Wilde Horses

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Wilde Horses Page 15

by Jannine Gallant

  “Jesus, I would hope not. What possible motive would you have?”

  She shrugged. “Crazy doesn’t need a motive. They’re focusing on opportunity first, and will look at possible motive later.”

  He winced when she hit a pothole. “Half the people on the ranch probably had opportunity. John tied the horse to a fence railing after you went to get Jezebel, and I was talking to one of the crew for a good ten minutes before I walked over to mount him. It wouldn’t have taken more than a few seconds for someone to stick the glass under the saddle blanket.”

  “True.” She slowed the car as they drove over a few more ruts. “Unlike the cops, I do care about motive. Who would try to hurt you?”

  “Maybe one of the bystanders has a screw loose and wanted to brag that he was responsible for ending Blake Benedict’s career. How would I know how someone like that thinks?”

  She frowned. “For now, let’s rule out a random psycho and focus on people you know. I can think of a few individuals you’ve pissed off.”

  Reasoning when his head still throbbed wasn’t an option. “You tell me what you’re thinking. I’m not at my analytical best right now.”

  “Do you want me to shut up and let you rest? We’ll be home in about five minutes.”

  “No, I want to hear this. Who do you believe has motive?”

  “I had plenty of time to think while we were at the clinic. Okay, let’s start with the person who directly benefits from your concussion. Your stunt double. Didn’t you say he was angry you were doing so many of your own action scenes?”

  “Yes, but I can’t believe Max would actually try to hurt me. If Flint had kicked me any harder, I’d be dead, and the producers would have had to shut down filming altogether or recast my part. Either way, he’d be out of a job.”

  “But if his intent was to simply injure you, which is exactly what happened, he’d get more stunts. I assume that would make him more marketable in the industry?”

  Blake nodded then groaned. “Ouch. I think the meds are wearing off.”

  “You can take more pills once you’re settled in your bus.” She glanced at the illuminated clock on the dashboard. “You’re almost due.”

  “Good.” He forced himself to think about what she’d asked. “The more complicated stunts Max has on his résumé, the more interest he’ll generate. Still, I don’t think he’d risk killing me to get work.”

  “Maybe he has money problems you know nothing about. I think Max is a strong contender. Also, I saw him in the area, so he had opportunity.”

  “I don’t necessarily agree, but I’ll give you the point. Who else is on your short list?”

  “Kara’s husband. You mentioned he wasn’t happy about you and his wife making out in the hay.”

  “Hayden has a jealous streak and, for some reason, he thinks I’m interested in Kara. They’re having marital problems.”

  “So, he might just be spiteful enough to try to hurt you.”

  “I guess so.” He let out a sigh. “I hate thinking the worst of people.”

  “Well, someone put that piece of glass under Flint’s saddle pad.” Eden drove beneath the Flying W arch then parked the SUV near the barn and turned off the engine. “Some crazy freak tried to injure you. Or worse.”

  Blake stared through the windshield as the ranch foreman paused in the barnyard to glance their way then continued toward the bunkhouse. “What about Zane?”

  “Huh?” Eden released her seatbelt and turned to face him. “What about him?”

  “He’s pretty angry we’re seeing each other. Maybe he wanted to eliminate the competition.”

  Her jaw sagged. “Zane wouldn’t…at least I don’t think he would. Besides, he cares too much about horses to deliberately harm Flint.”

  “If he was determined to get rid of me, he might figure the end result justified cutting the horse.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve known Zane since I was a teenager. I honestly don’t believe he’d do something so vicious.”

  “The man loves you. He wants a life with you. If he’s desperate enough…”

  “This sucks.” Her voice cracked.

  Reaching over, he squeezed her arm. “I know.”

  “Let’s forget about motive for now and go get you settled for the night. With all the drugs they pumped into you, you must be ready to crash.”

  “I’ll admit my bed sounds damn good right now, but you don’t have to walk me to my bus. I’m not an invalid for crying out loud.” He pushed open the car door and stood then grasped the edge of the frame when he swayed a little. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  After climbing out of the vehicle, she met his gaze over the roof. “You have a concussion. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He blinked. “You aren’t?”

  “Nope.” She smiled. “You’ve been trying to lure me into your home on wheels for days to have your way with me. What do you know? You’re finally going to get your wish.”

  Chapter 13

  Blake leaned back against the pillows on his bed and tried his best to stay awake. Eden was talking about—something, but he couldn’t keep track of the conversation. When she set the sandwich she was eating down on her plate and gave him an expectant look, he realized she was waiting for a response. Too bad he didn’t have a clue what she’d asked.

  Her brows drew together. “You’re completely out of it, aren’t you?”

  “Those painkillers are pretty powerful. Maybe I should only have taken one.”

  “Does your head hurt?”

  “Not a bit.”

  She smiled. “Then I guess they’re doing their job.” She took another bite and chewed. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?”

  His stomach clenched. “Positive.”


  A knock interrupted her, and the door swung open.

  “Hey, Blake, I came to see how—” Pris stepped into view and stopped. Her hazel eyes darkened beneath blond bangs. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were here, Eden. I can keep Blake company if you want to head back to the house.”

