self-regulation, 23
sleeping, 23–24
social/emotional problems, 27–28
Attachment, 28, 99, 105, 300
and auditory sense, 18, 178–179, 181, 185–188
and autism, 31
problems with, xxii, 9, 21, 26–27, 35, 46, 69–70, 73–75
and proprioceptive sense, 7, 208–209
and sensory processing, 55, 57–59, 61, 64, 67, 69, 287, 290, 301–302
and tactile sense, 4, 81–82, 84, 87–88, 103, 157, 251
treatment for, 218, 253, 256, 258, 260
and vestibular sense, 117, 122, 207–208, 234
and visual sense, 16, 153–154, 157–158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 172, 252
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 21–22, 29–30, 39, 194–195
Auditory dysfunction
and autism, 182
case example, 174–176
checklists, 16, 18, 44, 186–190
discrimination problems, 18, 21, 183–185, 187
modulation problems, 181–183, 186–187
overresponsivity/auditory defensiveness, 70, 181–182, 186–187
sensory seeking, 183
speech/language problems, 179–180, 184–185, 188–189
treatment for, 184–185, 223
underresponsivity, 182–183
Auditory sense
defensive/discriminative components, 177–180
development of, 176, 299–302
functions of, 176–180
integration with vestibular and other senses, 157, 177
sensory-motor activities for, 236–237
speech and language, 179–180
Auditory training, 185, 223
and auditory dysfunction, 181–182
on SI Continuum, 38–39
with SPD, 21–22, 31–33
and visual dysfunction, 162–163
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 32
Aversive response, 71
Ayres, A. Jean, PhD
on dyspraxia, 77
four levels of sensory development, 66–68, 299–303
on parenting, 263
on postural responses, 61, 76
on prevalence of sensory problems, 39
research, xiv, 38
on sensory input, 55–56
Sensory Integration and the Child, xxiii, 115
SI theory/concepts, xiv, ix, xxiii, 9–10, 113–115, 221
SI therapy, xv, xxiii, 221
on touch, 83
on vision, 162
and auditory sense, 177, 180, 185
problems with, 15, 17, 19, 276, 286
and proprioceptive sense, 6, 151
and sensory processing, 290, 296–297
treatment for, 218, 220, 223–224, 234, 268, 279
and vestibular sense, 26, 78, 113–116, 123, 131–133, 205, 207–208
and visual sense, 157, 160, 167, 173
Balzer-Martin, Lynn, PhD, xxiii–xxv
adaptive, 63
adult’s response, 259–260, 263–265
attachment, 28, 99
and auditory sense, 174 ff.
and proprioceptive sense, 134 ff.
and vestibular sense, 110 ff.
and visual sense, 152 ff.
Berard, Guy, MD, 185, 223
Bilateral coordination
and auditory sense, 177, 185
development of, 300–301
and postural responses, 19, 61, 76
treatment for, 218, 221, 238–240, 242
and vestibular sense, 112, 125–126, 131–133
Binocularity, 76, 158, 161, 301. See also Visual sense
Bipolar disorder, 34
Birth trauma, 37
Body awareness (Body percept, Body scheme)
development of, 300
and proprioceptive sense, 135, 140, 144, 150
with Sensory Discrimination Disorder, 17, 75
and tactile sense, 91–92, 107
and vestibular sense, 127, 132
Body position. See Proprioceptive dysfunction
Brain. See also Central nervous system
brain-behavior connection, xiv, 11–12
parts, 289–295
CNS processing in, 55–68, 289–297
evolution of, 283–284, 288–289
“indigestion” of, 69
triune, 288–289
Bundy, Anita, PhD, 63
Causes of SPD, 37–38
Central nervous system (CNS)
auditory processing in, 176
development of, 66–68, 283 ff.
