Forever Reckless

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Forever Reckless Page 5

by Brittany Butler

  “We’re going back to the room,” he says. I nod and wave at them. My eyes stay with Kellen as he walks her through the door; his arm is circled possessively around her middle. I can’t help to not smile at them. Kellen has done a complete one-eighty since she came into his life.

  My prince charming of the night approaches me, bearing gifts. He glances around, “Where are they?”

  “They went back to the room.” I accept my drink from him. My face twists into disgust from the strong first taste.

  “So, it’s just me and you?” He wags his eyebrows at me.

  “And a hundred other people,” I grin, glancing at the club’s scenery for the first time. The building is two-story, the dance floor is set in the center with clusters of uncoordinated dancers packing the space. “Wanna dance?”

  Reluctantly, he wraps his hand in mine, pulling me to the dance floor. The songs tempo picks up, his hands wrap around my waist, drawing me near. I steal a kiss, his mouth tastes of tequila which explains his lumbering movements.

  The beats coalesce into a continuous song. I wrap my arms around his neck, swaying to the music. His expression shifts from teasing to serious. “Let’s get out of here,” he shouts.

  We arrive at the hotel after a short commute. The lobby is eerily empty in the odd hours of the morning. Ungainly, he shoves the key through the slot and I stumble in the room. Giggling, I pull my pumps off and toss them in the corner. My fingers slide to the hem of my dress, but he’s faster.

  “Let me,” he says. “Raise your arms.”

  My dress is thrown to the side with ease. His hands wrap around my wrist, holding them high above me head. He pushes me into the wall and guides my legs to wrap around his middle. His movements are rough, as they were months ago.

  As he places tender kisses along my jaw, his touch becomes gentle. I clamp my eyes shut, knowing what we need to do. The advances stop as our eyes connect. An understanding look passes between us.

  His face is unreadable. His lips press into a hard line as he releases his hold on me and steps back. I remain against the wall breathless as I watch him disappear into the bathroom. Once the water turns on I climb into bed, face the opposite wall, and even out my breathing.

  I feel the bed shift, alerting me William climbed into my bed, leaving his bed vacant. His warm breath greets my ear, “I’ll wait for you.” He places a soft kiss against my cheek. “I love you,” he whispers.

  When he rolls onto his side, I let out a long, shaky breath. I listen to the waves crashing onto the shore. I imagine them as I saw earlier, tossing into each other in a wicked current. They wash up on the shore, slowly dragging the other back. I think of their pattern until sleep claims me.

  My eyes peel open, the sun is bright and casting through the wooden blinds. I hold my arm over my face, shielding myself. William is still present in my bed; his arm lay over my waist. Gently, I push his arm to the side and move from the bed. I tear through my suitcase searching for a bikini and a cover-up.

  I change quickly, and sneak from the room before he wakes up. I pass through the empty lobby and walk out of the back doors of the resort. The early morning crowd at the pool is quiet. I scan the crows, spotting a familiar blonde seated at a breakfast.

  I approach the table and notice a cocktail glass seated in front of her. I suppress a laugh.

  “Drinking at breakfast? That doesn’t seem like your style.” She jumps when I speak.

  “There’s chicken so it’s actually brunch.” She points to her plate.

  “How does the screw driver taste,” I ask, sitting across from her.

  “Like a bad decision.” Her face twists into disgust.

  “Where’s Kellen?”

  “Still in bed,” she says.

  “Is he exhausted after a long night of celebrating?” I ask, shooting a sheepish grin.

  “Liv, I don’t remember anything.”

  “Kellen didn’t drink a lot. I think he wanted you to have a good time and he was worried about going out in Mexico with everyone in the group being drunk.” When I notice her frown I add, “Don’t worry, you drank enough for both of you.”

  “I hate you. What are the plans for the day?” Her mood quips with the change of subject.

  “Kellen wanted to zip line and hang out at the pool.”

  “We should bypass zip lining until tomorrow.” I nod my head in agreement.

