Act IX

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Act IX Page 34

by Alexander Gordon

  The girls all blinked then looked to each other before screaming and squeaking as the ground below them gave away, the solid slab of rock they were on dropping down and slamming onto something before sliding into the hole next to them. Clover and the ant girl held each other in fright while Kroanette covered her eyes, the ground they were on cracking slightly as it appeared to slide down an incline through a smooth stone tunnel. Lucky neighed and scampered in place as the floor below them shook and tilted about, the carriage behind him rocking around on its wheels while a wave of debris was running down the slope behind them. The slab of rock they were on slid down the incline at a sharp angle, then a slightly less sharp angle, and then slowly leveled out with the tumbling rocks and rubble crashing behind them and blocking the tunnel completely. Light began to illuminate the shaft with a soft blue glow from phosphorus rocks that were everywhere in the walls and ceiling passing them by.

  “What’s happening? I’m afraid to look!” Kroanette cried out.

  “How the fuck should I know?” Clover barked back.

  The ant girl squeaked and shook her head while still holding onto Clover.

  The slab of rock slid across the floor of the corridor and into a larger cavern, with phosphorus minerals in the walls and columns lighting up the place in most areas. The echoes of explosions sounded off overhead however they were more muffled now and didn’t cause any cave-ins or collapses that could be seen or heard in the hollow. Finally coming to a complete stop the chunk of rock lightly clacked against a small boulder, with Lucky whinnying still being the only sound echoing out.

  “Are we dead?” Kroanette whimpered.

  “I don’t think so,” Clover slowly replied.

  All the girls looked around at finding themselves in the underground grotto, seeing large rocks and stone pillars everywhere while dozens of tunnels were faintly seen leading into the large chamber. The girls breathed out in relief they were alright then again turned to the newcomer in the group.

  “Get off me already!” Clover barked out, with the ant girl quickly jumping off the carriage and backing away.

  “Lucky, it’s okay, boy,” Kroanette assured as she quickly ran over to his side.

  “No it’s not okay!” Clover shouted. She jumped down from the carriage with her bow and quiver then pointed to the ant girl accusingly. “What the hell is going on down here? You know what’s happening, don’t you?”

  The ant girl squeaked while tensing up before the elf, seeing the fierce look in Clover’s eyes as the girl marched up to her.

  “I knew something was up with you. I saw other ant girls down here, you’re not the only one, are you? And there were these strange lights and big explosions happening near them, all of which were bringing the land down on top of us! The same kind of explosion that came from your bag! Something was in there that blew up, the same shit that your kind has been using to blow up everything around us! You ant girls are the ones behind all of this, aren’t you? You’re blowing up Eden from underneath and dropping entire countrysides down into these pits, aren’t you?”

  Kroanette looked over to the ant girl and saw her nodding slowly to that, showing no aversion to admitting her sisters were responsible.

  “Is that true? Your kind have been dropping everything above us down here? Those groundquakes were from you?”

  The ant girl nodded again with a quick glance to her.

  “Why the fuck are you doing this?” Clover demanded. “Do you have any idea the hell we’ve gone through because of you? What possible reason could you have for demolishing everything above us with your digging?”

  The ant girl started squeaking while waving her hands around, a look of discontent on her face as she explained why her sisters were doing this. A good four minutes passed as the ant girl went on and on about their reasons while occasionally shaking her fist upwards in a threatening manner before she set her hands at her hips and remained quiet. After a pause she blew the locks away from eyes again and waited for Clover’s response, which was just a blank stare as it had been the entire time the ant girl was talking to her.

  “Does she seriously think we understand her?” Clover flatly asked. “Do all ant girls just naturally assume everyone can understand them with their squeaking?”

  “It appears so,” Kroanette mused while seeing the firm expression on the ant girl who didn’t seem to realize nothing she said got through. “We should get the others out here. Falla or Luna can translate what she’s saying and-”

  “NO!” Clover shouted at her with frustration. “We can’t do that! Dan can’t find out we got the carriage stuck who the fuck knows how far down underground! We’re getting out of here before they find out how much we fucked up!”

