myself an iPhone six months ago. I wonder if my son will ever let me use it.
Motherhood: a state of being that includes acting as a police chief, parole officer, maid, chef, chauffeur, laundry service, nurse, nutritionist, and therapist, simultaneously.
I consider it a victory every day my children don’t kill each other.
Just asked a new friend how her kids were. She said “perfect in every way.” Uh-huh, right. Sorry we can’t be friends. I don’t associate with liars.
I’m writing a sequel to Go the Fuck to Sleep. It is called Leave Me the Fuck Alone and Play with Your Toys.
A stranger just asked me if I was carrying twins. I’m not. But he may be walking funny for the rest of the week.
I made a Onesie for my daughter that said “If my mommy wanted your opinion, she would have asked.” She only wears it when we visit my mother-in-law.
Whenever my husband acts like an ass, I change his ringtone back to “I’m sexy and I know it.” He has no idea how to change it himself and has to wait for me to do it for him. Insert evil laugh.
I have started to use my naked body as a weapon so I can have some privacy. I announce that I will be naked in my room, actually BUCK naked, and they stay FAR away.
I used to live for weekends. Now, as a stay-at-home mom, I live for them to be over. Get out of my house, people!
My mental checklist when leaving the house actually has “pants” on it. Pants? Check.
I can push out a child the size of a bowling ball, lactate, go to the bathroom with an audience, and have a cold without whining that the world is ending. No one with a penis seems capable of any of these things.
My son’s teacher called to tell me he had failed to turn in a major art project they’d been working on at school. I told her I’d talk to him about it, but the truth was I threw it out. I thought it was trash!
I fantasize A LOT about being single with no kids.
Before babies and breastfeeding my breasts were like giant grapefruits, all perky. After two babies and breastfeeding they now resemble deflated bananas that hang so low they nearly touch my navel.
My daughter just handed me back my phone and asked why there were dirty words on it. Um, because I was sexting your father, honey. Can you please unlearn how to read now?
I stay up to 3 a.m. every night just so I can get some quiet time away from my husband and son. Husband thinks I have insomnia. Nope, I have “leave me the fuck alone-ia.”
After three kids, all by C-section, I’m not as taut as I wish I was. My son is kind enough to point out that others notice, too. One time he pointed at my mom pouch and asked, “Why does your stomach look like a bag of apples?” A bag of apples? Fuck you, kid.
I give my kids candy all day because it’s easier to say yes than listen to them cry all day. They still cry all day.
Spent ten minutes trying to figure out why my Crock-Pot wouldn’t turn on, only to realize I never plugged it in.
I regret all the sex I could’ve had before this married post-baby body turned to mush. I was hot and I didn’t even know it.
Today, I was sitting at my desk and thought, Oh, I need to take my medicine. Turned, opened the desk drawer, stared at my purse, and went, “What did I open this for?”
I overheard my child’s teacher telling another mom her son was a “favorite.” She had told me the same thing on MY conference day. Maybe she only says this to the incredibly gifted children?
After a long hard day and getting some me-time finally, I sat down to watch TV . . . tried to use my phone as the remote . . . thought the battery was dead and kept hitting it.
I lose my car pretty regularly . . . no, not the keys . . . the actual whole big SUV. I can never remember where we parked because I was chasing a toddler or something.
I should probably care that the baby is currently chewing on one of the cat’s toys.
Either my son learns to start using words INSTEAD of grunting and pointing, or his voice box is a goner.
Every night I go to sleep I tell myself I’m going to be a better mom in the morning. Five minutes after waking up I have already failed.
I have always felt like I am a horrible stay-at-home mom. Turns out, I am really good at it. As long as the kids are in school.
I didn’t notice I had two different shoes on until the end of the day, when one of my kids pointed it out to me.
I was told that my boobs would go back to normal when I was done breastfeeding. Umm, normal isn’t down by my knees with stretch marks.
