The Brutality Pack: An extreme horror collection

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The Brutality Pack: An extreme horror collection Page 10

by Ian Woodhead

  Since moving into this neighbourhood five years ago, Angus had managed to sneak cameras into eight houses around his own home. Despite having eight families to watch, most of the feeds failed to satisfy his need for physical and mental depravity. The families sure weren’t angelic, but apart from witnessing the occasional slap and maybe the odd perverted act of sex, he thought his neighbours were rather boring.

  Of course, his real problem stemmed from the fact that he’d expected more than his neighbours had shown him. He had expected wall to wall blood, guts, gore, and lumps of flying human flesh on a nightly basis. He should have realised that this town must operate on a gradient, and that not all the freaks in Brutality could be fucking sociopaths. There had to be a few townsfolk who were just mildly psychotic.

  Angus giggled at that, as if anyone could be mildly psychotic. He then caught his reflection in the mirror. “Except for you perhaps?”

  He discovered to his absolute delight that the old women were the exception. The mental fruitbats made his neighbours look like angels. Their behaviour, although it was just vile, wasn’t the worst he’d seen. Perhaps their inscrutable facade fascinated him. Even in this town of masks, he always thought that he could pick out the bad ones without any trouble. Yet these two dear old ladies had him completely fooled.

  Watching the two women undergo their Jekyll and Hyde routine in an instant was a most divine experience. He sighed with happiness, especially when they directed all that hatred and violence at that lovely looking teenage girl. The look on her terrified face when their raging expressions suddenly swapped to benevolence made his loins tingle.

  Angus couldn’t wait to get back home. He now had over eight hours of footage to go through. He just knew they would have abused and hurt that girl while he’d been working. He’d have plenty of masturbatory material to keep him busy until he dropped off to sleep.

  He wondered how long it would take before the woman finally got bored of her. It only took them a couple of weeks before they got rid of their last captive. Although to be fair, he was just an old man, probably not much younger than the psychotic women. Watching him piss his underpants as they stubbed out their cigarettes on his legs wasn’t really all that exciting for Angus. Hell, wanking over that image, now that was fucking weird.

  One of the lights on his panel blinked just once. He turned and glared at the LED, daring that fucker to do that again. Angus sighed as the light flashed again, this time staying lit. “Oh just great,” he muttered, staring at the red light. Someone or something must have tripped one of the perimeter sensors. It was probably another fucking squirrel; those little bastards just would not stay away.

  Angus gazed in longing at the plastic Tupperware box containing his packed lunch. This was so annoying; it was almost time for him to tuck into his sandwiches. It had to be just an animal; none of the locals would dare venture anywhere close to the factory. This so wasn’t fair, Angus had no desire to leave his warm and cosy room; it was bloody freezing out there. Even so, the cameras didn’t cover that area so he knew he should just take a peek.

  He had made himself banana and crisp sandwiches as well. Angus then sat up straight, staring open mouthed as one of the monitors showed him a couple of figures standing behind the chain-link fence. “You have got to me kidding me,” he muttered. One of them carried a rolled up package under their arm. Angus watched the figure drop it onto the grass. “It’s a piece of bloody carpet!” Oh, this was just too much to take in. They really were going to try to get inside.

  The figure then threw the carpet up and it landed across the top of the fence, covering the razor wire. This sort of thing had never happened since the old man took over.

  “The locals had been warned off.”

  They had to be strangers, animal rights activists or something like that. Oh hell, this was so exciting. Angus had strict instructions on what to do if this situation ever did arise. Angus’s eyes rested on the locked steel cupboard bolted to the wall at the far end of the room.

  Both the figures had scaled the fence and had dropped into the carpark. He watched them running across the forecourt. Angus felt a grin spread across his face, and his heartbeat increased as he thought of that cupboard’s contents. He’d been looking forward to something like this to happen for a long time. The cupboard contained a short barrelled shotgun and a box of shells. He just needed the authorisation code so he could get that fucking door open.

