Act IX

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Act IX Page 23

by Alexander Gordon

  “Alyssa… thank you,” Doku sniffled with tears dropping from her cheeks.

  “So please, be honest with us,” Alyssa implored. “Don’t lie, you know Falla will find you out anyway. And we’re your co-mates, we’re going to find out eventually as well. Tell us the truth. Do you like being treated like a dirty girl? Is that who you are on the inside?”

  Doku shakily breathed while holding onto Clover, the two girls watching her curiously as she hesitated with any answer.

  “If you like it then we want you to tell us,” Alyssa continued. “Otherwise when the time comes we can’t make it a reality for you. We want you to be happy, Doku. Daniel wants you to be happy. And we can’t do that if you’re not honest with us.”

  Doku remained quiet for a while as she leaned back and lowered her head, the prolonged silence seeming to suggest the accusations were indeed true. After she realized she was cornered with this she slowly nodded in defeat.

  “Yes,” she softly admitted, with Clover and Alyssa smiling in awe at her. “It’s true. I… I do like it.”

  “How come?” Clover asked. “How the hell did someone like you get interested in being such a pervert?”

  “Every harpy lives to be the best wife they can be for a husband they all dream of having,” Doku explained. “We learn from an early age to be kind, courteous, and diligent with our housework. Manners are very important and we pride ourselves on being respectable candidates for a loving wife to any human that would be gracious enough to give us a chance. And of course we learn to value all life, to be friendly with everyone we meet, and to be peaceful with all those around us. Every harpy I know follows these conducts just as I do. But…”

  “But?” Alyssa eagerly repeated.

  “But to act as such a lewd and lustful creature, to speak with such a vulgar tongue, it’s so… dirty. It should be a horrible thing, it goes against how we learned to behave ourselves with the men we wish to form a loving family with. It’s simply barbaric and rude and… and…”

  “You like it,” Clover finished with a smirk.

  “It makes me so excited inside!” Doku squealed with a ruffle of her wings. “To be a ‘slut’ or ‘whore’… it fills me with so much passion just thinking about it. I know I shouldn’t desire such a thing, and it’s completely undignified to behave in such a way around those I care about, but… but I… I want to be dirty. So dirty. And seeing Daniel with all those he loves, knowing that he’s… being so rough with all of you in bed, accepting everything about you and what makes you happy, and how he wishes to make love to monsters such as us in a completely savage way... oh god, I want to be a part of that too. I really am a lustful monster, aren’t I?”

  “Yes,” Alyssa and Clover answered without pause. Doku sighed and turned her head away in embarrassment, her shame and resentment towards her own emotions bringing more tears to her eyes. Before she cursed her own name, in her head of course since saying such words aloud still struck her as too much, Alyssa held her wing and tugged her closer. The harpy slowly looked back to see the two girls smiling at her while Alyssa gently pet the harpy’s feathers.

  “But so are we,” Alyssa reasoned with a shrug. “We’re all horny girls, Doku. As much time as we spend having sex with Daniel our inner nature always urges us to have more. We learn to control it, like Daniel believed we could, and control ourselves in the process. But that doesn’t mean our urges are gone or were never there. We are monsters after all, that can’t be changed.”

  “Just because you got a fetish for being a slut doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person,” Clover agreed. “You’re allowed to have desires like that, no matter how extreme they may be.”

  “You don’t think less of me?” Doku worried.

  “Why would we?” Alyssa asked. “We’re all perverts too. You let it slip out, that was bad, yes. But that doesn’t mean you’re a nameless, lustful creature of Eden. You just need to control yourself better and show the world your kindhearted nature more than your perverted one. That’s what we all do.”

  “If anything I think more of you now,” Clover mentioned with a playful light punch to Doku’s wing. “Honestly I never knew you had that kind of fire in you. Nice to see that you are at least part monster like all of us.”

  “But… what about Daniel?” Doku feared. “What will he think of me? Oh, the way I acted and what I did to him, how could he ever forgive me?”

