Sing A Twist

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Sing A Twist Page 15

by Brooke T. Mays

  She watched him carefully as his face went very professionally neutral. All the while his guilt rose. He did not like what he was about to do. “It may be easier if I could show you.” He pulled out the manila folder and took a set of photographs out. He laid out the first one explaining, “The man you call Evenfall goes by the name Richard Noble, though he insisted on being called Evenfall for at least the first week of his hospitalization.” The first picture he slid across was an enlargement of what was probably a photo taken the night he was admitted into the hospital. It was a headshot. The detective went on, “The name Richard Noble is an alias. There is no record of this individual as Richard Noble.” He paused and sighed as he pretended to check his notes, “His real name is James Jones. The county medical system tracked down his information through Medicaid. He was a ward of the state until he turned eighteen.” At this point, he showed a picture of a younger looking Evenfall taken outside. There was a girl also in the picture, but her face was turned away. Both of their hair had a streak dyed blue. “This was taken in a state run home in Malvin. Do you know where that is?” When Elena shook her head no, he explained it was a small town about two hours west of them.

  She looked up at the officer. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something. “What about this picture caught your eye?” He asked very casually.

  Elena answered him truthfully, “He had a . . . fascination with the color blue.” She pointed at the picture of the two teens with the blue-streaked hair. “Do you know who the girl in the picture is?”

  “We are currently tracking that information down.” For the first time since he walked through her door, he lied. Elena noted that his face did not change. He was very good at lying. “Why do you say he had a fascination with the color blue?”

  “Well, that night, when he was cutting himself, he wanted, was hoping, his blood was blue. I used imagery of blue skies to help him stay calm while we waited for the ambulance. The name he chose, the alias, is an old surname implying a noble birth. ‘Blue blooded’, so to speak.” He nodded thoughtfully, but Elena got the distinct impression that he thought something other than hair color had caught her eye. He thought she knew more, maybe even recognized the picture or who he was pictured with. His guilt had diminished and been replaced with determination and a little bit of excitement or apprehension, maybe. Later, when Elena had time to think about it, she would hypothesize that he made himself believe that she knew more than she was telling so he could justify what he did next.

  “These are the latest pictures of James Jones.” The pictures he slid across the table were horrendous. At first she couldn’t even tell what she was looking at. When they finally came into focus, she wished they never had. Pooled and smeared all around him, was blood, so much blood. Evenfall had been dressed in clothes similar to the ones he had worn that night outside Rosewood. Maybe they were even the same ones, but Elena couldn’t tell what color they actually were. There were also several ragged holes where he had been stabbed. Repeatedly, it looked like. He had been photographed in vivid color from multiple angles and they were spread out on her kitchen table making a macabre collage.

  Elena felt a roaring in her ears. Beside her Phillip was cursing and taking her into his arms. He was so angry at the detective. It hurt Elena for him to hold her. For a moment, black seemed to creep in around her sliding in from the walls of her peripheral vision drowning everything else out. She hadn’t realized she was crying. She heard herself repeating, “I told you he was in danger! Why did no one listen to me? I called the police!”

  Jacob, who must have heard all of the commotion by now, came down the stairs in fight-or-flight state. Dimly, Elena could hear him demanding to know what was going on, who the hell the detective was. The whole situation was escalating in Elena’s Senses. But as Jacob and Officer Talbot paired off, Phillip began focusing on her. From somewhere, she heard his song. Perhaps he had hummed it. Underneath all the negative, volatile emotions, she felt his love for her. She pulled it into her like a drowning victim gasping for a breath of air. It allowed her to calm down.

  Jacob’s common sense was prevailing. The officer must have shown his id to him. Voices lowered to a more normal level and everyone, it seemed, began to be able to think clearly again. And then Jacob saw the pictures on the table. “You showed those to Elena?” he exploded. “She’s so sensitive, man, how could you? If this is someone she knew, or someone she tried to help, you have crushed her! She has about the biggest heart you can imagine!” Jacob had once again turned red-faced.

  Office Talbot was a boulder of ice in the room. Elena could no longer differentiate what he felt. There were too many strong emotions in the room. With a hard, professional voice that had Elena wondering if he had a military background, the detective asked, “And what do you know of this individual?” He held up the first picture of Evenfall.

  As his focus shifted back to the detective and the picture he held, Jacob was taken aback. Elena could Sense his shock, it felt a little like electricity, as he answered, “I’ve seen him at the bar. Not on a regular basis, but more than once. Always alone. Very quiet.” He paused here for a minute. “Jesus, is he the one in those other pictures? Elena, sweetheart, do you know him?” Jacob had turned to her and she tried to focus on his love for her as well to help her combat all the negative emotions both within and without.

  “I knew him from working the hotline. He is the one that I had to call the ambulance for.” Jacob knew the story and came over to give her a one-armed hug - Phillip was still holding her too close for more. “Did you know his name, Jacob? Had you talked to him?” Elena desperately wanted more information on Evenfall, too late though it was.

