LEGO Friends: Dolphin Rescue (Chapter Book #5)

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LEGO Friends: Dolphin Rescue (Chapter Book #5) Page 2

by Scholastic

  “Thank you, Ben,” the teacher said. Then she

  nodded toward Mia. “Girls, it’s your turn.”

  The friends gathered in front of the classroom.

  Stephanie spoke for the group. “Our idea is called

  Dolphin Alert. Special underwater speakers are

  hung from the fishing boats. When the fishermen

  begin to trawl with their nets, they turn on the

  speakers and the dolphins hear this.”

  She nodded toward Andrea, who pressed a

  button on her music player. Music streamed from

  the speaker.

  Best friends forever,

  Forever and ever . . .

  “Oops! Wrong track!” Andrea said quickly.

  She pressed another button, and this time, the

  sound of whales came through the speakers.

  “Those are orcas—they are a natural enemy of

  dolphins,” explained Olivia.

  “The dolphins will swim away from the

  sound,” said Mia.

  “And they won’t get caught in the nets,” Emma


  The class applauded politely as Ms. Stevens

  said, “Thank you, girls.”

  The friends walked back to their desks. Andrea

  rested her chin in her hand and sighed.

  “And now . . . we wait to find out who the

  winner is.”

  When the final bell rang, they left school and

  headed to Andrea’s house.

  Up in her bedroom, Andrea flopped into her

  desk chair dramatically. “Ugh! A whole day to wait

  until we learn who won the contest!”

  “Hold it together, Andrea,” Mia teased.

  “I don’t know if I can wait until tomorrow,

  either!” Emma said.

  “Girls, we need to find something to take our

  minds off the contest,” Stephanie suggested.

  Andrea glanced at her laptop. “I guess I could

  write a post on my music blog.”

  “And I can organize Andrea’s closet!” said

  Stephanie, flinging open the doors.

  A mountain of clothes and beach gear started

  to fall out, and she quickly shut the doors closed.

  Andrea shot her an annoyed look.

  “Not that it needs organizing,” Stephanie said,

  trying to smile.

  Emma picked up a hairbrush from Andrea’s

  dresser. “I could do someone’s hair. Mia, how

  about you?”

  Olivia grabbed her music player. “I’ll play some


  A bouncy tune started to play, and Andrea

  stood up.

  “Ooh, I love this song!”

  “Me, too,” Emma agreed, pretending to sing

  into the hairbrush like it was a microphone.

  I’ve never had a friend like you before.

  You’ve got my back and I-I-I’ve got yours . . .

  The girls started dancing around the room. For

  a while, they forgot all about the contest.

  But the next morning, they each jumped out

  of bed, excited to find out who had won.

  Mia and Olivia got to school first. They met

  up by the bulletin board in the main lobby where

  announcements were posted.

  “I would love to win that dolphin trip,” Mia

  said, scanning the board.

  “Me, too!” said Olivia. But there was no sign

  announcing the contest winner.

  Stephanie ran up to them. “Is the winner

  posted yet?”

  Olivia shook her head. “No, not yet.”

  Emma ran up next. “Is the winner posted yet?”

  “No,” replied Mia. “And it’s driving us crazy.”

  Andrea ran up. “Is the winner posted yet?”

  “No!” the other girls said all at once.

  Andrea pulled back, startled. “Whoa, what’s

  gotten into you guys?”

  Emma sighed. “Sorry, Andrea. We’re just all so

  nervous to find out who won.”

  Stephanie took a deep breath. “Okay,” she said.

  “Let’s stay calm. Keep it in check. We know we

  did our best. If we win, great! If not, there’s always

  next time.”

  Just then, Mia pointed down the hall. “Look!

  Ms. Stevens is coming!”

  The girls all held their breath. Did the teacher

  have the contest results?

  Chapter 5:

  Getting Ready

  Ms. Stevens walked up to the bulletin board,

  smiling. She tacked up a copy of the girls’ Dolphin

  Alert poster . . . and then she stuck a first place

  ribbon on it!

  “Congratulations, girls!” she told them.

  “We won? We really won? Did you hear? We

  won!” Stephanie cheered ecstatically. She hugged

  her friends, and the other girls jumped up and

  down with excitement, too.

  Ms. Stevens nodded. “Your Dolphin Alert

  idea was outstanding, and there are several fishing

  companies interested in taking a look at it.


  “Thanks, Ms. Stevens!” Mia and the others said,

  grinning from ear to ear. They were still so excited

  about winning!

  “I’ll see you girls on the dock tomorrow, bright

  and early, for the sightseeing boat trip,” Ms. Stevens

  said. “And remember—we’ll be gone all day!”

  “This is going to be so much fun!” exclaimed

  Andrea after Ms. Stevens had left.

  But Mia suddenly frowned. “Wait . . . did she

  say we’d be gone all day tomorrow? Who’s going

  to look after my animals? Aunt Sophie won’t be


  Emma put an arm around Mia. “Don’t worry,

  Mia. I’m sure we can find someone at the clinic

  who can fill in. We’ll check after school.”