  Angus unclipped the mobile phone from his belt and nervously punched in Daniel’s private number. It took him three attempts to get the number in correctly; his fat fingers didn’t help, nor did the fact that he couldn’t stop shaking with excitement. “Come on, old man,” he muttered. “Calm it down, and get a grip on yourself.”

  “Hello there, my most favourite security guard,” answered the voice. “Are we having a fun night? Is everything still nice and peaceful at the factory?”

  Did he hear a hint of amusement in his boss’s voice? His mum raised no fools. Angus knew something here wasn’t quite right; his tone sent a dozen warning bells ringing inside his head. “Daniel, I’m sorry for ringing you up at this time but someone has broken into the factory.”

  Angus saw that they had now managed to smash their way into the main reception area. There was nothing sneaky about their intrusion; they just didn’t seem to care. That bothered him more than anything so far. The smaller figure left the other one, wandered over to the main check-in desk, and took off the black balaclava. Angus felt his mouth dry up as he saw her angelic face and the girl’s fine blonde hair fall down past her shoulders. This girl was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

  “So, I suppose because of your little dilemma you want me to give you the code of the cupboard?”

  Angus found himself nodding vigorously. “Oh, yes please, sir,” he replied. He decided to kill the big one first. That would free up his time to have some serious fun with that pretty girl. He’d show all the local freaks that you didn’t need to be born in this shitty town to possess some extreme psychotic traits. He could always blast the bitch a few hours from now, unless he hadn’t already fucked her to death.

  The sound of an electronic lock disengaging reached Angus’s ears, but it wasn’t from the gun cupboard. He spun around and saw his door unlocked.

  “Angus, do you really think that I’d allow a depraved person like you access to my shotgun? I don’t want you to hurt any of my children.” The voice chuckled. “This is so exciting, Angus. I so wish I could see your face right now. Unlike you though, I’ve never been a fan of voyeurism.”

  “What the fuck?” Angus looked at the monitors and saw that the other figure had now taken off the balaclava. Oh no, he knew that face. It belonged to one of the gorillas who worked on the assembly line. Angus felt his bowels loosen when the huge lad tapped one of the security cameras with a thin bladed knife.

  He listened to his boss laughing before he threw the phone against the wall. “Fuck you!” he shouted, running over to the door. He opened it, peeked out, and saw the girl slowly walking towards his room. Angus yelped, slammed the door shut, and raced over to the other side of the room. As he ran past the monitors, he saw Phil was running towards his room. He dived under the desk, finding that he couldn’t stop shaking. It wasn’t from excitement this time; it was from fear. That Phil was a right evil bastard. He really was a bad one.

  Angus softly moaned as his door slowly opened. Oh fuck, this couldn’t really be happening. What the fuck was his boss playing at? He glanced over at the smashed phone; it’s not as if he could fucking ask him now. It was bloody obvious, though, that Daniel didn’t need Angus to tell him that these two were inside his factory.

  “Hey there, fat man!” shouted Phil. “Come out of there, you slimy fuckstick. You have something that we want from you.”

  “Oh God, come on, Phil, do we have to do this one?” asked the girl. “Why can’t we find a skinnier one?”

  Angus watched the boy shake his head. “Poppet, we have already
been through this. It’s got to be him, and you know that. We both heard what Daniel said. Now come on, Lisa, let’s get to work.

  The girl let out a long breath and muttered something under her breath. She kissed Phil then walked over to his hiding place. Angus slid further back until his body was pressed up hard against the wood. He so wished the wall would just open up and swallow him. The girl crouched down in front of Angus.

  “I so need you, Angus,” she whispered. “I desire you.” Lisa held her forefinger up and ran her tongue along the digit. She then ran the finger up her thigh, “Ah yes,” moaned Lisa. “That feels so good. Angus, there’s something of yours that I want to lick and suck.” She smiled and held out both her hands. “Come on, big fellow, don’t you want to make me happy? Come on, sweetheart, climb out of there, and let’s play.”

  Angus was so confused. He watched her push that finger between her lips. Had he read their actions all wrong? She reached under the desk and rested her hand on his crotch.

