A Six-Pack & a Shot at Love [Love on the Rocks 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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A Six-Pack & a Shot at Love [Love on the Rocks 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She felt her blood boiling, but she knew better than to reply in anger. He was stronger in so many ways besides physically.

  “Come with me now,” he suddenly demanded and took her by her hand and pulled her along with him. She saw Maddor, his bodyguard, and he didn’t look happy at all. Maddor pushed open the door.

  “We have a problem. Cops,” he said to Conan.



  “Shit. Where’s the car?”

  “C is pulling it up now.”

  They came out of the back of the building, and she yanked her arm free.

  “I’m not going with you,” she stated as firmly as she could.

  He gripped her tighter and yanked her against his chest. His teeth were clenched and spittle hit her face.

  “Don’t fuck around with me.”

  She pushed against his chest, heard the squealing of tires, and then he struck her. Just like that, he hit her. Lights flashed, sirens echoed, and they were suddenly surrounded by unmarked police cars, men in plain clothes, cops. Conan yanked her up close to his face. Her cheek was bruised and swollen, and tears streamed down her face.

  “You tell them anything, and I will hunt you down and slit your fucking throat, but not before I kill your fucking parents and get your brothers knocked off, too.”

  Her gut clenched with fear, and she jerked back as men grabbed him and told him he was under arrest.

  “Are you okay, Miss Lockatelli?” one man asked. He had a gun, a badge, and looked at Conan with hatred and disgust in his eyes then back at her. Another man reached up and gripped her chin gently.

  “You need ice,” he said, and she glanced at Conan, who was being dragged, handcuffed, toward an awaiting vehicle along with his bodyguard and his driver.

  “Miss Lockatelli, you’re safe now. I’m Detective Falcon Yearns. We have some questions for you and are hoping you can assist us in putting Conan away for a very long time.”

  She wished it could be that easy, but it wasn’t. Conan knew people. Conan had great lawyers, and he covered his tracks well. Despite the things she knew, she couldn’t rat him out because, even behind bars, the man would make his threat good. Her parents would die, so would her brothers, and she would live with their deaths for the rest of her life or until Conan decided how he wanted her killed.

  “I don’t know anything. I haven’t seen Conan in a year. I didn’t even know he was going to be here tonight, or I never would have come here.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “You were his girlfriend for two years. Surely you know something that can help us.” He held her gaze and looked like an honest, good man, but she knew Conan and she was deathly afraid of him. Whatever he wanted, he got, and being behind bars couldn’t stop him either.

  “I’m sorry, Detective, but I don’t know anything, and I have nothing to say. I want to leave now. I don’t want to be here. I never should have come.”

  Chapter 1

  Apollo Corbias stood by the window looking out at the water. The beach house was their home, but he and his brothers rarely weren’t working, always getting involved with some sort of deal. Their biggest focus now was the new site for their tenth luxury hotel and a remodeling of a pre-existing hotel in South Carolina on a private beach and resort.

  Apollo turned toward his brothers Garvan and Roman. “I don’t know if I like these. They’re not capturing the true beauty of the place. I think we need to invest more in the brochure, the website descriptions, and photos. We need to show what this place has to offer.”

  “I’m disappointed, too. I expected a lot better quality and an actual care for the job, but these people didn’t show shit,” Roman replied.

  “Then we don’t pay them. I’ll take care of it.” Garvan walked out of the room. Apollo knew that Garvan would, in fact, take care of it. He was a hard-ass like the rest of them, but he hated spending money foolishly.

  Apollo exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t think this has to be so stressful,” he said to Roman.

  “It doesn’t have to be, but we require perfection. This is slop.”

  “Agreed. So what’s the plan for tonight, anything?”

  “Not for me. I’m looking forward to a nice bottle of wine, a good steak, and sleep. I’m fucking exhausted and still suffering from jet lag. I swear, as much as I love Hawaii, the trip is a killer.”

