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Numb Page 17

by Lynn Rider

  I followed his tall frame out back to the patio and we took a seat near the indoor kitchen. We sat uncomfortably for a minute or two before he broke the silence.

  “I was nervous about meeting you today … no, I was terrified,” he admitted with a boyish grin.

  I exhaled, relieved he was feeling the same as me. “Well, that makes two of us, but you seemed more eager to face your fears than I was.”

  “Rehab.” He drew the word out like that was supposed to tell me everything. “They kind of help you to work toward facing your fears and coping safely with the result, so begging Kelly to invite you was me facing them.”

  “And coping would be dealing with whether you like me or not?”

  “There’s no question whether I like you or not. I liked you within two minutes of your opening your mouth out front. Ashton loves you and that tells me a lot.” I nodded, unsure of what to say. “The question is whether you like me or not.” His eyes flicked to me with uncertainty.

  I studied his eyes and was surprised and oddly relieved they weren’t brown like Ashton’s. As I took in the mixture of green with gold flecks that peered back at me with a silent pleading innocence, I couldn’t help but smile.

  “You’re worried whether I like you?”

  “Yes, you’re a big factor in my relationship with Ashton now. A lot has changed since I went away. He finally has you and every brain cell I didn’t kill doing drugs tells me he’s not letting you go. So if you don’t like me, that could be a problem.”

  I laughed. Here I’d been ready to vomit since yesterday at the idea of meeting him and he was nervous about me liking him. Austin’s guarded smile sunk into a frown as my laughter consumed me.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh, but I see it the other way around. Ashton is your brother and he’ll stop at nothing to take care of you. Surely you see that. I doubt he’d let some woman come along and interrupt that,” I finished with a nervous laugh.

  “But, Meagan, you don’t understand. You’re not some woman to my brother. You’re the woman. Ashton doesn’t do the girlfriend thing, much less fall in love and start talking about marriage and kids. That’s never been his style and no one has ever been able to force it—”

  “I didn’t force it,” I interrupted defensively.

  “I didn’t mean to imply that. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s not a man who can be forced to do much. He fell for you, willingly. It may have taken him a little while to own up to what he had to do to get you, but he’s known since he was filming those music videos in Tennessee that you were different.”

  Guilt washed over me again at the thought of how much time was wasted because of me. We could have been together back then. And Douglas … I hurt him and myself in my attempt to rid Ashton from my life.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Austin asked softly as he leaned his elbows on his knees, taking in my grave expression.

  “Yeah.” I smiled weakly. “You have no reason to put me on a pedestal. I’ve done my fair share of running from your brother, causing a lot of heartache along the way. That’s all in the past and I have to battle with myself to keep it there. Sometimes the guilt of it washes over me and roots for a while.”

  “Well, maybe the timing wasn’t right back then. But, Meagan, I sure as hell hope it is now because he’s seriously in love with you.”

  I looked up to his unique eyes once more and spoke from the bottom of my heart. “I love your brother more than I ever thought possible, and the love he gives me in return is more than I imagined he was capable of. I dream of a lifetime with him, so please don’t question my commitment to him or us. He is my future.”

  Austin relaxed and smiled. “Good.”

  “Austin, since we’re questioning one another’s commitment … if you let him down again, you’ll have to deal with me. He’s spent a lifetime taking care of you and your mother. This isn’t normally my style to overstep my boundaries, but he needs his family. I plan on supporting that along with him, but there’s sometimes when you have to cut the cord,” I said tenaciously.

  He nodded again with another smile. “I can see why he loves you. You’re perfect.”

  “I’m not perfect, and you’d be wise to not think that. You’ll only be let down.” I smiled.

  “See that’s what I’m talking about.” He grinned. “Although, you weren’t what I was picturing.” I shifted my head to the side in question. “You’re beautiful, Meagan. I mean like classic film star beautiful. Your dark hair and those eyes, just wow. I’ve never seen blue eyes like yours. You’re graceful, elegant, not at all what a kid from the inner city of St. Louis would normally be able to get.”