  Chapter Eight

  I collapse on a bench, gazing around the resort. William stops short of me, shoving his fist in his pockets. He turns, checking the place out and not letting his gaze cast on me. For the most part, we’ve avoided each other after last night. I wanted it to happen, but one of us needed to stop it. For the first time in my life, I took the role as the mature one. Part of me feels as if I made the wrong choice. If we stop pushing when the other is pulling, what could happen?

  A cab pulls up, I hold it impatiently. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Audrey walk from the building.

  “Finally! Our cab is waiting. The meter was running, Kellen, you got this.” I smile as they climb inside the cab.

  “Where to, miss?” The cab driver manages to ask with a thick accent.

  “The giggling marlin,” I answer.

  “Told you,” Kellen says, looking at Audrey.

  After a short ride, the cab pulls into any empty lot. The sign tells us this is the right place but I look around apprehensively.

  “We’re here,” I tell them.

  We walk inside the blue and white building. I lead everyone to a secluded tall table near the bar. “I’m so happy we’re finally here! I looked this place up for our spring break trip,” I say.

  More people file inside, crowding the building. Our waitress greets us and she leaves with drink orders and more shots than we need.

  “As requested, we need men to volunteer for a dance on the bar. The winner will drink free all night.” The voice booms over the intercom and the crowd shouts.

  “You two,” I say, giggling.

  “I’m not that desperate for free drinks,” William says.

  Kellen shrugs, “I’ll do it if you will.” He tells William.

  William tosses back his remaining shot, “Oh, what the hell.”

  “We can win this. We don’t have any competition in this building.” Kellen scans the crowd.

  I shake my head, astonished. The guys make their way to the bar and I grab my phone to record the show.

  “Please send me this video,” Audrey says.

  Pony comes over the speakers as they climb on the bar. William’s face is priceless as if he just realized what he’s doing. His eyes connect with mine and I laugh. Each guy gives it their best shot but Kellen wins. Of course anyone would win if they stripped on a bar and tossed their clothing into the audience. Audrey’s face morphs into a scowl as she watches Kellen shove away attention.

  “I think we have our winner.” A blonde haired guy walks over and brings our table shots. “You’re drinks are on the house tonight. It’s a pleasure to meet you, man.”

  “Thanks,” Kellen mumbles and we toss back our shots.

  We leave the bar earlier than I wanted. Audrey’s mood was souring by the second. The cool, crisp wind hits me as we walk from the bar. William hails a cab and I climb in the back with Kellen and Audrey. He finally picked up on her mood and spends the ride asking her what’s wrong.

  After we’re dropped off at a club, Kellen and Audrey go their separate ways. William looks at me, smiling.

  “What do you want to drink?” He yells, speaking over the music.

  “Surprise me,” I say. He walks away awkwardly and I grab his arm.“Something strong,” I add.

  I slide on the stool, casting my gaze on the sea of dancers. Everyone is having a good time, swaying to the music as they pump their bodies with liquor. William hands me my drink. I take a sip, frowning. The night has been unsatisfying to me. I glance to William, seeing that he has the same look.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I ye
ll over the music. He nods his head in agreement.

  I stand back as he grabs a cab. He gives a clipped response in Spanish, pointing to the direction of the resort, and then he motions for me.

  “I’ve been thinking,” he says, looking at me nervously. “You should come to New York for your Spring Break trip.”

  “Because this one is going so well?” I laugh.

  “This one is shot to hell. C’mon, stay the week with me,” he pleads, smiling.

  “I still have a week to decide. I’ll let you know.”

  “Just say yes.”

  “No,” I say.

  “No? As in you’re not coming?” He frowns.

  “No! As in no, I’m not saying yes. I’m thinking about it.” I cross my arms. The cab driver meets me eyes in the rearview, I smile politely.

  “Suit yourself,” he says, smirking.

  The rest of the drive is quiet. My shoulders sag in relief when I spot the resort.

