Nevertheless, there may be some fundamental similarities between ancient and modern power supplies, in that the power plants in existence today are quite large and all need a supply of water for cooling and steam production. If such an advanced society existed in prehistory and if indeed they had an energy system, we could logically surmise that their power plants in all probability would be the largest construction projects they would attempt. It also may follow that, as the largest creations of the society, those power plants would stand a good chance of surviving a catastrophe and the erosion of the elements during the centuries that followed.
The pyramids easily meet these requirements. These geometric relics of the past, which have been studied, speculated about, and around which so much debate has centered, are located near a water supply, the Nile River, and, indeed, are the largest building projects that this ancient society completed. In light of all the evidence that suggests the existence of a highly advanced society utilizing electricity in prehistory, I began to seriously consider the possibility that the pyramids were the power plants of the ancient Egyptians.
Like just about every other student of the Egyptian pyramids, my attention was focused on the Great Pyramid, primarily because this is the one on which everybody else's attention had been focused, resulting in more research data being available for study. The reports of each successive researcher's discoveries inside the Great Pyramid are quite detailed, especially Petrie's. It is as though researchers became obsessed with reporting data, regardless of how insignificant it may have seemed.
Researchers have especially noted the Great Pyramid's geometric dimensions. Having worked with dimensions and angles all my working life—not just for the sake of dimensions themselves—their relevance in the Great Pyramid, while being important, was not of a primary concern to me. The dimensions, after all, are not the object, but a means to create the object. The area of study that I felt would reveal the true purpose of the Great Pyramid was a thorough examination of the inner chambers, passages, and every little detail that has been noted within them. While I was studying the inner chambers and passages of the Great Pyramid, I became convinced that I was looking at the prints for an extremely large machine, except this machine had been relieved of its inner components for some inexplicable reason. It is difficult to envision a machine that big, but with this basic premise I studied the drawings a little closer in order to obtain an understanding of how it might have operated.
The tremendous amount of masonry used in constructing this edifice suggested to me that there were things happening inside this pyramid that made such quantity necessary. Also, it seemed that the only logical reason an advanced civilization would have to build such a structure, at an obviously vast expenditure of time and energy, would be the same and only reason our civilization would need to duplicate it—to provide the population with some return on their investment. Energy would be such a return.
At the time the early explorers were crawling through the Great Pyramid, science and technology were at such a point that the basic foundations for explaining its true purpose had not yet been laid. At that time in our technological history, it would have been impossible for those researchers to entertain the thoughts recorded in this book; therefore, it is true to say that the science embodied in the Great Pyramid was lost to early explorers. But is this ancient science still lost?
I believe that the scientific foundation has been laid to attain that elusive lost science. In proposing my theory that the Great Pyramid is a power plant, I am not adamantly adhering to anyone proposition. The possibilities may be numerous. However, the main facts are inescapable, for they were noted many years ago, and it would be impossible for an open-minded, logically thinking person to disregard them.
As we head toward the new millennium, the interest in ancient civilizations and the pyramids is gaining momentum. The idea that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built for the generation or as a source of energy is not new. Other authors have alluded to this idea and have made valuable contributions in the research of the Great Pyramid.
It is an exciting time we are living in. New information coming from Giza indicates that the theory that follows will find more evidence and proof to support it. Rudolph Gantenbrink's exploration in 1993 provided some of that proof, as I will shortly discuss. And testing in the Great Pyramid's King's Chamber by Tom Danley of the Schor expedition—though currently shrouded in secrecy imposed by a nondisclosure agreement—promises to reveal a tremendous amount of new and relevant information. Through the efforts of these researchers, and the groundwork laid by generations of others' enlightenment is about to dawn in the hazy world of Egyptology and we can be confident that the real truth about our distant ancestors in prehistory will soon come to light. The theory that follows, and the evidence I have gathered to support it, will, I hope, bring us one step further into the light of awareness about our species—where we were, where we are, and where we may be heading.
FIGURE 28. The Earth's Layers
Chapter Eight
The Earth is a dynamic, energetic body that has supported civilization's demand for fuel for centuries. To date this demand has predominantly been for energy in the form of fossil fuels. More recently, scientific advances have allowed us to tap into the power of the atom, and further research in this area promises greater advances in the future. There is, however, another form of abundant energy in the Earth that in its most basic form has, for the most part, been largely ignored as a potential source of usable energy. It usually gets our attention when it builds up to a point of destruction (see Figure 28).
That energy is seismic, and it is the result of the Earth's plates being driven by the constant agitation of the molten rock within the Earth. Most earthquakes are the result of a shifting of these large, ridged blocks of rock, or plates, that compose the Earth's surface. In a process called plate tectonics, these plates are thrust against each other, away from each other, and side to side. They do not slip freely, but build up energy over time and then slip in a jerky fashion. Each jerk causes an earthquake because elastic energy stored in the rock is suddenly released as seismic energy in the form of waves that spread outward from the epicenter. The boundaries between these blocks of rock are called faults, and it is at these points where the sudden shift occurs. (The San Andreas Fault is probably the most widely known fault in North America.) Also contributing to strain within the Earth's crust is the gravitational relationship between the Earth and the moon. The tides are contained not only within the oceans of the world; the continents, too, are in constant movement, rising and falling as much as a foot as the moon orbits the Earth.
