The Secret of the Chalisa

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The Secret of the Chalisa Page 11

by Subhanand, Dr. Runjhun Saxena

  “What is it?” Pawan asked and took the paper in his hands.

  “Leave the house immediately or you will have the same end as Dr Vikram!”

  Chapter 20

  Bhoot pisach Nikat nahin aavai Mahavir jab naam sunavai

  All the ghosts, demons and evil forces keep away, with the sheer mention of your great name, O'Mahaveer!!

  Nase rog harai sab peera Japat nirantar Hanumant beera

  All diseases, pain and suffering disappear on reciting regularly Shri Hanuman's holy name.

  “What does this mean? Same end as Dr Vikram?” Pawan was dazed.

  “I think we should call him and ask if everything is OK,” suggested Sanjeev.

  Pawan called the home number which he had taken when he left Vikram at his house. It was answered by a lady in a slow tone. “May I speak to Dr Vikram,” Pawan said. The mere mention of Vikram’s name changed the aura of the call. Suddenly there was a loud wailing and someone else answered the phone.

  “My name is Pawan. I had dropped Vikram home the other night if you remember.”

  “Yes, I do remember. I’m his elder brother. Vikram expired in a car accident yesterday. Thank you for calling, but we will not be able to help you at this moment. My apologies,” he said and hung up the phone.

  Pawan’s face went blank. “Vikram expired in a car accident,” he said as he sat down.

  At that very instance, Sanjeev’s phone beeped with the message ringtone. “It’s Ravi. He messaged me the same thing. Dr Vikram has expired in a car accident,” said Sanjeev with a confused look.

  “That means he wasn’t bluffing when he said that someone gave him threatening calls and that he narrowly escaped a car accident once,” Pawan said reflecting over the situation.

  “But why would someone kill him? I wonder what information Ravi has collected?” asked Sanjeev.

  “I thought its Mamaji's people who threw the stone as they want to push me out of the house. Vikram was one of the witnesses when Ma died. Though he said he doesn’t know how it happened, he must have seen something else. He was busy stealing the drugs and research from the college lab; I feel he unknowingly fell into this trap.”

  “He must have seen someone rather than something, and so they had to kill him. Or he must have got some evidence which he was going to produce to the police or to Pawan Sir,” suggested Satyavrat.

  “I think I should go to his home. I’ll drop you to the airport and leave for Mussoorie,” said Pawan.

  “Oh no, don’t go. I don’t think it will be safe for you. His restless spirit won’t be wandering around by any chance,” said Sanjeev.

  “Oh come on! You are a doctor; don’t behave like a lame person. And then he who believes in Hanuman is always protected from such entities. Moreover, the evil spirits don’t mean spirits in the actual sense; it denotes the negativity of the mind. If your mind is one-pointed and concentrated, it will always be protected from negative thoughts,” answered Pawan. “The word ‘bhoot' has two meanings, one which denotes the spirits and other which means the past. So it also means to detach yourself from the past and start living in the present.”

  They were just talking and trying to emerge from the peculiar turn of events, when someone came knocking at the door in a hurry. The three of them were scared for a moment, but then Pawan gathered courage and opened the door. There stood Pratap's butler, panting and choking as if he ran a marathon.

  “What happened?” said Pawan firmly.

  “Lakshman baba is having sudden fits. It seems that some demon has possessed him. Bhumija baby asked me to look for Sanjeev. She tried so many things but baba is not improving. So she sent me to bring him and ask him to carry his jasmine medicine,” he blurted catching his breath.

  Everyone was startled, while Pawan was concerned for Lakshman's illness; Sanjeev felt a sudden pang of belonging in his heart. He felt that in her time of need she remembered him and relied on his help.

  “I will bring the medicine and reach the house as fast as I can,” he said.

  “No, don’t come inside the house. Baby asked me to wait downstairs in the garden. Give me the medicine there. She said she doesn’t want you to fall in any kind of trouble,” the Butler replied.

  “Oh I wish I could be of any help,” said Pawan feeling helpless. “Ask her to repeatedly chant the name of Hanuman and keep her mind focused.”