  Once inside the room, I shower and crawl into my bed. William joins me, leaving the second bed I requested empty. We both lie in bed, breathing evenly and turned away from each other. No one says anything. He stays a safe distance from me. I want to ask him why he even bothered to get in bed with me.

  The last night in Cabo is spent like all others. I lie in bed questioning each decision made. Every chance I lost, knowing that this trip is my fault. He was pulling while I pushed. Why should I even go to New York? Our week will be wasted. I’ll be in his bed after the days have ended, questioning why we can’t move past this stage, when the answer is simple. Maybe we shouldn’t.


  “So, he asked you to stay with him?” Audrey asks, picking at her food.

  “Yeah,” I say.

  “Things are getting pretty serious,” she says, cocking her eyebrow.

  “More like complicated,” I say. I lean back in my chair, staring at the ocean. Towering waves franticly collapse into the shore. The scene is calming in comparison to this conversation.

  She laughs, “I’m dying to know what’s going on. I’ve never been more confused in my life.”

  “If you find out, let me know,” I sigh.

  “I just thought maybe after he ended it with Rachel we could have something together. But I think I was wrong. It’s terrifying, I want him and at the same time I can’t do it. When he’s away I can think everything through logically, but when he’s around my head is a foggy clusterfuck. It’s just,” I pause, searching for the right word to finish my random, incoherent rant. “It’s just too intense!”

  She tips her head back in laughter, covering her mouth with a napkin. “I’m sorry,” she says through laughter. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “What day?” I sigh.

  “The day you fell in love!” She laughs again.

  “Um no,” I say, shaking my head. “If what I just said is your definition of love you need to run far, far away from Kellen. You just got engaged, I don’t even know why I’m talking to you! Your world is full of rainbows and unicorns and love.” She continues to giggle. “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.”

  “Okay! Okay! Moving on,” she says, seeing I’m serious. “Well, one more question…”

  I groan, “What?”

  “Are you staying with him next week?”

  “Yeah, I miss New York. And I can see my family.”

  She laughs, “Whatever you need to tell yourself.” I shoot her a warning glare. “I’m done,” she says, holding her hands up and feigning innocence.

  “Bags are loaded. Let’s go,” Kellen says, walking to the table.

  Audrey stands and plants a kiss on his mouth. “Get a room,” I say.

  They walk hand in hand to the cab. I walk ahead, searching for William. My heart skips when I see him. He’s casually dressed, speaking Spanish to the driver. But his face breaks into a wide smile when I approach.

  “Hey baby,” he says. “You ready?”

  “Ready,” I agree.

  “Can’t wait until next week,” he says, grinning.

  I roll my eyes, sliding into the cab to let him in. His blue eyes find mine, but I give nothing away. He chuckles, catching on to the game I’m playing. I’m going to stay with him but I’ll let him sweat it.


  “You're going to New York over spring break?" Audrey asks me as I trudge into the living room.

  "Yeah, what are you doing?" I ask.

  "My best friend is going to New York and my fiancé just started spring training. What do you think I'm doing?"

  I laugh as I walk into the kitchen. "Come with me!" I shout to her as I pour a bowl of cereal.

  "Okay, let me see when Kellen will be home. He has two off days next week."

  "Are you staying with me and William?" I grab a spoon and walk back to the couch.

  "Uh..." She cocks an eyebrow, biting her lip in thought.

  "It's that option, your moms, or a hotel."

  "I could stay at my moms,” she says, thinking out loud.

  “Wait, you’re serious?” I laugh nervously. Audrey and her mother have had a rocky relationship after her dad passed.

  She went on to tell me about their relationship, and how things are improving. Kellen even asked for her permission. Our conversation tappers off into doubts of her marriage, and after an hour, I grow anxious of sitting.

  “I think I know what you need,” I say.

  “Oh, please enlighten me.” She rolls her eyes.

  “A night out!” I jump from the couch, pushing her up with me.

  “Kellen won’t be happy.”

