Wildest Dream (Teach Me Book 1)

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Wildest Dream (Teach Me Book 1) Page 10

by RC Boldt

  No. Just, no.

  Before she could remove herself from his grip, Mac appeared in front of her, holding out his hands for her to grasp. He gave a hard glare to the guy behind her that must have communicated something in man-speak to make the creeper let go of her. She mouthed “thank you” to which Mac merely winked.

  He pulled her close as he danced with her, looking down with a wide grin on his face, that dimple of his making itself known. Twirling her quickly, he swung her back, close to his body as they continued to dance together.

  Usher’s ‘Yeah’ came on next, causing her to squeal in excitement, making Mac shake his head in laughter, as he watched her begin to dance with vigor. He cast out an imaginary fishing line and she pretended to get hooked, with him reeling her in. They did the ‘lawnmower’ and ‘shopping cart’ moves, each of them bursting with laughter at each other’s antics.

  “Now, we’re going to slow it down a bit for this next one,” came the DJ’s voice as the beginning of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud’ began to play.

  Mac offered his hand to her. “May I?”

  Eyes shining up at him, she took his hand. “You may.”

  They slow danced together like they had a dozen times before. Like she had done with Zach or Lawson or even Foster.

  Suddenly remembering that Mac hadn’t arrived alone tonight, she looked in the direction of their table. The guys were sitting there in conversation, but Tina was nowhere to be seen.

  Her head swinging back toward Mac, Raine opened her mouth to ask about the absence of his ‘friend’ when he simply told her, “She left.”

  Brows furrowed, Raine looked at him, waiting for further explanation. He simply shook his head. “Just dance with me.” He twirled her out and back again, but this time, she stumbled on the return and, off balance, came flush against his chest.

  She looked up at him to apologize but suddenly faltered as she met his gaze. The way he was watching her was unlike the usual way in which he looked at her. His gaze was noticeably different; heated and full of interest and with a hint of yearning?

  No. That couldn’t be. She wasn’t even his type.

  With her low heels on tonight, the top of her head still barely came up to his chin. She suddenly became aware of his hard body pressed against hers. She knew from when they went running together or to the beach that beneath his clothes was a well-defined chest and abs. But she felt more awareness in the air between them. Raine felt breathless, realizing her breasts were pressed against him, feeling his hardness against her stomach.

  Mac leaned in closer, his hooded gaze locked onto her lips as her tongue slid out to wet them. Her breath hitched in anticipation. Just when she thought their lips would meet, she felt Mac press his forehead against hers instead. Raine exhaled slowly, trying to calm her own breathing.

  What the hell just happened?

  She had almost crossed the line with her friend. Willingly. Wanted to, even. And that was not okay.

  “Mac?” she whispered to him with what she knew was a confused look on her face. He released her as the song ended and gave her a forced smile. “I’ve got to run to the restroom. Guard those hips of yours from creepy guys.” With a wink, he was gone.

  Which left her to wonder whether she was upset about what had almost happened between them . . . or disappointed that it hadn’t.

  WHAT THE FUCK was that?

  Mac scrubbed his hands over his face as he stared at himself in the restroom mirror, waiting in line behind another guy.

  He’d come so close to kissing Raine on that dance floor. So fucking close that he could nearly smell the vanilla vodka from her drink. And breathe in the vanilla scent of her shampoo.


  He needed to get his head straight. He could not -would not- screw this up. Raine was amazing and one of the best people he’d come to know. She had fast become one of his best friends, for God’s sake.

  Is this why you sent Tina on her way?

  The question nagged at him even though he knew the answer deep down.

  After he finished in the restroom, he felt like he’d composed himself enough to return back to his friends. As soon as he exited, he stopped short as he saw Foster waiting for him, arms crossed in a stance that made him uneasy.

  He nodded to him. “Hey, man.” Mac tried to walk past him casually, but Foster put his palm to his chest. Not terribly hard but forcefully enough to get him to stop.