Tonight I had a moment where I realized I’m officially a mom: I mixed vodka with a Capri Sun because we’re out of OJ.
I knew that my children would suck the milk out of my breasts. What I didn’t realize was that they would suck the life out, too.
I was so proud when my daughter ran off to kindergart
en without even a backward wave. And then I realized she ran off without even a backward wave.
My mother-in-law told me, “It gets easier once they can walk and talk and go to the bathroom themselves.” Um, yeah, right now at seven I can’t put her in a crib and walk away if I need to; instead she follows me around everywhere. Easy?
I can’t help but enjoy my baby more than my other two kids. He can’t talk back, doesn’t demand a thing, and is happy just to be held.
The real reason I’ve been making a huge deal about getting a family portrait done this year is that I’ve just lost a bunch of weight and I want to record it. AND I want to flaunt my new skinny jeans.
You know what’s sweeter than the sound of a child’s laugh? The sound of no freaking kids.
I’m so brainwashed by my kids’ TV choices that I find myself still watching iCarly long after they’ve left for school.
My son started walking this week and first on his list of accomplishments was pulling a two-liter bottle of Coke off the kitchen counter. Why did we encourage this new trick?
I came home to a beautifully clean house, dishes done, laundry folded and put away, dinner cooked, baby in PJs and bathed. My husband was there with a dozen roses and a bottle of wine . . . then I woke up.
I spent most of yesterday’s car ride fantasizing about pulling the car over, kicking my two fighting kids out, and peeling the hell out of there while blasting some music and flipping them off.
People wonder why many stay-at-home moms drink. How would you deal with tiny monsters terrorizing your every waking moment?
I don’t understand parents who brag about how gifted and smart their kids are. Congratulations! You gave birth to a giant nerd.
Found myself arguing with my nine-year-old about her “unfair” bedtime and she won. I just extended it by thirty minutes for her. How did this happen?
I need a mom jar. Anytime the kids say MOM they put a dollar in the jar. I would have enough for a cruise in no time.
I ached for the day when my kids wouldn’t pepper me with questions ALL DAY long. Now they second-guess my answers instead. I preferred the old way.
Before children, I was meticulous about how my laundry was done. Nowadays, I have two piles: a pile with shit on the clothes and a pile with ACTUAL SHIT on the clothes. This is my life.
When my son throws irrational temper tantrums, I have the urge to stick him in an ice-cold shower just to teach him a lesson.
I’m WAY nicer and more polite to my kids in public than I am in the privacy of our home.
I taught my daughter to say Dadda before Mamma so I could make my husband do whatever she needed. I pretend to be offended, but I love not having to get up in the middle of the night.
Panicked in a parking lot as I stared at the empty backseat of my car. Somebody stole my son’s car seat!! Who does that!??? Oh wait . . . that wasn’t my car.
Supposedly time flies when you have a kid. Yup. It sure does fly—my clock flew against the wall during my two-year-old’s tantrum. Then it moved pretty damn slow.
We thought it was SOOOO smart to get Your Baby Can Read. Nope . . . she’s three, and she knows what we’re talking about if we say T-O-Y or P-A-R-K. So much for spelling it to keep her from knowing things.
I had to write a note on my Google calendar as to when my last shower was because I have not been finding/making time to take one regularly.
My babysitter caught my son with his pants around his ankles, swinging his diaper above his head and dancing in her living room. I am wondering if I should mentally prepare myself for him to grow up to be a stripper.
If mothering was a paid position, I would be SO fired.
I think that having kids is like living in a frat house . . . it’s always loud, someone’s always crying, and there’s always throw-up where you least expect it.
Master chefs my ass . . . I’ll call them masters when they can do all that cooking with a toddler glued to their leg and two teens already complaining that they’re not going to like it before they even know what’s for dinner.
You know you might have punched it a little too hard getting on the freeway when: your three-year-old raises both arms and says “Wheeeee!”