  “Oh my, that feels big.”

  Angus gasped, and her hand gently squeezed his thick shaft. She grabbed both his wrists and helped him out then guided him over to his worktable. From the corner of his eye, he saw Phil had helped himself to his sandwiches. Lisa placed both her hands on his cheeks and kissed him, forcing her tongue into his mouth.

  She pulled away and giggled. “Oh my, you’ve done that before, haven’t you? Right, I need you to climb on your table and lie down, Angus. You’re so going to love this,” she said, giggling again.

  “Wait, what about him, is he just going to watch us?”

  Lisa shrugged. “Does that bother you?”

  Angus shook his head and winked at Phil, noticing that he’d emptied his lunch box. “Hell no, it doesn’t bother me at all.” Angus complied with the girl’s request and lay down on the hard surface, feeling a pencil dig into his back.

  Phil walked over to the desk and looked down at Angus. He winked back. “I’m guessing you like it kinky.”

  The girl started to unbuckle his trousers. “Well, would you look at that bulge, Phil? The old man really is packing a monster in here. It’s almost as big as yours.” She unzipped his fly and sighed. “That is very impressive,” she whispered licking her lips.

  “Oh Jesus,” cried Angus.

  “Okay, you’d better do your stuff, Phil, before I get too carried away.”

  Phil dangled a length of wire above the man’s head. “Lisa, why don’t you show the man what you have under your robe.”

  The girl nodded. As the robe fell to the floor, Angus gasped. She had sewn dozens of tiny bones into her skin.

  “Do you not think that I look very pretty?” she asked, running her fingers down the front of her body. “You have no idea how good it was to hear those other people cry out just before we took out a piece of them.” She licked her lips. “I cried out, too, when Phil pushed these bones through my skin.” Lisa groaned out. “Oh, but it wasn’t pain that made me cry out.”

  Phil pressed the wire across the man’s neck.

  Lisa showed him the thin bladed knife. “I’m going to use this to remove one of your ribs, fat man.” She pushed the blade into his gut. “You can scream, if you like.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dave skidded to an abrupt halt. He thrust out both his arms and grabbed the side of the tunnel wall to stop his exhausted body from smashing into the ground. This was no good; he could not go on any further. Dave needed to stop to catch his breath; his heart felt like it was trying to escape through his ribcage.

  He bent over, dropped the bundle of clothes that the tramp had given him, and pushed his hand hard against his guts. This stitch was killing him; he took in a deep ragged breath while watching the sweat on his brow drip and land on his filthy shoes.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, I think we have lost them.”

  Dave took his eyes off the now clean furrow on the top of his shoe to look up at Amber’s concerned features. He slowly nodded, unable to find enough breath to speak. The girl wasn’t even panting. Somehow that didn’t seem to be very fair. He felt like had had just run a bloody marathon.

  Was this what true exercise felt like? Dave had never really considered himself to be that out of shape. True, he occasionally thought that his stomach muscles could have done with a bit of work, and he knew that he drank too much and ate way too much junk food, but he never felt unfit, at least until now. Oh Christ, he felt like he wanted to keel over and quietly die.

  Amber walked back and crouched down in front of him. He stopped panting just enough to breathe in her scent, and unlike him, she didn’t smell like a rotting carcass tainted with an old man’s body odour. She gave his shoulders a gentle squeeze.

  “You need to take a deep breath, Dave, come on, and breathe in and out slowly. You need to calm down.”

  He looked into her eyes. “How come you aren’t fucked?” he gasped.

  “I used to run for a team back at my old college.” She looked over her shoulder. “I hate to say this, Dave, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing our saviour again.”

  Dave had reached that conclusion some time ago. If he were having trouble running from his pursuers, some old tramp would not stand a chance. He wiped his forehead and looked at the palm of his hand, wondering if he had any moisture left in his body. Well, at least his stitch had begun to recede. “Amber? I think we’re going to be okay.” Maybe he wasn’t as knackered as he first believed. A few seconds ago he wouldn’t have been able to talk to save his life.