  Apollo smirked. “It could be worse. You could be traveling commercial.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven’t taken a commercial flight in several years.”

  “I know. We’ve become accustomed to having a private jet. Which reminds me, where are Titan, Zane, and Ace this weekend?” Apollo asked.

  “I think they have a training gig at Fort Jackson. They live for their jobs there.”

  He thought about his other three brothers. They were active-duty military that trained soldiers in basic training and advanced training like hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, explosives, and other things that they were not allowed to share.

  “We need to get together soon. It’s been like two months.”

  “They have plans next weekend, too.”

  “Shit, well, I have plans tonight anyway.”

  “Where are you off to, and who are you dragging along with ya?” Roman asked.

  “Just hitting a few local spots and visiting Carlyle.”

  “It’s been a long time since I went to his bar.”

  “I know, and I need a night out on the town.”

  “So you planning on bringing back some new friends? Because I would appreciate it if you would keep the tramps outside like in the cabana.” Roman stood up.

  Apollo squinted at him. Roman and even Gavan hadn’t wanted to go out and party or hook up with women in a while. They were focused on work, on working out, on distrusting anyone they came in contact with because, when you were as wealthy as the six of them were, people tried to scam. Apollo, on the other hand, was up for any challenge or game. He liked fucking around with people who thought they had an upper hand on him. He hated dishonest people and disloyal ones even more so. His phone rang, and he glanced at the caller.

  “It’s Lisa,” he said, referring to their personal assistant. She organized and finalized a lot of their life and even extracurricular activities. “Hey, Lisa, what’s going on?”

  “I have the Memphis group on the line, and they’re insisting on redoing the shoot and the website, the brochures, everything. What would you like me to tell them?”

  “Tell them not to bother and that we won’t be sending off their money. We’re dissatisfied. If Henry has any issues, tell him if I need to call him personally then it won’t end here.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll take care of it.”

  “Great, and do me a favor. Try to find me some names of good photographers and gather me some portfolios to look at their work. I’m sick of these high-priced stuck-up artists who think they should be paid millions for a job not worth hundreds.”

  “I may have a few people in mind. If you’re willing to go by their work and portfolio information and not necessarily the number of high-profile jobs they’ve done.”

  “Lisa, I want results. I want to be wowed. If someone with the potential is presented to me, and I feel compelled to use them, then I don’t care how much experience they have just as long as they can accomplish what my brothers and I ask, and in a timely manner.”

  “You got it. I’ll be in touch.”

  He ended the call.

  “Sounds like she may know someone,” Roman said as he stood by the door preparing to leave.

  “Sounds like it. Lisa has good judgment. If she finds someone, then so be it. We’ll give it a whirl. But I’m not taking it easy on this one. I’m going to take a hands-on approach. Which really fucking pisses me off. You would think we could get someone really good and worth the money we’re more than willing to spend.”

  “People are greedy and only see dollar signs. Just watch your a
ss. I really don’t want to be wasting time with some half-assed artist and lose time and money. There are more important things to focus on.”

  “Yeah, like some action tonight to take my mind off all the bullshit.”

  Roman shook his head. “Would it kill you to think beyond one night? You are getting kind of old for one-night stands.”

  “Says the man who hasn’t gotten laid in at least four months.”

  “You keeping track of my lovers?”

  “I’m noticing that we’re all in a slump.”

  “Maybe the rest of us are looking for more, or just tired of being used.”

  “We can have our pick of women. I pull up in the Lamborghini and they’re throwing themselves at me,” Apollo said, giving a wink and flashing what he believed was his killer smile.

  “Yeah, and you’re opening your wallet and throwing away money on worthless sluts. Why don’t you try meeting a nice woman who you can take out to dinner, spend some quality time with, and have feelings for?” Roman asked.

  “Are we at this whole settling down shit again? Because you know as well as I do, Roman, that women want things from us. They want our money, our time, our names, and to be part of this world we live in. They’re all the same. They want to use us, so why not use them?”