  “Austin, I really don’t know what to say. That’s very kind of you, but let me assure you, I’m the one humbled by your brother’s strength, beauty and heart. He’s the perfect one.” Love flowed with each of my words and my thoughts turned to Ashton with the realization that he was mine.

  The sound of Austin’s muted phone broke me from my thoughts. He pulled it from his pocket and smiled as he looked at the screen.

  “What’s up, bro? I’m here hitting on Meagan. It appears she likes you too much to consider a whirl with me,” he teased. He winked at me before looking back down at the brick patio and listened. “Okay, maybe Meagan can take me …Yeah, okay,” he said eventually before he handed the phone to me and went inside.

  “Hi, babe, how are you?” I smiled.

  “I’m good. Is Austin behaving himself?”

  “Yes, I think as much as can be expected. I’ve received a warning not to hurt you.”

  “Shit, I owe him a thousand dollars then.”

  “I’m worth only a thousand dollars?”

  “Oh, baby, you’re worth so much more than that.” His voice dipped to the same seductive tone he used when we were in bed, or in the shower or even on the phone these days.

  “Don’t talk in that tone, Ash.” My own words sounded husky.

  “If you were home, I wouldn’t stop. You know that, right?”

  “Yes,” I said, still sounding throaty.

  “But since you’re sitting somewhere with my brother, snap to hell out of it, woman!” he yelled playfully, causing me to laugh. “Austin needs to go to court next week for a hearing about his probation. I just got the details and forwarded them to him in an email, but he needs clothes. He asked if you could take him. He doesn’t know his way around the city very well and Kelly’s nanny had to take the week off, so that could be a catastrophe having both Chase and Chance running wild around a store like Macy’s. Could you take him tomorrow?”

  “No problem.”

  He sighed heavily. “Thanks. I can’t wait to get home to make sure everything is okay with him.”

  “Ashton, he has to learn to take care of himself. I know you’ve always done it for him, but—”

  “Do you think I’ve enabled him?”

  “No, that’s not what I was getting at. I was trying to say that you need to let him prove to you that he has changed. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk. Let him earn your trust and make him feel good about healing,” I said calmly.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to snap. I’m on edge these last few days. We’re so fucking close to being done and I’ve never wanted one of these things to end like I have with this one. I just want to get home to you.” He sighed.

  “Three days babe. That’s it. I’ll make dinner at my place and we can stay in so that you can unwind. Kelly told me today at lunch that she’s having the entire gang over for dinner the day after your return.”

  “Dinner with you sounds incredible. Dinner with this group, not so much, but I expect it. It’s been kind of Kelly’s thing.”

  I HEARD THE DEAFENING bang on my apartment door and knew without a doubt it was Dave. “He does nothing softly,” I murmured to myself as I slid gloss over my lips, checked my image and made my way toward the front door. I swung the door open just in time to save the hinges from another blow as Dave’s bi
g arm was lifting.

  I could barely see Austin because Dave’s thick frame filled the entire doorway until I move to the side, allowing them entry. Austin took in my apartment and whistled through his teeth. “Damn, girl. This place must cost some coin,” he said appreciatively as he took in the view of Central Park below.

  “Thanks, I’m ready,” I said cheerily, trying to change the subject from my posh apartment. Everyone seemed to allude to how much this place cost; even Ashton was in awe of it when he’d first visited. I’d never discussed with anyone other than Douglas how I could afford to live here or who owned it.

  Austin smiled as he turned to me. “You look beautiful, Meagan,” he said sweetly.

  “Are you hitting on me?” I teased.

  “No, but Ashton warned me I better treat you as good as he would or I’d have to answer to him. I thought that was something he would say,” he said coyly.

  “Well, then thank you.” I grabbed my keys from the side table and started toward the door.

  Dave reluctantly dropped us off at the front of the store. He didn’t want to leave me unattended, which Austin took offense to, so in the end Dave agreed to meet us inside after he’d parked the truck.

