Guilty! -The Trials of Phil Ferguson

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Guilty! -The Trials of Phil Ferguson Page 14

by Sean Russell

  Phil snapped.

  “I’ve always done things the right way and what has it gotten me? This!! Losing my practice, public humiliation, a broken leg, almost losing you. Is that the reward for doing the right thing?”

  “Life has a way of testing people, Phil. Everyone gets tested in one way or the other. How you respond shows the kind of individual you are what you are really made of. There’s no shortcut, no easy way through unless you are a Jimmy Cadogan. Phil Ferguson is an honest, hard-working man. A loving man full of integrity. He is my partner and I will go to the end of the world and beyond for him. I will fight until the last breath escapes my body to be at his side and overcome anyone or anything that stands in the way of him being that man and continuing his path of sharing the good that he has to share to everyone around him.”

  Phil was awestruck by the impact of Jade’s words.

  “I have no interest in being with any other man. Are you still Phil Ferguson or are you a punk imitation?

  Let me know, because if you are not the real deal, I am out of your life with immediate effect.” Phil strode over to his desk. He ignored the files strewn across its polished mahogany surface. He was on his phone dialing.

  “Hi Mitchell. I know I must seem like a giddy headed teenager after postponing this morning’s meeting, but I’ll be honest with you. I’m going through hell and I don’t know my own mind right now. I need your help.

  I need to meet you as soon as possible. I’ll make it back up to you, I promise. Ten-thirty? Your office?

  Fine, see you then. Thanks. Bye.”

  Jade smiled. She put her arms around Phil’s neck.

  “I love you, Phil Ferguson. You are a phenomenal man and I’m going to help you beat this thing fair and square. Let’s dig our heels in and fight together.”

  “Thanks, Jade. I’m sure I would have regretted what I was in the process of doing.” He speed-dialed Teddy.

  “Teddy… cancel that order.”

  “What the ass man. You feel this is KFC? Fuck you Phil! You can’t play fair and win this one. Jade got you like a pussy!”

  Phil ended the call, shaking his head. He knew he did the right thing, but the implication of Teddy’s words scared him. What if Teddy was right?

  Jade sensed his uneasiness.

  “Come honey, we need a shower before your appointment.”

  * * *


  Beyond the humiliation of the buggery, there were the painful memories threatening to return.

  Jimmy had managed to shut them out through the years, so much so that he perceived them as figments of his imagination until that painful reminder. Then the memories started to seep back, but not for long, Jimmy urged them away.

  He was a strong man, his success proved it. He was molested as a teenager, that’s all his conscious memory would allow. The transgressor had paid dearly. That too he remembered. As he became wealthy he anonymously gave to the children’s home he had stayed at for the few months it took him to recover.

  He had no choice but to recover, because he was too old to stay on longer and there was a serious demand to place other more needy wretches in the home. The pain of his past drove him to success at all costs. He always took care of the home. He never visited, but he always got reports including pictures detailing the upkeep of the place. Hundreds of orphans benefited as a result.

  Jimmy’s mind returned to plotting all forms of revenge, but he could not get past the risk of exposure.

  He was in a real bind. If he was the kind of person to give respect, he would have considered Amanda.

  It was an airtight plan which was well executed. He was not that kind of person. All he could think of was revenge and the price he would have to pay for those videos.

  There was no way she was going to all that trouble involving her sick friend without aiming to gain some means, but what? Free use of the condo? Or maybe she expected him to sign the deed over to her. That was probably it. She loved the place. He would sign the deed alright, but he would make sure she paid. She would pay back every ounce of flesh for the suffering she made him endure. As for Jackie, he had planned to trap her at immigration whenever she hoped to leave. He had people there.

  He was too late. She flew out early that morning before he had regained consciousness. Bitch, she, he, it, whatever it was, would pay the moment she returned to Barbados. He was getting too frustrated plotting futile revenge for Amanda. He would just shoot her on sight anytime he saw her.

  He opted to focus on Phil Ferguson. That made him smile. Watching that proud man fragment under pressure and his father unable to aid him with all his money and connections. They were all losers. The deputy DPP would ensure that Phil went to prison.

  There was no way out, no one to save him like that self-righteous Dean Morgan. He was going to make sure he would have no job on his return. He would be replaced by his more than deserving deputy.

  * * *


  Phil was back at home after his meeting with his lawyer. He was glum. He knew Jade was right, but he kept getting that nagging feeling that Teddy’s predictions would prove to be prophetic. As it was, his meeting with Mitchel was encouraging, but not convincing. The real problem was that neither he nor Mitchel knew how far Jimmy’s influence extended and therefore providence was skewed against them.

  It was not a case to be fought on the tenets of law.

  Arguing the case and dealing with the evidence, there was an insidious presence which discarded what was right, true and just. They just did not know what they were up against. They didn’t know if Jimmy had leverage over the judge and even the jury. The only real evidence they could depend on was that Jimmy had subverted the system extensively so far and the chances of Phil being convicted were high.