  “Suit yourself, Apollo. I get not being able to trust a woman. Just don’t be so quick to pass judgment. First impressions can be deceiving.”

  Apollo chuckled. “I’m just going out to have some fun,” he said in a teasing way that indicated he was looking for a good time, and there was no price limit on having a good time. Not for Apollo Corbias.

  * * * *

  “How are you doing, Vin?” Vincent Lockatelli asked his sister over the phone. He leaned back in his chair at the police department and rubbed his jaw. A detective in the city, he had a crazy schedule working on cases.

  “I’m doing well, Vincent. How are you?”

  “Crazy busy as usual. How about you? Any new gigs?” He heard her hesitate. He felt terribly. She had gone through a lot of shit the last year. The detectives were working a case against her ex-boyfriend, Conan Sassone, which wasn’t looking too promising. Vincent and his brothers, Salvatore and Dante, had tried to use their connections to help in the case, but the feds and Detective Yearns, an acquaintance of Vincent’s, told him to back off. That was pretty fucking hard to do when Conan had a part in his brother Aaron’s death and was obsessed with his sister and had struck her as he attempted to take her from a gallery in the city. Seven months since she had gone into hiding.

  “I don’t have anything cool to share, just a few small gigs and some private shoots for couples, which I really don’t want to do but have rent to pay and need to eat.”

  “We can send you some money.”

  “No, Vincent. I can handle it.”

  “We worry. Mom and Dad, too.”

  “Well, don’t worry. I’m doing fine, and I have Cena and Cherie and the girls, so it isn’t like I’m all alone with no family or friends.”

  “I suppose this has worked out well having our cousin in South Carolina and your friends from college.”

  “It has worked out well. They’ve taken my mind off of the past and the worry. I’m good, really.”

  “Okay, if you say so. Do me a favor and call me if you need anything. Make sure to use the cell phone we got for you.”

  “I know, and I’m careful. Besides, I won’t screw up and call any of you with the other phone under Cena’s name. Not busy or hectic enough with work and a social life to screw that up.”

  He could hear the sadness in her voice. His sister was gorgeous and had a great personality. She was smart, funny, and Conan really had broken her heart and destroyed her ability to trust people.

  “Okay then. Be safe.”

  “You, too, and give my love to Salvatore, Dante, Mom, and Dad. I’ll call them Tuesday like usual.”

  They said their good-byes, and he disconnected the call. He took that cell phone and put it on the desk next to the two other phones. As he stared at the computer screen, he thought about this case against Conan. He wondered where Falcon and Detrix were in the case. He knew that Conan wasn’t allowed to leave the state right now during this investigation. He had heard from Falcon a few weeks back, who’d said some of the evidence they had had fallen apart at the seams. Witnesses disappeared or took back their statements. Apparently Conan had a lot more power than even the feds realized. The thing that pissed him and the family off the most was that Venetia had to live in hiding and their brother Aaron’s murder investigation was not on the top of the list of crimes against Conan Sassone.

  He played with the cell phone and hoped that Conan never got his hands on Vin again. If he did, there was no telling what the man would do to her, and with his money and connections, Conan could take her into hiding to have her to himself or even kill her. He swallowed hard and then decided to give Falcon a call. It had been three and a half weeks. Maybe he had some positive news for once.

  Chapter 2

  “I’m going to get so wasted tonight. I need this badly,” Cherie announced as they got out of the car and started walking to the line outside of Carlyle’s.

  Vin looked at her best friend, Cherie, and shook her head. “Last time you got wasted, I was stuck cleaning up your mess and sitting with you by your bathroom toilet for the night.”

  “That’s what best friends are for. You always have my back, Vin, and I have yours,” Cherie replied while they waited online outside one of the biggest clubs in South Carolina. It was on the beach and had been their go-to place since college three years ago. They all met up here, and since moving back six months ago, Venetia was starting to enjoy the southern lifestyle after living in New York all her life.