discrimination in, 59–61, 74–75
excitation and inhibition in, 57, 59, 69–70
habituation in, 58–59
integration in, 56–57
modulation in, 57–59, 69–74
plasticity in, 48
proprioceptive processing in, 137, 139
reception and detection in, 56
and sensory-based motor skills/disorders, 61–62, 75–77
sensory processing in, 11, 55–68, 79, 137, 284–297
reception/detection in, 56
SPD in, xxiii, 11, 69, 79 (chart)
tactile processing in, 83–90
vestibular processing in, 113, 115, 123, 127
vision processing in, 155–156
Cermak, Sharon, EdD, 10, 41
Chiropractic, 223
Classroom strategies, 251–260
Communication, 28–35, 98, 166
Coordination problems. See Bilateral coordination
Coping skills, 261–272
Craniosacral therapy, 223
Crossing the midline, 19, 76, 125, 133, 239, 301
Defensive/discriminative components, 52, 59–61, 70
in autism, 32
in auditory sense, 67, 70, 177–181, 216
in tactile sense, 24, 70, 83–86, 89–90, 100–103, 196, 201
treatment for, 216, 220, 243, 258
in vestibular sense, 115
in visual sense, 67, 157–166
Development of sensory processing, 66–68, 299–303
Developmental delays, 38, 47
Diagnosis, 193–216
auditory dysfunction, 44, 186–190
screenings/evaluations, xvi, 40–47, 193–195, 212–219
caveats, 77–78
information sources, 212–214
mistaken, xxiv, 21, 195
and parental documentation, 198–199, 226
parental emotions about, 193–198
proprioceptive dysfunction, 148–151
Sensory-Motor History Questionnaire, 41–47
tactile dysfunction, 41–43, 101–109
taste and smell dysfunction, 45
vestibular dysfunction, 43–44, 129–133
visual dysfunction, 44, 169–173
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), 217
Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, 217
Discipline, 265–266
Digestion/Elimination, 25–26, 53, 132
Digestion/Nutrition, 21, 23–25, 36, 224
Documentation by parents, 198–212, 226
Dorfman, Kelly, 38–39
Down syndrome, 35, 163
Dunn, Winnie, PhD, 41
Dysfunction in Sensory Integration (DSI), 9
Dyslexia, 18, 31, 126
case examples, 6–7, 110–112, 134–136, 152–154, 209–210
checklists for, 20, 108–109, 133, 150
and proprioceptive sense, 139, 147, 150
as a Sensory-Based Motor Disorder, 19–20, 77, 245
and tactile sense, 95, 108–109
and vestibular sense, 112, 126–128, 133
and visual sense, 154, 167–168
Early intervention, xxv, 47–48. See also Treatment/therapy
and discrimination disorder, 17
examples of problems with, 200–204, 208–209, 215
and fine motor skills, 17, 20, 94, 108, 132, 161
and genetic syndromes, 35
improving, 241–242
and regulatory disorders, 24–25
screening for, 45–46
sensory processing for, 52, 299
and sensory modulation disorders, 16, 70–73
Emotional security
proprioceptive sense for, 148, 151
tactile sense for, 98–100, 102
vestibular sense for, 128, 133
Emotional skills
checklists for, 47, 102, 129–130, 133, 151
development of, xxiv, 34, 299 ff.
