Perilous (Dauntless MC Book 2)

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Perilous (Dauntless MC Book 2) Page 13

by Suzanne Steele

  Kathleen started screaming through her gag and flailing in her restraints, obviously enraged, but the man was too distracted laughing at her to care.

  “Ahh shit, you just fucked up,” Preacher groaned and then, instinctively, moved out of the way. He watched as Tiny’s fist slammed into the man’s nose, busting cartilage. Once again, screams rang out. The next strike put the man’s head resting on his chest again, but this time, it was from being knocked out cold. If he did live through this, and Preacher highly doubted he would, he’d be eating through a straw for the next six weeks.

  When Tiny nodded, signifying he wanted to be out of earshot of the prisoners, Preacher followed and walked with him towards Gunner and Beecher.

  “Preach, if you’re serious about keeping this prospect, we need him in deep so we can trust him. If he commits a crime and knows we have something to hold over his head, he’ll be a whole lot less likely to ever rat us out. The boy knows a lot, and I need to know the club can trust him.”

  “I know that’s right. If the little shit has blood on his own hands, he won’t be revealing shit to cops or rival clubs.” He listened as Gunner cut in, “If we get the kid to volunteer to do the kill shot, that’s even better because he won’t be able to say he was coerced.”

  “Yeah,” Beecher interjected, “it won’t be like the club ordered the hit.”

  Preacher nodded his head, “It would be good psychologically too. If he thinks it’s his idea, he won’t be so quick to talk about what happened tonight.”

  Preacher watched as Tiny looked up and yelled, “What the fuck?” to Raven as the girls stumbled into the cellar with their arms draped over each other’s shoulders.

  He purposely watched to see how Daisy would react. He was shocked when the girls sauntered up and eyed the bloody man curiously before Daisy said, “Fuck, you don’t look so good, dude.” That sent them into yet another fit of giggles.

  He watched while Daisy looked at Kathleen, “Why the fuck are you lookin’ at me like I can save you? That would be up to the guys, not us.” She moved her finger in a back and forth motion between herself and Raven.

  Preacher looked at Tiny as he spoke, “Well, actually it is going to be on you girls. I figured it’s the two of you she tried to run off the road.”

  “You ain’t got to tell me twice. Prospect get this trash down,” Raven yelled.

  Preacher growled out in irritation, “Prospect, don’t touch my shit!” He heard Tiny laughing in the background. He jerked his head around and eyed Gunner and Beecher, “Y’all get him down.”

  “Why?” Beecher laughed.

  Gunner snickered, “Because, man, he don’t want no prospect touching his shit.” He dramatically swung his arms open in a sweeping motion. “There’s a lot of love that went into the making of this room, brother.”

  “Hold on a minute,” Preacher spoke as he eyed Raven and Daisy. “Don’t you girls want to know why she did this?”

  “Always the interrogator,” Raven replied, never removing her eyes from the girl. “Okay, I’ll play along.” She reached up and pulled the bandana out of the girl’s mouth so that it hung around her neck.

  “Why’d you do it, bitch? Let me know if she’s lying, Preach, you human lie detector.”

  “Oh, you can bet I’m watching this bitch’s body language.”

  Preacher, along with everyone else in the room, listened as the girl sobbed, revealing why she would do something so heinous as to help almost run the girls’ cage off the road.

  “All I’ve ever wanted was to be part of the inner circle here. I’ve worked my ass off doing everything you guys told me—sucking cock of nasty ass friends of the club, fucking two and three bikers at a time. What have I gotten for it? Fuckin’ nothing, that’s what. All it got me was being called a slut, whore, and sweetbutt, and old ladies looking at me like I’m trash. It ain’t right, Raven. It just ain’t right.” Her next statement was directed towards Daisy with a look of utter contempt. “You fuckin’ get brought in here, from a rival club no less, and end up being treated like fucking royalty! I hate you!”

  Preacher never saw the slap coming until it landed on Kathleen’s check and Daisy answered, “You sound like a fucking Lifetime movie. You’re a dangerous bitch, and I’ll tell ya why… You want somebody else’s life, and you’ll do anything to get it.” She looked around at the club members, observing what was going on and spoke, “If you guys let this bitch back in here, I want no part of it. This bitch is trouble, and if you care anything about this club, you’ll ban her from it. This has gone way beyond what happened to Raven and me. This is about every club member in this place. You mark my words. She may not be lying, but if you feel sorry for her and let her back in, she’ll eventually do something to hurt this club. Ya know why?” She didn’t give them time to answer. “Because she’s so consumed with bitterness, she’ll justify her actions in her mind. She has no loyalty to the club, only to herself and her sick need to belong. Even if you pulled her into the inner circle, as soon as something didn’t go her way, she would be scheming against you. I don’t trust the bitch to put the club first, and that is what Dauntless MC is all about!”

  Preacher watched as his old lady stormed out of the room in anger while everyone else did something that very rarely happened. At a complete loss for words, everybody just stood there, mouths agape, soaking in the truth of his old lady’s words.