  “I nearly raped him when I first met him,” Alyssa mentioned. “Squeak’s people did the same. He’s no stranger to what a monster’s inner nature can make them do. You thought you were dreaming and didn’t mean to actually do what you did, we understand that. I’m positive he doesn’t hate you.”

  “If he could want someone like me as his mate after the way I treated him,” Clover sighed in remorse. “Then there’s no way he could think any less of you after you got a little mixed up with your dreams and reality.”

  “Oh dear,” Doku fretted. “What will I say to him though? How can I possibly talk to him after this?”

  “For starters, don’t start off telling him you want to suck his fucking cock,” Clover jested, with Doku whining with her head hung low.

  “Just apologize for what you did, that’s all,” Alyssa suggested with a shrug.

  “I suppose it’s a start,” Doku sighed with a nod. “I just pray he won’t think less of me afterwards. He actually chose me as his mate, and the first thing I do is nearly ruin it with my perverted desires. I feel like such a fool.”

  “Oh, Doku,” Alyssa empathized. She scooted forward and gently hugged the harpy, holding the back of her head and lightly ruffling her hair.

  “I’m so sorry for everything, Alyssa,” Doku softly said.

  “Yeah. You’re going to be, Doku.”

  Doku paused for a moment then glanced to Alyssa, her eyes peeking through her bangs to see the witch slowly shaking her head with a remorseful smile at her.

  “This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Doku worried.

  “Doku, you know the rules of our family,” Alyssa lectured knowingly.

  Doku gulped then noticed Clover taking out some rope and shaking her head with a sympathetic smile at the harpy.

  “Sorry, girl.”

  “Wait, what’s going on?” Doku nervously asked as she backed up.

  “You sucked off Daniel in front of all of us,” Alyssa reminded her. “You spoke very badly to Apoch and Astreal, you put violent ideas into Cindy’s impressionable young mind, and worse yet you sucked off Daniel in front of all of us.”

  “You didn’t think you would get away with that without some form of punishment, did you?” Clover asked snapping the rope in her hands.

  “Punishment?” Doku breathed out. “No… Alyssa… you don’t mean…”

  “I do,” Alyssa said waving Clover forward. The elf moved closer to Doku and wrapped the rope around her, tying the harpy’s wings to her sides before knotting the cord behind her back.

  “Bend over, girl,” Clover ordered nudging Doku forward. “Don’t fight it or else it’s only going to get worse.”

  “Wait, not that!” Doku wailed. “Alyssa, not that!”

  Alyssa merely nodded as she pulled out a familiar and fear inducing wooden phallus from beside the bed, the sympathetic smile she had on her face having almost a glint of a pleasure behind it as she scooted towards the bound harpy.

  “Bend over,” Clover said again as she pushed Doku down onto the bed. The elf proceeded to tie the harpy’s legs and thighs together to keep her hunched over while Alyssa gently caressed the girl’s exposed rear as she eyed the area she would be disciplining.

  “No! Clover, why are you doing this?” Doku yelled as she started crying.

  “I’m here for moral support,” Clover reasoned as she tied the harpy down tightly. “I know how it is going through this, so I wanted to be there for you when you got yours.”

  “I’m still surprised you
really have a heart like this, Clover,” Alyssa casually remarked while rubbing the phallus.

  “What’s so hard to believe about me caring for her?” Clover grunted as she tied the struggling harpy down. “You know I’m not some heartless bitch. She’s important to me just as she is to you.”

  “I know, it’s just weird how you volunteered to come here and be with Doku while she’s being punished.”

  “I just said I wanted to support her!” Clover shouted before giving one last tight pull to the knot holding Doku’s binds in place. “She’s my friend and also now my co-mate, there’s nothing wrong with me wanting to be here like this for Doku in her hour of need!”

  “Please have mercy!” Doku sobbed. “I’m sorry, I really am! Please, anything but this!”

  “She’s important to me and I’m here for her, so deal with it!” Clover shouted before pulling out a ball gag and eyeing Doku with a raised eyebrow. “Now that we got that cleared up, should I gag her before you shove that stick all the way into her ass? Her screaming is going to really tear into my heart.”

