Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Page 7

by Jessie Courts

  “You scrub up pretty well yourself Mrs R.” In fact, Luc thought she looked jaw droppingly sexy in a tight black pencil skirt that hugged her hips and arse like a second skin, and a coffee coloured silk blouse tucked in that draped over her upper body outlining her spectacular tits. Her long legs were bare and on her feet was a pair of the highest nude heels he had no idea how she walked in but looked fucking hot. He decided he might get her to leave them on later.

  Rachel had taken a long time to decide how to dress for this outing and judging by the way Luc was running his bottom lip through his teeth as he gazed at her longingly, Rachel decided she’d made a good choice.

  “What’s funny?” asked Jess coming up behind Luc. “Wow you both look fab!” she gushed looking her mother and her friend up and down.

  “You look lush, Mummy!” Lucy agreed, “And you don’t look so bad yourself Lulu.” Luc groaned and Rachel laughed.

  “Lulu? Seriously?” she asked them. Luc sneered at the twins, “they know how much I bloody hate that nickname. Don’t encourage them; please!”

  “You love it!” laughed Jess linking arms with Lucy and Luc dragging them off to the car leaving Rachel to lock up.

  “I’m not sitting all the way in the back,” complained Lucy. “Me neither, sorry” agreed Jess as they whined about not creasing their outfits by having to climb over seats. Standing their ground, neither twin made any move to get in the vehicle.

  “Oh it’s alright for me to scramble around then!” Rachel huffed giving in to her daughters too easily as she hitched up her pencil skirt so she could step into the vehicle. Luc was only too delighted.

  “Here let me help you Mrs Renton,” he offered standing behind her, effectively blocking the line of sight from Jess and Lucy. Just as well, as Luc’s idea of helping was to shove one of his big hands in between her thighs pressing against the thin material of her underwear, at the same time as placing the other one on her bum and propelling her forward into her seat. Before Rachel had a chance to react to his stomach flipping touch, the twins bounced into the seats in front preventing her from saying anything. Glancing at Luc out of the corner of her eye, she could see a huge grin on his face. The dimples were in full attack mode and only she could see the outline of his semi-hard erection tenting the front of his suit pants.

  “Oh boy” she thought to herself, “this was going to be a very long lunch!” Luc was clearly now in a playful mood and the thought of how he was going to tease her this afternoon made her squirm in her already damp knickers.

  Luc leaned back in his seat and reached behind him to grab the seatbelt. As he dipped his head to his left to see where the buckle went, he caught a whiff of Rachel’s intoxicating scent. She always smelled so delicious - it was one of the things that drew him to her. The erotic mix of expensive perfume and her unique fragrance that seemed to linger long after she had gone rocked his senses in the close confinement of the car and he was agonisingly hard for her. How the bloody hell he would be able to concentrate on anything but what he wanted to do to her when he got her alone was going to be challenging to say the very least.

  Luc’s sexy grin hit her head on as Rachel turned in his direction to fix her own belt.

  “Here let me,“ he said, his deep voice resonating right through her and he took the buckle sneakily covering her small hand with one of his and not letting go even when she was all safely secured. He dragged her hand over to his bulging crotch and captured it there even while he could feel her struggling to pull her hand back to her own lap. The unwitting wriggling of her fingers back and forth over his straining cock was amazing. Shooting daggers at him, Rachel could feel the heat from his now solid erection and it turned her insides to goo. Nevertheless she was getting cross with his reckless behaviour so she punished him swiftly by pushing down on his cock a little too hard which made Luc release her hand in reaction to the hot jolt of pain in his groin.

  “Ahh shit!” he jumped wincing in shock.

  “Luc? What’s up?” asked Lucy as she turned to face him from the seat in front.

  “Nnnothing Luce, just got my finger caught in the seatbelt.”

  Rachel coughed loudly getting his attention. “Careful Luc dear – you might do yourself a damage.”

  As his eyes widened in disbelief at her words, Rachel chose the moment to cross her legs giving him a great view of her thighs as her skirt rose to an indecent length. Settling down for the journey Rachel’s expression was blatantly smug until Luc shifted slightly in the seat adjusting himself whilst never breaking eye contact. The boy had no shame and to Rachel’s frustration it turned her on in ways she didn’t dare try and understand. The blue of eyes darkened and his lips twitched in amusement fully aware of his effect on her. Shaking her head, Rachel wondered yet again what the rest of the day had in store for her.


  The driver pulled off The Strand into the forecourt of The Savoy where the four passengers alighted. They each took a moment to appreciate their surroundings. The hotel and the theatre to the right side felt sheltered from the busy main road linked as they were by the covered forecourt. Water cascaded out of the ornate fountain in the middle of the driveway and the glamour of their surroundings was hinted at by opulent Art Deco accents decorating the entrance to the hotel.

  It was such a treat for Rachel to indulge Lucy, Jess and of course, their friend Luc, with something so special that she could enjoy too. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to Nate for providing her with the means to do so and let her mind fleetingly wonder how his business was coping without him at the helm. Pushing those thoughts right to the back of her mind, where she didn’t have to deal with what she knew she could not be put off forever, Rachel linked arms with her baby girls and graciously let the doorman guide them through to the foyer of this beautiful hotel.

