Act IX

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Act IX Page 21

by Alexander Gordon

  “Don’t do this,” Daniel urged. “Don’t be a bad girl again, Cindy. If you eat her like this you’ll be a bad monster. And if that’s the kind of person you are we can’t be together at all. Please, don’t eat her. I can’t be with someone who’s evil like that.”

  “But… but… but…” Cindy whined.

  “You can’t go around devouring others like this. It’s not right. Please, be the kindhearted girl I saw just a moment ago and let her go.”

  “Let her go, please,” Kroanette implored.

  “If you don’t we’re going to kick your fucking ass,” Clover threatened, herself and Star watching the wraith closely while standing together.

  Cindy lowered her head with a low murmur and shook her head, mumbling something to herself before she reluctantly let Triska drop out of her body. The cambion landed on the floor with a thud gasping in pain while Cindy’s body reformed to look normal again.

  “Fine,” the wraith muttered. “I won’t eat her. I’ll be a good girl.”

  “Thank you, Cindy,” Daniel said in relief.

  “Yeah, thanks a lot,” Triska snapped while quickly patting down her body as if in a vain attempt to knock away the lingering sting from the wraith’s sand.

  “Good, Cindy,” Specca breathed out thankfully. “You are learning after all.”

  “Eating others is bad. I understand,” Cindy moped. She then shrugged and lifted Triska up over her shoulder, holding the cambion with one arm around her waist while heading for the exit.

  “Wait, where are you taking her?” Luna asked.

  “I’m going to throw her off the cliff,” Cindy answered. The group jumped from that while Triska frantically tried to pull herself free from the wraith’s grasp.

  “What? That isn’t any better!” Triska yelled. “Let me go! Put me down right now!”

  “Cindy, don’t do that!” Daniel called out.

  “I’m not going to eat her, I promise,” Cindy droned. “I’m just going to get rid of her so she won’t be mean to me anymore. That’s all.”

  “Cindy, you’re once again missing the point here,” Alyssa groaned with a face palm.

  Cindy walked towards the archway with Triska thrashing about the whole way, only to then stop and look at something curiously in the main court that caught her attention. Everyone stopped and watched as Doku came into the dining hall, the harpy appearing to gaze around at everyone and everything with a serene smile on her face.

  “Hello again,” Cindy said while Triska tried looking back over her shoulder at Doku.

  “Hello again, Cindy,” Doku kindly spoke. “What are you doing with Triska?”

  “I’m going to go throw her off the cliff because she’s mean and loud.”

  “Yes, she can be quite a loud bitch now and again, can’t she?” Doku giggled.

  “What… the… hell?” Triska managed to get out as Daniel and his mates stared at Doku in shock.

  “But don’t throw her off the cliff,” Doku insisted shaking her head. “You’re better than that, Cindy. You’re better than some loudmouthed girl who never shuts the hell up, aren’t you?”

  “Doku?” Triska questioned with serious doubt.

  “You know what you need to do?” Doku proposed with Cindy watching her curiously. “Just ignore her. When she starts yelling and being mean to you, don’t give her any attention. That’s all she wants, attention. Just don’t give any to her. And if that doesn’t work then slap the fucking shit out of her, that should teach her some manners.”

  Everyone except Apoch and Astreal were rendered speechless with jaws hanging low as they heard Doku speaking such gentle yet vulgar words to Cindy with a calm smile on her face. Cindy slowly nodded then smiled brightly at the harpy.

  “Okay. I’ll be a good girl and just slap her if she bothers me. I’m not going to kill her just because she’s loud and mean, I’m not going to be a bad girl like her.”

  “Good for you, Cindy,” Doku applauded patting the wraith’s head with her wing. Cindy dropped Triska to the ground and clapped happily, with the cambion hitting the floor face first before falling onto her back with a groan.

  “What is happening here?” Kroanette slowly asked with genuine concern.

  “I couldn’t have heard any of that correctly,” Specca feared as she gently rubbed her ears.

  “Doku?” Daniel bewilderedly said. “What’s come over you?”