  “Good idea. It’s going to be hard on me too,” Alyssa agreed with a nod.

  “Wait, please don’t do this!” Doku desperately begged. Clover tied the gag into place over her mouth, muffling her cries and pleas for mercy while she shook her head wildly.

  “Fuck, this is going to be painful,” Clover sighed as she looked at Doku’s rear. The harpy screamed around her gag at her with wide eyes from behind her bangs, the elf then shaking her head with a nervous smile at her.

  “No, I meant having to watch this. That’s what I meant. Well, I mean, you’re going to be feeling it too, so I guess it’s not going to be painless on your end. So… well, we’ll get through it together, alright?”

  “Spoken like a true friend,” Alyssa commented as she pulled aside one of Doku’s rear cheeks and held the phallus up towards her. Doku whined and shook her head while crying, the harpy held firmly in place by Clover’s rope and the elf who was holding onto her thighs to keep her steady. After a pause Alyssa stifled a chuckle while trying to hide a smirk on her face.

  “What are you laughing about?” Clover shouted at her. “This isn’t a joking manner!”

  “What you just said,” Alyssa snickered. “Painless on her end. I just got that.”

  Clover blinked then giggled a little.

  “Um, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Doku screamed and shook her head while weakly thrashing about, snapping the two girls back to what they were doing.

  “Sorry, sorry,” Clover quickly apologized as she held the harpy steady. “We’ll stay focused, Doku. Just… grit and bear it, okay?”

  “I’m sorry, Doku,” Alyssa empathized. “But bad girls get punished in this home. You are part of the family, and as such are not excusable from your actions.”

  With a heavy heart and a deep breath Alyssa pushed the phallus into Doku’s ass, the harpy crying out around the ball gag while her wings struggled to budge from their binds. Clover shut her eyes and tried not to see Alyssa giving it a hard shove followed by another, the witch grunting and forcing the wooden object deeper into the harpy with a focused expression. After a few more thrusts from Alyssa and hoarse cries from the bound and gagged harpy Clover took a deep breath then smiled weakly at Doku.

  “Well… welcome to the family.”

  Chapter 7

  With Friends Like These

  In the world of Eden friendship wasn’t always predictable. Sometimes those that seemed like the worst choice in a companion ended up being the most compatible, while others that appeared friendly and helpful were bad choices to trust. No matter who they were, what they looked like, or where they had come from, what truly determined if a bond could be formed or not was what they hid behind their outer masks, and what they were willing to show others. Friendship was often times difficult to build for some, especially if they had met under unlucky or deceitful circumstances. As such it wasn’t always clear if they were fated to become the best of friends or worst of enemies.

  All they could do was take a chance and trust their instincts.


  With a heavy gulp Lelu held in her fearful whine, eyes nervously going around at the inside of a kitchen she found herself to be in with a monster hunter. The centaur stared at the large cauldron sitting atop the stove with fright, the knives hanging over the counter causing a cold sweat to form on her back, and the sight of Max rummaging through a drawer triggering all manner of terrifying scenarios to play out in her head as to what he was going to take out.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Max quietly muttered while sifting through the drawer.

  Lelu whimpered to herself as she pictured Max bringing out a large cleaver with a wicked smile towards her, then imagined him pulling out a small axe before advancing upon the frightened girl, and then she thought of the possibility of him taking out an entire claymore from the kitchen drawer and charging her with a feral roar.

  “Please have mercy,” she breathed out as her legs wobbled beneath her.

  “Alright,” Max groaned as he took out a serrated knife. “Let’s get this over with. Get over here.”

  Lelu held a hand over her mouth with a sorrowful whine then slowly trotted towards the boy with her head hung low. Max opened a pantry and looked through it for a moment then saw the centaur kneeling down next to him while rocking her head back to expose her neck.

  “Make it quick if you must,” she begged with eyes shut tight.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Aren’t you going to slice my throat open, spill my blood, and then broil my flesh in that pot to feast upon with your sisters before mounting my head on the wall as your newest trophy?”

