Act IX

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Act IX Page 48

by Alexander Gordon

  “Very true, Alyssa,” Daniel agreed. He then glanced to the fox Kitten was holding before smiling curiously at her. “A little late night hunting?”

  “Like you said Snapper’s probably hungry,” Kitten reasoned with a shrug. “I found this in the woods while making sure Reiko wasn’t nearby and thought, ‘Hey, swarm food’.”

  “We have food here she can eat,” Daniel said glancing back to the carriage. “Actually, come to think of it, what do baby swarm eat?”

  Snapper thrashed around in his arms before Kitten walked up and held the dead fox up towards her. The baby monster snapped her teeth and clicked with her wide smile at the animal before lunging out of Daniel’s hands and tackling the fox to the ground. Everyone stared with wide eyes as the vicious growls and high pitched buzzes from the swarm were heard amongst the tearing of flesh and bone. Blood splattered onto the grass along with a severed fox paw as Snapper quickly devoured the animal, leaving only a few scraps of flesh and fur amidst the bloody patch on the ground.

  “I think they’ll eat anything,” Kitten said with a raised eyebrow.

  Snapper hopped around then smiled up at Kitten with a screech, her wings buzzing quickly behind her while fox blood was smeared on her face and body. Everyone slowly turned to Daniel as he smiled weakly at the young monster.

  “Well… someone was hungry.”

  “She ate the fox whole,” Specca nervously said pointing down to the swarm. “Bones and all. In a matter of seconds.”

  “That’s a good girl!” Cindy squealed as she picked up Snapper and lifted the monster in her arms. “Did you eat all your food? Was it yummy? Tasting things is good, isn’t it? Did that taste good for you?”

  “Pip, stay away from her for now,” Clover warned holding a hand over her tiny friend. “Just until she figures out that you’re not food. If that ever happens.”

  “Again, are you sure about this, Daniel?” Specca worried, fearing Daniel’s answer more than before.

  Daniel watched as Cindy laughed and hugged Snapper close, the swarm thrashing around with clicks and buzzes while snapping her teeth. Kitten walked closer and gently pet the swarm’s head, with Snapper moving around in Cindy’s arms before snapping up at the cambion with a wide smile. The demon chuckled at the monster as she ruffled her hair before she dangled her tail over the infant. Snapper clawed towards it with clicking teeth, just missing the tail’s end as it bobbed up and down over her.

  “I’m sure,” Daniel answered. The girls looked to him curiously as he smiled at the young monster, seeing her acting like a curious child as she kept trying to grab Kitten’s tail. “We can help her be a good soul in this world. At the very least, we can be a family that will show her what it’s like to be loved. I have faith even a swarm like her can learn to appreciate these things.”

  “You really are too kind and trusting sometimes,” Specca sighed with a troubled frown. “Very well, if you truly believe she can control herself… we’ll give her a chance too.”

  “She doesn’t seem so bad,” Luna mentioned with a curious expression. “Even though she has those mean looking teeth, and sharp claws, and is covered in blood from that poor fox, she is kind of cute.”

  “Oh yeah,” Falla nervously added. “She’s adorable alright.”

  “Yay! She’s staying with us!” Cindy cheered with a hop. In doing so she lifted Snapper up just enough so that she could chomp on Kitten’s tail. The demon screamed and tugged on her limb as it was caught between the swarm’s teeth, the youngling grabbing it with both hands and snarling while shaking her head.

  “Hey! I just fed you! You don’t bite the hand that feeds you! Or the tail! OW! Let go!”

  Daniel smiled weakly at the sight while the other girls giggled a bit, with Specca, Luna, and Falla watching in amusement as Kitten tried yanking her tail away from the little swarm that did not want to let go of it.

  “Aw, she is rather cute,” Kroanette agreed.

  “It’s hard to stay mad at her when she’s so… playful,” Alyssa snickered.

  “Shut up!” Kitten yelled loudly. She finally freed her tail from the swarm’s mouth and rubbed it with a frustrated grimace. “I’m starting to see a pattern whenever I try and be nice to any of you.”