  Hours later, with much reluctance, Audrey and I leave the house. We slide in my Audi; we decide to catch dinner before we go out. Of course Kellen calls on the way, leading to an argument.

  “Ready?” I ask, beaming.

  “Sure,” she says, frowning at her phone. I pull her into the bar. She’s reluctant as the sea of sweaty dancers engulfs us as we enter.

  “It’s packed!” I yell to her. I scan the room, watching the large crowd.

  “What drink?” I ask

  “I don’t want a drink, Liv. I don’t even want to be here.” She frowns.

  “You’re engaged, you’re not dying!” I roll my eyes. “Just think of this as a pre-bachelorette party!”

  “So, that means no bachelorette party?”

  “Sometimes I don’t think you know me at all,” I shout over the music, walking to the bar.

  “Two gin and tonics, please,” I yell. I hold up money to hand to the bartender, but a guy walks up and shakes his head.

  “Put it on my tab,” he says. “I saw you and your friend walk in.”

  “Thanks for the drinks,” I say as I take the glasses and walk back to Audrey.

  “What are you thinking? Did that guy just buy our drinks?” Her eyebrows furrow as she shakes her head.

  “Yeah, so? I didn’t ask him to, he gave them to me and I walked off.” I hand her the drink. Despite the displeasure on her face, she takes it and brings the rim to her mouth.

  “What would William do if he saw you take a drink from that guy?”

  “Congratulate me for saving twenty dollars!”

  She laughs, “No, he would not. I’m just saying you should consider his feelings. Kellen would have hit that guy.”

  “First off, I don’t know how Kellen hasn’t been arrested for assault. He literally beats up any guy that looks at you.” She shoots me a warning glare, and I laugh. “And William and I are not dating.”

  “You’re more than friends…”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what we are.” I sigh, scanning the bar again, trying to perk my mood. “Can we just drink and not talk about him? We never go out anymore.” I poke my bottom lip out.

  “Fine! Just a few drinks, we are only staying an hour.” She warns, I nod and smile, knowing that won’t happen.

  I wake the next morning, making a vow to avoid alcohol indefinitely. I check my phone, seeing its past noon. William texte
d to ask if I’m coming to New York for Spring Break; I decide to put him out of his misery and agree to the trip. Four days of class stand in my way of seeing him again.

  Chapter Nine

  Audrey scurries to the front entrance of the airport. My IPod buds were in my ear during our flight, I bobbed my head to the beat to occupy my time while she slept. Her mind, like my own, is in a different place. When I see David holding a sign with my name on it I frown and walk to him.

  “Where’s William?” He tucks away the small, rectangular sign when I approach him.

  “Stuck in the office,” he says. His face shifts into a grin, eyes crinkling at the corner. “He asked that I bring you in.”

  “In the office?” I stare at him in disbelief.

  “Yes, Miss. Foxe, he has a request of you.” His hands reach for my luggage, and I willingly hand my heavy cargo to him.

  I slide into the back seat, giddy about what William has planned for the week. David offers small talk throughout the drive. The buildings grow closer together and the traffic shifts from sparse to unbearable. The car slows to a stop.

  “I’ll have your things at Mr. Chase’s apartment,” he says. I nod to him.

  My eyes take in the familiar building in front of me. Henson Publishing, Audrey’s father’s company, which is now operated by William. The marble lobby holds security, receptionist, and visitors. I walk in unnoticed, and enter the less than comfortable elevator.

  My shoulders are hunched between two men in suits. The occupants cough nervously; shift their weight while their eyes dart around the enclosed space, and anything else to buy their time in the awkwardly silent, packed elevator.

  The elevator chimes with notification that we’ve reached the top. I take a breath, tugging on the hem of my dress. I know once I walk in here I’ll be judged. Rachel, William’s previous girlfriend, is employed with this company.

  I spot the small receptionist desk and walk over. A small, yet attractive man sits behind the desk, typing on his computer. “Hello, I’m…”


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