Perilous (Dauntless MC Book 2)

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Perilous (Dauntless MC Book 2) Page 8

by Suzanne Steele

  Preacher pushed Ricky ahead of him and cut the ties from his wrists. “Get your fucking bike. You start prospecting tonight, boy.”

  He watched as Ricky ran and grabbed his bike, quickly taking off in the direction the other members were headed. Once again, thirty bikes started in unison. With the addition of one new prospect, the guys headed back down towards River Road and home to the compound.

  In just under eight minutes, they had executed their plan against the enemy and had been successful in their mission.

  Preacher breathed a sigh of relief as the wind blew through his long hair. He would be going home and back into the arms of his old lady alive, just like he promised.


  From the second the boys pulled out on their bikes, Daisy had been pacing.

  “Fuck, sit down, girl. You’re making me nervous,” Raven growled. Daisy noted that even Raven seemed aggravated, and she was usually the coolheaded one of the bunch. Well, maybe she wasn’t always coolheaded, but she was, most certainly, always in control.

  Daisy looked up to and admired Raven for the way she stood by Tiny. She wanted to have the same kind of relationship with Preacher and be able to show him, and the club, the same diligent allegiance. Raven was the kind of woman who not only demanded respect, but also had it because she earned it. Daisy counted herself lucky to have such a close relationship with both her and Red.

  Right when she felt like she could stand the waiting no longer, the roar of motorcycles could finally be heard. The girls took off towards the heavy metal gates that would permit the men’s entry back into their arms.

  Though a wave of relief washed over her, she wouldn’t be at peace until she had Preacher back in her arms and looked him in the eye. She had to know he was okay; she had to know they were okay.

  She watched as the men dismounted their bikes, patting each other on the back and enjoying their victory. She wondered what happened. Had he killed Billy? Was she safe to believe they could start over without the fear that had plagued her? Would she finally be able to just let go and live her life without worrying that some traumatic episode would ruin things for her?

  She watched, torn between running to him and hiding in a corner until he came for her. What was the right thing to do when a man came home after possibly taking another man’s life? It was all so new to her. She’d never lived this kind of MC lifestyle with friends, family atmosphere, and the kind of love she held for this man, who was now standing in front of her, looking down on her in expectation.

  “You’ve got blood on you.”

  “Not mine, babe.”

  “I’ve never been so glad to hear three words before.”

  She leapt into his arms, buried her face in his hair, and cried tears, not of sadness or pain, but of relief.


  The club members all stood together in the courtyard. The music blared, fires in metal barrels burned brightly, and the liquor flowed freely. They wasted no time breaking in the new prospect.

  “You got a lot to prove, prospect, and you can start by jumping up and down on one foot, butt ass naked, boy,” Gunner yelled out. He added, “Ain’t getting a fucking thing around here for free, boy. You’re gonna have to prove yourself.”

  “I know that’s right,” Beecher agreed, pushing his long blond hair out of his eyes. “You wanted to be here. Now dance, motherfucker.”

  All eyes were on Ricky as he did just what they commanded him to do—jumped up and down on one leg, butt ass naked.

  “That’s mean,” Daisy muttered.

  “Say what?” Preacher leaned down, talking in her ear.

  The music was so loud that she had to turn and almost yell so he could hear her. “I said, that’s mean.”

  He roughly grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into him so they were nose to nose. “Boy’s got to prove himself. If he can make it through the hazing, it means he really wants to be here. If he really wants to be here, it means he’ll hang tough when the chips are down. If he hangs tough when things are bad, it means he’ll keep his mouth shut when, and if, he is ever questioned or, worse yet, busted. There is a method to our madness, and though it seems like silly hazing, it serves a purpose.”

  “Why don’t the girls go through it?”

  “You all have your own pecking order.” His voice got low and husky with his next statement, “I just plan on fucking you into submission. That way you got no misunderstandings on who’s in the submissive role in our relationship. I wouldn’t want you to get things twisted.”

  He turned her around and pulled her body deeper into the apex of his open legs. His lips locked over hers, probing, not in a searching manner as they had many times before, but in a dominating and marking his territory fashion.

  When they separated, she eyed him and stroked his face. Her eyes widened, in what he thought was apprehension, before she said, “Tell me about the blood on your shirt.”

  “Ain’t my blood, babe.”

  “You said that already. Did you kill him?”

  “Would it matter?”

  “Yes, it would, Preacher.”

  “Oh, really?” his cold eyes searched her expression, trying to get a read on her.

  “Yes, it matters. I don’t want to lose you to prison.”

  A wave of relief washed over him. He wanted the assurance of knowing any feelings she had were for him and him alone. He couldn’t help but feel jealous at the thought that even a small piece of her heart might belong to another man. He wanted her, all of her—heart and soul.

  “What do you want, babe?”

  “A happily ever after,” she replied with no hesitation. “I need it, and I need it with you.”

  “I can’t promise you a happily ever after, not because I don’t want to, but because I have no way of knowing what the future may hold. I can promise you today, babe; it’s all I have. I have right now. I can promise you every all I have that comes my way, every right now that comes my way.”