  Daniel chuckled at the demon then smiled curiously at Snapper, the swarm squirming about in Cindy’s arms while the wraith laughed playfully. He then noticed Doku was still being silent, the harpy remaining seated while not showing any reaction to anything that had been happening.

  “Doku? Are you alright? You’ve been really quiet.”

  The girls turned to Doku as she wavered a little, her unseen gaze and blank expression she had making it difficult to tell if she was even awake.

  “Doku? What’s wrong?” Alyssa asked. She then looked to Specca and the butterfly sisters questionably. “What happened to her? She’s been out of her senses ever since we got here.”

  “We may have… played a little too rough with her earlier,” Falla admitted with a sheepish shrug.

  “What were you girls doing?” Kroanette asked.

  “Having sex,” Luna answered, with Specca and Falla jumping from that before smiling nervously at all the surprised looks they were getting.

  “You… you were having sex with her?” Clover asked.

  “My master hasn’t used her yet for his own pleasure!” Kitten snapped at the nixie. “What right do you think you have to play with her before he does?”

  “Kitten,” Daniel scolded her.

  “Doku?” Specca worried as the harpy wavered about again. The girl slowly turned her head to look at everyone before shakily standing up.

  “Am… am I still dreaming? I honestly can’t tell.”

  “You’re awake, Doku,” Specca replied, quickly moving closer and helping the harpy stand upright. Doku rolled her head around, appearing to be in a daze before turning to Specca with a confused expression.

  “So we’re really outside again?”


  “And there’s a baby swarm among us now?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Then you, Falla, and Luna really did take turns eating out my pussy and ass while holding my legs back earlier?”

  Everyone stared at the nixie in surprise as she blushed and shakily nodded while noticing the looks she was getting.

  “Y… yes.”

  “And you really pushed your tail into my-”

  “Yes, yes, Doku! That was all real! You weren’t dreaming then nor are you dreaming now!”

  “What the fuck were you doing to her?” Clover demanded. Specca stuttered some form of nonsensical reply while the harpy wavered a little with a quivering mouth.

  “So many things,” Doku breathed out. “So many dirty things. I’m absolutely filthy now after what you girls did to me.”

  “Specca!” Kroanette shouted. “And you, Luna, Falla. What were you doing to this poor girl?”

  “Having sex,” Luna replied with a shrug, right before Falla clamped a hand over her mouth with a nervous smile at the group.

  “What she means is we… um… well, we just sort of…”

  “You ravaged me,” Doku softly spoke. “I’ve never been touched like that before, never felt like that before, never… never would have dreamed it would be… so…”

  “What did you do?” Alyssa shouted at Specca. “You girls took her by force like that? Are you kidding us?”

  “Did you rape her?” Kroanette gasped. “Are you out of our minds? Just because she became Daniel’s mate doesn’t mean you can force her to do such things with us so soon!”

  “Doku? Are you okay?” Pip worried.

  Squeak hurried over and took Doku away from Specca, holding her close while staring at the nixie in disbelief. The harpy trembled and whimpered before slowly looking towards Specca who backed away nervously.

  “Wait, it’s not like that,” Specca pleaded.

  “Specca, Luna, Falla,” Daniel said in shock. “Why… why would you do that to her?
Why would you make her feel like that?”

  Luna tried to say something through Falla’s hand while her sister stammered her reply which was nothing but gibberish, both of them fearing the harsh looks the other girls were giving them. Specca shook her head with her hands held up defensively before she was grabbed by Clover, forced down to her knees, and looked up to see the elf holding an arrow above her as she was poised to strike it down into the nixie’s face.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Clover yelled out. “How dare you touch Doku like that! She’s not ready for that shit yet! Just because she wants to be treated like a slut doesn’t mean she’s ready to actually go through with it!”

  Daniel and the other girls blinked and looked to her confusedly, with the elf jumping a bit then showing a nervous frown at them.

  “Uh… what I mean is…” Clover slowly said.

  “Wait, what was that you said?” Daniel asked.

  “She… wants to be treated like a slut?” Kroanette repeated. Everyone turned to Doku as she was shaking with passionate purrs, an immoral smile coming across her face before she hopped about with an excited squeal.

