Wilde Horses

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Wilde Horses Page 13

by Jannine Gallant

  Her eyes brightened. “Sounds like an excellent idea. Put yourself before your work. It’s not like you need the money.”

  “I can afford to take some time off, but I did promise to give this project my full consideration. The male lead has a lot of depth, which is definitely tempting.” He changed the subject. “I’m glad to see you’re making friends with the ranch hands.”

  She blinked. “Huh? Oh, Jack. He asked me out.”

  “That’s great. You should go.”

  Her thoughtful gaze rested on him for a long moment. “Maybe I will.”

  He took a step back. “I’d better go finish reading that script.”

  She nodded. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning, then. Someone mentioned you’re filming a scene on horseback.”

  “A tricky maneuver where I scoop Eden off the ground at a full gallop. I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

  One brow rose. “Eden, not Kara?”

  “Kara didn’t want to get that close to trampling hooves.”

  “I bet. But you don’t mind taking the risk?”

  “Nope. Max is kind of pissed. He thought after I cut my thigh he’d get to double for me in that scene, but the wound is healing nicely.” He retreated another step. “I’ve gotta go. I don’t want to stay up too late reading and be tired for my equestrian challenge.”

  “Definitely not. You need to be sharp.” She smiled and squeezed his arm. “Good night, Blake. Sleep well.”

  “Night, Pris.”

  He headed back into his bus, shut the door and dropped onto the couch to pick up the script he’d tossed on the cushions earlier. But focusing on the dialogue proved to be an effort. After reading three pages, he didn’t have a clue how the scene had resolved. Maybe he should give up on work for now and study it tomorrow when he could give the writing his full attention. One of the grips had mentioned something about a poker game… He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. Problem was, he didn’t want to play poker with the guys. He wanted to hang out with Eden.

  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he called her. And waited while her cell rang and rang, hoping she wouldn’t simply ignore him.

  She finally answered just before her voice mail picked up. “Blake? What’s up?”

  Relief flowed through him. “I was wondering what you’re doing.”

  “Nothing terribly exciting. I cleaned the kitchen and was thinking about watching some TV. My parents went into town to the movies, and my grandpa headed over to his cabin, said he was worn out from helping castrate the new male calves.”

  Not exactly the conversation he’d imagined having with her… He forced himself to uncross his legs. “Uh, so you’re all alone?”

  “For a few hours.”

  “Want to come over and hang out with me?”

  Silence echoed before a deep sigh whispered through the connection. “We need to establish a buffer zone between us, not cozy up in your bus. A quick fling isn’t what I’m looking for, and I don’t see much potential for anything else.”

  “I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I didn’t have anything other than talking in mind tonight.” Maybe not the whole truth… He leaned back against the cushions and stretched out his legs. “I’m having a hard time focusing on work right now, and I could use some company.”

  “Fine. Why don’t you come over here? We can watch a movie or something. My mom baked cookies earlier, and there’s ice cream to go with them.”

  “Sold.” He swung his feet to the floor and sat up. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Pocketing his phone, he left the bus and made a beeline for the house, ran up the porch steps, gave a perfunctory knock on the door, then pushed it open. “Eden?”

  “In the kitchen.” Her voice came from a distance.

  Blake entered the spacious living room where the two border collies sprawled on a big leather couch. One lifted its head to blink at him then let out a gusty breath and went back to sleep. A commercial for a luxury car droned from the TV hung on the wall adjacent to the stone fireplace. Leaving the room through a second arched doorway, he walked down a short hall to the kitchen.

  Eden glanced up from scooping ice cream at the center island and smiled. “I hope you like rocky road.”

  “I’m not picky about dessert. Can I help?”

  “Dishes are in the cupboard to the right of the sink. Cookies are in the jar on the counter. Load up a plate while I finish dishing up the ice cream.”