  “That’s a happily ever after, silly,” she giggled.

  “Then I can give you happily ever after. I can give you me, all of me.”

  “That’s more than enough. I’ll take it. I’ll take everything you give me.”

  “Oh, yes, you’ll take everything I give you, alright,” he growled, teasing her and pulling her into his hardness. “You’ll take it all and love every minute of it.”

  Chapter Twenty One


  “You know you don’t have to escort me to work every day, right?”

  “Ain’t just about you, babe. Prez wants me in that club watching over the women, including his woman.” Right before Daisy had an opportunity to speak he continued, “And I’m damn sure watching over what’s mine.”

  “So you take this property thing pretty seriously, don’t you?” she teased.

  “You know I do. It’s the law of the jungle around here, baby girl.”

  His words had now become a low, growling whisper in her ear as he stood behind her. She could feel his hot breath as he toyed with her hair, moving it away from her neck so he had access to lightly bite up and down on her sweet spots.

  She could feel her skin break out in goosebumps when he whispered how he felt about the reactions she caused in him. “I never get tired of taking you, of making you mine. You’re all I need, girl. I don’t need nothin’ but you. I don’t need any of these club sluts or hang-arounds. I want you wearing my kutte. I want the world to know you’re my property.”

  She turned and jumped into his arms, planting kisses all over his rough, scruffy face. “There’s nothing I want more! Nothing!”

  She groaned as she heard someone knocking on the door. “Prez needs you. He’s out in the garage.”

  “Tell him I’m on my way.” He planted a quick kiss on Daisy’s lips and informed her, “Gotta go, girl. When Prez calls, well, you know how it is.”

  She swatted his butt as he turned. “And I’m so glad I do; I’m glad I know how it is.” She really was,
because knowing the ins and outs of the club meant she was part of it, part of something much bigger than herself. She finally had a family.


  Preacher made his way through the courtyard, his large frame donning leather, heavy biker boots, and large silver jewelry that worked just as well as brass knuckles in a fight. He had the gait and posture that spoke of a man in authority amongst the ranks of the Dauntless MC. Every time he planted a foot on the courtyard asphalt, his long, shoulder length, black hair would sway with the movement.

  He turned the corner, heading towards a garage most mechanics would die for. Any vehicle or bike in the club was serviced by Grease. He’d been given the name after he beat the shit out of someone for calling him Grease Monkey. The boys figured it was safer to just call him Grease after that incident.

  He watched as Grease pulled his head out from under the hood of Raven’s SUV.

  “Somebody has been fucking around with Raven’s car.”

  “What is it? Sugar in the gas tank?” Preacher asked.

  Grease directed his answer to Tiny, “No, and that’s what has me worried. Whoever did this had the sense to know water would do more damage. Gasoline floats on top of water, which means if water is added to the tank, it’ll run through all the lines and cause major issues.” He wiped his hands on the shop rag and stuffed the end of it in his pocket, leaving it hanging down for the next time he needed it. His eyes were serious and locked on Tiny as he continued, “Your old lady still getting black roses and ominous notes?”

  “I’ll fuckin’ kill somebody, man.”

  “Tiny, talk to me, man.”

  “Yeah, there were a couple of issues, and then they slacked off. What are you getting at?”

  “I can’t see a bitch havin’ that kind of knowledge about engines. You may have another man interested in your old lady.”

  Preacher watched Grease flinch as Tiny took the knife he’d been cleaning his nails with and stabbed it into the workbench he was leaning up against. “I’ll kill a motherfucker, man! I will fuckin’ slice somebody’s heart out and feed it to them!”

  Preacher stepped up, knowing he needed to calm Tiny down. “Let’s do this… I’ve got that Jeep Renegade I don’t even use because I hate riding in a cage. I’ll give that to Daisy so she can drive the girls back and forth to work. Whoever is doing this isn’t going to be looking for a red Renegade. I’m on this. I’ll keep your woman safe.”

  “Still gonna kill a motherfucker when I find out who’s doing this.”

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Daisy sat on Raven’s bed, talking to her, as she watched the woman raid her closet to pack a bag for work.

  “Are you scared?” Daisy asked as she fingered the bedspread decorated with a large Harley insignia.

  “I’m more pissed off than scared. I do have to admit that this guy fucking with my car took things to a whole new level. I like that car, and he made it personal when he did that shit. He also sent a message.”

  “What message is that?” Daisy asked, looking up from the comforter to meet her eyes.

  “He let me know he’ll hurt me if he can.”

  Daisy watched as Raven sat down and looked at her in a manner that sent chills down her spine.

  “Did you know statistics show a person is more dangerous when they’re scared? He’s trying to scare me, but he’s fuckin’ around on real dangerous territory. I’m not the kind of girl you can back into a corner and trap; I will come out fighting.”

  “Statistics? I wasn’t aware you were a bookworm.”

  “It’s a misconception people have about us. We’re not dumb ass, uneducated fucks.”

  “Yeah, I got that when Red said she had a degree. I’m not educated.” She hung her head, suddenly feeling ashamed.