  “I’m so dirty!” she cheered. “It feels amazing! I love this, all my feathers feel so tingly and- ohhhhh! I can’t stop shaking; I can’t stop this feeling in my stomach. It’s so hot and tense and AHH! This is the best feeling ever, I’m so happy this isn’t a dream! That really happened, we really had sex! It’s incredible! We really had sex like fucking perverts!”

  “Doku?” Daniel slowly asked.

  “Has she truly gone mad?” Kroanette worried.

  “Not quite,” Alyssa said shaking her head.

  Doku jumped about joyously, fluttering her wings with enthusiastic giggles, before she stopped and looked around to see everyone staring at her in stunned silence. A long, awkward pause ensued as the group watched Doku remaining still as a statue with a worried frown on her face. After waiting long enough Squeak slowly reached out and brushed aside the harpy’s bangs, showing her eyes were staring straight at Daniel.

  “Um…” she quietly said before losing her voice.

  “We didn’t rape her,” Specca insisted. The group turned to her as she was fearfully looking up at Clover while being held down. “She explained why she acted so lecherous with Daniel earlier. She really likes acting like a whore and being treated like one, it makes her happy. Just like how I love it when my ears are played with, it gets her aroused. After she confessed her desires to us we wanted to welcome her to our family and give her what she wanted. We were only trying to make her feel loved and appreciated.”

  “She likes being a whore?” Kroanette questioned.

  “Doku? Is that true?” Daniel asked.

  Doku remained silent for a while before lowering her head in shame.

  “If… if I say yes… if it really is true…” she worried. After hesitating she quickly ran around the fire and hugged him, burying her face in his chest and hiding from everyone. “Would you still love me? Would you still want me? Please, I don’t want to lose you, I don’t-”

  “Doku,” Daniel interrupted, lifting the harpy’s gaze to his and moving aside her bangs. “Is that what came over you earlier? Was the girl who expressed a really passionate fondness for me in such a crass way the real Doku? Please tell me the truth.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “I’m sorry, but… I can’t help it. Being such a dirty girl… behaving like a real monster… just letting my inner nature consume me and take over… it makes me feel so happy inside. Harpies always keep such emotions buried deep down inside them, it’s not proper for a loving wife to behave like that. But… I just love it. It’s so powerful and daring, so wild and uncontrollable. It makes me feel so alive. I’ve always dreamed of behaving like… like…”

  “A dirty girl?” Daniel finished, with the harpy gulping and nodding slowly.

  Falla let her sister go while Clover released Specca, the girls all exchanging curious glances before watching as Daniel smiled amusedly at his harpy.

  “I never would have guessed, Doku. But it does explain a few things, most of which being how such a sweet, gentle girl like you could have become a real succubus with me like you did.”

  “I’m sorry I’m so broken,” Doku mourned. “I’m such a weird girl, a failure of a harpy. I can’t fly without getting sick, I’m such a bother to everyone, and worst of all I have such depraved desires that are completely unbecoming to all.”

  “You’re not broken,” Daniel corrected. “You’re perfect the way you are, Doku.”

  Doku jumped in surprise before he held her close and kissed her. Her wings fluttered at her sides while she trembled from the gesture, her body slowly calming down and melting in his arms as he held her by the fire. When the kiss ended Doku’s eyes slowly opened, seeing Daniel smiling kindly at her just like he always did before.

  “And if that’s what my mate likes, then I’ll do my best to satisfy your desires, Doku. Just so long as you stay by my side I’ll do anything I can to make you feel happy and alive.”

  “Daniel…” Doku breathed out. “You mean that? You don’t think less of me now?”

  “I could never,” Daniel promised her. “And if there’s ever anything else you want to let us know, anything you don’t want to hide, you can tell us. You can share any desires or thoughts with us that you want. I’m here for you, always. And so is your family.”

  Doku slowly looked around to seeing the girls watching her with curious smiles, except for Kitten who merely had a dull expression on her face from seeing her master holding Doku close against his chest.