I keep a spoon in the glove box for eating Ben & Jerry’s in the grocery store parking lot.
I made my two-year-old make a sad face while I took a picture and then sent it to my mom and said the face was made because she missed her grandma. Really I just needed a break and wanted my mom to babysit.
Today I’m dressed as a grumpy bitch who needs more coffee. Same costume I wore yesterday.
I found my son sitting at the kitchen table counting (unused) tampons. I left him to it. He was counting them correctly and he was being quiet and entertained without my help. Can’t beat that!
I bitch and moan about having to play Santa for Christmas, but secretly I’m glad I get to fill stockings because I’m all out of Halloween candy to use as bribery or just generally steal from the kids.
I will SHED BLOOD if someone so much as flushes the toilet or turns on a light at naptime. This is serious shit, people. Naptime is sacred.
Tonight I walked in on my daughter in my bedroom singing “Summer Nights” at the top of her lungs. The only problem? She was using my vibrator as a microphone.
Took a bubble bath, shaved my stuff, and put on a teeny-tiny nightie for my hubby. He was so turned on that he pulled me close for a passionate kiss. As he ran his ringers through my hair, two small LEGOs fell out.
Today I walked in on my two-year-old drawing on his floor. With poop. And a kazoo.
I do my best to treat my children equally. For example, if I steal a candy from one treat bag, I am sure to steal one from the other two as well.
Was invited to a baby shower and checked out the registry. All this expensive organic baby bedding and stuff from Restoration Hardware. Don’t they realize it all just gets covered in shit and barfed on??
Last night at church, my three-year-old stood up and at the top of his lungs yelled, “We paid! Can we go now?”
I can’t get rid of this damn kangaroo pouch on my stomach. Screw it. I’m just going to make it a flesh-pocket and start hiding things in there . . . like money, or weed, or little naked men that I can make dance on command.
Two weeks ago I drank too much and ended up emailing my kid’s teacher a picture via Facebook. I’m pretending it didn’t happen but he keeps staring at my chest at pickup time.
Every night, after supper, I hide in the bathtub and eat a Little Debbie snack.
Last week, I was caught eating Nutella from the jar. Not wanting to share, I told my kids it was poop. They, in turn, told every single one of their friends that I eat poop from a jar. Whatever. I’d do it again.
Behind all the messy rooms, horrible folding of laundry, lack of cooking skills, inability to control my toddler’s tantrums, total lack of interest in crafts, and wine-drinking coping, lies the best mom ever. Really. I swear.
This book would not exist without the help and guidance of the following people . . .
My husband, Jeff Smokler. None of this would be possible without you.
My mom, Kathy Epstein. There is simply no better mother.
And the rest of my wonderful family, both immediate and extended. Thank you for your unwavering enthusiasm and excitement. I love you all.
The incredible team at Simon & Schuster, most of all: Lauren McKenna, for taking a chance and having faith in me; Karen Kosztolnyik, for being the most encouraging and awesome editor I could have asked for; and Jennifer Robinson, for putting up with me so beautifully.
Lisa Leshne, the best literary agent in the world.
My Scary Mommy Community Managers, who keep the message boards and Confessional alive and thriving: Samantha Angoletta, Charisse Oates, Cris Salas, Love Barnett, and Mikki Caplan-Zaple. And Lily Read, for her always wise virtual ears.
Finally, the Scary Mommy community, for sharing your stories, your
children, and your lives with me. Scary Mommy became the amazing and inspiring place it now is because of you. You have my eternal gratitude.
JILL SMOKLER is a New York Times bestselling author whose candor has made her an unlikely hero among a new generation of women. She holds a degree in graphic design and psychology from Washington University in St. Louis and is married to her college sweetheart, Jeff. They are parents to a daughter and two sons and live in Baltimore, Maryland.
Confessions of a Scary Mommy
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Copyright © 2013 by Jill Smokler
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