  Flanked by Luc, looking like a movie star in his new designer suit, they caused quite a stir among the guests lounging around in the lobby, and many sets of eyes followed them as they made their way up the stairs to the American Bar. Rachel couldn’t help notice how the women openly admired Luc as he walked passed them oblivious to their drooling stares. They stood up straighter; fiddled with their hair and sucked in their stomachs hoping he would take notice of the open invitations in their eyes. Rachel felt obscenely irked by all that unwelcome attention and she wanted to taunt them with her intimate knowledge that his clothes did not do the boy justice at all – that would give them a good reason to gawp!


  The American Bar did not disappoint. Luxurious cream leather seats amid navy décor overlooking the Thames and uniformed waiting staff discreetly depositing little bowls of olives and mixed nuts, set the mood for what Rachel hoped would be a calm and relaxed few hours.

  Flicking through the Cocktail menu, Rachel took a moment to watch the 3 young people with her. Clearly, Lucy and Jess adored their friend and took great pleasure in teasing him, which he took very good naturedly. They were all very touchy feely with each other but it appeared to be purely platonic. Rachel wanted to make 100% sure that neither of her daughters were carrying a torch for Luc as she in no way wanted to be responsible for him neglecting them for her.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Luc raised his baby blues in her direction and gave her a sly wink. He reached for an olive causing the fabric of his suit jacket to ripple around his muscles enticingly captivating Rachel until he opened his mouth to pop in a black olive. She watched mesmerised as he rolled the delicacy around his mouth; chewed then swallowed. The action of his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did so was alarmingly erotic, coupled with the tip of his tongue sweeping up the oil residue on his lips and Rachel was done for. Her eyes fluttered closed and she took a deep breath to calm herself.

  In one night Luc had super charged her libido and she was literally raging with lust for him. She had heard how popular the cougar culture was and had previously written off these women as sad, old and pathetic – and maybe she was also all of those things, bu
t fucking hell it felt fabulous. Luc didn’t make her feel creepy or middle aged – just the opposite and for as long as it lasted Rachel would take every glorious thing he had to offer her, because the love of her life had died far too young and she was too lonely.

  Switching to far more pressing matters, Rachel coaxed the others into choosing her a cocktail and the 4 of them poured over the menu trying to decide what would suit.

  “Definitely a Martini.” Luc insisted. Rachel cocked her head at him and he gestured at the menu. Under the heading of Martini, Rachel read the description.

  “The most classic of cocktails, its origins are shrouded in mystery, which only adds to its allure. The simplest of ingredients and yet the most complex of flavours.”

  Meeting his eyes over the heads of her girls still studying the menu, she frowned at him questioningly.

  “You.” He mouthed rolling his bottom lip between his teeth; his blue eyes sparkling at her. Rachel’s heart felt like it was going to thump right through her chest – he was so sexy he made her swoon; literally. Luc’s easy confidence in his own appeal only made her want him more invoking a heavy sweet hum in her pussy that refused to go away.

  Squeezing her thighs together to try and ease the throb, she licked her own lips and replied. “Martini it is then!”

  After Rachel, Luc, Jess and Lucy had each enjoyed a couple of cocktails, they weaved their way through the lounge to the Riverside Restaurant. Ever the gentleman, Luc guided the ladies to their seats strategically placing himself opposite Rachel. Jess sat by his side and Lucy next to her Mum. There was a small quartet playing in the background and the atmosphere was relaxed elegance. Rachel was enchanted with the whole experience so far feeling truly light hearted. Of course the mix of alcohol running through her system helped elevate her happy levels and she was enjoying the time without the gloominess that had shrouded her for the previous few months.

  “Dad would have loved it here” mused Jess thoughtfully.

  “Mmm” agreed Lucy, “he would have used his posh voice and pretended he knew what everything on the menu meant and then ended up with disgusting food!”

  They all laughed at the truth of this and Rachel lost herself in a memory of a few years ago when they dined at Claridges for their anniversary. Gordon Ramsay was cooking there at the time and Nate was keen to try his food but because he wouldn’t admit he couldn’t understand the culinary terms ended up with a spicy vegetarian dish he couldn’t eat. Rachel spent the whole meal laughing at him grimacing every time he swallowed a mouthful of food until he finally gave up. They had to stop for a Big Mac on the way home.

  Luc wondered what had caused the wistful look on Rachel’s face. She was smiling warmly to herself obviously distracted by something that had reminded her of happier times and her melancholy hit him hard. His instinct was to wrap her in his arms hugging her sadness away, but of course his friends may think that a little ott considering the circumstances. So instead he nudged her knee with his hidden under the table and it seemed to bring her back to the present.

  “What shall I order guys?” he asked generally. “I want something tasty, delicious and filling hmmm.”

  “Ha!” Jess mocked, “Sounds like Mum could do with some of that!”

  Appalled at the unintentional innuendo, Rachel snorted at the same time as swallowing a mouthful of fizzy water. The bubbles went up her nose causing her eyes to water and she started choking as the liquid got stuck going down.