  Foster stepped up to his face, eyes hard. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  Mac clenched his jaw so hard it was a wonder it didn’t crack. “Nothing. It was nothing,” he said behind clenched teeth.

  “You’re damn right. It’d better be nothing. And that little ‘nothing’ shouldn’t happen ever again.” The last two words were punctuated with his index finger pushing into Mac’s chest. Hard enough to make him wince.

  “Roger that.”

  Holding Mac’s gaze a moment longer, Foster finally moved aside. “Need anything from the bar?”

  “Nah, man. Thanks, anyway,” he answered.

  He made his way back to the table to find everyone on the dance floor except for Zach. Zach was looking a bit tortured as he watched Laney enjoying herself and flirting openly with the guy she was currently dancing with.

  Mac slid into the chair next to him and leaned in slightly to be heard over the loud music.

  “Women, huh?”

  Zach opened his mouth to respond but stopped. Then he looked over at Mac for a moment, studying him closely, making him a bit uncomfortable with the sudden scrutiny.

  His friend turned his gaze back to Laney on the dance floor briefly before turning back again to Mac. “Just biding my time, friend.”

  Mac looked at Laney dancing close to the guy. “Better not bide it for much longer. Don’t want to run out of it.”

  “Same goes for you, too,” came the quick, unexpected response.

  Whipping his head back to Zach, he gave him a cool look before glancing around the room, trying not to let his gaze linger on Raine.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Scoffing, Zach raised his eyebrows at him knowingly. “Seriously, man. It’s obvious what your kryptonite is.”

  Mac flashed him a cocky grin. “Are you referring to me as Superman? Because, if so, I like it.”

  Ignoring his attempt at diverting the conversation, Zach tilted his beer in the direction of Raine on the dance floor. “That right there is your kryptonite, man.”

  Mac followed his gaze to the dance floor to see Raine, Tate by her side, arms raised in abandon, laughing with her head thrown back, hair cascading down her back in waves. The pure delight on her face, eyes sparkling in laughter, smiling widely, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

  Beautiful and totally off-limits.

  Tearing his gaze away from her, he shook his head and looked at Zach sharply. “Glass houses, dude.”

  Zach raised his hands up as if in surrender. “No stone throwing from this guy.” He paused. “Just an observation.”


  “I gotta say, you chose well,” Zach remarked.

  Mac’s look was cautious. “What do you mean?”

  Zach looked back over to the dance floor to where Raine was dancing. “Raine is like a sleeper. You meet her and you think, eh, she’s cute and fun but nothing super striking about her-”

  “Not true,” Mac interrupted. “Her smile.”

  Zach nodded in agreement. “You’re right. But she’s not one to be classified as a stunner. Until you get to really know her and, suddenly, she’s become this witty, smart woman who is hot.”

  Mac gave him a sharp look.

  Zach help up a hand. “Ease up, dude. She’s like a sister to me. I’m just saying that if she weren’t, I would be the first in line to be her fan club president.”

  Zach set down his beer, noticing the guy Laney had been dancing with had walked away from the dance floor. With a pat on Mac’s shoulder, he left t
o join Laney, twirling her around once before he began doing the running man and making her double over in laughter.

  Mac’s eyes trailed over to Raine as she danced like a madwoman with Tate. Tate had begun doing the ‘bus driver’ while Raine was doing the classic ‘John Travolta’ moves. He couldn’t help but laugh at them both. Raine’s dress bounced around her legs and he watched as the muscles flexed with her movements. Her face was bright, showcasing the fun she was having with her friend.

  He ran a hand over his face with a long sigh. For the first time in a while, he was regretting his decision to be the go-to designated driver.

  Fuck it.

  If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  He rose from his seat and walked over to the two women on the dance floor. Handing Raine an imaginary handle for a jump rope, he walked away from her and they “swung” it while Tate watched and waited for the ‘right time’ to jump in.