  She gave him a warm smile. “I think we have done incredible so far, Dave, considering.” She dropped her bundle of clothes. “This isn’t quite how I expected my night would end when I first saw you on the dance floor.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” Dave ran his fingers along the rough stone wall, “This place is a lot tidier than my bedroom, sweetheart,” he replied, smiling. “It would look miles better with a bit of paint on the walls and maybe a few posters.

  “And a bed?” suggested Amber. She kicked off her shoes and then grabbed the bottom of her blouse and started to pull the material over her head.

  He gazed at the girl in the dim light, not believing what she was doing. “For crying out loud, Amber, I thought you were joking!”

  She giggled. “Oh, Dave. Look at the state of me; hell, look at the state of both of us. I need to get out of these stinking clothes.” Amber winked. “I hope that you’re not going to go all prudish on me, are you?” She threw the blouse on the floor and pulled her trousers down. “It’s such a shame, these clothes cost me a bloody fortune. Now, about your prudish behaviour? Come on, isn’t this the whole reason why you pulled me in the first place?” The girl bent over and pulled off her socks. “I suggest that you do the same, Dave. You really do fucking stink.”

  Dave wanted to turn around and look at the wall as this beautiful girl undressed. Despite all the fear inducing madness that this night had thrown at them, he still knew hardly anything about her. He sighed to himself, wondering if he really had gone all prudish.

  The grim fact that the pair of them might not make it through the remainder of this night alive had destroyed any erotic thought he had for her hours ago. Dave’s mind-set soon changed as Amber unclasped her bra.

  He gazed at the girl’s perfect breasts and imagined his tongue sliding over those large, brown nipples. Dave discovered that his libido wasn’t yet quite dead in the water. Oh God, Amber was just stunning, and he really did want her.

  Dave struggled out of his shirt and fumbled with the buttons of his trousers, his shaking hands unable to get them undone.

  She stepped over to him and placed her hands over his. “Here, let me,” murmured Amber. The girl pushed away his hands then deftly unfastened the buttons and slowly pulled his trousers down to his ankles. “That’s better. Look how clean you are under these ruined clothes.” Amber stood up, wrapped her arms around his waist, and pulled him tight against her chest.

  Dave caught his breath as Amber p
ressed her lips against his and kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth, and running it along his teeth. Her slender fingers travelled down his spine before moving around to his front. Her probing tongue muffled his groan when Amber slipped one hand inside his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his penis.

  She squeezed and released his hardening organ before pulling his shorts down. “You have no idea how much I need to feel your length deep inside me,” she whispered, pulling her face way. The girl’s eyes travelled down his chest. “Oh my,” she gasped, running her tongue over her lips. “You are big.”

  Dave placed his trembling hands over her breasts and ran his thumbs over her hardened nipples. “Oh Jesus, you are so beautiful.”

  “Take me, Dave. Oh God, take me now!”

  He growled and brought both his hands down to her hips and pull her body hard against his, groaning in delight as the tip of his penis brushed up against her soft thatch. Dave then paused in confusion when Amber’s whole body froze solid.

  Amber struggled out of his grip, bent down, and picked the trousers from the pile of clothes. “I’m sorry!” she cried, thrusting them into his hands. “I… oh God, I’m sorry. I can’t do it, I just can’t.”

  He let the clothing fall and laid his hands upon her naked shoulders. “Hey, stop that, sweetheart. What are you saying sorry for?” Dave ran his fingers through Amber’s thick hair. “Come on now, sweetheart, look at me, let me see those beautiful blue eyes.” He wiped away her tears and gently kissed her soft lips. “I have fallen in love with you, Amber. You do know that.”

  She sniffed and nodded. “I know.”

  “We have the rest of our lives to play with each other,” he said, grinning. “You’re right though, we do fucking stink. Besides that, what if our scruffy friend is still alive? Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if he came back and found us both bonking each other’s brains out?”

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Amber bent down and snatched up her new top. She struggled into it before passing Dave the trousers that he had dropped. “We are going to get out of here, aren’t we, Dave?”


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