  Work was okay and really didn’t afford her the opportunities she would have had in Manhattan, but staying alive and off of Conan’s radar was more important. Maybe the job Louisa’s aunt had hooked her up with would turn into something good. She had a great reputation as a photographer and did a lot of local jobs with hotels, casinos, banquet halls, and even nature pictures, which she really found relaxing. She wished she could travel more, but she was afraid of registering for airfare or buying a train or bus ticket, despite the fact that Conan was not permitted to leave the state of New York while he was being investigated. How he got bail for the charges against him was another indicator of the man’s capabilities. She hoped he rotted in hell. Or, in this case, a prison cell.

  “Lucky she did watch over you that night, or you would have woken up in bed with Chester McGee,” Pina, her other friend, added, and they all laughed.

  “We have all had a bad night, so we shouldn’t throw stones,” Louisa stated.

  “Venetia hasn’t had a bad night,” Gianna joined in.

  “Since she broke up with Conan, she’s been in great spirits,” Rose said, and they all agreed.

  Venetia swallowed hard. Her friends didn’t know the half of it. She’d given only some small details to keep them safe. She’d told them Conan was abusive and that he cheated on her. That was enough information to be embarrassed about.

  “How did this conversation wind up around me? Cherie is the one we’re talking about.” Venetia had learned to redirect any conversation or subject involving Conan and their relationship. It was bad enough she lived in fear, having to look over her shoulder, never mind unable to move on and date again.

  “Maybe because you haven’t gotten laid since you moved back here. I think you need some,” Louisa said, and Cherie laughed then grabbed onto Venetia’s arm.

  “We can get wasted together. Come on, look at all these hotties,” Cherie stated, and they all laughed.

  Venetia looked around the streets and the large crowds of people. They were all dressed up, wearing skintight outfits that showed off their curves. She and her friends were ready to dance the night away and loosen up, but not get drunk. At least she wasn’t planning on it. She never let her guard down anymore. She was upti
ght, on edge especially when it came to men. She was only here because her friends had dragged her out and she worried about them. Guys could be scumbags. They could slip drugs into a woman’s drink and take advantage of them or just use them for sex. Her friends were better than that, but their ability to handle alcohol was a different story entirely. She watched over them. She would never want any of them to experience what she had.

  As they got closer to the front of the line, they heard the roar of a sports car and then a cherry-red Lamborghini pulled up to the front of the sidewalk. Everyone watched in adoration, and the valet helped to open the door for the driver. When the man got out, Vin felt exactly like every other woman there did. He was hot.

  The man had black crew cut hair, was tall, like over six feet two, and wore a black V-neck T-shirt with a white sports jacket and dark jeans. He was designer all the way and definitely had money. As he passed the front of the line, the women were catcalling to him, but she just stared at him as if he were another Conan. A man with money and power who could get whatever women he wanted and do whatever he pleased. He caught her eye, and she shot him with daggers before turning toward the bouncer and getting inside with her friends.

  They continued their conversation as they made their way to the bar. It was an upscale place, one she didn’t care for too much because of the type of crowd that wound up there. Usually rich, snobby types looking to hook up with unknowns. She didn’t feel she belonged here, but she and her friends had been coming to Carlyle’s forever. No matter what the occasion or celebration, they wound up here. The summer months in college would be spent working at one of the local storefronts on the boardwalk and lying out on the beach all weekend sleeping off their hangovers. That was all good until she met Conan while home in New York.

  Twenty-one and easily mesmerized by the wealthy older, attractive man and her destiny was nearly set. She shook the thoughts from her head and wondered when her mind would stop thinking about the mistakes she’d made and the man who believed he owned her. When would the fear of him finding her, punishing her, and possibly killing her no longer be a worry and concern? Probably when he was behind bars but, ultimately, only if he were dead.


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