  Mia nodded. But she looked a little doubtful.

  After school, Mia and Emma headed straight for

  the Heartlake Vet Clinic. When they arrived, they

  found an assistant named Ashley at the front desk.

  Ashley worked full-time for Olivia’s Aunt Sophie.

  “Hi, Ashley,” Mia said. “I need a favor . . .”

  Mia explained how she had promised to work

  on Saturday, but that was before she knew she and

  her friends had won the contest.

  “Sorry, Mia. I’m going away this weekend, too,”

  Ashley said. “But Sasha might be free. Why don’t

  you ask her?” She nodded toward a dark-haired

  woman across the room.

  As Ashley walked away, Mia turned to Emma

  and groaned. “Now I really can’t go!”

  Emma was confused. “What about Sasha? We

  haven’t checked with her yet.”

  Mia frowned. “Sasha’s nice and everything, but

  she just started here, and—”

  The sound of a yapping puppy interrupted her.

  Sasha was about to put a kitten in the same cage as

  the dog, and both animals were frightened!

  “Oops, wrong cage!” Sasha laughed nervously,

  quickly removing the kitten.

  “See what I mean?” Mia said quietly to Emma.

  “You want me to trust her?”

  “Sophie does,” Emma reminded her. “And

  maybe you can show Sasha how you like things


  Mia sighed. “Okay. Let’s go ask her.”

  Mia walked over to Sasha, who was about to

  change the bandage on Molly, the brown

  “Hi, Sasha,” Mia said.

  Sasha looked up and smiled. “Hi, Mia.”

  “So, I was wondering if you could work for me

  tomorrow?” Mia asked tentatively. “I promised

  Sophie I’d be here, but my friends and I won this

  contest, and we’re supposed to go on a dolphin

  sightseeing trip tomorrow.”

  “That sounds amazing!” said Sasha. “No

  problem. I’m happy to fill in.”

  “Thanks,” Mia said. But she still sounded

  doubtful. She watched as Sasha picked up Molly

  and wrapped a new bandage around her paw.

  “She likes the bandage looser than that!” Mia


  “Oh, sorry, girl!” Sasha told Molly. She

  unwound the bandage and started again.

  “Slower!” Mia instructed.

  Emma tapped Mia on the shoulder. “Mia,

  would you come here a sec?” she asked, gently

  leading her away. “I think you’re making Sasha

  nervous hovering over her like that.”

  “Me, making her nervous?” Mia asked.

  “Sasha isn’t you,” Emma pointed out. “She’s

  going to have her own way of doing things.”

  “You mean the wrong way,” Mia said. “I don’t

  know, Emma. Maybe it’s best if I just skip the

  sightseeing trip.”

  At that moment, Mia heard Molly give a happy

  bark. She turned around. The puppy’s bandage

  was wrapped perfectly! She cuddled in Sasha’s

  arms, happily nuzzling her face.

  “Wow, Sasha!” Mia said, walking over. “You

  did a great job. Molly looks so happy!”

  Sasha smiled appreciatively. “Thanks, Mia.

  That means a lot. I think I’m getting the hang

  of things here.”

  Mia looked at Emma and grinned. “I think

  you’re right. My little guys will be in good hands

  with Sasha. I’m going on the trip!”

  Early the next morning, Stephanie, Andrea,

  Mia, Emma, and Olivia got to the dock. Each

  wore a long yellow rain slicker and rubber boots.

  “Oh, that must be our boat,” Stephanie

  guessed, pointing to a small green fishing boat.

  Chapter 6:

  All Aboard

  “Morning, girls!”

  The friends turned around at the sound of

  their science teacher’s cheerful voice. When they

  saw her, they were surprised. Ms. Stevens looked

  super fashionable, with a purple tank top, white

  wraparound skirt, and sunglasses.

  Emma grinned. “Looks like Ms. Stevens is

  going to be the best dressed on the boat.”

  “Oh, that’s not our boat, girls,” said Ms.

  Stevens. “That’s our boat.”

  She pointed to a gleaming white yacht docked

  a little farther down. The three-story yacht had a

  colorful party deck and a slide that went from the

  second floor to the main level.

  “A yacht?” Stephanie asked in disbelief.

  “No way!” Olivia cried.

  “Seriously?” asked Mia.

  “I—I don’t even have words for how cool this is!”

  Andrea swooned.

  “I do,” said Emma. “Sweet ride!”

  Ms. Stevens grinned. “Did I forget to mention

  this part?”

  The girls nodded.

  “Uh, yeah!” said Mia.

  Just then, a boy walked off the yacht to meet

  them. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a light

  blue shirt with a sailboat on the pocket.

  Ms. Stevens waved at him. “Hi, Andrew!”

  Andrew waved back. “Hi!”

  The girls looked up at the fancy yacht. Then they

  looked down at their raincoats and boots.