  Jacob answered her and a few questions from Officer Talbot, like the name of the bar and approximate dates. He didn’t have a lot to add. Evenfall was just a face that Jacob vaguely remembered from his work. Elena wasn’t surprised that Jacob recognized Evenfall. Jacob was good with faces.

  When the conversation died down, Elena reiterated “I told everyone I could that he was in danger. He should have been protected. How could this have happened in a facility? He should have been watched. Why wasn’t he protected from himself?” Elena’s voice was full of pain. Phillip rubbed Elena’s back soothingly, up and down.

  He didn’t answer the question, but stated instead, “I can not discuss the details of an on-going investigation, but I need to know the whereabouts of all of you on the night of May seventeenth.”

  The guys felt as incredulous as Elena did. “Well, I don’t need to think too hard about where any of us were.” Jacob cut in with a bit of a laugh. “If I wasn’t at work, I was home with Elena. We have all been worried about her and made sure she was never alone without at least one of us.” Elena felt a little embarrassed as that piece of information was shared with a stranger.

  Phillip added, “None of us, and that includes our fourth roommate, Monica, trusted this guy and his phone calls to Elena. We made sure at least one of us was with her. Monica went with her to and from campus most of the time. If I wasn’t personally with Elena, I was practicing with my band.” He stopped talking for a moment. Elena could Sense sadness and a bit of relief. “I guess you were right, Elena. He wasn’t a danger to you after all, just himself. “

  “Yeah, Elena,” Jacob added, “I guess we smothered you for nothing.”

  “Not necessarily.” Officer Talbot’s voice was again hard and professional. “There was another body found on the premises. An orderly who worked there. As I said, I can not discuss details that are still under investigation.”

  Elena’s body ran cold. She would not believe this of Evenfall. He was not a murderer.

  The detective droned on, “Autopsies are underway as we speak and will shed more light on the situation. Until then, please remain available for further questioning. I will also need official statements regarding your whereabouts on the night in question.” He requested they come to the station to make the statements, and they scheduled a time
with him.

  Chapter 19

  The bright afternoon and early evening did not match the gruesome pictures that kept replaying in Elena’s head. Outside the sun was shining. Inside, a gloom hung over the house. Monica came home, and the guys filled her in while Elena lay on the couch staring off at the wall. She kept thinking of how scared and lost Evenfall had sounded when he left that last message. His face, untouched by the violence that had so ravaged his body, matched his voice. It was hearing her roommates discuss trying to contact ‘the family friend’ that finally snapped her out of it. Evenfall was beyond help now and calling in the Speaker would only cause trouble for Elena. He would only question her ability at control right now.

  She didn’t try to dissuade them from calling the Speaker. Instead, she said, “Do it and I won’t forgive you.” She didn’t even stumble over the words. She announced she was going to sleep and was surprised when Phillip followed her into her bedroom. It was only 8:00. The sun hadn’t even fully set. He only shrugged when she told him those two facts. He lay down with her, holding her as she cried herself to sleep.

  Phillip lay there staring at the ceiling. Elena had finally drifted off and he didn’t want to wake her by moving. Eventually, he would have to get up. He hadn’t eaten dinner, and he just wasn’t tired yet. He felt so bad for her. Part of him couldn’t help but feel relieved, though. Elena was certain this James Jones was the victim, but Phillip wasn’t convinced. It made a lot more sense to him that the crazy patient would kill the poor orderly, but he was going to keep that thought to himself. Elena was hurting right now, and it wouldn’t do anyone any good to argue the point. Still, he was so damn thankful this nightmare was over. This crazy, and very clearly dangerous person, was out of Elena’s life. He guiltily spared a moment to think about the poor orderly and his family, but, oh, how much worse this could have turned out, for him and Elena, at least. As gently as he could, he eased out of bed. Looking down at her, he was overwhelmed with how much he loved her. If anything had happened to her. . .

  She started to stir, and he shook all the bad thoughts off. For some reason, he kept thinking back to a memory of his grandparents. He focused on how good the memory made him feel. His grandmother had passed away in her sleep. After the funeral, his grandfather had taken to bed. Phillip’s father had done his best to try to get him out of bed, out of the house, but nothing worked. Phillip had been so young, but even he could tell that his dad was afraid they were losing his grandfather, too. Phillip had started crying, and hearing him, his grandfather called him over to him in the bed. Phillip could remember pulling on the comforter to help him climb up in to the bed with him. He pointed out the window and Phillip’s gaze went to the garden that his grandmother had tended with so much love. Many of the plants and flowers were native to the area. Many were not. His grandmother had a green thumb. She could get anything to grow and flourish. As Phillip had watched the garden, he had seen a song blow through it. His grandfather had been watching him, and he smiled at what he saw on Phillip’s face. “You see it, boo. I belong with her. Doan be sad for me.” He had seen it, and it had stopped his tears. It had made complete sense to Phillip’s child-mind. Thinking of it now, it probably was about as normal as seeing and feeling music. But it didn’t bother him then, and it still didn’t bother him now. He was certain that they stayed for a while. His own father wouldn’t have easily given up, certainly he had gone back to the house to try again, but that is the last memory Phillip had of his grandfather. He died very shortly after. Phillip thought again of the garden, as he had on the day of his grandfather’s funeral. He looked at Elena’s sleeping form once more as he quietly left the room. In the middle of the worst of this afternoon, he had heard his music coming from Elena. Now that he thought about it, he had not heard that other, stuffy, classical music, since the night of her nightmare. Whatever came, Elena would be by his side - and he would be by hers. A normal guy would probably freak out. Good thing Phillip had always known normal was overrated. He headed to the kitchen to raid the ice box.

