Ash Tail Pack

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Ash Tail Pack Page 13

by T. Cobbin

  Duke approached the cowering wolf now with the collar in his hand. “This is for your own good and our peace of mind,” Duke said.

  A defiant growl left the animal, but he didn’t move. With it only being three days, Duke could still feel the human emotions inside the wolf. Anger was at the forefront, but fear was also a main character now. Perhaps the man was beginning to realize what a life as a wolf meant.

  Even though Duke was naked, he had no concerns about kneeling beside the animal, because he knew that he was faster than any other wolf in the pack, even an angry one. Duke also had the added ability of reading the animal’s emotions, which could give him an early warning of an attack.

  Holding up the thick, leather collar with a device looped onto it for Frank to see, Duke told the wolf what is was. “This device will send out a high-pitched tone that will hurt your ears if you so much as bark or howl. As alpha, I must do this for my pack. As a shifter, I have no satisfaction doing this at all. As a man, I’m not asked if it causes discomfort. I just need the animal to obey.”

  As soon as the snick sounded, the wolf was up and bouncing around, trying to pull the collar off. Then he sat and batted at it with his hind legs. Duke stepped back and watched Frank roll around until finally he stopped, sat, and panted. The wolf’s gray eyes glared at Duke.

  “I’m going to leave that on you for three days. That will give you time to think. When it comes off, if you try howling continuously again, it will go back on.”

  Frank growled low and then barked. Quickly, he bowed down and whined.

  “Three days,” Duke said before shifting to his wolf and leaving the animal alone in its misery.

  Chapter 15

  “I feel like a whale,” Raven complained to Grace.

  Grace was the pack’s only midwife. They had a nurse and a doctor, but Grace, in her fifties, had kept up with seeing the pack’s women about their girly stuff, even when they’d had no pups in years. Raven also knew the woman had kept up with all the medical stuff about pregnancies, because Grace had always been positive that sooner or later more pups would come along.

  “I can’t believe how quickly this little pup has grown. You’re only three months pregnant, but your measurements and the position of the pup indicate that you’re about to pop. Everything looks fine though. However, I am very concerned about your weight, Alpha.” Grace pulled Raven’s top down over her bump.

  The midwife was right, her pregnancy had progressed so fast that she couldn’t eat enough to put any weight on, let alone keep to a steady size.

  “At least I finally reached my ideal weight.” Raven snorted.

  “Not for being nine months pregnant,” Grace berated Raven. “And I’d still say you were underweight then.”

  Raven moaned. She’d been so tired this past week, even walking to the midwife’s cabin today had been a haul, and now being told she was underweight while pregnant, grated on her. She’d tried so hard to stay healthy.

  “So, when do you think this pup will make its arrival?” Raven asked, staring up at the midwife’s spare room ceiling. Grace had turned one of her bedrooms into a place where the females of the pack could come, be comfortable, and rest if needed. Over the last week, Raven had been there every day, and she was beginning to know that ceiling very well.

  “Any day now. You could do all kinds of things to start off your labor—sex, eating a hot curry, a nice long walk.”

  “Pfft, yeah, like that will happen. Walking here was a chore.”

  Raven didn’t mention sex though. Although she felt like a whale and was tired most of the time, Duke couldn’t keep his hands off her. Her horny hormones wouldn’t allow her not to reciprocate either. Even now thinking about how gently Duke had made love to her this morning had her clenching her pussy.

  Something bothered her though. “Do you think if I was to have another pup…” She left her sentence unsaid. What if she had to go through another quick pregnancy again?

  The midwife patted her hand and looked down at her. “No, I don’t think you will have a super-speeded pregnancy like this one. From what the elders have said, they think because we have had no pups for some years, this is the goddess’s or nature’s way of making sure you have the pup before any other female. It ensures that you are the alpha, and this pup will be next in line.”

  Raven sighed in relief. She didn’t want to go through this again. It would be nice to spend a month or two feeling impatient of the impending pup’s arrival, rather than a few weeks with what the midwife called, super-speeded.