  Tempted to drop a kiss on those smiling lips, which would probably get him kicked out of the house, he followed instructions instead and breathed in the rich scent of chocolate chip cookies that still lingered in the air. If they tasted half as good as they smelled, he might eat a dozen. He piled the plate high.

  Eden turned and brushed by him as she returned the ice cream carton to the freezer. The urge to tug her close grew. He gritted his teeth.

  “Bring the cookies and let’s go get comfortable.”

  Blake followed her from the room without answering and set the plate on the coffee table in front of the couch.


  Both dogs blinked and stretched at her command. Neither moved.

  Eden scowled. “Come on guys, get down.” She gave the closer one a nudge.

  With a moan, Cracker pushed up off the couch and jumped to the floor. After checking out the dessert plate but stopping just short of snagging a treat, Cookie followed and flopped down on the area rug in front of the fireplace.

  Blake grinned. “Are you sure they know who’s boss?”

  “I’m not even sure I know who’s in charge.” She set the bowls on the table along with a couple of napkins, picked up the remote, then dropped down on the vacated end of the couch. “If you don’t mind dog hair, have a seat.”

  “Do I look like I mind a little fur on my jeans?” He took a seat next to her and reached for one of the cookies the dog hadn’t sniffed.

  She couldn’t quite hide a smile. “I guess you aren’t much of a prima donna, despite your fame.”

  “God, no. What are we watching?”

  She glanced up at the TV screen where a dead woman was surrounded by a CSI team in an alley. “Not sure. Want to put on a movie? My parents have a pretty decent selection of oldies but goodies on DVD.”

  “Sure.” Picking up his ice cream bowl, he dipped the cookie into it and took a bite, then nearly moaned in pleasure. “These should be illegal.”

  “My mom makes the best cookies ever.” Jumping up, she crossed to a set of cupboards below the big screen TV and pulled open a door. “Hey, we have most of your older flicks.” She shot a teasing grin over her shoulder. “Want to watch one of those?”

  “Definitely not. How about a comedy? You choose and surprise me.”

  “Sounds good.” After contemplating the row of DVD cases, she pulled one out and slipped the disc into the machine before rejoining him on the couch.

  A good foot of leather separated them. Blake had high hopes he could rectify that situation before their ice cream melted. He glanced over as she nibbled a cookie. “No work in the barn tonight?”

  “I closed my leatherworks website.”

  He turned to stare. “What? Why?”

  One shoulder hunched. “A couple of reasons.” She waved at the TV. “The movie’s coming on. You don’t want to miss the beginning. It’s awesome.”

  He glanced up at the screen and smiled. “Romancing the Stone. That really is an oldie.”

  “I consider it a classic…and one of my favorites.”

  “I’m a fan, but I saw the film years ago, and I want to know why you closed your website.”

  Eden paused the movie as Angelina brandished a knife while Joan Wilder did a voiceover. Picking up her ice cream bowl, she let out a sigh. “We talked about my options a couple of days ago. Either turn my leatherworks into a fulltime business or go back to making belts and purses as a hobby and focus on my horses and the ranch.
I made a decision.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Yep, just like that.” She eyed him steadily. “I gave what I need at this point in my life a lot of consideration. Even though there are positives to running a business, in the long run, keeping it functioning efficiently would wear me down and stress me out. So I’m cutting my losses before I get in over my head.”

  He wondered if she was still talking about making belts.

  “Oh.” He spooned up a bite of ice cream, but it didn’t taste nearly as good as it had a few moments before. “You don’t worry you’re making a mistake and will miss out on something that could be terrific in the long run?”

  “I know where my best interests lie. I recognize what will make me happy.”

  He let out a breath. “Kudos to you, I guess. For me, life has never been so cut and dried. Right now, I probably need a break from work, but before I called you I was reading a new script for a film that goes into production not long after we finish this one.”

  “So you’d go from one set to the next?”

  “Pretty much.”