  “But this wasn’t our fault,” Kroanette pleaded. “Those ant girls were the ones causing this, and we can’t figure out why unless we have help translating for this one. And besides we need help here, Clover. Look at where we are, we need to tell Daniel and the others we’re in trouble.”

  “FUCK!” Clover roared. She stomped her feet in frustration while growling heavily then glared at the ant girl with a frighteningly fierce look. The ant girl slowly backed up as the elf drew an arrow towards her, sensing a very vicious aura from this girl without question.

  “This is all your fault! You and all your sisters!” Clover yelled walking closer. The ant girl stumbled back and fell to the ground, scooting away from the elf with a nervous smile while Kroanette quickly trotted over behind her enraged friend.

  “You fucking bitch, I’m going to kill you! I’m going to… to…” Clover trailed off before showing a stunned face. The ant girl blinked and saw the elf frozen in what appeared to be fear then noticed Kroanette showing the same expression, both girls staring at something right behind the ant girl. Ever so carefully she slowly glanced behind her, eyes then widening as she turned and started scooting back quickly towards the other girls.

  “No…” Kroanette breathed out as the three slowly looked up.

  “Fuck… no… anything but this…” Clover nervously whispered.

  The girls had finally noticed that some of the rock formations along the walls and floor looked a little off, what with their scaly features and wing segments that blended into the environment somewhat well. All three girls froze with fright as they slowly looked around to seeing that this cavern wasn’t exactly bare.

  They were everywhere. Sticking to the walls, hanging from stone columns, bunched together near corners, an entire colony of them remaining still and quiet as stones themselves. A wave of dread and terror washed over Clover, Kroanette, and the ant girl as they realized what was surrounding them in the underground cavern.


  Chapter 10

  Haunting Familiar

  In the world of Eden it was common for many to run from their past, either in denial or fear of what their shadows knew to be true. Maybe they committed a horrendous crime, something too grisly for even themselves to bear the weight of. Perhaps they had lied rather foolishly, and their false words threatened to unravel their world in a terrible way once revealed. The sins and mistakes of one’s own history were nearly impossible to escape from, as even running far away from the problem’s source couldn’t save them from the aftermaths of their own misdeeds. Try as they might they would be reminded of what lay in their shadows.

  Either from memories, nightmares, or even old friends.


  Lying on their bed Daniel was sleeping and enjoying time with his mates, all of whom were gathered around him while resting after they had expressed their love with him to the fullest. Cuddled against his left side Falla was breathing softly while holding onto her man, antennae twitching slightly against his chin and wings lying limp behind her. The adoring smile she had on her face along with a deep blush her cheeks had showed how happy she was after not only mating with Daniel but also receiving his seed which he genuinely wanted to give her. It was more amazing than she ever dreamed it would be, especially sin
ce he had chosen to give her that of his own free will.

  Across from her Luna was holding onto Daniel’s side as well, quietly resting after she too received enough of his seed to ensure she was going to be pregnant. For her however the smile that adorned her face was more twisted while her eyes were opened slightly and twitching, a look that had come and gone multiple times during her mating with Daniel. After a short while the appearance shifted to the quieter and gentle demeanor she typically had as she drifted back to sleep, a small sigh being made as she snuggled closer to her man that truly wanted her in his life.

  Curled into a ball as usual Squeak was naked and sleeping above Daniel’s shoulder near Falla. Although her face couldn’t be seen it too was of delight after she had mated with her man yet again that day. There was no doubt she was going to become a queen ant girl soon, what with the amount of semen she had received from her extremely virile mate. She wasn’t sure how the changes would occur or when, but it didn’t matter. All she could dream about was the human that had fallen in love with her just as she did with him, and the fact that they would be together for the rest of their lives made this ant girl fear absolutely nothing in the world.