  With Grace’s helping hand, Raven sat up and swung her legs off the bed. Her protruding stomach didn’t allow her to sit up straight, so she leaned back on her hands. She suddenly felt so tired, and weepy. Thoughts of her father never seeing his grandpup, to be there to see his or her first shift, had tears welling in her eyes. Her father was missing so much.

  “Hey now.” Grace sat on the bed next to Raven and hugged her. “What’s with the tears, honey?”

  Raven blew out a frustrated breath. “Stupid hormones. I suddenly thought of my father, of what he’s missing.”

  “There, there,” Grace said, patting Raven’s arm. “He’s with the goddess now, looking down at’cha. He’ll be watching this little pup grow up big and strong, just like his mum and dad. He’s proud, and you know it.”

  Raven sniffed, wiped a hand across her cheek, and blew out another breath. “I know. I just wish he was here to talk to, that’s all.”

  A banging at the front door had them both twisting around toward it. Raven knew instantly who it was, and he wasn’t waiting to be told to enter. Duke filled the spare bedroom doorway in seconds. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his chest heaved with panting like he’d run a marathon.

  “You okay?” he asked almost frantically, taking in the scene around him. “I felt your pain.”

  Raven smiled, her cheeks still damp with her tears. Her overprotective male stood just inside the bedroom door, looking like he was ready to kill.

  “I’m okay.” Raven stood and walked—more like waddled—across the room. She stepped into Duke’s arms and instantly felt at home when they wrapped around her. “I was just having a pregnant moment,” she mumbled against his chest. She could hear his rampant heartbeat gradually slowing.

  “Fuck, Raven!” he cursed. “The sooner this pup comes the better.”

  Raven chuckled and lifted her head to look up at her mate. “You realize that if you want another pup the pregnancy is going to be longer, right?” she asked with a tiny smirk on her face.

  “We ain’t having no fucking more then.” Duke’s cheeks puffed out before he released the built-up air in a rush.

  “Okay,” Raven replied calmly, biting her sassy tongue for once.

  She waddled over to Grace, gave her a hug, and thanked her before walking past Duke. He followed her outside. Damn it, she felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t say something. Her previous pregnancy moment was forgotten, replaced with mischief.

  “So, no sex then?” She threw the question over her shoulder.

  “What?” Duke asked, his voice low. “What are you going on about?”

  “Well, no pups means no sex, right?” she asked, turning around and looking at him.

  Realization drifted over Duke’s face. He growled low and leaned forward. “Princess, the day I don’t have sex with you is the day I’m either too fucking ill to get it up or I’m dead.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “There are no buts,” he interrupted her.

  She loved it when Duke got all growly and possessive. Looking at him, her body lit up with desire.

  “Besides the ‘pregnant moment,’ what did Grace say?” he asked.

  “She suggested long walks and a hot curry.” Raven paused for a more dramatic effect. She knew what she said next would have her mate panting and harder than granite. “Oh, and to have sex more, to bring this pup along.”

  Before her next breath, and without saying anything
, Duke picked her up as if she wasn’t pregnant and heavy and was carrying her home. The look on his face was pure satisfaction. She banded her arms around his thick neck and held on tight.

  “I didn’t mean now.” She feigned annoyance.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He looked down at her, and his eyes burned with lust and love. “I bet your pussy is already wet. I smell the sweet aroma of honey seeping from your cunt. If I was to lay you down right here on this path and suck on your clit, you’d let me.”

  Heat suffused Raven’s cheeks. Her once dry panties were now rather damp. “I wouldn’t,” she replied hoarsely. “Only at home.” Or maybe in the small clearing by the stream where they had made love many times before. Or in their small office in the community hall, or even the one time Duke had surprised her behind Pear Me Up, the village fruit shop.

  “Keep thinking those thoughts, you smell fucking sweet.”

  Lost in her sexy thoughts, Raven hadn’t realized how close to home they were until Duke placed her back on her feet and opened the front door.