  Sanjeev and the Butler left the house immediately. Pawan stood there wondering. He was unaware of the fact that time was about to take an unforeseen turn, which will engulf him too. He was unaware how his own life will be in danger and how only his faith in the omnipotent, immortal, Hanuman will rescue him.

  Chapter 21

  Sankat se Hanuman chudavai Man Karam Vachan dyan jo lavai

  Those who remember Shri Hanuman in thought, words and deeds with Sincerity and Faith, are rescued from all crises in life.

  Sub par Ram tapasvee raja Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja

  All who hail, worship and have faith in Shri Ram as the Supreme Lord and the king of penance. You make all their difficult tasks very easy.

  Sanjeev reached Bhumija’s bungalow late at night. The streets were empty and cold. The fog was growing dense and the cold wind made Sanjeev cling to his pullover as he stopped his bike and moved towards the house.

  The house was dark with only lamp posts lit up outside the house. However, upstairs one of the rooms was faintly lit with yellow light shimmering behind the curtains. Sanjeev guessed that probably Bhumija was still awake.

  As he went near the huge iron gate of the house he saw the Butler there, to whom Sanjeev handed the medicine.

  “Please wait, baby said she’ll come,” he said and left.

  Sanjeev stood near the wall and waited for her. He felt a deep sense of helplessness for her brother. If only he could make the drug accurately and in time, there was still a hope that it might save him. Bhumija’s sorrow had become his own sorrow and he was ready to go the entire mile to help her, console her and be with her. If given a chance he would love to live his entire life with her.

  His thoughts were broken with a gentle touch on his shoulder. Bhumija’s delicate contact ran shivers in his body.

  “Thank you for all that you’re doing for me. I can’t talk right now. I’ll text you if Lakshman is well, he’s still seizing I need to help him immediately,” she said and left.

  Sanjeev could hardly say anything; he just stood there watching her leave. Then he took his bike and returned to his room his thoughts still engaged on Bhumija, her brother and the medicine.

  When he reached his room he could hardly sleep. Ravi was not there too. He was busy in his work which made him travel outside Dehradun.

  So Sanjeev spent time alone and thought over the events that happened lately.

  ‘How frivolous is the nature of the time, one moment it is something and the other moment it’s something else. But it has the power to influence human mind. Both accomplish each other so well. Every moment is time without beginning and every thought is a saga without an end. It is only by chanting with a one-pointed mind one realizes, that there is a perfect and flawless fusion of time and thought. Wandering from this path gives rise to diseases, both mental and physical. Ignorance gives rise to mental diseases like egoism, greed, delusion, anxiety, grief and stress. When the mental imbalance supersedes, the balance between the three natures, vata, pitta and kapha is also disturbed and physical ailments begin. I wish Lakshman will be able to overcome his mental illness to treat his physical illness.’

  His medicine was a pain killer and an antidepressant too. Seizure was a nervous system phenomenon, and closely related to the pain centers. So if the drug has pain relieving function it may also reduce the seizure activity of the brain. By this premise his drug may be helpful for Lakshman.

  Now he needs to work on the formulation of the anticancer drug. He had all the ingredients, how difficult it would be to titrate to the exact dosage? He can do so by hit and trial method, but time was ru
nning out. He need to go to Pawan’s house and start working on the medicine in the lab immediately.

  But the Hanuman Chalisa was pulling him towards itself like a powerful magnet. He was so intrigued by its magnanimity and Pawan’s explanation that his belief in it was increased to hundred fold. The more he read it, the more he wanted to know. It has been there since hundreds of years, he had been chanting it since he was a child, but he never knew it will be a map to the ultimate discovery in medical science. He was grateful that he was made responsible for such a glorious task, and the same thought brought him goose bumps.

  He closed his eyes to ponder over the Chalisa and find his answers. The Hanuman Chalisa was written to sing the glory of Hanuman who was the greatest devotee of Lord Ram. In actual sense it was search for Lord Ram, because it is praising the devotee one finds the path to the Supreme. So, though it’s called as Hanuman Chalisa, it’s a guide to find Ram.