  He thought about what that meant as he had countless times before, as he had been doing for much of his conscious time since it all began. He ran over everything in his mind, detail by detail, straining his mind to find something, anything, to stop this train to incarceration. He felt the physical response to his frustration with the futility of it all. He knew it was only a matter of time before his body would give out under the pressure and something physical would manifest itself. He had been having palpitations and chest pains. Sometimes he was dizzy and disoriented, and didn’t know where he was. The symptoms did not last long, but they returned repeatedly like that unwelcome acquaintance who considered himself a pal and did not know he was unwanted and so made it his business to pop in anytime, always uninvited.

  Fortunately, Jade was not close by for most of the episodes. Phil laughed at himself as he thought that was as far as his good luck went. The torture was grinding him, but his inner self-preservation would not give in. He resolved to fight to the bitter end, until every and all possibilities were exhausted. Despite his assurances to Jade, he now found himself in a place where any means necessary was unacceptable like Visa and Mastercard. He would have immediate gratification, but he would have to pay with interest and the risk of digging a hole he could not get out of.

  He was tempted to make a last ditch effort to fight, to call Teddy and give him the go ahead, to set him loose like the loyal pitbull who was only bristling at the opportunity to protect his master, sinking his teeth into the offender and not releasing, heedless of the size or ferocity of his adversary.

  Phil was tempted to pick up the phone and call Teddy, but before he could decide to dial, the phone rang. It was his preoccupation that allowed him to answer the call. It was an unknown number. Since the recent mayhem in his life, he did not answer calls from unknown numbers. He had learnt after receiving a number of nuisance calls, especially from reporters trying to get an inside scoop in the Phil Ferguson saga.

  He decided from then that anyone who was worth talking to would have their number show on caller id, and he could determine if he wanted to speak with them.

  He answered without thinking. The voice on the other end made his heart skip a
beat. As honey-coated as it was, as delightful as the owner sounded, he did not need this now. Somehow the finger to press the end button was paralyzed. In fact, he was so lame that he did not even move the phone from his ear. He gave the calling party an audience.

  “Hi Phil. How are you?”

  The voice was sweet, sultry and sexy. Phil wondered if she knew he was about to go on trial. Why did he answer the damn phone? He should just hang up and not take the call in case she should call back. Better, he could shut the phone off. Somehow, as if under a spell, or maybe he had conditioned himself so much to be polite—it was hard to break that habit—he stayed on the line. Phil was fooling himself.

  “I’m not sure.” Phil chided himself. Why was he being so honest with her? He felt vulnerable and she didn’t deserve it.

  “Not the words I expected to hear from a top notch lawyer. I believe I can change your tune. I am possession of a remedy for your malady.” Phil relinquished all hold on caution. Anything to get out of this madness. Anything.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Well, let’s say I have extensive leverage on Jimmy and I’m sure I can have him reverse the wheels of justice that have been crushing you.”

  “Really?” Phil’s tone was dry, but he was inwardly hopeful.


  “So go ahead. Tell me.”

  “No, not over the phone. It’s better that we meet in person.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Fair enough Phil. I didn’t call you to twist your arm, I called because you’re in a real bind and I can help you.”

  Phil didn’t need to ponder. He was desperate, but he couldn’t let her know that.

  “Point taken. When and where?”

  “I’m going to be nice about this. I’ll let you choose.

  I’m sure you’ve got too much going on. I am off today.

  All day. You tell me.”

  “Hmm.” Phil paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts, calculating his options. “How about I call you? I’ve got to rearrange some things. This call was unexpected.”

  “Sure Phil. I’ll hear you later.”

  Her voice caressed his ear. It was so smooth so sweet.

  “Later Amanda.”

  A chance… a glimmer of hope… his heart leapt at the thought. He had to make the time to see her. He had another meeting with Mitchell in the afternoon and Jade would be checking in on him shortly. He could not let Jade even sniff the scent of Amanda’s call on his phone, far less the notion of him meeting Amanda.

  Desperate times called for desperate measures. This was the most desperate time Phil had ever faced. He had to at least see what she had to offer.

  * * *


  Isaac was in Judge Roberts’ chambers. Oral Roberts was a high court judge and he was also Isaac’s friend. They had fallen out many years ago over a misunderstanding. Oral had understood that Isaac stole his girl, Isaac understood that the girl liked him, and that Oral was just a friend. She didn’t like him that way. She understood that Oral’s emotions got the better of him and he misinterpreted her being a friendly, fun-to-be-around person as an invitation to have a relationship. Isaac understood Anita and Anita understood Isaac. Oral never got it. Maybe he didn’t want to, after all, Anita was a real prize. She was by no means a beauty. But she was attractive enough.

  Her inner beauty, however, had a brilliance no one could miss. Oral wanted her and Isaac stole her from him and married her.

  Isaac had nowhere else to turn. He could not let Phil go to prison. This was his last chance. He had exhausted all other possible contacts. Oral had the reputation of being a no-nonsense, honorable, and fair judge. Isaac was hoping to appeal to the judge’s sense of fair play and justice and that his influence at worst could buy Phil some time. He was hoping that Oral was principled enough to leave the past in the past, and that he would want justice to prevail.