  “Sorry to keep you all waiting,” Doku called out as she strolled over towards the table with a slight hop in her step. “I hope you are all enjoying the meal I prepared for you despite my absence.”

  “Indeed, it’s quite delicious, Ms. Doku,” Apoch and Astreal praised, both lifting their glasses to salute the harpy.

  “I wasn’t talking to you two,” Doku scoffed with a wave of her wing at them. “The nerve you have, showing up uninvited and just helping yourselves to our food. Goddamn freeloading witches.”

  Apoch and Astreal stared at her with wide eyes from that while the harpy nonchalantly nipped at her feathers before smirking at Alyssa.

  “No offense to you of course, Alyssa. You’re nothing like those smug whores.”

  “What in Eden has gotten into her?” Falla asked shaking her head.

  “Her manners have apparently gone straight to hell,” Astreal mused as she and her sister watched the harpy with raised eyebrows.

  “Doku? Are you alright?” Luna asked with a worried smile.

  “I’m better than alright, Luna,” Doku proudly boasted walking up towards Daniel, with Squeak and Luna stepping away with confused expressions while Daniel failed to form any words in his mouth. She grabbed the leg of his chair with her foot and yanked the seat around to have him face her, the harpy then grabbing hold of his waist with her foot and leaning closer to him.

  “You really chose me to be your wife, you came for me with your dashing sword of light, and you boldly declared I was your bitch just like all these other girls to have your way with. You were fucking incredible.”

  “Wow…” Clover managed to get out. “This is… weird.”

  “Doku?” Specca asked with a nervous smile. “Did… you hit your head?”

  “She’s talking funny,” Pip spoke up while fluttering over the table. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “You made me beyond happy with your words, Daniel,” Doku kindly praised as she gently caressed his head with her wing. “To officially become your mate whom you can fuck whenever you want, it’s like a dream come true. I can’t wait until you bend me over on this table and thrust your throbbing cock into me without any restraint or concern for my wellbeing and treat me like a humping post.”

  “What in Eden is she saying?” Alyssa shakily said pointing to Doku with complete disbelief.

  “What’s going on here?” Triska asked as she slowly stood up rubbing her head.

  “Be quiet. We’re ignoring you because you’re mean,” Cindy snapped at the cambion before watching Doku curiously again.

  “I hope you’ve enjoyed your meal, Daniel,” Doku purred with a lustful eye seen through her bangs. “I made everything to please you. Of course I’m rather hungry as well, and I can think of just the thing I want.”

  Without pause she yanked Daniel’s pants down with her foot, with him and everyone staring in total shock as the harpy lapped her lips and quickly dropped to her knees before the stunned human.

  “I’m going to suck your fucking cock like there’s no tomorrow, my darling husband,” she anxiously said while frantically licking his genitals. “So please enjoy your lunch, and give me the best one of my life. Oh, Daniel! Thank you for the delicious meal!”

  “What the HELL?” all of Daniel’s mates cried out as Doku then started blowing Daniel like her life depended on it. His only reaction was a hoarse whine and a shocked expression that was locked onto the harpy who was acting like she was possessed by a succubus.

  “Fuck, give me that cum, Daniel!” Doku lustfully demanded between gasps for air and sucking on his erecti
on furiously. “I want it all! Right now!”

  “DOKU!” Alyssa screamed grabbing her hat.

  “What the fuck is this?” Clover shouted in both anger and bewilderment.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Falla yelled grabbing her head.

  “I believe she’s going for it,” Astreal laughed as she and her sister were watching with wide smiles on their faces. “She’s sucking off Mr. Daniel with so much vigor. Bravo, Ms. Doku.”

  “I applaud her straightforward approach to getting what she desires,” Apoch commended raising her glass. “And it appears she really desires Mr. Daniel’s penis.”

  “Doku!” Daniel cried out as he finally snapped to his senses and tried pushing the harpy away, the girl forcibly burying her face in his lap with passionate moans of delight. “What are you- wait! Stop! Hold it!”

  “I can’t be seeing this!” Specca cried out covering her eyes. “This isn’t real! This isn’t real!”