  Raven looked at Kathleen and shook her head. A sense of melancholy rolled off her that pulled everybody’s eyes to her in anticipation of what she would do or say. She finally spoke, “You know, if you would have come to me and said that, I’d have been moved to rectify it. I would’ve made a point to include you more, but under the circumstances, I’m inclined to believe what my sis is saying. I got no love for you, bitch, because I got no trust in you.”

  The boys sauntered over to the metal pole to push the button that operated the chain mechanism and watched the girl’s body slump to the floor. As soon as she hit the concrete and was unfettered, Raven was on her and beating the shit out of her.

  Preacher, who was now standing over by Tiny with his muscled arms crossed over his broad chest, shook his head and chuckled. “Damn, I was going to let both girls have a shot at her, but I don’t think I’ll have to now. Hell, I don’t think I’ll even be able to after Raven gets done with her.” He just laughed as he stood and continued to watch the fight. The boys were right. There was nothing quite like a good cat fight.

  Chapter Thirty Five


  Daisy sat against the headboard with wet hair as she watched her old man exit the bathroom with a towel around his waist. She noted the huge tat on his back when he turned to face the dresser mirror and comb out his tangles. God, he was beautiful. His long black hair fell down to his shoulders in a thick mass of free flowing waves. Though he made no attempt to style it, and it could be described as scraggly, it was a look that worked for him and only added to his badass image. She had looked at his tattoo before, but she really took the time to study it now, knowing it would reveal more about the inner workings of a man who continued to be an enigma to her.

  The tattoo was so large that it covered most of his back. It depicted a man in angel form, but his face was a skull. His gaze was turned up, looking heavenward as if in anguish. His muscled body held his arms out to the side, and his hands were fisted as if in great pain. The Dauntless MC insignia was interwoven into the ink in such a way that it was only visible if you knew what you were looking for. She knew him well enough to know there was method to his madness. The tattoo sent a message that unless you took the time to get to know the man, you wouldn’t. Very few people understood the man behind the tattoo, and that was only if he ever let you get close enough to try. The club owned the tattoo parlor where the members got their ink, and because they only hired the best of the best, every member had high quality tats. Yes, it was very befitting ink for the perplexing man she had fallen in love with.

  “What’d you do w
ith them?” she asked, knowing he wouldn’t reveal the depth of his vengeful act.

  “You don’t need to know that, babe.”

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Ain’t got nothing to do with trust. Does have something to do with protecting my woman though.”

  “Don’t I have the right to know if I should be looking over my shoulder?”

  “I can assure you, he won’t be coming around to bother you and Raven anymore.”

  “What about Kathleen?”

  “Tiny kicked her out of the club.”

  “She ain’t in the club. She’s a fucking club slut—a club slut who tried to fuck my man.”

  “She’s barred out. She can’t come to the clubhouse, work, or any of the events, in or out of state. I want you to know the things you said in the cellar influenced Tiny and Raven’s decision. You should feel honored.”

  She moved over to where he was now standing by the bed. Slowly, she removed his towel and lifted up his cock with her hand so she could run her tongue from its base to its tip.

  She could feel his hands fisting her hair as a feral growl erupted from somewhere deep in his chest cavity.

  “Ahh fuck, girl.”

  Her tongue flicked lightly under the head of his cock in rapid succession as she looked up through dark eyelashes, reading his every emotion. He looked enraptured, yet agonized, as she took him deep into her mouth.

  Her mouth formed a tight O as she languidly swallowed his well-endowed, hard cock down her throat like a vacuum cleaner, determined to suck every ounce of pleasure from him. This man, who represented strength with his large, muscled body, now stood with shaking legs, helpless and at her mercy. A jolt of power surged through her, spurring her on to torment him with her ability to bring him gratification.

  She could feel his balls clenching in her tiny hand while she gently massaged them. His voice begged her to stop before she made him come, but she continued without reprieve. She wanted him sated thoroughly by just her ability to bring him pleasure. A warm spray hit the back of her throat as she continued undaunted, just like the club she was now an integral part of.

  “Damn girl, I wanted to make sure you got off too,” he told her before he lied down on the bed, placed her head on his chest, and stroked her hair. It felt damn good to be in his arms, and that was all she needed at the moment.

  “That wasn’t about me. It was about me wanting to bring my old man pleasure.” She rubbed her hands lightly over his chest as she took in the day’s events. She knew it wasn’t over yet; it would never be over. There would always be drama, danger, and mayhem. She would not only have to learn to wear the club’s name on a kutte, but also to be what their name indicated… Dauntless.

  Chapter Thirty Six


  Preacher woke up early and left the room, deciding to let Daisy sleep. He needed to talk club business with Tiny and Nitro, so it worked out for the best anyway. He teased Tiny as he entered the garage, “For a man who doesn’t work on cars, you spend an awful lot of time in this garage.”

  “Keeps me away from the bitches,” he guffawed.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Aww, you know how it is. Women overthink everything. That sly bitch, Kathleen, has got Raven second-guessing herself. I gotta agree with your old lady, Preach. That woman is trouble for the exact reasons Daisy said. She will justify hurting the club the first time things don’t go her way, and I can’t have that shit around here. I gotta give it to you, dude. That old lady of yours is street smart.”