  “Oral, you know what I’m here about. So I’ll get straight to the point. I need your help. What is happening to Phil is wrong. It had no right getting this far. The case is all a setup and an obvious one to boot. I know you are a man of principle and you believe in honour and justice. You need to intervene, not because I want to get Phil out of trouble, but because it’s the right thing to do morally, ethically, and legally.”

  Oral took his time, looking at Isaac as he spoke.

  As he watched him it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Thirty plus years as a judge had given him the ability to wear an inscrutable face. He would make a good poker player. Isaac looked back at him, waiting for his reply. Oral continued his silence. His face was more contemplative, as if he was trying a case and weighing the arguments before giving a final judgment. After what seemed to be an eternity, he delivered his verdict.

  “I can’t.”

  Isaac waited. He was expecting an explanation.

  There was none forthcoming.

  “You can’t or you won’t?”

  “I can’t.”

  Oral’s dryness was aggravating.

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  Isaac’s tone had an edge. Oral’s expression said he had noticed and his brows rebuked the offender.

  “I can’t.”

  “Don’t give me that Oral. Talk to me like a man and give me an explanation.”

  Isaac looked like he was about to explode. It was clear that he was using a tremendous amount of will power to keep himself in check. Oral, in turn, seemed to be enjoying his visitor’s discomfort. He looked quietly amused.

  “Settle down Isaac, your personal involvement in this matter has clouded your judgment. You’re a smart man. You know very well I can’t usurp the structure of the judicial system because your precious son is wrongfully accused. There is a process. There is something called an appeal. It is present in the judicial system for these very situations. Phil has a great lawyer. He may succeed with a motion for mistrial, in which case all this would be moot. I would be very out of place to use my position to override my colleagues for the sake of carrying out what you perceive to be justice.”

  Oral’s delivery left no uncertainty that this was his final word. There was going to be no discussion.

  The only thing that was missed was the bang of the gavel on the desk, to punctuate the finality of the statement.

  Isaac hated to admit defeat, but it was clear there was no budging Oral. The frustration he felt was tremendous. He wondered how much of the dissertation was genuine and how much was payback.

  The truth of it was that it didn’t really matter. Isaac had been unable to alter the course of what more and more appeared to be destiny. It made no sense.

  Losing his dignity by pleading further or attempting to strong-arm Oral, he would make a gracious exit.

  “Thanks for your time, Oral. Anita sends her best wishes.”

  He left the room without another word. He did not know if Oral answered or not.

  Isaac carefully walked out of the office and got into his pickup truck. He could hold out no longer.

  He pounded the steering wheel and dashboard as if he wanted to break something. He rested his head between his arms and wept. After a few minutes he gathered himself and prayed. He then left the parking lot and drove straight to church.


  Isaac was reviewing his earlier conversation with Oral in his mind. He reviewed everything. He wanted to leave no stone unturned in terms of helping his son.

  It was afternoon and he was in his office. His thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone. He picked it up and answered. He noticed that he had four missed calls. When he did, it was usually Jade.

  “Hi Poppa Ferg. I have been trying to reach you.” Isaac was always amused by Jade’s nickname. It endeared him to her and helped bond their relationship.

  Most people would have been wary of being so familiar with Isaac Ferguson, even a daughter-in-law. Such was Isaac’s bearing, but not Jade. She was bold and sweet with it and w
as the daughter he never had. Not that he had yearned for one, but having Jade was a bonus. She was a good woman, bright, ambitious, industrious and totally committed to her husband.

  Her tone was not the usual cheery one that typically lit up Isaac’s day, it was strained.

  “I see you have. I was busy and missed the calls.

  What’s happening? You sound upset.”

  “Poppa Ferg. Have you seen Phil or heard from him?”

  “I spoke with him this morning and I was intending to call him just now as soon as I finished what I was doing here.”

  The truth was, Isaac was secretly hoping he could pull off a ‘hail Mary’ with his last ditch talk with Oral and save the day. He had been unsure of the outcome and thought it pointless to give Phil any false hope, so he kept his meeting to himself. He was so disappointed after that he went straight to church to pray, and then he elected to spend the afternoon brainstorming Phil’s case. He was dedicated to fighting to the very end.

  “What’s the matter Jade?”

  “He told me he had a meeting with Mitchel this afternoon, but then I needed Phil to get a phone number and he did not answer, so I sent him a text and still got no reply. I decided to call Mitchel’s office because it was something quite pressing that I needed. When I called, Mitchel told me they had met already and they agreed that they accomplished all that they could.

  It was up to the court, should anything miraculous transpire before they would contact each other. I’ve tried everywhere. I even went over to our condo, but there was no sign of him there.”

  “Well, maybe Phil just needs some quiet time. I’m like that sometimes. I just need to be by myself and use that space to sort my mind out, and Phil has been under a lot of pressure.”

  “That’s what concerns me. Mitchel said Phil was not himself. He seemed distracted, like he wasn’t fully there. He did not have the same determination and urgency as when they earlier met. It was if something happened.”


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