  “No, I’m not going to do that at all,” Max said shaking his head.

  “I see,” Lelu sniveled nodding. “You’re intending to cook me alive to hear my screams instead. Please, I beg of you, don’t drag this on. If you wish to kill me I humbly ask that you do so quickly.”

  “I’m not going to cook you at all,” Max insisted with confusion. “Why would I do something like that? Who eats a centaur?”

  “You mean you don’t know that we’re considered as delicacies to many horrible monsters throughout Eden?” she quickly asked him. “That we’re often captured and eaten alive by many because our meat tastes so good to them? That our rumps and even our breasts are used as savory treats for those despicable fiends to engorge themselves with?”

  Max just stared at her in stunned silence, the centaur watching him curiously with a slowly wagging tail.

  “No, I had no idea,” Max finally replied.

  “So you’re not going to kill and eat me?” Lelu asked, with Max slowly shaking his head. “You’re just going to kill me and feed my corpse to the buzzards? I see, I’m too disgusting for even you to eat. I’m not good enough even for a monster hunter to bother tasting, am I?”


  “Is it because my breasts are too small?” Lelu worried with a troubled look down at her bosom. “If they were larger would you then find me worthy enough to eat? Or am I still too repulsive for you entirely? Am I really so pathetic I’m not even good enough to consume as food for those such as yourself, I’m only fit to be scraps for the scavengers?”

  “Stop already,” Max spoke aloud to stop her from going on. “I’m not going to kill you at all.”

  “Then why are you preparing to tear my clothes off and skin me alive with that blade you’re holding?” Lelu nervously asked pointing to his knife. “Do you intend to keep me alive and torture me for all time? Am I going to become your toy to which you want me to scream in horrible agony daily for your pleasure while you slice off strips of my rump to snack upon? You brute, how could you desire such a thing?”

  “What is wrong with you?” Max yelled out. “I was going to cut you up some bread to eat, that’s all!”

  “Bread?” Lelu curiously repeated.

  Max grabbed
a loaf of bread from the pantry and set it on the table while waving the knife at it.

  “Yes, bread! That’s all! What is it with you thinking I’m going to butcher you or something?”

  “But you’re a fearsome monster hunter and I’m a delicious centaur whom you plan on devouring. Isn’t that right?” Lelu whimpered.

  “No! I’m not eating you! I was never going to eat you! I never knew you could eat a centaur!”

  “So… now that you know… are you going to?” Lelu timidly asked.

  “No!” Max shouted at her. “Why do you keep thinking I’m going to eat you?”

  “Because that’s the fate that awaits a captured centaur,” Lelu spoke solemnly with her head hung low. “We are devoured, our flesh is ripped off our ripe bodies and savagely digested by our heartless captors, and what remains of us is strung up as decorations for their bloody lair to incite terror into the hearts of those that still await such a horrible fate.”

  “That’s not happening here!” Max cried out. “I told you you’re going to help me with my chores and then you’re getting the hell out of here! That’s all! Nobody is eating anyone!”

  “You really mean that?” Lelu wondered. “You’re not having thoughts about stripping me naked, tying me down on that counter, and slicing off pieces of my flesh to cook with seasonings and spice while I scream in agony and beg for death?”

  “You have a dark imagination,” Max concluded with a disturbed face. He chopped off a piece of bread with the knife, electing a jump and squeak out of Lelu in the process, then held the slice towards her with annoyance.

  “Here. I’m not making anything fancy for you, some bread is more than enough for a monster like yourself to be given.”

  “Oh dear lord,” Lelu gasped as she stared at the bread in fright. “You’re fattening me up now, aren’t you? You really are going to dig into me and feast upon my succulent flesh while I shriek in unbearable pain.”

  “No I’m not! Just eat this, alright?”

  “Please have mercy,” Lelu whimpered with teary eyes. “Don’t rip my legs off one by one and chew off the meat while making me watch, I beg of you. Also if you’re trying to make my boobs bigger I’ve tried everything back home and nothing worked, they won’t get any bigger for you this way for you to eat them like a vicious animal.”


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