  “She’s had to be street smart to survive all the shit she’s been through. How long did you give her to get out of town?”

  “Bitch has got one week.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  Tiny cut his eyes at Preacher, “Her ass will be buried in a shallow grave, just like her little compadre.”

  “Did the prospect come through, or did the shit get passed off to Gunner and Beech?”

  Tiny chuckled but it was more of a cold, calculating cackle. “Prospect is the one who pulled the trigger, and just like you wanted, he thinks it was his idea. The boys made him dig the grave, and they stood the man at the edge of it. When the prospect’s bullet connected, asshole fell right in. Pretty fuckin’ genius if you ask me. Gunner spray-painted the Hell’s Demons signature on him just in case he’s ever found. He thought it would be nice to give them a going away present.”

  “Not like those motherfuckers are going to know after tonight.”

  “I know that’s right. Speaking of tonight, you got that shit ready, Nitro.”

  Preacher looked over at the workbench where Nitro was working. “Those glasses give me the creeps, man. It looks like your eyes are all bugging out and shit.”

  “Sorry, Captain,” he smiled at Preacher and pulled them up on his head.

  “This shit’s ready; I’m just going over details right now.”

  Preacher eyed Tiny and addressed him with his next question. “Who do you plan on pinning this on? We certainly don’t need the fucking heat.”

  “Pin it on the street gang who had the audacity to buy meth cooked up by our rivals. They knew damn good and well this is our turf, and we don’t deal in meth. They disrespected us; there’s got to be retribution for that shit.”

  “On another note,” Preacher added, “that college kid from last night was going to school to be an attorney, just like his uncle. That means they must have been close. Since Luke already had a beef with us… Well, we don’t need any backlash from that shit is all I’m sayin’.”

  “Already told you, Preach, that shit’s on Hell’s Demons.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ll feel better when this is all over and my old lady…” Tiny’s phone ringing interrupted Preacher, who listened in to see what was going on.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Damn it! Get ‘em out of there. Dauntless don’t blow kids up, man. Bring ‘em back here and we’ll deal with this shit later.” Preacher watched as Tiny listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. “I don’t give a fuck how you get those kids out of there, but you damn sure better.”

  Preacher ran from the garage back to his room and grabbed Daisy. “We got problems; get in the cage!”


  Daisy held onto the dashboard with one hand and her cup of coffee with the other, not that she needed the caffeine with the adrenalin rush her other half’s driving was giving her.

  “What is going on?” she screeched as he cornered a tight turn in the Renegade. “Watch it! These things are known for rolling over. What has got you crazy enough to be driving a cage?”

  The look he threw in her direction was as intense as a sharp slap to the side of her head. “There are kids in there.”

  She immediately knew what he was talking about. “Oh shit! How do you plan on getting them out?”

  “Hadn’t got that far yet,” he stated, pulling into the brushy area where Gunner and Beecher were lying down, camouflaged in the weeds with high-powered binoculars. They eased out of the Jeep and were careful not to slam the doors.

  “Whose fucking kids are they? There were no kids around when I was here,” Daisy said as she shook her head.

  “I don’t care whose kids they are; they’re getting rescued.” Preacher, who was now holding the binoculars, answered her as he looked in the direction of the house. “Those kids get removed from that house now, or tonight is off. Dauntless MC doesn’t hurt kids.”

  “Let me go get them.” Preacher jerked around and looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Are you insane? If they see you down there, I don’t even want to think about what might happen, Daisy.”

  “I can do this, babe. If anything happens, and I feel like I can’t pull it off, I promise I’ll come straight back here.” Her expression was one of pleading as she spoke her next words. “The club needs this. Please…”

  “Argh, how do you plan on doing this?”

  “They keep the windows open because of
the chemicals.”

  “No going in, Daisy.”

  She walked away before he could change his mind and stop her. Making her way through the brush and down the side of the house, she was sure her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She had to do this for the kids and for the club. She would get through it just like she had everything else in her life. She would fight through the fear and do it afraid.


  The moment she turned the corner of the house, and he could no longer see her, an unfamiliar emotion gripped his heart and squeezed—fear. He wasn’t used to being vulnerable, and he had never felt as helpless as he felt right this second.

  An ominous air settled over the men as the seconds turned to minutes. “I’m going to get her,” Preacher resigned.

  “Not time yet.”

  “How do you know?” he growled at Gunner in irritation.

  “Set the timer on my watch as soon as she walked away. It’s only been three minutes, and she has to get two kids out of there quietly.”

  “Damn it!” Preacher found himself going through a gamut of emotions and experiencing a head full of what ifs. What if they got her? How was she going to keep the kids quiet?

  Then there was the most haunting question… If something happened, how could he ever live without her?


  “Fuckin’ biker boots,” Daisy hissed, stepping on thorn bushes that she was sure sounded much louder to her, crunching beneath her small frame, than they actually were due to the adrenaline coursing through her system. She made her way up to the side of the house through the overgrown weeds and broken glass, a testament to the house full of junkies. The place had to be a complete dump now because, other than her, nobody else had ever bothered to clean anything up when she lived there. She still hadn’t figured out why kids were suddenly on the property.


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