Sing A Twist

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Sing A Twist Page 5

by Brooke T. Mays

  Worry. Not a usual state for Phillip. He thought of himself as laidback and easygoing. But he was finding he was staying worried more and more because of Elena. She stayed out so late working at that help center. She was dedicated and he respected that, but damn if he didn’t want to follow her around on his bike like some pathetic stalker. He might have done it if he thought he could get away with it. But he had to admit, Elena had a good head on her shoulders. She would know if anyone was following her. Wasn’t much of a comfort at times, though. Like the night it had stormed so bad while he was at a gig. He planned to dry off and go to her in her room. Only when he walked in the house her bedroom door was open and her bed empty. Thinking to himself that her sweet ass had better be upstairs with Monica talking or something, he had charged up the stairs only to find all the lights off everywhere. He opened his door and saw her silhouette rising sleepily from his bed. Naked. The panic that had so pissed him off hadn’t left him quickly and he had taken her almost roughly that night. And she came twice for him. Damn, but he was a lucky man. Shaking that memory out of his head before he had to take a cold shower, he went to his bike. He had to get to class.

  On his ride to campus he thought about his grandparents. He had lost the set on his father’s side early, when he was just a kid. Ten. His grandma and grandpa had died within months of each other. His grandpere and grandmere he had known better. They had passed away when he was in high school. Also, within months of each other. His parents were solid. They were tight with each other, their kids, and their home, affectionately called the swamp. But his grandparents, all of them, had been something special. Yet, they had died years ago. He was twenty-four now. Not sure why, but something about Elena brought them all to mind. Always had. Maybe he just knew a good thing when he lucked into it. She had once asked and he told her he was keeping her. She ought to know him enough to know that he meant it. He knew from Monica that she had run before. Though he thought that asshat Jason was to blame. No secrets, and he lived by that. Phillip showed her every day that she was his and he was hers. He had been honest, but careful with her. He wasn’t fool enough to make her bolt. Which is why he let her slide by some. She never said a word that was untrue, but she held a lot back. Only yesterday, she got a letter. He thought it was from her mom. It got to her, but she wouldn’t talk about it. She tried to hide that the letter even upset her. Her words had been, “Let me process this. When I can, I will share it with you.” He would make sure that ‘when I can’ would be a time that came soon. Parking, he had just enough time to grab some food before class. He wished he could find a decent shrimp Po’boy. He had to settle for a burger before class. One with double meat.

  The week had been a productive one for Elena. She was happy with all that she had accomplished. The few nights she had spent manning the crisis hotline had actually been quiet. Quiet was good, she hoped. She had approached management about advertising more in the high school and junior high in the area but hadn’t received an answer yet. She had also checked out getting a double major in biology. If she decided to focus on neuroscience it would be helpful. And, she had met with Daniel and absolutely loved the silk screen. She hoped Phillip would love the guitar picks as much as she when they finally came in. Unfortunately, it would take about a week. She had hoped to give them to him before this weekend when all the roommates were going to be at the bar watching Phillip and his new band. He certainly didn’t need them before. He had plenty. It had just been a long time since she had watched him play in public, and she had wanted to make it special. For Elena, it was hard to concentrate in large groups. Sitting in the crowd, she knew from experience, would be rough. It would be worse now as she dealt with her own jealousy. Phillip was just sexy when he sang. He often slightly raised one eyebrow and his green eyes somehow sparkled while looking sexy and sleepy at the same time. His body moved unconsciously to the music. It didn’t sway along, as singers often did. His body moved differently, adding to the music, almost giving the notes dimension. She would Sense what the females around her felt when he sang, and though she couldn’t rightly blame them, she was certain she wouldn’t appreciate their attraction to Phillip. She would have to focus so hard to keep the audience’s emotions from affecting her; she hoped she could still enjoy the show. Jacob had told her about the new bartender’s friend, but she hadn’t had a chance to talk with Phillip about it. This could be a big break for him. Like many in the music business, Phillip had a touch of Talent. On his own he wouldn’t develop into a Bard, like her father, but he could Sing. Productive though her week had been, her time with Phillip hadn’t been as plentiful as she desired. Wonderful, but not enough. She still couldn’t hear him say “Read” without her body responding. Really, she was like Pavlov’s dogs! And she never expected that she would respond to the whole He-Man thing. That had been her favorite time so far. He had busted in the room and caught her by surprise. A wave of fear, anger, and red-hot desire had awakened her. She had not been able to focus inwardly before he was touching her. The anger and fear left together. They were connected. The possessiveness that replaced them worked on her like an aphrodisiac. She hoped he couldn’t tell exactly what had her responding so…greedily. That was a bit embarrassing to admit even to herself. Although a quiet voice in her head hoped he did suspect. And act on it. The only real mar to the week centered on her own growing feelings of guilt. Phillip hadn’t pushed her on the letter from her mother even though she could tell that he wanted to. She knew the letter was important but couldn’t understand the meaning yet. She desperately needed to figure it out. It was a warning, but she wasn’t sure what it was warning her about. Perhaps it wasn’t clear to her mother yet, either. She breathed out a big sigh. She wasn’t going to figure it out right this second. She needed to get that out of her mind. She had to go to the grocery store before hitting the books tonight. She had been on a hummus kick, and had made pita sandwiches with veggies. She had also made a homemade pizza this week that was mostly veggies. She needed to pick up some meat before the guys revolted. Maybe steaks.