  “Doku, I never would have suspected,” Kroanette coyly mused holding a finger to her chin. “All this time I thought you were an angel, and here you’re actually a demon underneath.”

  “We were surprised to hear it too,” Falla mentioned with a smirk. “And even more surprised to hear how passionately she can moan.”

  “Falla!” Doku squeaked with a blush. “I wasn’t… being that loud earlier. Was I?”

  “Go easy on her when it’s her time, Daniel,” Specca giggled. “Trust us, she may want to be treated like a lecherous girl but she’s still rather… delicate.”

  “Specca, I’m not… I just…” Doku stammered.

  “So when do we get our turn to play with her?” Clover slyly asked, with Doku jumping in surprise from seeing the elf eyeing her over. “It’s not fair you girls get to hoard her all to yourselves.”

  “Clover…” Doku breathed out while trembling. “Don’t… don’t look at me like that.”

  “Okay, don’t get her worked up again,” Alyssa warned. “If we do she may start blowing Daniel right here and now.”

  All the girls laughed while Doku hid her face in Daniel’s chest. He chuckled at seeing her becoming embarrassed then gently lifted her gaze to meet his once more.

  “I love you just the same if not more, Doku, and I would never love you less for how you are. You’re still my mate, and I still cherish everything about you. Every single thing.”

  “Daniel…” she shakily breathed out. “Thank you, so much. You’re too good to be true.”

  “Yes, my master truly is very accepting of others and their obvious faults,” Kitten scoffed as she grabbed Doku and pulled her away. Quickly taking hold of Daniel’s arm and staying very close to him she smiled bitterly at the harpy while he watched her in puzzlement. “Now, as much as I’d love to watch you continuing to fawn over my master, and believe me I so do, I think we should address one other issue in our little circle that I’m very interested in looking into. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “What? Other issue?” Doku asked.

  “Yes, you see aside from us now having a cute little swarm joining us-”

  “She’s so cute!” Cindy cheered while holding Snapper so close the swarm was now mauling her head again.

  “And your little quirk about wanting to be my master’s dirty bitch-”

  “It’s not like that!” Doku softly pl
eaded, though with the blush that formed on her cheeks it was difficult to take her seriously.

  “We still have someone here who needs to explain herself,” Kitten finished with a cold stare at one particular member of the group. All eyes turned to Star as she slumped down with a low meow, her eyes going around at everyone while a remorseful frown was on her face.

  “I believe the Bloodcat of VanEllovan would like this time to speak,” Kitten stated. “And believe me we have questions for her. So enough distractions, time for you to give me one good reason why I should allow you to stay anywhere near my master.”

  “Bloodcat of VanEllovan?” Specca nervously asked. “Did you just call her the Bloodcat of VanEllovan?”

  “Yes, that’s her name, although she also goes by Star apparently.”

  “She’s the Bloodcat of VanEllovan?” Specca fearfully asked while pointing to Star. “She’s the mass murderer from the western region?”

  “She’s a what?” Falla gasped.

  “Star?” Luna worriedly asked.

  “Yes, she is,” Daniel confirmed, with everyone closely watching Star as she meowed softly at him. “It’s hard to believe, we couldn’t at first when we heard it. Reiko knew her, she told us the truth about who Star really was, and Star admitted it. She’s the fabled Bloodcat of VanEllovan.”

  “She can’t be that monster!” Specca argued. “That was a neko who earned that wretched title, everyone knows this! The cat ears and tail were sure giveaways that it was-”

  Stopping suddenly Specca froze with a stunned expression, staring at Star who sighed and nodded at her while twitching her ears and tails.

  “A cat… jinxes are cats too,” Specca realized. “No, you can’t be. Star, you can’t be that horrible demon.”

  “She’s a murderer?” Falla worried as she and Luna quickly hid behind Daniel and Kitten. “She’s an evil monster?”

  “But she’s nice,” Pip spoke up. “She can’t be a bad monster. Say you’re not, Star. Say you’re not that bad monster.”

  Star meowed and nodded while pointing to herself.

  “No, say you’re not that monster, don’t say you are,” Pip corrected shaking her head.


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