  “Home, sweet home,” he muttered before leaning down and kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

  Their tongues met and entwined. Hands roamed, and clothes were ripped from each other’s bodies. Duke walked her backward, all the while nibbling along her collarbone, up her neck, until her calves hit the edge of the settee. His arms banded around her naked waist, steadying her as she swayed on the spot.

  Her nipples were hard as pebbles, rubbing against his chest. Her breasts had grown so large throughout her pregnancy, she’d gone up two bra sizes. Duke loved her new, enlarged breasts; he couldn’t keep his hands off them. Grace swore Raven was having a girl, she’d said it had something to do with the pup giving her extra female hormones and stuff. Raven had tuned that bit out. It didn’t matter if she was having a boy or girl. She just wanted the pup to be healthy.

  Duke bit down on her neck. There was no scent of blood, so he hadn’t broken the skin. Her hips jerked against his body, and his erection dug into her lower stomach. He was hot, hard, and very much ready.

  “How many times do I have to fuck you for the pup to come out?” he questioned.

  Raven looked up at him and frowned. Her heart pounded with worry. Did Duke think her a beached whale as much as she did?

  “Nope.” He shook his head and cupped her breasts, molding them with his fingers. “Don’t even think what I know you’re thinking, woman. I love this body, I adore these fantastic fucking breasts of yours. Your pussy is always so hot and ready for me. Pup or no pup, this body is mine.”

  He leaned down and sucked one of her breasts, rolling the taut nipple along the roof of his mouth. Zinging shots zipped through her, straight to her clit. He moved over to the other breast before cupping her face and looking her straight in the eye.

  “I hate seeing you so tired. I loved your curves, they were so… Oh goddess.” He sighed and kissed her, moaning. Pulling back, he smiled and turned them around. Sitting down on the couch with his legs splayed wide, he tapped his knee. “Take a seat.”

  Raven looked down his body, over his tanned skin. She knew his body as well as she knew her own. The slight brushing of hair on his chest, his small, brown nipples. The very fine six-pack. The tight v-shape of muscles leading down to his groin. The red, mushroomed head of his long, thick cock, to his velvety ball sack. It all made her mouth water, as well as her pussy leak.

  Instead of doing as he asked and taking a seat, Raven knelt between his legs and clasped hold of his sex. Gently, she blew a draft of wind over the ruddy head, and his shaft twitched under her fingers. An animalistic growl left Duke, leaving Raven to smirk. She loved winding her mate up, and adored watching him lose his shit when she swallowed his shaft to the back of her throat. She dipped her tongue into the tiny hole at the top of his member, tasting his pre-cum, and moaned herself. His eyes sparkled as he watched her.

  “Suck it, babe, take it all in and fuck it with your mouth,” he ordered.

  He pulled on her hair that was wound around his fist, the pain only adding to her excitement. She widened her lips and hollowed her cheeks, and slid his shaft inside her mouth, taking it as far inside as she could. When his dick touched the back of her throat, she withdrew. She could feel the thick vein underneath his cock as she moved her mouth up and down on him. Again, and again, she dipped and reversed. She cupped his ball sack and firmly molded the bag. She could feel Duke’s hips twitch. Along with copious amounts of pre-cum dotting her tongue, his emotions were telling her he was already close to coming,

  “Enough,” he practically yelled and tugged on her long plait, pulling her up and off his cock.

  Placing a hand on her hips, he urged her forward to straddle him. It was more difficult being so big with her pup bump, but they managed. With a helping hand from Duke, she slid down on his cock until he was fully embedded inside her. United moans filled the air, her pussy tight around his shaft.

  “Goddess, this will never get old,” he moaned.

  Suddenly, Duke stiffened underneath her, making her wary of everything around them. Footsteps near the back door had her looking toward the kitchen. Scenting the air, she realized it was Jasmine. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Raven noticed the time and closed her eyes. This was the time Jasmine often visited them.

  Raven’s heart thudded in her chest. Fuck! She didn’t want to stop. It always felt so good when her mate was inside her. There wasn’t a word good enough to describe the feeling. Her clit throbbed, and her breasts were heavy. She couldn’t help but rock back and forth, hoping Jasmine would scent sex and go away.