  Chapter 6

  Monica was ready to go out first and joined Elena in her bathroom as she was finishing up. Jacob had the first shift tonight and was already at the bar. His shift would probably end before Phillip and his band were done. Knowing Jacob, he would stay to support his friend and enjoy the night out with Monica. Phillip had gone early with him to set up and practice once more. That left Monica and Elena riding together tonight.

  “You look hot in just the tank top. I don’t think you need to add a shirt,” Monica commented. The over shirt was mostly see-through, but it had a bit of a collar that helped tone down the necklace. Monica knew Elena well enough to know she wouldn’t leave the necklace off. Elena finished putting the shirt on and shrugged at her friend. She touched her wrist, briefly thinking of the bracelet. In the end, she decided she would be okay without it.

  “I’m ready. Let’s go. Who’s driving?” Elena grabbed her phone and her id. She would put them in her pocket tonight.

  “Me. If I need to leave, I am going to go. I love Phillip and his music, but you know I need my sleep.”

  “Jacob claims you sleep all the time. He says he puts you there.”

  “Well, he ain’t lying. Much better than counting sheep. Don’t try to act jealous ‘cause I know you’ve been sleeping too.” She gave Elena a small push towards the door leading to the garage.

  Elena thought about trying to tease her about butter, but she couldn’t bring herself to go there. Especially since she still wasn’t certain where there was. They got into the car and turned on some music. Elena wondered what songs Phillip would sing tonight.

  “If you need to leave early, Elena, Phillip will understand. I can drive you home whenever.” Monica knew how hard it was for Elena to be in large crowds, though not why. “I can become tired whenever you want me to.” She was an understanding and accepting friend.

  “Thank you. We’ll see. I really want to hear him sing. It’s been a
long time.”

  Monica snorted, “Yeah. Like yesterday. And the day before. He doesn’t stop singing.”

  “You know what I mean.” Elena could tell the place was crowded by the parking lot. “I want to watch him perform. And I want to see this new band.” Monica finally found a parking place and they headed in to the bar.

  Elena began focusing in the parking lot. Like wrapping a figurative shawl around herself, she pulled tightly until all other emotions dropped away. With determination she stepped in to the bar. The noise and heat were like a barrier they had to battle through to get inside. Music was playing over the speakers, and everyone was talking loudly to be heard. The band hadn’t started yet. They pushed their way through the crowd trying to make it to the bar and Jacob. Every time someone brushed Elena, she Sensed their feelings. Luckily, everyone was excited and happy tonight. It was early. No one had a chance yet to have drunken fights with their boyfriends, or get jealous of their girlfriend. At least none of the people that bumped into her had. Reaching the bar, Jacob winked at them and finished filling some orders before bringing them some drinks. A beer for Monica, and a Coke for Elena. She might try a drink at home, but she would never risk it in a crowd this size.