These earthquake vibrations produced in the Earth's outer layer, or crust, can range from barely noticeable to catastrophically destructive. There are six kinds of shock waves generated in the process (see Figure 29). Two types, known as body waves, travel through the Earth's interior, whereas the other four are surface waves. The movement of the rock distinguishes one kind of wave from another. Primary or compressional waves (P waves) send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling. Secondary or transverse shear waves (S waves) oscillate perpendicular to their direction of travel. P waves always travel at higher velocities than S waves and are the first to be recorded by a seismograph.
FIGURE 29. Types of Seismic Waves
Scientists believe that the Earth is analogous to a giant dynamo, with convection currents of charged molten metal circulating in the Earth's core. It is this flow of electric current in the core that generates its magnetic field (see Figure 30). Scientists have not yet seen the magnetism created by this flow of electricity as a potential source of energy because this field's force is relatively weak. Perhaps future technological innovations, of the kind that I suspect Edward Leedskalnin was using, will enable us to harness the Earth's electrical and magnetic energies. Who can say what doors new discoveries will open? The need for energy is ongoing,
and as long as so much attention is focused on this subject, a decade should see many new innovations and changes.
With these considerations in mind, it would be helpful if we study another form of energy that is associated with a dynamo as the potential "raw material" for the production of power. Turn on any motor or generator and you can hear the energy at work: The motor/generator will hum as it revolves. This hum is associated with the energy itself and not so much the movements of the rotor through the air. This phenomenon is evident when a motor stalls while the power is still turned on. When too great a load is put on a motor, and the motor stalls, the hum will become louder. The electrical and magnetic forces in the motor generate the sound waves. The Earth itself, as a giant dynamo, produces similar sound waves. The following is a brief explanation of this phenomenon:
FIGURE 30. Magnetic Fields of the Earth
Any local change in the density of an elastic medium can serve as a source for sound. This accounts for the great variety of acoustic sources because density changes may be produced in a great many ways, including mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and chemical actions. The most common sound waves are produced by the mechanical vibrations of solids, liquids, and gases. Solid vibrators include strings and rods, membranes and plates, shells (e.g., bells), as well as three-dimensional extended objects like the Earth itself. Liquid sources are not as common, but the turbulent flow of water or air provides an example. Gaseous sources include organ pipes, whistles, singing flames and explosions, as well as turbulent airflow.1
There has been much discussion of late about the increasing frequency of the pulse of the Earth. There are speculations that the primary mode frequency appears to be gradually shifting higher, which therefore lends support to the belief that we are in for some significant Earth changes. Known as the Schumann Resonance, after German physicist W. O. Schumann who predicted the phenomenon between 1952 and 1957, these fundamental vibrations are the result of electrical activity between the Earth and its upper atmospheric layers. Collectively known as an electromagnetic "cavity," the elements that make it up are the Earth, the ionosphere, the troposphere, and the magnetosphere. The fundamental frequency of the vibrations is calculated to be 7.83 hertz, with overlaying frequencies of 14, 20, 26, 32, 37, and 43 hertz.2
Other researchers, however, contradict the idea that the Schumann Resonance is quickening because its frequency is related to the physical dimensions of the planet and the dimensional and electrical relationship between the surface of the Earth and the outer atmospheric layers. To increase the frequency would necessitate either a drastic change in the dimensions of the planet or the relocation of these outer layers to many miles within the Earth. Like a guitar string that has a fixed length, or boundary, within which it will vibrate in response to the input of energy, the Schumann Resonance is the result of electrical activity within the boundaries made up of the surface of the Earth and the outer atmospheric layers. The tension, or resistance, to the energy in a guitar string can be variable, but in the atmosphere it is fixed at around 200 ohms.
FIGURE 31. The Piezoelectric Effect
The Earth's energy includes mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, nuclear, and chemical action, each a source for sound. It would follow, therefore, that the energy at work in the Earth would generate sound waves that would be related to the particular vibration of the energy creating it and the material through which it passes. The audible hum of an electric motor—operating at 3,600 rpm—would fall well below the level of human hearing if it were to slow down to one revolution every twenty-four hours, as in the case of the Earth. What goes unnoticed as we go about our daily lives is our planet's inaudible fundamental pulse, or rhythm.
On the other end of the scale, any electrical stimulation within the Earth of piezoelectrical materials—such as quartz—would generate sound waves above the range of human hearing (see Figure 31). Materials undergoing stress within the Earth can emit bursts of ultrasonic radiation. Materials undergoing plastic deformation emit a signal of lower amplitude than when the deformation is such as to produce cracks. Ball lightning has been speculated to be gas ionized by electricity from quartz-bearing rock, such as granite, that is subject to stress.