  “Yes, you are right!” a voice answered. “It’s a path to find my Lord.”

  Sanjeev turned to see, but couldn’t see anything. An excessive bright light hindered his vision. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. The light still remained, brilliant, blazing, glistening, and piercing his soul.

  “When you believe in me, you will find Lord Ram. When you will have faith in your Guru, you will find the treasure she left for you,” the peculiarly soothing voice said.

  “Are you… are you Hanuman?” muttered Sanjeev with a pause.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is what you think I am. I am your pure divine mind with which you were born, free from any delusion and karma. I am there inside you and if you search me outside that means you do not believe in yourself.

  I am that mind who has the power to achieve anything in this world, I am the mind who brought the sanjeevani buti mountain, who leaped across the mighty ocean, who burned down the entire Lanka, who carried Ram and Lakshman on his shoulders, who tore his heart to show Ram in it, who ate the sun thinking it to be a fruit, who did what anyone would think impossible. I did that because I believed in myself and my power was derived from faith in Lord Ram.

  Believe in yourself and derive your power from your Guru. If you search for Ram you will find all your answers.”

  “Can I really make that medicine?” Sanjeev asked.

  “Your Guru has already done that, you just need to discover that and show it to the world. Pawan will help you but in return you have to protect him.”

  “How can I protect him? He’s so brave and courageous. What can I do for him?”

  “You will, when the time comes. Just be cautious and look out for answers. Do not miss even the smallest detail. Those who help themselves and others, I protect them.”

  “Are you really immortal?”

  “What difference does it make? Can mind ever die? Just believe in yourself and surrender completely. Take the plunge, be rest assured I will catch you,” the voice echoed. There was a soft laughter which melted Sanjeev’s heart and filled it with hope and optimism.

  A soft soothing music filled the air. Its repetitive nature filled a sense of alarm in the mind. Sanjeev shook for a second as found himself rubbing his eyes to open them. His phone was ringing for a text message.

  “His seizures stopped. Thanks for your help,” it was a message from Bhumija.

  Sanjeev woke up and realized that it was a dream, but he felt motivated as if everything was real. He saw the message and checked his watch. It was late. Sanjeev decided to complete his daily chores and reach the lab in Pawan’s house as early as possible. Pawan would have gone to airport. He should be back by afternoon. He decided not to bother Bhumija as she would be busy with her brother’s illness.

  By afternoon Sanjeev reached Pawan’s home. He had been working on the formulas to arrive at some conclusion, but he was far from the exact composition. However, this time he was determined that he will not doubt himself. He reached the house but was surprised to see the scenario there.

  There were two police vans in the arena and some constables were waiting outside the house. They were armed gunmen and it appeared as if they were waiting for their superior. There were voices from inside the house of some form of argument. Sanjeev wanted to go inside, but was stopped at the door by one of the constable. He stood there listening.

  “Why will I kill my own mother? It’s ridiculous, I’m being framed. It’s a pity that Mamaji has stooped to such a low level, so that I vacate this house,” Pawan was arguing.

  “I know, Pawanji. You are a respectable citizen, but right now evidence is against you. We have received the letter which Vikram left. It says that you were the one who gave the overdose of medicine to Vikram to kill Dr Anjana,. In fact the letter also mentions that you are trying to threaten and kill him. Here, you can look at this letter. There is no mention of Mr. Pratap here. You are just suspecting him,,” said the inspector.

  “I want to speak to my lawyer first in that case,” Pawan said as he saw the handwritten letter of Vikram.

  “Yes, you can. But first you have to come with us to the police station. It’s a murder case, so you are on a non-bailable warrant. We’ll have to lock your home too.”

  Pawan just saw Sanjeev from the edge of his eyes and said, “No wait don’t lock the house. He’s staying here,” he pointed to Sanjeev.

  “Who is he?” asked the inspector.

  “He’s…aa…he’s my cousin. Let him stay here, he has nowhere to go,” Pawan made up a story.