  We found the men’s department and went directly toward the suit section. “Do you think a suit seems too stuffy?” Austin asked.

  “No, I’d rather be considered stuffy than smug … especially in your situation,” I added playfully. He laughed, not taking offense.

  A short young blonde approached me with a haughty attitude. Her eyes brightened as she drank in the sight of Austin in his fitted tee, distressed jeans and boots.

  “What can I help you find today?” she purred in his direction with a sweet, sappy smile that she wouldn’t have spared on me.

  “I need to be measured for a suit and I need it as soon as possible. If I can find a designer who makes one close to my measurements, I may forego the alterations.”

  She pulled a thin measuring tape from her suit pocket with a devious smile. She looked like she couldn’t wait to touch him. Austin’s eyes flashed to mine and a mischievous sparkle took over the normal gleam. The woman put her hand on his bicep with a look of appreciation at the firmness she undoubtedly felt.

  “Turn around for me,” she softly commanded, wrapping her hand firmer around his arm. She began with a measurement across his shoulders. “Wow, you’re broad and fit,” she complimented quietly as if she were trying to exclude my ears. She measured his waist next. “Just perfect,” she whispered close to Austin as she pulled the tape snuggly around his waist.

  I lost interest in their little cat and mouse game after another measurement and went to look at ties. I’d always had a thing for ties and enjoyed picking them out.

  “Find anything you like?” I heard Austin ask. He stood at the other table inspecting ties. I held up my hand with a handful that I’d selected.

  “Did you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Nah, same old shit. That hunger she wore is only capable of going skin deep. She doesn’t want to know me, my struggles or dreams. She wants one night, maybe two,” he said as he waggled his eyebrows. I laughed at his cockiness, but it also made me sad. I missed Ashton.

  “You’re fitting room is ready. You should find everything you need in there unless, of course, you need some assistance. I’d be happy to oblige,” she said with quiet laughter.

  Austin turned to me. “What do you think, doll? Should we let her in with us? Threesome?” he asked confidently.

  I was shocked at first, but the woman’s reaction was priceless as she stepped back looking as if she’d been burned. Her eyes flashed from Austin’s to mine as she took another step back, creating more distance. I gave a small smile in her direction, shrugged and shook my head in agreement when she turned on her heel and stalked from the department. The laughter roared from me.

  “You should have seen your face,” Austin said, pointing at me. “Guessing you are or were as innocent as my brother claimed you to be.”

  “Shut up and try on those suits,” I snapped, pointing to the dressing room.

  He laughed harder as he shut the door behind him. “Serves her right though. She’s a real piece of work treating me that way in front of you. She doesn’t know that you and I only friends.” I smiled at his mention of being friends. I liked that.

  Austin’s frame must have been the model for every designer because every suit he tried on fit as if it were made just for him. We sorted through the ones he liked the best before leaving the dressing area.

  Dave’s big frame was looming in the suit department, but the young saleswoman was conveniently missing. An older sales lady rang us up and we were on our way.

  “I’m starving,” Austin said as we smelled food wafting through the air. “Are you hungry?” he asked, looking at me and Dave. I shrugged, I could almost always eat and I imagined Dave didn’t turn down many meals. “We’ll find shoes and then lunch,” he decided.

  Dave nodded as we stepped onto the escalator. Women on the opposite escalator were gawking at Austin as we rode by. I laughed and shook my head.

  Men are so easy to shop for. In two hours, we had three complete suits, five pairs of shoes and were sitting down to eat lunch. I loved it.

  “What are you smiling at over there?” Austin asked.

  “Just thinking how easy it is to shop for men. You guys make it so simple. We got here not even two hours ago and we’re done and ready to eat lunch.”

  “That’s because you women make everything harder than it needs to be. You’re always wondering if your butt looks too big or too small, not tight enough, too tight. Not the right color.” Dave laughed.