  “Not now,” roared Duke, when the footsteps sounded on the back porch.

  Raven rocked again and placed her hands on Duke’s shoulders. Damn it, she wasn’t going to stop. If their beta walked in now, she wouldn’t see much of Duke anyway, Raven’s body hid most of him. Rocking her hips, Raven continued moving, back and forth.

  “You’re killing me,” Duke whined. “I don’t want our fucking beta to see—”

  “If you stop me now, I will kill you,” Raven warned. “Fuck me, Duke. Don’t you stop now.”

  Using her leg muscles, Raven lifted off his shaft and then lowered, clamping her pelvic muscles around his cock as tight as she could. Duke growled low and jerked his hips up when she lifted and lowered again.

  The footsteps near the back door stopped, before walking away. Raven smiled, glad their beta had gotten the message that they weren’t to be disturbed. Raven moved again, lifting and lowering. Duke’s hands on her hips clamped a little tighter and helped raise her. Leaning forward, Duke again sucked on her breasts, and the jolts of electricity it caused coursed through her nerves, zinging her clit.

  Skin slapped against skin, and moans and sexy groans filled the air.

  “That’s it, baby,” Duke said. “Oh yeah.”

  She could feel Duke urging her to move faster, but with her bump she was unable to do so. “Duke.” She sighed miserably.

  As if understanding her predicament, Duke boosted her up and off his cock. Picking her up and standing, he moved to the side of the settee and leaned them both forward until she clutched the arm with her butt in the air.

  “Hold on,” he growled before quickly impaling her again.

  “Ohh. Yes.” It was her turn to utter one word at a time.

  Duke thrust inside, balls deep, over and over. Her breasts bounced and ached along with the rhythm. With one hand on her hips, Duke moved his other underneath her burgeoning bump and slid his fingers through her wet folds, straight on top of her clit.

  Perspiration beaded her skin. Duke continued with another deep surge, then pressed and squeezed her engorged bundle of nerves, leaving her weak-kneed and seeing stars as she came. Heat and ecstasy rushed through her.


  Duke wasn’t finished yet; he rotated his hips, hitting her most sensitive place and making her cry out again. Waves pulsed through her pussy as another orgasm washed over her.

sp; “Fuck!” Duke cursed. He ground against her a few more times before he thrust one final time, his cock jerking as his seed filled her.

  For the rest of the day, Raven laid in the lap of luxury. Duke made sure she rested and even made her dinner in bed. After a quick shower, he ravished her again. He seemed in quite a hurry to meet his pup.

  Chapter 16

  Duke stood on the back porch with his morning coffee in his hand, looking over the woodland. So many trees, tall, gangly ones to newly born ones sprouting from the ground. He loved this land, his pack, and most of all, his mate.

  However, he was worried. Timmy had yet to show his face, and Raven was at the end of her pregnancy; anything could go wrong. Duke had woken this morning because of a nightmare. In the dream Timmy had shown up and taken their pup away. No matter how much running and searching Duke had done, he couldn’t find either Timmy or the pup.

  Suddenly, Duke could feel a new emotion coming from someone nearby. Retribution, revenge, and anger all rolled into one. It was a deep and dark rage, and it made Duke’s heart beat faster. Before he had time to analyze or find out where the emotion was coming from, Raven’s scream pierced the air.


  Duke was inundated by pain, Raven’s pain. Dropping his mug, he ran into the cabin to find his mate sitting up in bed grimacing. He kneeled beside the bed, his hands moving over her body in a vain attempt to find where the pain was coming from.

  “Grace,” she managed to get out before groaning loudly in pain again. Her hands were stroking her swollen stomach.

  “The pup?” was all he could ask between gritted teeth. He immediately berated himself for asking the ridiculous question. Of course it was the pup—that was bloody obvious. Shit, how did pregnant women do this? If he could feel this much pain, how much was Raven actually going through?

  “For the love of the goddess, move!” she yelled at him.

  How long had he been sitting there watching her? He stood and ran for the back porch.

  “Jasmine!” He yelled for his beta, knowing damn well she wasn’t far away.


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