  “Mummy!” cried Lucy next to her mopping Rachel’s chin with her napkin. “Jess, for god’s sake what’s wrong with you? That’s just rude to talk about Mum like that…” and she threw a bread roll that bounced off Jess’s head and landed at the feet of the waiter who had just turned up to take their order.

  “Oh bog off Lucy – you can’t have forgotten how many times Mum and Dad ‘disappeared’ on us for hours at a time.”

  “Girls,” interrupted Rachel aware a few heads had turned at the raised voices. She was in no mind to discuss her love life with her kids, especially as the man responsible for reintroducing her to the joy of sex was currently sitting at the table. “I am not going to have a conversation with my daughters about any sexual activity past, present or future for that matter. Please don’t embarrass me or Luc; it’s off limits and none of your business quite frankly.”

  Jess and Lucy had the good grace to look contrite and mumbled a few words of apology for their bad behaviour, completely oblivious of the fact that the waiter had not moved from his spot at the side of their table. Standing there, clearly enjoying the drama with his pen poised over his notepad, he politely enquired as to whether they were ready to order.

  Realising his female companions were still trying to compose themselves, Luc sat up straighter in his seat taking control of the situation. He didn’t want Rachel’s special event descending into chaos before they’d even eaten. Silently cursing his friends for being so immature he decided they needed a few more minutes to get back on track.

  “Give us two minutes mate” instructed Luc waving him away as the twins started fussing over their mother trying to calm her down.

  “Certainly sir, it’s no problem,” replied the waiter shooting Luc a megawatt smile as he turned away swinging his arse slightly as he went.

  The women abruptly stopped bickering; their eyes following the waiter’s retreat. As if they had three heads on one neck they turned to Luc and creased up laughing.

  “Certainly sir,” Lucy mimicked the waiter’s camp response precisely causing them all to crack up even further.

  “Oh my god the waiter fancies Luc!” and the repeated fits of giggles reset the scene for a perfectly hysterical afternoon.

  They were already buzzed from the cocktails and then wine with the food. Rachel felt more relaxed as time went on and she mentally high fived herself for planning this outing. Luc was extremely entertaining; shamelessly flirting a little with the waiter causing the girls to laugh incessantly at his antics.

  Putting down her cutlery and pushing her plate slightly forward, Jess announced “Toilet break” and the twins waltzed off to the bathrooms propping each other up along the way.

  Rachel took a moment to appreciate her offspring and try to see them as others might. They were tall and beautiful in a very natural way. They didn’t wear too much make up and their clothes were more edgy than full on fashion. They wore outfits that flattered their frames and enhanced their figures in a sensual rather than slutty way. Both girls looked like a cross of their parents and Rachel was glad they had Nate’s height and confidence in their own bodies. They had her full breasts and narrow waist, and legs that went on forever. In her naturally unbiased opinion, they were worthy of the catwalk.

  “Luc, can I ask you something?” Luc was in the process of finishing off the twins’ desserts. He had a seemingly bottomless appetite and it amazed her how much he could eat and keep in such great shape.

  “Hmm?” he murmured, his lush lips closed around a spoon heaped with chocolate torte. Sliding his tongue out to catch every bit of cake made Rachel sit up and take note. The concentration on his face as the sticky crumbs proved challenging was adorable and the flick of his wet pink tongue was doing crazy things to her insides. She couldn’t seem to formulate words as every lick he took seemed to directly connect to her clit making her hot and damp.

  “Holy shit, Luc, stop that…” she whispered leaning towards him.

  Looking up at her from hooded eyes smiling knowingly, Luc pulled the spoon from his mouth very slowly savouring every last delicious taste. Rachel was grasping her napkin so tightly, her knuckles were white with the effort and her boobs were pressed up against the edge of the table offering him a perfect view of creamy cleavage. Seeing her all a quiver caused a heaviness in his crotch and he groaned low in his throat as his cock twitched in response.

  “Did you want to ask me something?” he reminded her.

  “Huh? Oh yes, yes, just…give me a minute.”

  Rachel started
fanning herself as Luc threw his head back and laughed loudly.

  “You have no shame Mrs R – you’re killing me.”

  Grinning back at him Rachel continued, “No seriously, I wanted to know about Jess and Lucy. Haven’t you ever thought about dating one of them?”

  Luc cocked his head at her causing his blond fringe to flop over his forehead. Brushing it back in a move so sexy Rachel started throbbing all over again, Luc replied.

  “That’s the thing, how could I choose? They are both gorgeous inside and out. Both hilarious and fun to be with. If I went with Jess I would lose Lucy as a friend and vice versa. No way would I want that to happen, so just friends it is. Now we’re just too close; it would be weird; and especially now I’ve fucked their mother.”

  Rachel gasped and slipping her foot out of her shoe, kicked him under the table.

  “Don’t be so rude!” she admonished just as Luc caught her ankle and held it in his hand while his thumb circled the sole of her foot in a sensual caress. Sliding down a little bit so he could run his hand up her calf Rachel twitched her toes over his crotch feeling the heat from his stiff cock pulsate up her leg. A low rumble emanated from Luc as he shifted in his seat.


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