  “Why are you doing this, Doku?” Luna wailed hopping up and down. “You can’t do that with Daniel yet!”

  “Because,” Doku gasped as she leaned back and smiled hungrily up at Daniel. “It’s a wife’s duty to fully satisfy her husband, and Daniel has accepted me as his. So I wanted to thank him by sucking his fucking cock dry of all that delicious cum. I love you so much, dear.”

  “What in Eden has come over her?” Kroanette exclaimed as Doku resumed blowing Daniel with more energy than anyone thought her to possess. All he could do was stare with wide eyes at seeing the harpy orally servicing him with a lecherous mouth unlike anything he had ever imagined her having, the very sight keeping him stunned just as with all the other girls.

  “I’m amazed she’s being this forward with her wishes to please Mr. Daniel,” Astreal commented with a laugh.

  “I’m more amazed all of you are doing nothing to stop her,” Apoch giggled while seeing all the girls staring in surprised silence at Doku. “I thought you would have been a little angrier with the fact she’s sucking him off right in front of all of you.”

  “I’m furious, confused, and a little scared of what I’m seeing,” Alyssa replied while shaking. “Not quite sure how to respond here.”

  “Doku!” Falla yelled as she lunged across the table along with Specca, the two knocking away plates and dishes with a loud clatter before scrambling over to Daniel’s side.

  “Stop!” Specca ordered as she and Squeak grabbed onto Daniel to pull him away while Luna and Falla took hold of Doku’s shoulders to yank her off of his lap.

  “Why is she doing this?” Kroanette panicked as she quickly ran around the table towards them.

  “She’s lost her mind!” Triska exclaimed while she and Cindy rushed over.

  Clover darted under the table and ran towards Daniel while Star instantly warped over beside him and meowed loudly at the harpy.

  “Get off him!” Falla shouted as she and her sister yanked Doku back. The other girls quickly pulled Daniel away onto his feet while Specca hastily got his pants back on, all of them staring in disbelief at Doku who was flailing about in the grip of the two butterflies.

  “What has come over you?” Specca angrily yelled as all the girls got in front of Daniel. “What are you thinking?”

  “She just gave him a blowjob!” Luna whined while struggling to hold down the harpy along with her sister. “She’s not allowed to do that yet. Is she?”

  “No, she isn’t!” Falla barked out. “What the hell is wrong with you, Doku?”

  Triska grabbed Doku’s shoulders from behind then threw her down onto the floor, pinning the harpy in place while growling angrily at her.

  “Are you out of your goddamned mind?” she demanded with both rage and confusion. “Why did you just do that, Doku? What in Eden has gotten into you?”

  “Fuck me, Daniel!” Doku lustfully called out towards the boy. She spread her legs out wide, nearly kicking aside the butterfly sisters, while squirming anxiously on the floor with everyone questioning what they were seeing.

  “She’s lost her mind,” Alyssa fretted holding her head. “Daniel choosing her as his mate was simply too much for her to handle.”

  “You broke her without even having to fuck her, Dan,” Clover said while watching the harpy with a raised eyebrow.

  “What happened to her?” Pip worried as she watched Doku from inside Luna’s bosom. “Is she sick?”

  “Doku, stop!” Triska pleaded. “For crying out loud, you’re scaring us here!”

  “Fuck me, Daniel!” Doku playfully called out again. “Thrust your throbbing manhood into me and destroy my pussy! Do it! I’m ready to take it all!”

  “She’s gone mad,” Kroanette feared holding a hand over her mouth.

  “Why is she yelling now?” Cindy asked backing up behind Daniel. “She was so nice and quiet before. I don’t like this side of her.”

  “Doku,” Daniel softly spoke as he stepped out from behind the girls, watching with genuine concern as the harpy flailed around on the floor with desperate cries for him.

  “What happened to her?” Luna asked with tears starting to form. “What did this to her?”

  “Doku, snap out of it!” Falla implored. “What are you doing? Do you even hear yourself?”

  Daniel slowly walked over and knelt down beside Triska, the cambion looking to him with disbelief then down to the harpy that was essentially just grunting with lustful purrs at Daniel now.