  Lying behind Luna next to her wings was Triska and Alyssa, the two sleeping together with the witch resting her head against her co-mate’s bosom. Just as with Squeak, they too joined Falla and Luna with what was essentially another orgy with their man. Daniel had owned up to his promise and completely satisfied both of them yet again with what seemed to be unyielding stamina he possessed when it came to taking care of his girls in bed. And they had again played around with each other during the other girls’ turns with him, something they usually did when they could. With the way Triska was holding Alyssa close in a tender embrace and the way the witch was lightly sucking on her nipple during her dream was a stark contrast to how they were when they first met, yet now was the norm for how these two girls felt with one another.

  And sleeping above them near Daniel’s head was Specca, the nixie who had been the first to be incapacitated by her man’s loving and slightly rough lovemaking that day. Her tail twitched in her sleep, her cheeks still having their rosy look, and a small amount of drool was coming from her mouth as she lay there completely out of her senses. It wasn’t clear to her during the time she was conscious with Daniel, but she had sworn he came inside her far more times than any other girl, or at least it seemed that way with time becoming a blur during their mating. Her body trembled slightly from being overly sensitive still, a small sigh escaping her lips as she slowly recovered from making love with Daniel to a much higher degree.

  Daniel and his six mates slept peacefully on top of the bed, a great bond being both seen among them in the way they laid together and unseen with their spirits connecting in a much more powerful and magical way. It was a moment of love and serenity as they rested in each other’s company within their spacious home.

  Even with Daniel’s loud snoring that echoed throughout the chamber like a thunderous avalanche roaring down a rocky mountain slope.

  “Good god,” Clover breathed out as she and Kroanette stood in the archway, both having dirt and grime covering them from their ordeal and both staring at the sight before them in wonder.

  “It appears they’ve been having a wonderful day,” Kroanette sighed with a frown. “Lucky girls.”

  “Am I really going to be able to sleep next to that now?” Clover asked pointing to Daniel. “I don’t understand how they are. Is there something special that happens to his mates so they don’t hear it or something?”

  “I’m not sure,” Kroanette replied with a shrug. “I don’t hear it when I sleep next to him. In fact I don’t remember hearing it too much whenever I slept after meeting them either.”

  “They all look like they’re sleeping so well next to him,” Clover worried. “What if I can’t do that? What if it keeps me up at night?”

  “Don’t you use earplugs?”

  “I can’t use those now,” Clover snapped at her. “Dan’s my mate, I can’t be so fucking rude and wear earplugs just to sleep next to him. I have to be able to do what they do, I have to show I love everything about him, even his- wow, he really is loud when he sleeps, isn’t he?”

  “Apparently. Again, I don’t notice it when I’m laying with them.”

  Clover bit her lip then slowly approached the bedside while Kroanette remained behind. She took a deep breath then opened her mouth to speak, only to then freeze and remain quiet while staring at Daniel. Kroanette waited for a while then tilted her head curiously as the elf appeared frozen now.

  “Clover? What are you waiting for?”

  “I’m not staring at his dick!” Clover cried out shaking her head with a blush.

  Daniel and the girls jumped a bit from the noise and slowly came to their senses, with Squeak uncurling from her ball with a yawn and Specca feeling around for her glasses that she then tiredly put on.

  “What’s going on?” Falla murmured rubbed her eyes.

  “I was having such a wonderful dream too,” Alyssa grumbled before burying her face in Triska’s chest again.

  “Clover?” Triska asked glancing over to the elf. She held Alyssa close while showing obvious discontent. “What are you yelling about this time? And why are you in here, can’t you see that we’re spending quality time with Daniel?”

  “Clover,” Specca spoke in frustration while rubbing her face. “You may be Daniel’s mate but there are still boundaries between you and him, remember? If we’re in here having sex then you shouldn’t be in here. You don’t have that right yet.”

