“It needs to be your choice,” he said gently, studying me. “Is life so miserable here that you want to come with me? I’ll take you with me, Valerie. Now. If that’s what you want.”
I was speechless. The choice I’d never had was suddenly before me and the one thing I’d wanted, had longed for these past nine months, was standing in front of me. Waiting. Tears filled my eyes. How was I supposed to make a choice—between the life I had now, the life that was finally a comfortable, mostly happy place to be, and a life that held a future I couldn’t fathom…with the person I loved most in the world?
“How am I supposed to chose?” I whispered the words out loud, so soft only I could hear them. But he heard, too.
“It’s not easy. Hard choices never are.”
I sat on the forest floor, my knees clutched to my chest, Noel’s hand loosely covering my own. I closed my eyes, feeling the wetness seep from behind my lashes and onto my cheeks. And I rewound the months I’d just lived through, the months of despair and sadness and, finally, hope. I thought of my mom and dad, more available to me than ever…and of Jess…and of Geoff…and of all of the other people who had become—or remained—a vital part of my life, my very existence. Could I give all of them up to be with him?
“I don’t think I can,” I admitted, my voice breaking. “I don’t think I can leave…” As much as I wanted him, I wanted this—the life I’d carved out, painstakingly molded and sculpted for myself—more.
He nodded, as if he already knew this. “That’s the way it should be. I wanted it to be your choice, Valerie. It needed to be your choice.” He made a move to stand but I grabbed his hand with my own, pulling him toward me, throwing my arms around his neck.
I buried my face into his neck. My tears dampened his shirt. “But if I need you…if I want to see you again…?” I couldn’t believe I was saying goodbye again…this time willingly.
“I’ll come,” he promised. “But you won’t need me. You’ll see.”
His lips brushed mine, cool and sweet and I savored the taste of him. I still loved him, would always love him. But I knew then, deep down, that I might be able to love someone else, too…someday. I was strong enough.
Noel spoke, his voice a mere whisper as his lips trailed across my cheek. “I will remember you always. I will love you always.”
A shout sounded from the trail, a voice calling my name.
“Valerie? Where are you? Are you OK?” It was Geoff.
I pulled away and looked at Noel one last time. Slowly, wistfully, I let go of his hand and turned away.
“I’m here. I’m coming,” I called.
I moved toward the trail and toward Geoff. I didn’t look back.
The End
About the Author
Beth Balmanno is the author of The Odyssey – A Play for Kids and A Midsummer Night's Dream – A Play for Kids. This is her first novel. She lives in Minnesota with her three kids.
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