  Monica over-tipped Jacob. It was some private joke between them. Elena and Monica passed the time talking and looking around the bar. Jacob was too busy to do much more than smile their way occasionally. Elena never saw Phillip. She wanted to and suddenly found herself missing him. Hopefully the band would start soon. She saw that the stage was already set up for them. She started to turn back to the bar when Phillip came out from a back room with his guitar strapped over his shoulder. Their eyes locked and he took a step in her direction. Several others also noticed that the band had arrived and the noise level went up considerably. Phillip was blocked from reaching her and he gave her a half smile before making his way to the stage. Elena noticed that two of the band members looked similar enough to be related. The third was extremely tall and darker in coloring. He took his place behind the keyboard. The brothers, as she thought of them, split. One going to the drums, the other also with a guitar went to stand beside Phillip. The manager of the bar was also up on the stage and he introduced the band. “Please welcome, playing for the first time tonight, Phillip and the Dixons!” Elena wondered if that was the brother’s last name. The crowd cheered as they started with, surprisingly, Rob Thomas’ Mockingbird. After that, Phillip jumped straight into Jason Aldean’s My Kind of Party. That proved to be a crowd pleaser and Phillip kept it up with party songs switching back and forth between pop and country. Phillip could sing anything, but Elena was surprised at the song choices. It wasn’t what she was used to from him. Wishing she was close enough to him to Sense him was a mistake as she found herself suddenly feeling impatient and almost frantic. The girl who had been standing behind her started trying to climb on the bar to dance. She knocked a drink over and Elena had to move quickly to keep herself dry. Elena refocused and shook off the almost desperate feelings as a bouncer came to escort the girl away. Monica rolled her eyes and commented that the girl looked too young to be in the bar anyway. Phillip and the band played on keeping the customers, mostly college students, happy and having a good time.

  The walls faded from the sickly green color and Elena realized Monica was shaking her arm. Not certain of how much time had passed, Elena focused her eyes on Monica’s face. It took some effort. Whoever that was coming from had most likely left. She supposed she, and Elena thought it was a she, could have just stopped feeling so . . . well one word didn’t sum it up, but that seemed unlikely to Elena. She must be gone. For a moment Elena had been so swept up in the malevolence of the emotion that she had been unable to function. She looked around thinking she could read the body language. Surely she would stick out in this crowd where everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves. Monica shook her arm again. “Elena! Did you hear me?” That emotion with that much intensity was dangerous. If whoever she was acted on it, someone would get hurt. She looked around again.

  “Elena. Do you need to go to the back with me?” Monica must have gotten Jacob. He had taken hold of her arm and was steering her away from the bar and the crowd. Elena stopped looking for the woman, person, whatever, reminding herself that she had most likely left.

  “I’m sorry, Jacob. I’m okay. Really.” She smiled at him and Monica. “I could use some water, though.” Ushering her in to a small room, Jacob gave her a quick hug and she Sensed his relief. Monica looked as though she didn’t buy it, though. She heard Phillip thank the crowd and say they would be back after a quick break. Jacob quickly came back with some water. Oh, God. Had Phillip stopped playing because he saw her being such a drama queen?

  He came through the door with an easy smile on his face. Coincidence then. It must have been time for the band to take a break. Hopefully, Monica and Jacob would keep quiet. One other band member waved as he walked by. After smiling hello to Monica and Jacob, Phillip came over and gave Elena a quick kiss that somehow still seemed to linger and make her stomach drop. “You having a good time?”

  “I always love hearing you sing.” Monica looked about to interrupt, but the bouncer from earlier poked his head in the door.