  “Doku, please calm down,” Daniel begged. “What’s come over you? You’ve never acted this way before.”

  “I want you, Daniel,” Doku growled with a hungry smile, the look on her face seeming wildly out of place with who she was. “Fuck me while they hold me down, shoot your seed deep into me and knock me the hell up! I’m ready for you, I’m ready for anything! Do me! Do me!”

  “Doku, stop!” Daniel cried out holding a hand to her head. The harpy halted and looked at him curiously as Daniel was close to breaking down into tears. “My god, what happened to you? Where is all this coming from? This isn’t the Doku we all know and love, this isn’t the girl I fell in love with. Why are you acting like this? You’re scaring all of us, can’t you see that?”

  Doku slowly looked around at seeing the girls watching her with stunned faces then back up to Daniel as he shook his head in distress.

  “What happened to you? This can’t be the girl we know, this isn’t Doku at all. Please, stop this and bring back the girl I love.”

  Slowly Doku relaxed and lowered her legs, her eyes gazing deeply into his as the girls let go of her now that she wasn’t going crazy with lust.

  “Daniel,” she softly spoke. Sitting upright she watched him with a gentle smile from over her shoulder, her yellow eyes faintly being visible from under her bangs. “You really are something else. There isn’t a moment in time that you don’t care for others with such a big heart. I truly am the luckiest harpy in the world to be yours.”

  “Doku?” Triska slowly asked.

  Doku sniffled then quickly scurried over and hugged Daniel with her wings, nuzzling her head against his shoulder while all the girls watched her in confusion.

  “You really are too good to be true. My word, even in my dreams you care about me with such love and dedication.”

  Daniel blinked then slowly looked down to the harpy with a bewildered expression.

  “Wait, what did you say?”

  “Even in my dreams you’re so chivalrous,” she praised with a happy smile up at him. “But I assure you, Daniel, there is no cause to worry about me, especially in here.”

  “In here?”

  “Yes, here in my dream. Now, not another word about anything other than fucking my slutty pussy right here and now. Please ravage me with all your might so that I may awake from my dream with a beautiful memory to recall during the day.”

  “D-Dream?” he unsurely repeated.

  “Yes, this is just my dream, Daniel,” Doku giggled shaking her head. “Don’t worry about such things as gall
antry or the possibility that you’ll dislocate my legs by pounding my pussy with all your strength. We shouldn’t even be having this conversation, you silly boy. I’m perfectly safe. Now let’s get to it, shall we?”

  She started to move back to lower her head down into his lap once again before he quickly grabbed her shoulders and stopped her. Lifting her head up she peeked through her bangs in curiosity to see Daniel showing an uneasy smile.

  “Doku? You think you’re dreaming now?” he carefully asked her.

  “I am dreaming,” Doku laughed shaking her head. “And it’s been the most vivid and amazing dream ever so far. First I was being taken away as a slave by those two freeloaders over there-”

  “Oh, this is going to be good,” Astreal mused with a smirk on her face.

  “And then they provoked you into a fight, to which you bravely gave with your amazing sword of light-”

  “Doku?” Specca slowly said with a cringe.

  “And then after you defeated them by means that I couldn’t imagine, I mean you just magically appeared behind them at the last second, it was so unbelievable-”

  “Um, actually,” Clover said raising her hand.

  “You chose me as your mate! It was amazing. You kissed me and everything! It was just like all the other dreams I’ve had of you doing so, only this time it was after you fought with your very life to save mine!”

  “Oh no,” Kroanette breathed out shaking her head.

  Daniel closed his eyes as he finally realized what had happened to his gentle mate and her senses. With a slow breath he showed a worried smile at the girl who was eyeing his crotch with a lustful purr.

  “Doku,” he said carefully, the harpy then looking up to him with a curious grin as she tenderly stroked his crotch with her wings. “I think you should know that this isn’t a dream.”

  “Of course it is,” Doku giggled.

  “Doku, that fight with Apoch and Astreal really happened,” Luna explained, with Doku turning to her with a puzzled smile.

  “No it didn’t, it couldn’t have.”


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