  “That’s what’s cool about being in the club, sweetie. We’re all different, and we embrace those differences. Some of us come from stable backgrounds and others, not so much. However, one thing you can count on is, regardless of where we come from, we’re family. Red has a degree to show for her education, but I just read a lot. Can’t be a dumb ass if you’re a reader.” Raven winked at her, obviously trying to get the smile back on her face.

  “Yeah, well, something tells me I wouldn’t want to be your fucking enemy.” Even though Raven had tried to change the subject, Daisy was still pondering just how dangerous her new friend, Raven, could be.

  “Well, whoever fucked with my car certainly made one hell of an enemy. Tiny might have my back, and that’s fine, but he’s going to have to get through me before he gets his turn.”

  It was the first time Daisy could ever remember being this scared of a woman. There was just something about Raven that gave off a dangerous vibe. It was like resorting to violence was second nature to her, and Daisy was getting a very clear perception of just how intimidating she could be.

  Whoever was fucking with her right now was unknowingly putting their life in danger, and Daisy vowed, then and there, that she would never do anything to cross this woman. She was convinced Raven could be just as dangerous, if not more so, than any of the men in the club. She decided two things: she’d always have Raven’s back, and she’d never, ever fuck her over.


  Preacher stood outside of Raven’s room and listened in on the girls’ conversation. He had never been one to let his size get in the way of his stalking abilities. When he spied on a target, he was as stealthy as any small person. He had no problem standing there and eavesdropping while the girls remained unaware. He wanted to know every detail about the woman who had him so enamored. He, of all people, knew that walls and guards were up in the presence of others. It was a well-known fact that women told other women things they wouldn’t tell their old man, and he wanted to know what those things were. When it came to Daisy, he had no scruples about how he gained insight, only an obsession to know all he could. It was in his nature to do whatever was necessary to get Daisy, but driving him even harder, was the need to keep her.

  He ducked around a corner and waited for her to exit. His hand covered her mouth in an effective, makeshift gag as soon as she came within striking distance. He leaned over and eyed her as she attempted to mumble through the hand he had clamped over her mouth. Oh, she looked so fucking sexy—confused, but so very sexy.

  “Come on, got something I want to show you.”

  He felt the sting of her slap on his back as she started walking behind him, following his long strides.

  “Damn you, Preach! Why do you do that shit?”

  “Consider it a warning. You never know where I might turn up.”

  “Yeah, I think I’m getting the message.”

  “Good, you would do well to heed it.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Me to know, you to find out,” he said, pulling her up beside him and in close. She felt good nuzzled in next to him.

  He led her back behind the compound to a garage type shed he knew she had never seen. She spoke as if confirming his thoughts.

  “I’ve never seen this place before.”

  “It’s where I’ll bring you to spank your little ass if you’re a bad girl.”

  “With the way you spy on me, I doubt I’ll have the chance to be bad.”

  He opened the door and turned to watch her expression.

  “Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful.”

  He watched her as she ran over to open the door and look inside. She ran her hands all over the black, leather interior of the 4x4 red Jeep Renegade.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s yours, babe. Gonna need you to drive the girls to work tonight, what with somebody fuckin’ with Raven’s SUV.”

  He grabbed her and pulled her body tight against his own. “Wanna fuck you in it. Wanna bend you right over that seat, stand behind you, and fuck you senseless.”

  He was shocked when she pulled away, unbuttoned her jeans, and dropped them to her ankles. She rested her forearms on the s
eat and turned around, eyeing him mischievously. “Go for it, big boy.”

  “Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” He pulled his cock from his jeans and immediately pushed into her, meeting no resistance. “You’re wet, girl.” He grabbed her hair and, wrapping it in his fist, fucked her like he wanted to hurt her. “Play with that pussy. I ain’t making love to you. I’m fucking you, marking my damn territory. You just keep in mind that what’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is damn sure mine!”

  Chapter Twenty Three


  The girls rushed out to the Jeep and jumped in just as the rain started to fall.

  “I’m glad this isn’t some huge ass Harley truck. I have no desire to try and drive some he-man vehicle.”

  Daisy chuckled as Raven punched her arm from the passenger seat. “Ah hell, girl, you’re a biker chick now. You can do anything.”

  “Well, let’s get going before it starts raining too hard and we have to test that theory.”

  She looked up in the mirror at Red as she pulled out, listening to her but paying attention to what she was doing at the same time. She was a little nervous about driving the pristine vehicle.

  “I wonder who the fuck messed up your car, Raven.”

  “I don’t know but when I find out, I’m going to beat somebody’s ass.”

  Daisy felt another punch on her arm, and Raven spoke as if she could tell how nervous she was about driving the new vehicle. “Damn, girl, we ain’t gonna make it with you driving at this speed.”

  “I can’t help it. This guy is right on my ass with his brights on.” She kept her eyes on the road as Raven and Red both turned around to look.

  “Speed up and see what happens.”

  Daisy did as Raven directed, but the car behind her accelerated too and continued to tailgate her.

  “Either this motherfucker wants to pass me, or he’s purposely trying to make me wreck.”

  The thought that somebody could be trying to hurt them pissed her off. She gunned it, causing the girls to slam back into the leather seats they occupied.


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