  The inspector gazed at Sanjeev and nodded in agreement.

  “Let me speak to him alone for five minutes,” asked Pawan.

  Sanjeev stepped in and went to Pawan.

  “Look, time is less and all these are false charges against me. Go to Suresh and tell about me. He’ll arrange for a lawyer. You stay here and work in the lab else Mamaji will confiscate the house,” said Pawan.

  The police then took him away as Sanjeev stood there staring at this strange development.

  Chapter 22

  Aur manorath jo koi lavai Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai

  Whosoever comes to you for fulfillment of any desire with faith and sincerity, Will he alone secure the imperishable fruit of human life.

  Charon Yug partap tumhara Hai persidh jagat ujiyara

  All through the four ages your magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide. Your fame is Radiantly acclaimed all over the Cosmos.

  Sanjeev stood there helpless. Normally he would panic and become restless. However, today he felt a surge of energy seeping in to him. He had a feeling of déjà vu and realized that his premonition had cautioned him. He knew he had to help Pawan anyhow.

  He looked up in reverence and said to himself, “Just be there with me as you promised,” and set out for Suresh’s house.

  When Sanjeev reached Suresh's house he realized that he had come there for Dr Anjana’s funeral. He felt a sudden pang of sorrow in his heart as he saw the place again. He gulped his saliva and went inside the house knocking at the door.

  The house was ajar, and inmates seemed restless. He saw a man in his thirties who resembled Pawan and at once realized that he must be Suresh.

  “Sureshji, Pawan Sir sent me. He…,” Sanjeev could hardly complete his sentence when Suresh answered. “Oh yes, I was waiting for you. I got a call from the police station. Bhaiya told me you will be coming. Let’s go to the lawyer and then to police station. Surely kalyug has come, when saints like bhaiya are taken to police. I can’t believe how anyone can say that he killed Ma. How stupid of that Vikram. If bhaiya had not stopped me I would have killed him outside the ICU only that day,” Suresh muttered the entire story as he fidgeted himself to find car keys. The moment he got the car keys he took Sanjeev by his arm and dragged him to his car.

  “Let’s hurry up,” he sat in the car and drove off with Sanjeev. He drove as fast as he can to reach the lawyer’s office.

  “Pawan bhaiya told me that Ma left some wooden vault with you and that you needed some hel
p,” said Suresh as he drove.

  “Yes Sir, it’s a wooden vault in which the idols serve as keys. There are two drawers, one of which has some inflammable material and a key perhaps. Pawan Sir said you like designing gadgets so he wanted me to speak with you once regarding it,” explained Sanjeev.

  “I would love to see that. Actually when you get boxes or vaults like this, you should see them under X-Ray scanner, it reveals all the parts clearly,” Suresh suggested.

  Sanjeev was delighted at the idea, which was so logical. In his despair and hurry he missed out very logical reasons.

  “I want to help Pawan Sir first, after that I will show you the vault,” Sanjeev said.

  “Yes, that’s the priority task. The lawyer will guide us,” answered Suresh and speeds his car.

  As they reached the lawyer’s office, Suresh rushed into the chamber.

  “Police took away Pawan bhaiya. Do something immediately,” Suresh said.

  “Have a seat and drink some water first,” he said to the panicked Suresh. “I heard he was arrested for Dr Anjana’s murder. Seems very unlikely to me, but we still need to produce evidence.”

  “Can’t you do something today?” asked Suresh.

  “He is on non-bailable warrant, can’t do anything today. They have a hand written letter saying that Pawan provided the extra medicine dose to Vikram and tried to kill him as well. Now that Vikram is no more, the most likely suspect in the crime becomes Pawan as his name is mentioned there.”

  “Are we sure that the letter was written by Vikram?” inquired Sanjeev.

  “If we can prove it otherwise it will strengthen our case,” the lawyer responded.

  “How can we prove that?” asked Sanjeev.

  “If we get a sample of Vikram’s handwriting we can match it with the letter,” the lawyer suggested.

  “Yesterday night someone threw a threatening letter in the house,” Sanjeev added.


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