  “Ms. Stevens, this is just not right!” Andrea


  Ms. Stevens raised an eyebrow, surprised. “What

  do you mean?”

  “We can’t take a yacht looking like this!” Andrea

  and the girls pointed to their wet-weather gear.

  “Please, Ms. Stevens,” Stephanie begged. “Can

  we go home quickly and change? We’ll be back in

  fifteen minutes, promise!”

  “All right, girls, but hurry,” the teacher said.

  The girls raced off the dock. Fifteen minutes

  later, they came back just like they had promised.

  But this time, they were definitely dressedfor a yacht

  cruise! Emma, Andrea, and Mia all wore bright

  beach shorts while Olivia and Stephanie sported

  pretty waist wraps. Each had a colorful bathing suit

  top and matching sunglasses.



  is what I’m talking about!” said


  “Come on aboard!” Andrew called out. “Watch

  your step.”

  As the girls boarded, Emma looked through her

  bag. “I forgot my camera in the car. Be right back!”

  She dashed off.

  Her friends began to explore the yacht. On the

  first floor they found a cute little bedroom tucked

  away. Next to it was a full kitchen. There was even a

  living room with a huge, comfy couch.

  “Look at the seating!” Andrea said, flopping onto

  the couch.

  Next, they made their way to the top deck,

  where Andrew was steering the yacht. From there

  they could see the ocean stretch out before them. It

  sparkled in the morning sunlight.

  “Amazing view!” Mia said.

  Then they went back down to the first level.

  At the end of the boat was a sun deck with lounge

  chairs. The girls put on sunscreen and relaxed.

  “I could spend some serious time here,” Andrea


  “It’s official: This yacht is kickin,” said Stephanie.

  “Totally,” agreed Mia. “Emma, you’re awfully

  quiet. What do you think?”

  There was no answer.

  “Emma?” Mia asked again. By now all the girls

  were looking around the deck. Where was Emma?

  Suddenly, Mia’s phone buzzed, and she picked

  it up. “It’s Emma, you guys,” she said. “Hello?”

  “You left me on the dock!” Emma’s voice

  shouted through the phone speaker.

  The girls looked at one another in shock. They

  couldn’t believe they’d left their friend!

  Mia and Olivia raced below deck and found

  Ms. Stevens in the living room.

  “We forgot Emma!” Mia cried.

  “She’s still on the dock!” added Olivia.

  “Oh, dear,” said Ms. Stevens. “What should

  we do?”

  Stephanie and Andrea joined them.

  “We’re not that far out,” said Stephanie. “We

  could turn around.”

  “Yeah, turn around,” repeated Andrea.

  “Right, like I just said,” Stephanie replied.

  “No,” said Andrea. “I mean, turn around!”

  She pointed off the deck of the boat behind

  them to a Wet-Ski attached to the yacht.

  “A Wet-Ski! One of us could get Emma!”

  Mia said.

  “I will!” Olivia raced to the edge of the deck.

  But Mia, Andrea, and Stephanie jumped in

  front of her.

  “No, I will!” said Mia.

  “No, me!” said Stephanie.

; “I saw it first!” Andrea pointed out.

  While the girls bantered, Olivia tiptoed

  behind them. She slipped on a life jacket. Then

  she climbed up to the top of the slide. She slid

  down—and landed right on the Wet-Ski!

  “Be back soon!” Olivia called out with a wave.

  Mia shook her head. “She’s fast.”

  “And sneaky,” Andrea added.

  Olivia zipped across the water and quickly got

  back to the dock. She stopped the Wet-Ski right

  next to Emma.

  “Sorry!” she called.

  “It’s okay,” Emma said.

  “Let’s go!”

  When they got back to the yacht, the girls spent

  the rest of the morning enjoying being out on the

  ocean. They played music, relaxed on deck, and ate

  a delicious lunch. It was perfect—except they hadn’t

  seen any dolphins yet.

  Emma stretched out on a lounge chair to catch

  some sun. “This is so great!” she said.

  “I just hope we see some dolphins before the day

  is over,” Stephanie said.

  As if on cue, Mia called down from the upper

  deck. “Look, you guys! Dolphins!”

  Everyone got up and ran to the rails to look.

  Not too far away, a pod of dolphins was leaping over

  the waves. The smooth, gray creatures made happy

  noises as they swam.

  “Wow,” said Olivia. “I’ve never been this close to

  dolphins before.”

  “Me neither,” said Andrea. “They’re beautiful!”

  Olivia smiled as she watched the happy creatures

  playing in the waves. She looked left . . . and

  suddenly, her face fell. “Oh, no. Fishing boats!”

  She pointed into the distance where two fishing

  boats were lowering nets into the water.

  “And their trawling nets are out!” Mia realized.

  “This is terrible. The fishermen must not see the

  dolphins. If we don’t do something, the dolphins

  will get trapped!”

  The friends all looked at one another. What

  could they do to protect the dolphins from the


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