  Soon, Zach and Laney joined in and they made it double dutch. Raine traded off holding the ropes with Tate and started jumping, hair bouncing with her and he found himself unable to take his eyes off her. Someone nudged him and he found Laney by his side, gesturing for him to join Raine. She took over his job and he joined Raine in jumping rope, both of them smiling widely as they faced each other. It was then that he realized Zach was wrong.

  Raine wasn’t his Kryptonite.

  She was his temptation.

  She was his wildest dream.

  And he had no business dreaming of her as his.

  MOMMA K. HAD insisted they all get together and come over for dinner before the New Year was upon them. New Year’s Eve was in two days and the last thing Mac had wanted to do was go out to a bar or club. They’d been going back and forth with what they wanted to do for the occasion so everyone had gotten together to talk about what to do for the holiday. Mac had decided to offer up his house.

  “I have those large decks off the back of the house, facing the ocean and two heat lamps if it gets chilly later on in the night. The sound system is wired for the decks. We could do a low-key, potluck kind of thing,” he offered up this option when they were all sitting around Momma K.’s table after dinner.

  “Raine needs to make her famous apple pie,” Zach immediately chimed in. At Raine’s sharp look, he added, “Please.”

  “You know what’s like warm apple pie?” Lawson whispered loudly. “Ow!” he said, getting slapped upside the head by Laney who was sitting next to him. “It was just a question. Geez,” he complained.

  “Lawson Briggs, are you misbehavin’?” called Momma K. from in the living room where she was doing her crossword.

  “No, ma’am,” he replied, solemnly.

  “Moving on,” Tate continued, “I can make seven layer dip.”

  “I’ll bring a bunch of wings,” Zach offered.

  “Actually, Raine,” Mac caught her eye, a pleading look on his face. “Is there any way I can bribe you to make your famous corn salsa?”

  “Oooh! I vote for that one over the pie,” Lawson raised his hand.

  “Then we’re not going to have any pie?” Zach complained with a pout.

  “Seriously?” Tate stared at him. “What are you, twelve?”

  “Inches,” he muttered.

  “I heard that, young man!” came Momma K.’s voice from the living room.

  “Sorry, Momma K.,” he called out but then ducked his head with a smirk.

  Raine raised her hand. “I can make an apple pie and the corn salsa. How’s that sound?”

  “Cha-ching!” Both Lawson and Zach pumped their fists to that.

  “I can bring my homemade quiche,” Tate offered.

  “Damn, I love your quiche,” Lawson winked at her, suggestively.

  Tate stared at him. “Seriously, Lawson?”

  “Besides wings,” Foster continued, “do you want more meat?”

  “That’s what she said!” Zach and Lawson immediately said in unison.

  Raine rubbed her temples. “I swear, when you two get together, your IQ’s drop dramatically.”

  “Hear, hear,” Laney agreed. Tate nodded.

  “As I was saying,” Foster interjected, “would you like something aside from the wings?”

  “What about pigs in a blanket?” Tate suggested. “It’s easy.”

  Mac looked at Foster and shrugged. “It’s cool with me if you’re good with it.”

  “Done,” Foster answered.

  “Okay, I can provide the alcohol but you guys have to let me know what to have on hand. I’ll also get a bunch of champagne for the ladies,” Mac told them. Everyone gave him their drink preferences which he recorded in a list on his phone.

  “Wait a minute,” Tate chimed in. “There’s someone who didn’t volunteer to bring food.”

  All eyes steered to Lawson. “I’m not a cook so you guys just tell me what you want me to bring,” he shrugged.

  “What about potato salad from Publics? That stuff is the bomb,” Zach suggested to which everyone else agreed.

  “Okay, cool. I think that covers it,” Mac said. “I’ve got to head home, guys.” He stood and pushed in his chair and the others followed suit. They went into the living room to say their goodbyes and thanks to Momma K.