  Eden glanced his way first, then gave Pris an impatient curl of her lips that apparently was supposed to resemble a smile. “I’m sleeping here tonight. The doctor wants someone to keep an eye on his patient, just in case Blake has any adverse aftereffects from the concussion.”

  “Oh. If you need me to—”

  “We’re fine.” Her statement had all the finality of a gavel hitting the judge’s bench.

  If Blake’s head wasn’t spinning from the drugs, he would have slapped her a high five.

  Pris gave Eden a cool smile as she passed the table to stand at the side of his bed. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She dropped down on the edge of the mattress next to him and patted his knee. “I might be better qualified to notice any potential problems. After all the time I spent with Josie, I’m alert to every little nuance when it comes to changes in sleep patterns.”

  “I’m certain you’re a terrific caregiver, but I don’t need a nurse. Really. The last thing I want is to be woken up every time I breathe funny. I’m exhausted and plan to crash in a few minutes. I can barely keep my eyes open as it is.”

  He glanced over at Eden as she finished eating the last of her sandwich. Her eyes sparkled with amusement—at his expense. Resisting the urge to make a face, he returned his attention to Pris.

  “Eden is staying just in case I start puking or convulsing or lose consciousness, but the doc doesn’t expect any complications. Apparently I have a hard head, and the damage wasn’t extensive.”

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I’m positive. Hanging out with me would be pretty damn boring since all I want to do is go to sleep.”

  Pris nodded and stood. “Fine. Maybe I will go see that movie with Jack after all.”

  “Sounds like an excellent idea. You deserve to have a little fun, but thanks for stopping by to check on me.”

  She gave him a final smile before opening the door. “I’m just happy you’re okay. Good night, Blake.”

  The door shut with a thump.

  Eden grimaced. “Well, that was slightly awkward.”

  “You could have herded her out of here for me. The idea of Pris hanging over me all night, freaking out every time I moan in my sleep, gives me hives.”

  “You handled Pris a lot more diplomatically than I would have since my sympathy for her is wearing thin at this point. If it’ll relieve your mind, I promise not to disturb your rest unduly.”

  “You can disturb me all you want if you intend to give me a good reason to moan.”

  Eden snorted. “Not a chance. You’re in no state to get all worked up.”

  When she stood, then bent over with her back to him to pick up the napkin that fell to the floor, he shifted uncomfortably as his briefs tightened. “I don’t know. You might be surprised by my powers of recovery.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, and her gaze dropped to his lap where his sweatpants tented even higher as her attention lingered. “The answer is still no.”

  “Spoilsport.” He swung his legs to the floor and stood, then was forced to grab the wall for support when the room swayed around him. “Okay, maybe I’m not at my best. I’m going to take a quick shower to get the rest of the blood out of my hair, if you don’t mind applying another bandage afterward.”

  “The doctor said you could.” She eyed him steadily. “Yell if you need help.”

  “I doubt I will.”

  He damn well could manage in the bathroom by himself. Stripping off the clothes he’d changed into when they returned from the clinic, he stepped into the cramped shower and let the hot water run over him. Working up the energy to carefully wash his hair was harder than he’d expected. By the time he finished rinsing out the shampoo, his legs were shaking.

  “You okay in there?”

  He glanced toward the closed door as he dropped onto the lid of the toilet and held the towel clutched against his chest. “I think so.”

  The door slid open, and Eden stepped inside. “You look like death warmed over.”

  “Maybe I’m a little weaker than I thought. Those stinking pills make me loopy.”

  She took the towel from his hands to pat his hair dry then ran it over his shoulders and back. He closed his eyes and groaned.

  “Am I hurting you?”


  Her hands slowed as she swiped the towel over his chest then dropped it in his lap. Her color rose as she met his gaze. “I’ll put on a new bandage, just in case, but your cut doesn’t seem to be bleeding anymore.”

  He cleared his throat. “Good.”

  Her fingers were gentle on his scalp as she applied the pad to the wound. Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against her breasts, which were covered by a soft cotton T-shirt. If he never moved again, he wouldn’t mind.

  “Blake?” She pulled away, taking his perfect pillow with her.

  A sigh of regret slipped out. “Hmm?”

  “I’m finished. Do you want to put your sweats back on?”

  “Sleeping in them will make me too hot.” With an effort, he rose to his feet and wrapped the towel around his waist. Following her out of the tiny bathroom, he waited while she flipped back the covers on the bed, then dropped the towel to the floor and slid under the sheet. His eyes closed. “Heaven…”

  * * * *

  Eden stared down at Blake, sound asleep, mouth hanging open slightly. Blond stubble roughened his chin and jaw, and thick lashes several shades darker than his hair fanned against his cheeks. His hard muscled chest rose and fell beneath the edge of the sheet. She let out a long breath. The man was so gorgeous, just looking at him made her heart ache.

  Is it any wonder I can’t resist him?

  Her lips pressed tight. She was falling for the man, despite her best intentions to put some distance between them. If she had half a brain, she would have gone back to the house when she had the chance and left him to Pris’s ministrations. But, oh no, she’d stayed to play nursemaid to a naked sex symbol.