It is not surprising that any sound generated by the electrical, magnetic, thermal, mechanical, and chemical action of the Earth goes unnoticed. With the influence of the ambient noise that surrounds us and that we create in our daily lives, we have managed to tune out any Earth sounds that may reach our ears. The birds, insects, and rustling of winds in the trees fill the countryside air with sound, and the large cities literally hum with activity.
As electrical energy can create mechanical vibrations (perceived as sound by the human ear), so in turn can mechanical vibrations create electrical energy, such as the previously mentioned ball lightning. It could be theorized, therefore, that with the Earth being a source for mechanical vibration, or sound, and the vibrations being of a usable amplitude and frequency, then the Earth's vibrations could be a source of energy that we could tap into. Moreover, if we were to discover that a structure with a certain shape, such as a pyramid, was able to effectively act as a resonator for the vibrations coming from within the Earth, then we would have a reliable and inexpensive source of energy.
So let us look at the Great Pyramid and its relationship to the Earth. Some incredible data have been recorded concerning the Great Pyramid that give us a clear insight into the builders' need to build a precise and close association with our planet. It could be passed off as coincidence that the Great Pyramid is located at the center of Earth's landmass (see Figure 32), but other characteristics of this structure strongly emphasize a close relationship to the Earth that is too significant to be overlooked.
When John Taylor wrote of the Great Pyramid, "It was to make a record of the measure of the Earth that it was built,"3 he was basing this conclusion on his evaluation of some astounding mathematical analyses, which had emerged through his research into the measurements of the Great Pyramid. He continued, "They knew the Earth was a sphere; and by observing the motion of the heavenly bodies over the Earth's surface, had ascertained its circumference, and were desirous of leaving behind them a record of the circumference as correct and imperishable as it was possible for them to construct."
FIGURE 32. Center of Earth's Landmass
It was the discovery of the knowledge of the transcendental number of pi (π) in the Great Pyramid that prompted Taylor to conclude that the perimeter of the Great Pyramid could be analogous to the circumference of the Earth at the equator. The height would represent the distance from the center of the Earth to the poles. Further studies of the dimensions of the Great Pyramid revealed surprising inferences regarding the knowledge of its builders. When searching for a unit that would fit the pyramid in whole numbers yet still retain the pi proportion, Taylor's answer of 366 base and 116.5 height suggested to him that the Egyptians may have divided the perimeter of the Great Pyramid into segments of the solar year. He also found the figure 366 when he divided the base of the pyramid by 25 inches. This suggested that the British inch was close to the Egyptian unit of measure, with 25 such units making one cubit.
It was later concluded that the Egyptian unit of measurement exceeded that British inch by .0011 inch, and Taylor found that this unit fit the Great Pyramid in multiples of 366. Even more astounding, geodetic research of the Earth established the Egyptian inch as an accurate unit of the dimensions of the polar radius. Peter Tompkins, in Secrets of the Great Pyramid, wrote: "To Taylor the inference was clear: the ancient Egyptians must have had a system of measurements based on the true spherical dimensions of the planet, which used a unit which was within a thousandth part of being equal to a British inch."4 It was speculated that the British inch has lost a thousandth part after many generations of use.
Piazzi Smyth was a supporter of John Taylor and communicated with him frequently. Following Taylor's death in 1864, Smyth was able to confirm his calculations and also
his correlation between the Great Pyramid and the Earth: ". . . and there appears to be further an even commensurability of a most marvelous order, between the weight of the whole Great Pyramid and the weight of our planet earth. The Great Pyramid itself, found to be Harmoniously Commensurable with the Earth, by Weight of the whole."5 Smyth calculated the weight of the Great Pyramid to be 5,273,834 pyramid tons and the weight of the Earth to be 5,273,000,000,000,000,000,000 pyramid tons. As such, he calculated it to be a 1015 integer of the Earth's weight.6
To review Taylor's findings:
A pyramid inch is .001 inch larger than a British inch. There are 25 pyramid inches in a cubit and there were 365.24 cubits in the square base of the Great Pyramid.
There are 365.24 days in a calendar year.
One pyramid inch is equal in length to 1/500 millionth of the Earth's axis of rotation. This relationship suggests that not only were the builders of the Great Pyramid knowledgeable of the dimensions of the planet, they based their measurement system on them.
What else is unique about the Great Pyramid? Although it is a pyramid in shape, its geometry possesses an astounding approximation to the unique properties of a circle, or sphere. The pyramid's height is in relationship with the perimeter of its base as the radius of a circle is in relationship with its circumference. A perfectly constructed pyramid with an exact angle of 51°51' 14.3" has the value pi incorporated into its shape (see Table 2).
Pi (3.1415926) is an incommensurable number that, before calculators were invented, engineers used to round off to a three-or four-place decimal. It is startling to read, therefore, that in 1883 Petrie published his painstaking measurements of the Great Pyramid and recorded the following: "On the whole, we probably cannot do better than take 51°52' ± 2' as the nearest approximation to the mean angle of the Pyramid, allowing some weight to the South side. The mean base being 9068.8 ± .5 inches, this yields a height of 5776.0 ± 7.0 inches."7
The Giza Power Plant Page 15