  “Holy shit, you can really laugh!” I exclaimed with a smile. Austin broke out laughing, pointing to an ominous looking Dave. Eventually, Dave smiled. Our laughter stopped when a waitress came to the table to take our order. Her eyes landed on each of us as she spoke, but for once they didn’t linger on Austin, but on Dave. As soon as she walked away, Austin started to taunt him.

  “Don’t let him get to you, Dave. He’s probably still wound up from the girl in the suit department. She all but measured his junk when fitting him for a suit. She kind of teased him.” I leaned in and whispered the last with a smile in both Dave and Austin’s direction.

  “Oh, I so could have had her. Meagan here was cock blocking. That girl was ready to give it up right there,” he insisted playfully.

  I shrugged. “You cock blocked yourself when you invited her to have a threesome with us.”

  My laughter was interrupted by a growl from Dave. All humor had been wiped clean of his face and he was directing his menacing look at Austin. Austin held up his hands in surrender. I put my hand on Dave’s arm, silently demanding he look at me.

  “Dave, he was trying to teach her a lesson. She was overtly flirting, almost fondling him in front of me with no regard to our relationship. He could have been Ashton for all she would have cared. She spared my feelings no thought when she was ogling him. He knew she wasn’t the type for that.”

  His attention turned back to Austin. “But does he know you’re not the type for that? You don’t talk to a lady like that, Aus,” he said scornfully.

  “Got it, Dave. It was just a joke.”

  “A joke Ashton wouldn’t appreciate,” he said with finality.

  Austin and I glanced at one another and swallowed our laughter.

  “Honey I’m home!”

  He pulled me close, intertwined his fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck before slamming his mouth over mine and wasting no time with thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I gladly accepted and reciprocated the motion. I wanted him as much as he wanted me.

  “I need you,” he whispered against my skin as his lips left mine and traveled over my neck. He led me deeper into my apartment until the back of my legs met the edge of the kitchen table and I stopped. He pulled my shorts and panties down, softly pushing me onto the table. He lifted his shirt over his
head and threw it across the room with a crooked grin then stood back, raking me with his eyes.

  I lifted my own tee over my head, and his eyes turned feral as he watched me unlatch my bra, exposing my breasts to his full view. He growled in appreciation before firmly grabbing one in his hand, guiding the nipple to his awaiting mouth. He swirled his tongue over my pink point before biting down softly and sucking it into a hard pebble.

  His other hand pushed my leg to the side before trailing to my center and rubbing through my moistened folds. He ran his finger up and down. “Fuck, you’re wet already.” I bit my lip as he released my breast and unhooked his belt and pants, pushing them down in one quick movement. His erect dick sprung free and rested against my center.

  “I’m not going to last long, but I’ll make it up to you. Slowly,” he clarified with a cocky grin before his look turned serious and he pushed into me with one fluid stroke. He growled again as he took long powerful strokes, pulling out to the very tip before ramming back in all the way to the root of his long dick.

  “Fuck,” he moaned as his thumb landed on my tightened clit. I was already turned on and the driving force of his girth and length was about to set me over the edge alone, the added stimulation forcing me over. I cried out his name and felt him harden and thrust rapidly a few more times before the warmth filled me.

  “Fuck, Meagan!” he ground out between shallow thrusts before he stilled when he filled me with himself. He cradled my body with his own before pushing away just enough to lock his brown eyes to my blue.

  “It’s over, babe. Last four shows at home,” he said with a sincere smile as he pushed the sweaty strands from my forehead. “I’m home.”

  After dinner, we settled on the couch in one another’s arms. “Is this what it’s going to be like going forward?”

  He loosened his embrace, turning in my direction. “What do you mean?”

  “Us, like a normal couple.” I looked in his beautiful brown eyes and ran my hands through his shaggy hair.

  He closed his eyes at my touch. “God, I hope so. This is all I’ve ever wanted, and for the past two months all I’ve thought about is getting back to you.”


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