  The next morning Elena seemed more like herself. At least she was talking some. Phillip kept close to her, feeling at a loss. She was still quiet and teary-eyed. And they still had to go down to the police station later today. When the frustration got too much for him, he would check to see his song in her, make sure it was still there. He had never experienced anything like this before, but it felt right. Really, it felt good. It kept reminding him of his grandparents. He tried to focus on that though the other thoughts kept breaking in. A murder maybe? Involving someone stalking Elena? Maybe the stalker even was the murderer. Damn, this was insane.

  They all ate a quick breakfast as they got ready to go make their statements.

  “Man,” Jacob complained, “I have to ride separately. Nathaniel left early last night and didn’t complete inventory. I have to go in early and pull a double. I don’t get it. He’s a stand-up guy. I trust him, so why does he keep pulling this shit?”

  Elena had thought hard on this. She needed to help herself and her friends. “Sometimes, even people you trust can lie to you. He’s likeable and we trust him, but we don’t have to believe everything he says.” It was nice to have a second to push the obvious ugly to the back of her mind.

  “Girlfriend, you need to drink more coffee. Did you just hear what you said?” Monica took a big gulp of her own cup that she had pampered with extra sugar and even cream today. This gruesome situation had her shaken up too.

  Elena smiled a little. “Don’t think too hard about it. Just go with it. Trust him, but you don’t have to believe everything he says.” This should help with the headaches, extra sleep, and the unexpected bouts of anger. She hoped. “Repeat as necessary. So, are we ready to go and get this over with?” She sighed as she rose from the table to put her dishes in the sink. They figured out the rides and headed out.

  Elena drove with Phillip riding shotgun. He watched her flip the radio station for about the fiftieth time and adjust the rearview yet again. She was nervous. He was nervous for her. There were likely to be a lot of people there. “You goan be ok, cher? You say the word, and we leave. Remember, we doan have to be there. Think of this as doan them a favor.” When she didn’t answer he continued, “What’s the signal? A wink? Kick me under the table? I’ll play the overprotective boyfriend and get you out o’ there.”

  She made a good effort to smile at him. Didn’t quite make it. He needed a different tactic but couldn’t think of a thing. He was feeling frustrated and pretty useless. “Seriously, cher. I want to help you make it through this. Focus on me, if it gets too bad. I’ll be sitting there lovin’ you.” She reached over and took his hand. That was a little better. As she parked the car he stomped up and down on any nervousness. He would be solid for her. Didn’t matter how crazy this situation was.

  They found Monica and Jacob waiting for them outside the doors. Jacob always drove a little fast, and Elena . . . well, at least she took the most direct route. He probably never would get her on his bike. Together, the group entered the precinct. He was bringing up the rear and watched Elena take a deep breath and briefly touch her bracelet before she stepped through the door. So, she had two of the three from her matching set on. It was too hot for a sweater or long sleeves. He wished she had chosen the ring instead. It would be less noticeable. This was only the second time that the detective had seen her and nothing seemed to get past the detective. Still, Phillip would keep an eye on him and everyone else. If Elena couldn’t tell him about it, he didn’t want anyone else taking notice of it. Whatever it may mean.

  They signed in and were ushered in to hurry up and wait in some chairs. Monica and Jacob were called first and a uniformed officer took their statements. Officer Talbot himself wanted to speak with Elena. Alone. He tried a good-natured smile on Phillip to try to change his mind. Phillip only repeated himself, “I go with her,” and returned the man’s smile with one of his own.

  Names and dates were stated for the record as the d
etective stated he was recording the interview. She repeated her story and answered his questions. Then Phillip did the same. Elena seemed to be doing okay. He would think about how much he loved her and gently touch her arm or hand whenever she stumbled on words or went a little glassy-eyed. Things seemed to be wrapping up. He could see Monica and Jacob waiting for them up front in the hurry-up-and-wait chairs. The three of them stood up, and he felt the detective loom some over Elena.

  He smiled, but his body language was vaguely threatening. “One more thing, ma’am. I’ll need a DNA sample from you.”

  “Wait. Why would you need that? And why are you asking’ just Elena?” He had stepped slightly in front of her, and felt her take his hand and squeeze. When he looked back at her, she gave him the sweetest smile and letting go of his hand, slipped her bracelet into her pocket.


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