  Smart, Eden. Just brilliant.

  Another breath escaped. Not that Blake was in any way shallow. He seemed genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship. But she wouldn’t—couldn’t—walk away from the ranch and her horses, no matter how he made her feel.

  Leaving him to sleep, she rinsed her plate then brushed her teeth, washed her face and changed into the nightgown she’d grabbed from the house earlier. After turning off the light over the table, she settled on the couch and pulled the crocheted afghan down over her. Exhaustion after a long, emotionally draining day weighed her down. From the other side of the bus, Blake’s breathing sounded slow and steady.

  He’s fine. Go to sleep, for crying out loud.

  Eden bunched one of the decorative pillows on the couch beneath her head. She was comfortable enough, but sleep wouldn’t come. With a long sigh, she pushed back the afghan and stood. Padding on bare feet across the carpeted floor to the bed, she stared down at Blake’s outline in the faint moonlight shining through the window. After a long moment, she lifted the sheet and slid in beside him. He murmured something indistinguishable and wrapped one arm around her. With a smile curving her lips, she closed her eyes…

  Streaks of sunshine filtering through the wide window over the bed woke her. Blinking in the morning light, Eden stretched and pressed up against the hard, warm chest behind her. When Blake tightened his arms around her, she stilled, afraid she’d disturb him. Too late. Lips caressed the side of her neck as he nudged one knee between her legs.


  She rolled onto her back to look up into clear blue eyes. “How do you feel?”

  A smile lit their depths. “Right now, unbelievably good.”

  “Your head doesn’t ache?”

  “Not so you’d notice. At least not the one you’re worried about.” Bracing an arm across the pillow, he leaned in to kiss her. And kept kissing her.

  A wave of heat flowed through her, and any thought of resisting this man disappeared. Eden curled an arm around his neck and kissed him back, enjoying every second of full body contact as he moved to cover her. She sank into the mattress beneath his weight and let out a satisfied sigh.

  “I wasn’t going to do this again.”

  He pulled back a few inches. “But now?”

  “My moral fiber is weak.”

  A chuckle rumbled up from his chest. “Am I corrupting you?”

  “Yes, but right this minute I don’t care a whole heck of a lot.”

  “You just made my morning. Hell, you made my whole week.” He inched her nightgown over her hips to bunch around her waist, then paused to kiss her before wriggling the material across her breasts.

  Eden grabbed the silky edge to jerk the nightgown over her head and drop it on the floor. With a little moan of pleasure, she wrapped herself around him. They rolled together, tangled in the sheet, until Blake let out a yelp.

  Her eyes flew open. “What happened?”

  “I bumped my head against the wall. It’s still tender.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair and carefully touched the bandage. “Nice and dry, so your wound isn’t bleeding.”

  “I’m fine.” Taking both her hands in his, he flattened them against the mattress and smiled into her eyes. “Even if I was bleeding like a victim in a horror flick, I honestly wouldn’t care.”

  She grinned back. “That’s because you don’t wash your own sheets.”

  “No, I don’t. Are we going to talk about laundry or do this?”

  “Suit up. I’m ready.” Her voice was breathless. “More than ready.”

  He sucked in a gulp of air. “Got it. Just a moment…” Stretching out an arm, he opened a bedside drawer and pulled out a condom packet. After fumbling between them, he covered himself. “Okay, ready.”


  He l
et out a groan and slid inside her. “Go.”

  Eden closed her eyes and floated on wave after wave of pleasure as he built the tempo. Clutching his back, she dug her nails into firm flesh. “Oh, God.”

  Backing off the pace, he kissed her, long and deep.


  “Easy. I want this to last. We aren’t in a race.”

  She wasn’t certain she could hold on much longer as tremors built inside her. Her breath came in pants when he pushed hard again and again. A cry wrenched from her throat as her whole body shook in release, and it was long moments before she realized he’d collapsed on top of her.

  “I’m smashing you.” The whispered words stirred the hair at her temple.

  “I don’t mind.” When he tried to roll away, she held on tighter. “This feels…nice.”

  Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. “Nice? That’s the best you’ve got?”

  “I’m too relaxed to think of something more descriptive.” A sigh slipped out as she pressed her lips to his warm neck. “I could stay here all day.”

  A sharp rap shattered her complacent mood as the bus door swung open.

  “What the hell?” Blake turned to stare over his shoulder.

  Eden burrowed beneath the covers and held her breath.

  “Blake, are you awake? When you didn’t come to breakfast, I got worried.”

  Pris’s voice was edged with more than concern. Suspicion? Eden flattened herself behind Blake’s broad back when he turned on his side. Not that she cared particularly what Pris thought of her morals, but she wasn’t interested in being the topic of gossip.

  “I slept in. No need to worry. I’m completely fine.” He propped himself up on one elbow. “Uh, I’ll be out to eat shortly if you want to wait for me at the food truck.”

  “Where’s Eden? I thought she was staying to keep an eye on you last night.”

  Pris’s voice sounded closer. Eden’s nerves wound tight. She was tempted to spring up like the proverbial jack-in-the-box, just to get a reaction. Instead she gritted her teeth.


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