  “I have packaged up leftovers for each of you on the counter,” she told them as she hugged each of them tightly. “Boys,” she raised her eyebrows at Lawson and Zach, “I put the same, exact amount in each one so don’t fight over them.” Just as Lawson had opened his mouth to speak, she added, “No, I’m not going to weigh them to prove it.” She looked at him sternly. “My word should be enough.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they answered, both looking glum.

  Each of them filed out of the older home and walked to their cars to head home. “See you tomorrow,” Laney called out. There was a chorus of ‘bye’s’ as they got into their vehicles and headed home.

  IT WAS FINALLY the morning of New Year’s Eve and Raine had mixed emotions about it. To be honest, she always felt conflicted since most times she was single on this occasion. When it hit midnight and you didn’t have anyone special to kiss, well . . . it kind of took the excitement out of things.

  Raine was hoping this year would be easier since Mac hadn’t mentioned inviting anyone in particular. She wouldn’t have to feel like the odd man out but, then again, this was Mac they were talking about. He attracted women like honey attracts bees so she knew she shouldn’t get her hopes up on him flying solo on this occassion.

  Lawson had invited a new girl he had met while picking up his dry cleaning. Raine wasn’t sure which surprised her more; that Lawson had managed to pick up a girl at the dry cleaner’s or that Lawson actually took his clothes to the dry cleaners. It was a toss-up.

  Zach had been hush-hush about his date and Laney had mentioned she was bringing the guy she had met the other night when they were out dancing. Tate had been seeing a new guy she had met at church while Foster had said something about bringing a girl who had just graduated from flight school in the Navy. Knowing everyone was going to be paired off was intimidating but Raine was still bound to have fun with her friends while enjoying a night of getting dressed up.

  She had been trying to decide which dress to wear and had enlisted the help of Laney and Tate. She had three dress possibilities: a red, satiny knee length dress which laced up in the back much like a bustier; a white, strappy babydoll style dress which had the same color of ornately sewn straps in the shapes of dolphins and had a flared skirt; and another which had black sequins along the fitted skirt section and a sleeveless V-necked bodice which ended just below her breastbone and at the base of her spine in the back.

  As she hung each dress up to show her friends, Laney sat straight up.

  “That one,” she instantly pointed toward the black one. “That. Is. The. Dress.” Then, turning to Tate, she asked, “Right?”

  Tate was staring at the dress in what could only be described as awe. “Is that an Olivia dress?”

ne shot her friend a startled look since she didn’t normally know any designer names. That was Tate’s thing.

  “I, uh, think so.” She checked the inside label and confirmed it.

  “I found it at one of the thrift stores on Amelia Island and thought it was pretty.” She looked it over and then scrunched her nose a bit. “I’ve never worn it before because it’s so . . .”

  “Gorgeous,” Tate breathed.

  “Breasty?” Laney offered.

  Tate looked at Laney. “Breasty?”

  Laney shrugged. “Well, it is. And it’s not Raine’s norm.” She turned back to Raine. “I say go with it just for that fact alone. It’s a hot dress and it’ll make you look even hotter when you wear it.”

  “Let me at least try on all of them just in case,” Raine suggested.

  “Hurry up and try this one first, please,” Tate said breathlessly. “I can’t wait to see how it looks on you.”

  Laney threw Tate a look. “Am I the only one who is creeped out by the fact that you sound close to orgasm just by seeing this dress?”

  Tate ignored her as Raine just laughed. Her friends helped her into the dress and once Raine was zipped into the black dress, Laney and Tate both released a breathy “wow.”

  “Raine, you are breathtaking in that dress,” Tate said, almost reverently.

  “Whoa, girl,” Laney’s eyes went wide. “I’d totally do you in that dress.”

  Raine snorted. “Is it the fact that I’m not wearing a bra that’s making you change your sexual preference?”

  But when she looked at herself in the mirror, she realized they had chosen well. She already felt beautiful merely putting it on, even without any hair and makeup done. It was unquestionably out of her comfort zone with baring that much skin, but it wasn’t done so in a cheap, classless way. The dress was gorgeous itself and she knew it would make her feel glamorous.


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