  She frowned and ran a finger around the rim of her bowl. “If you need a break, why are you even reading the script?”

  “Because the character I would play has a lot of potential, and the director is someone I’m interested in working with.”

  “So your career comes before your personal wellbeing?”

  He let out a sigh. “It always has. Solidifying my career, making life easier for my family, providing resources for Josie’s care…”

  “Money first. Happiness second.”

  He winced. “I guess so.”

  She swallowed a bite of ice cream but didn’t break eye contact. “When’s the last time you saw your family?”

  He ran a hand across the back of his neck. “It’s been a while. I was busy over the holidays. I keep meaning to make time, but…”

  Her gaze softened. “Do you want my advice?”

  “Sure, even though I have a feeling you won’t pull any punches.”

  “What would be the point? If you’re truly serious about slowing down, don’t even read the script. Just say no.” She savored another bite of ice cream and licked her lips. “Take care of yourself for a change. Do what you want to do instead of what you think you should do.”

  Heat crept through him as he set his bowl on the coffee table and scooted closer until their thighs touched. Her eyes widened.

  “What if what I want to do isn’t on your agenda?” He took the bowl out of her hand and placed it next to his, then slid one hand through her hair to cup the back of her head. “Because what I want right now is to kiss you until we’re both crazy with need. Then I want to strip you naked, stretch you out on this couch and love you until you forget all about your well-thought-out plan for the future. Maybe it’s time you let yourself enjoy the present and quit worrying about what might or might not happen down the road.”


  He stopped whatever she’d been about to say—surely a protest—with his lips. Holding her firmly in place, he kissed her thoroughly, only putting an inch of space between them when he was forced to come up for air. Pulling back slightly, he smiled at her breathless fluster as her mouth gaped open.

  “Why’d you do that?”

  “Because I was pretty sure you wanted me to.”

  Color rose in her cheeks. “You’re pushing your luck, buddy.”

  “You didn’t complain about kissing me after we were almost eaten by the mountain lion.”

  “That was different. A spur of the moment reaction to danger.” She let out a breath. “This was premeditated.”

  “So? You like me.” He smiled at the indignation shining in her eyes. “You’re attracted to me. Maybe almost as much as I am to you. Am I wrong?”

  Her lips tightened. “Not the point.”

  He slid the fingers still twined in her hair along her jaw to stroke her cheek. “It could be the point. I’m not looking for a quick fling. I’m happy to try to establish a relationship after we finish filming.”

  She tugged against his hold as her eyes darkened with some emotion he couldn’t identify.

  “The chances of that working out are nil. You just told me you can’t even remember when you last saw your own family. You’re a workaholic with no time for a personal life.” She tore her gaze from his to glance over at the dogs sleeping in front of the fireplace. “I don’t want to be the woman you throw a bone to every now and then when you remember. I’m not like Pris, content to sit around and wait for a man to get off his ass and ride into the sunset with me in order to make my life complete. Thank you very much!”

  He sat back. “Wow. How long has that outburst been brewing?”

  She buried her face in her hands then peeked out at him. “A while. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I just figured something more than my feeble attempt to get you naked on the couch was bugging you.”

  “Maybe. Probably.” Picking up her half-eaten cookie, she took a bite and chewed slowly. “Griff and Sawyer are both getting married to women who make them unbelievably happy. My best friend moved in with Tripp and sounds like she’s on cloud nine every time I talk to her. Could be I’m feeling a little left out, and a half-assed relationship with no real future doesn’t seem to be a step in the right direction.”

  “Then why don’t you just marry your foreman?”

  “Because I don’t love Zane.” Her lips curved down. “Shoot me for wanting it all.”

  “You deserve a guy who’ll be around for you, and one who’ll rock your world. No doubt about it. I think I have half the equation nailed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “The easy half.”