do’s and don’ts for coping, 267–272
and gravitational insecurity, 119–120
parenting techniques for, 263–267
in regulatory disorders, 27–29
related to SPD, 21, 34
treatment for, 49, 219, 225
Evaluation. See Diagnosis
Eye-hand coordination
problems with, 20, 108, 167, 172
development of, 67, 160, 302
treatment for, 169, 222, 238
Eye movement. See Visual sense
Fetal alcohol syndrome, 35–36
Fight/fight/freeze/fright response, 71, 52, 277, 288–289
and auditory dysfunction, 181
and tactile dysfunction, 14, 85, 102
and vestibular dysfunction, 113, 119
and visual dysfunction, 162
Fine motor and gross motor control
development of, 290, 303
and dyspraxia, xiv, 20, 108
and proprioceptive sense, 139, 145
sensory activities for, 218, 221, 224, 238, 242, 258
and tactile sense, 94–95, 108
and vestibular sense, 132
and visual sense, 160–161, 173
Floortime, 263
Fragile X syndrome, 35
Frick, Sheila, 223
Gender, 35, 39
Genetic predisposition to SPD, 37
Grading of movement, 12, 17, 145–146, 150–151
Grandin, Temple, PhD, 32–33
Gravitational insecurity
treatment for, 221, 233
and vestibular overresponsivity, 112, 117, 119–120, 129–130
Gravity, 114
Greenspan, Stanley, MD, 10, 263, 273
Gross motor control. See Fine motor control
Gustatory sense, 53, 65. See also Taste
Habituation, 29, 58
Hand preference, 19, 67, 125, 132, 301
Hearing. See Auditory sense
Heavy work activity, 6, 142
Hippotherapy, 224
Home activities for sensory processing, 231–243
Home schooling, 250
Hyperactivity, xxiv, 21, 29, 36
Hypersensitivity, 70. See also Sensory overresponsivity
Hyposensitivity, 72. See also Sensory underresponsivity
Impulsivity, 27, 29, 45, 87, 112
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 04), 213–214, 217
Inclusion, xxiii
Individualized Education Program (IEP), 250
and SPD, 4, 102, 120
typical, 60, 66, 82, 84, 98, 115, 157, 286, 299
Inhibition, 57, 59, 69–70
Institutionalization, 37
Insurance coverage, 9, 217–218
Interoception, 26, 54
Intersensory integration, 51
Intervention. See Treatment/Therapy
Intolerance to movement, 112, 117–118, 129
Kinesthesia, 31, 137
Koomar, Jane, PhD, 63
Kurcinka, Mary, 263
Lane, Shelly, PhD, 10
Language disabilities, xiii–xvii. See also Speech/Language
Learned helplessness, 268
active v. passive, 256
and tactile sense, 97–98
types of, 11–12
Learning disabilities, xiii–xvii, 21–22, 30–31
Look-alike symptoms, 21
MacLean, Paul, MD, 288
Maddux Foundation, xxiv
Martial arts, 224
Mental health, 21, 29–35
and OT, 219
problems, secondary to SPD, xv
professionals, xv, xxiv
Mental retardation, 35, 213
Miller, Lucy Jane, PhD, ix–xi, 10–11, 29
Modulation. See Sensory modulation
Motor control/Motor coordination
and auditory sense, 179–180, 185, 223
development of, 289, 301
problems with, xvi, 20, 30, 262
and proprioceptive sense, 138–139, 145, 150, 303
and tactile sense, 93–95, 108
treatment for, 221–223, 234, 240
and vestibular sense, 122, 205
and visual sense, 169, 222
Motor planning. See Praxis
active and passive, 6, 140, 205, 220
and auditory sense, 176, 184–186, 189–190
and dyspraxia, 77, 92, 108, 112, 246
as basis of learning, 156
checklists for problems, 15, 17–19, 43–44
increased tolerance for, 112, 121, 130, 204–205
intolerance to, 112, 129, 276, 281
linear and rotary, 113–114, 116, 118, 121, 206, 233
and non-SPD problems, 23, 26, 31–32, 35–36
and sensory discrimination disorder, 17, 75, 150, 176
and sensory modulation disorders, 71–74
and postural disorder, 75
and proprioceptive sense, 54, 136 ff., 150, 208–209
skills, development of, 11, 299–301
and smooth sensory processing, xxi, 51, 57, 61, 64, 67, 283, 290–291, 293
and SPD, xiv, 11, 69, 76
and tactile sense, 82, 92–95, 104, 106, 108
treatment to improve, 220–224, 230–231, 233, 256, 268
and vestibular sense, 5–6, 54, 112 ff., 204–206
and visual sense, 154–161, 163, 165–173
Movement breaks, in classroom, 256
Muscle control, 15, 17, 35
Muscle tone
problems with, 19, 25–26, 75, 124–125, 131, 149, 205–206, 273
treatment for, 224
typically developing, 61, 78, 113, 124, 290, 300
Nervous system. See also Central nervous system
and allergies, 36
autonomic, 284
central, 48, 56–57, 64, 70, 74, 79
peripheral, 56, 64, 284, 288, 294–295
and eating problems, 25
and SPD, xiv, xxiii–xxiv, 70, 74, 79
and typical sensory processing, 283 ff.