  “Jacob, I need you to call the police. Some asshole has knocked over a motorcycle and torn off the side view mirror of a corolla.” Phillip looked quickly at Elena, but she shook her head.

  “Monica drove tonight.” Elena wasn’t worried about Phillip’s motorcycle. She had seen it at home.

  Jacob was talking with Monica in the corner. He kissed her before heading off to make the phone call.

  “Phillip, you’re great tonight and I like the new band, but I’m going to steal Elena and head home.” The look she gave Elena left no doubt that Monica would stop covering for her if Elena protested.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” Elena took a moment to hold Phillip close and press her face against his chest. He promised her it was okay and teased her about her wild night out. Phillip waited until he talked to the bouncer about walking them to their car before making his way back to the stage.

  The ride home was tense. Monica was upset over this latest episode. “Elena, do you think you need to see a doctor. . . or maybe a counselor?” Her question was so cautious. Elena was studying psychology. She would not assign a stigma to her own chosen field of study. Really, did Monica need to act like she was asking her if she had an STD?

  “I’m okay now, Monica. I just got really distracted. Crowds like that can be hard for me. Really. You don’t have to worry about me now.” She could tell that she had not convinced Monica and knew that more questions were coming. “Please, Monica. It’s over. Can we just drop it? I’ll go home and shower and get some rest. I’m fine now.”

  “But why does this happen?” Monica had only asked this a few times before. Elena must have really made a scene. She was once again relieved that Phillip didn’t seem to have seen it.

  “Monica, if I promise to get help if I can’t handle this, will you let it go?” She touched Monica’s shoulder.

  “No, but if you promise to get help if Phillip, Jacob, and me think you can’t handle it, I will.”

  Elena held in a sigh. “I don’t want Phillip to know about tonight. He seemed to miss it.”

  Monica’s answer was just what Elena feared. “Too late. Jacob’s going to tell him.” Elena sat back in her seat with her mouth tight. “Don’t get angry with us. We’re just worried about you.” She knew that was the truth. Elena couldn’t explain to her friends though. It was not allowed. There would be consequences. She had seen enough of the Speaker, thank you.

  “We’ll talk it out. If we have too.” The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

  When they finally made it home, Elena spent a good deal of time convincing Monica that she did not need to wait up for the guys to get home. Monica needed to get sleep. She kept much earlier hours than everyone else. When her sleepiness finally got the best of her, Monica turned in with
a last admonition that it was not over.

  Elena went to her room to shower. She felt dirty not only from the smoky bar, but from that sickly green wash of emotion that had hit her. She took a while in the shower, knowing she better get moving or she would use up all the hot water. She had been finished for a few minutes and was just standing there enjoying the spray, when Phillip walked in. He undressed and got in without saying a word. She allowed herself to judge his mood. He was only mildly concerned and some other feeling she couldn’t quite place. She began soaping him up while the silence between them continued. He began helping her out and she could Sense impatience.

  “Do I have to ask?” He finally said.

  “I don’t know what you were told, but everything is fine now. Large crowds are hard for me. That is nothing new.” He quickly washed and rinsed his hair before turning her around so that she was getting more spray. Rather than say anything else, she waited keeping her hands in contact with his body.

  “We can talk more about this tomorrow. Jacob said Monica was upset. She’s not going to just drop it. You know her better than that.” Phillip warned her. After Elena nodded, his arms went around her and he kissed her. She let herself get lost in the long, deep kiss. He slid his arms up her back all the way to her neck. He touched the clasp of Elena’s necklace. Immediately she stiffened and backed away as far away as the shower would allow, her hand going to her throat.

  The feelings she felt radiating off of Phillip shocked her. There was so much anger and something else, too. That same feeling from when he stepped in the shower, but stronger now. The anger was uncommon to Phillip. The other she couldn’t even place. It wasn’t that it was a jumble of several emotions that had to be sifted through to be identified. It was . . . just different. “I can be trusted, Elena.” His whole body was rigid.


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