  “I don’t know about that. If great sex was so damned easy to find, you’d be cozied up next to good old Zane right now instead of talking to me.” He held up a hand when she opened her mouth. “But, I’m willing to put some serious thought into the hard part.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Until you come up with an answer, we aren’t going to sleep together. So, knowing you won’t get any tonight, do you still want to watch the movie?”

  He smiled. “Sure. Why not? I’ve nothing better to do except read that script, and maybe I’ll take your advice and just say no instead.” He picked the remote up off the couch and pressed a button. “For now, we’ll eat our cookies and enjoy the movie.”

  They watched mostly in silence, making comments now and then and laughing together at the funny parts. Eden’s quirky humor entertained him, despite the fact she was keeping her distance. Shortly after the infamous mudslide scene, the front door opened and her parents strolled into the room.

  “Oh, you have company, Eden. How nice!” Her mom’s green eyes brightened. “I didn’t realize you had plans this evening. I’m glad you joined her, Blake.”

  He grinned. “She lured me with your excellent cookies. Thanks for those.”

  Beside him, Eden snorted.

  Her dad smiled as he glanced at the TV screen she froze with the remote. “Romancing the Stone is always a good choice. How’s the filming going, Blake?”

  “Really well. I’m pretty sure we’re still on schedule.”

  “Good to hear.” Boyd took a step backward, his arm curved around his wife’s waist.

  Eden waved toward a pair of chairs. “Feel free to join us.”

  “Heavens, no.” Dahlia smiled. “We wouldn’t crash your date. Anyway, I’m tired. We’re headed up to bed.”

  “It isn’t a date. We’re just hanging out.”

  Her dad’s blue eyes twinkled. “We’ll get out of your hair, just the same. Enjoy the rest of the movie.”

  Blake smiled. “I’m sure we will. Good night.”

  After her parents left the room, Eden stood. “Seems like a good time to let the dogs out before they settle in for the night.”

  The pair on the rug raised their heads then scrambled to their feet, tails waving. />
  Blake pushed up from the couch. “I can take them outside.”

  She nodded. “Sure. I’ll go put away the last of the cookies while you do it. Then we’ll get comfy and finish the movie.”

  Blake liked the sound of that and couldn’t help wondering if comfy included trading in her jeans and flannel shirt for the silky thing she’d slept in while they were in Boise. With the dogs following, he headed toward the front door. Outside, a cool breeze swept across the prairie. He crossed the porch and leaned against one of the support posts while Cookie and Cracker ran into the dark to do their thing. Overhead, a crescent moon surrounded by stars hung in the sky, and in the distance cattle lowed.

  “Beautiful night.” Light spilled out onto the porch as Eden swung the door wide open.

  Turning, he smiled as she joined him. Still wearing jeans.

  “Yes, it is.” Deciding to push his luck a little, he slid an arm around her waist and tugged her to his side. “Very romantic, like the movie. We’re probably breaking some law of nature if we don’t make out under all those stars.”

  “Damn it, Blake, quit tempting me.”

  He pressed his lips to her hair. “I like tempting you. Come on. One kiss while we wait for the dogs to come back.”

  She turned in his arms. “Just one. Then we’re going inside to watch the rest of the movie. After that, we’re heading to our separate beds. Alone.”

  “If you say so.” Blake tilted her chin with his free hand and kissed her, savoring the hint of chocolate along with heat and wetness. His jeans tightened as need throbbed to life. He ignored it as best he could and finally released her.

  In the yard, gravel crunched.

  Eden turned in his arms and pulled away. “Who’s there?”

  “Just me.” The voice was rough.

  “Zane?” Stepping closer to the rail, she peered out into the dark.

  “Yeah.” A shadow moved as steps crunched closer.

  “Did you need something?” Eden sounded nearly as annoyed as Blake was at the interruption.

  “I had a matter to discuss with your dad.” The foreman stepped fully into view at the foot of the steps. A scowl drew his brows together. “I didn’t expect to find you in a clinch on the porch with Benedict while your parents are just inside.”


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