treatment for, 48, 195, 220–224, 228–230
Neurologist, 221
Nonverbal learning disorder, 33–34
Nutrition, 21, 23, 25–26, 224
Obsessive compulsive disorder, 34
Ocular control, 76, 221. See also Visual sense
Occupational therapy (OT)
activities in, 220–221, 229–231
for problems associated with SPD, 26, 29, 36
evaluation of SPD, 40, 215–219
health professionals, 214, 219–220
using sensory integration framework (OT/SI), ix–x, 36, 47, 193, 195
research, 38
at school, 31, 217, 259
sensory diet, 23, 49, 212, 227 ff., 279
for SPD, ix–x, xxv, 9, 29, 38–39, 47–49, 220–222, 225–226
for vestibular and auditory senses, 185
for visual sense, 169
Occupational Therapy Associates-Watertown, 41
Olfactory sense, 53, 253, 291 See also Smell
Optometry and visual therapy, 169, 215, 222
Oral-motor problems
dyspraxia, 20
and eating, 24
and speech, 97
treatment for, 25, 222, 232
Osten, Beth, 10
advice for, 263–272
advocating for child, 245, 247–249, 267
comments from, 193–195, 247, 261–262, 273–274, 279–281
communicating with teachers, 244–250
support for, 212–214
understanding effects of SPD, 245–247, 273–279
Penfield, Wilder, 294
Perceptual motor skills, 67, 224, 301–302
Pervasive developmental disorder, 32
Physical therapy, xxv, 31, 36, 217, 222
Picky eating, 24, 141, 149
Postural control/Postural responses
and auditory sense, 180
as end result of sensory processing, 56, 61–62, 300–301
and vestibular sense, 114
and visual sense, 156–157, 160
Postural disorder. See also Dyspraxia
and auditory sense, 185, 223
checklists for, 18–19, 131–133
and ocular control, 76
and proprioceptive sense, 6, 140–141, 146–147, 151, 210–211
sensory slumper, 75–76
and toileting, 26
treatment for, 49, 216, 218, 220, 223–224, 234, 253
and vestibular sense, 112, 116, 123–125, 131, 205–206
and visual sense, 162–163, 168–169, 173
Praxis (Motor planning). See also Dyspraxia
development of, 301
as end result of sensory processing, 62
for fine and gross motor control, 20, 93–95, 139, 145
ideation, 62
perceptual motor therapy for, 224
and proprioceptive sense, 136, 139, 144, 146, 148
as sensory-based motor skill, 19–20, 61–62, 77
and tactile sense, 92–93
and vestibular sense, 126–127
Prematurity, 37
Prenatal/postnatal circumstances, 37
Proprioceptive dysfunction
and body awareness, 135, 139–141, 144
and body position, 15, 17, 19, 91, 139, 150
case examples, 6–7, 134–136
checklists, 15, 17, 148–151
and digestion/elimination, 26
and emotional security, 148, 151
and grading of movement, 145–146, 150
and motor control, 145
overresponsivity, 140–141, 149
parental documentation, example, 208–212
and postural stability, 140–141, 146–147, 151
and praxis/dyspraxia, 136, 139, 141, 144, 146–148, 150
sensory seeking, 142–143, 149
underresponsivity, 141–142, 149
and visual processing, 156–157
Proprioceptive sense
development of, 299–301, 303
functions of, 54, 68, 136–139
integration with other senses, 91, 93, 137–138, 156, 179
sensory-motor activities for, 142, 235–236
Psychotherapy, 225
Rainy Day Indoor Playground, 247
Rapp, Doris, MD, 36
The Out-of-Sync Child Page 33