  “What happened to you two?” Daniel asked sitting up. Luna and Falla sat up holding onto his arms and keeping close to him while everyone took notice of the elf and centaur’s appearances. “Why are you both so dirty now? Did something happen?”

  “You look as filthy as Squeak does during the day,” Falla commented with a raised eyebrow. She blinked then glanced to Squeak with a weak smile as the ant girl was watching her worriedly. “Not that you being dirty is a bad thing. You’re an ant girl, that’s normal for you.”

  Clover struggled to keep her gaze on Daniel’s face and not his crotch before she looked up and shut her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just- you see there’s- and then we- and now-”

  “Clover!” Triska shouted, with the elf jumping with a squeak. “Quit rambling. We were all enjoying a lovely time together before you woke us up. Now, calmly, tell us what you need to tell us, or else Alyssa’s not going to punish you. I am.”

  Clover took a few steady breaths then cringed with a nervous frown at Daniel.

  “We have a big problem.”

  “How big of a problem?” Alyssa muttered glancing to her from Triska’s bosom.

  “Well,” Clover reluctantly said rubbing the back of her neck. “First, I’d like to state that what happened was in no way my fault or could have been avoided.”

  “So you screwed up, didn’t you?” Specca flatly asked.

  “No I didn’t! It wasn’t my fault this happened!”

  “What happened? Spit it out already,” Alyssa demanded.

  “We’re trapped underground!” Kroanette cried out.

  Daniel and the girls looked at her in confusion then to Clover as the elf was nervously waving her hands in front of her.

  “Again, not my fault! I tried to get us out, I really did! This was all because of-”

  “We’re trapped underground?” Daniel repeated shaking his head.

  “What in Eden are you talking about?” Specca questioned in puzzlement.

  “Ant girls buried us down here, that’s what!” Clover shouted at her. The group jumped in surprise before she waved them towards the archway. “Get dressed and get out here, you need to see this right now!”

  “Ant girls? There are more ant girls nearby?” Falla asked looking to Squeak who was staring at Clover in wonder.

  “Not just them. You need to hurry,” Kroanette urged waving them beh
ind her.

  Daniel and his mates quickly raced to get dressed while the centaur nervously looked back towards the main court and trotted about in place. Clover however was literally keeping close to Daniel to the point where he had trouble putting his pants and shirts on.

  “I swear I tried to get us out, I really did! You wouldn’t believe the shit we went through out there, it was total chaos! I tried to keep on the trail, I tried to get us to Ruhelia, I really did! I’m sorry, okay? Please believe me!”

  “Clover,” Daniel called out as the elf was getting in his face with desperation. “I believe you, I do. Please let me get dressed now, okay?”

  “I don’t want you to think any less of me,” Clover begged, hands reaching down to grab his while she leaned really close to him. “I’m trying to be a good girl for you. Dammit I’m trying here, Dan!”

  Everyone stopped and watched her with surprise along with Daniel as she trembled anxiously in fear of what he might think of her now, the elf then blinking and shaking a bit for a completely different reason.

  “That’s not your hand I’m holding now, is it?”

  Daniel merely shook his head as the elf was gripping his genitals, the girl gulping before glancing down to see what she was now holding with both hands. Her mouth started to water before she shakily let go and backed away from him.

  “I am so sorry,” she softly pleaded. “I wasn’t trying to… um… and you’re… fuck…”

  “Clover,” Triska growled. The elf jumped and slowly turned to see the cambion glaring at her.

  “I didn’t mean to-”

  “Get out of here!” Triska roared, with the elf quickly scrambling to get the hell out of the room as fast as possible. The girls all watched her flee the bedroom then turned to Daniel as he was still showing a bewildered expression to everything that was now happening. He slowly finished putting his pants on then looked to Triska with a small shrug.

  “Never seen her so apologetic before.”

  “She grabs you like that again and she’s going to be apologizing sincerely,” Triska warned before the girls resumed getting changed.


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