The Lost Aria (Earth Song Book 3)

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The Lost Aria (Earth Song Book 3) Page 3

by Mark Wandrey

  "Of all the tribes, ours never went to war against anyone," the representative said to Minu accusingly. "You Plateau people had many wars."

  "You didn't go to war because you were conquered five times," Minu pointed out. The man's Asian features burned red with anger. "Until us Plateau people liberated you from the Rusk about a hundred fifty years ago, you were well known potato pickers, from what I hear." He sputtered and clenched his teeth, looking like he was either struggling to control his temper or having a heart attack. Jacob tried to speak again but Minu smelled blood in the water. "You look angry, sir, are you planning to surrender to someone?"

  The Peninsula man, representative of the most pacifistic people on Bellatrix, did a most non-pacifistic thing. He jumped at Minu with a howl of fury his fingers bent into claws to tear at her throat. Years of combat training made her ready for anything, and weekly practices with Cherise made her a dirty fighter. The man was only a couple meters from Minu; his attack caught everyone except her off guard. She feigned surprise until an instant before he reached her, then sidestepped and snatched one of his arms. His face went from fury to surprise as she twisted the arm in a way it wasn't mean to be twisted. Forced to follow the direction of her spin by the pain she was inflicting, he found himself flipping through the air, and straight into a thick ceramic concrete wall.

  Minu chose the wall to avoid damaging any of the valuable equipment. She knew the concrete wall could absorb the impact of a thousand hurtling fools and only require some blood to be scrubbed off later. Luckily for the man, Dram interceded. He caught him with two huge arms like a child falling off a toy horse. "Here you go," he said in his deep baritone and placed him on his feet, again. "It is best to be careful in here; there are a lot of ways to get accidentally hurt."

  He gave Dram a glare, shot death at Minu, screamed something in his native language and stormed out. "Knows how to make friends, doesn't she?" one representative from the desert tribe asked another man, a contractor from Tranquility.

  The contractor had been working with Minu for more than a year while building Fort Jovich. He looked at the representative with a hearty laugh. "Sir, you have no idea."

  A few hours later Minu sat behind her desk, storm clouds behind her through the window matching ones behind her eyes. Jacob was pacing back and forth in front of her desk and yelling obscenities while she was forced to listen. Dram leaned against the wall and did his best not to smile. It was a familiar scene that usually played out when Minu interacted with politicians, reporters, or both. He seemed to finally be winding down. "-just incapable of keeping your mouth closed?"

  "I think so, yes sir," she answered in an emotionless voice.

  "If you were worthless, or a nobody it wouldn't make any difference. But for the love of God, Minu, you're important to the Chosen, to Bellatrix, and to the Tog. Not yet four years in the Chosen and already you've made more discoveries and changes than most do in their entire career. But mark my words, as long as I'm First among the Chosen, you will go no further unless you can somehow manage to control that hole under your nose. Is that perfectly clear?"

  "Crystal clear, sir." Jacob snorted and left. Minu took a deep breath and let it out with a long whistle. "That was fun."

  "He has a point, you know?" She looked at Dram accusingly. "Well? You have something to add?"

  "I never claimed I was a people person."

  "Oh, little doubt ever remained of that since your early days. Still, you need to learn some control." She shrunk into her chair deeper. "Minu, you may well be the first woman to wear one star." She made a rude noise and he came away from the wall to lean over her desk, his imposing frame looming over her like a stately Portal Spire on an alien world. She silently hoped he wasn't going to lecture her like Jacob. "It is true. You're being advanced far along in your career for this accomplishment, and others, whether you want to or not. It's time to grow up a little." And with no more to say, he turned and left.

  "I would rather he'd yelled at me," she said to her empty office. The thrill she'd felt from tossing the mouthy little prick from Peninsula was gone, replaced with a feeling of shame. Much better if he'd yelled.

  Chapter 3

  May 25th, 521 AE

  Sanctuary Island, Plateau Tribe Territory

  Minu woke to warm sunshine flooding through her window. She climbed out of bed and padded naked across the floor to look outside. The sun shone through one of the huge fern trees outside the cabin window with comfortable green hues, warming her skin. As was the tradition when staying at the cabin, especially in the summer, she walked outside and sat in the grass. The cool grass was a little chilly against her bare bottom, but the sun caressed her skin, making it tingle. The only thing between her and the sky was the sapphire necklace hanging around her neck on a dualloy chain short enough to be a choker.

  Nearly a year had passed since she'd felt a lover’s touch. This was almost enough, for now. The hours spent in the quiet secluded island with its ancient cabin were a sweet comfort to her troubled life. The warm sun quickened her blood and her hands moved with a life of their own. Touching herself lying outside in the grass under the sky was a special pleasure, a secret thrill of naughtiness she'd discovered some months ago that made the orgasm all that more jolting. Afterwards, her desire satiated and the moment passed, she went inside to shower. It was moments like this that she missed Christian the most, not like yesterday with his mirthless smile and accusing looks. "It wasn't my fault you weren't hailed as the returning hero," she said into the hot spray. "Why did you have to hold it against me?"

  What her hands had done was satisfying in a way, but not as deeply as being with a man. The work involved in finding a new lover was too much for her right now. Now that she wore three stars, the weight of command pulled down on her like never before. She resisted the urge to open up enough to allow another man into her life. "What about Aaron?" a voice whispered deep in the back of her mind asked. She mercilessly smashed the voice even farther into the recesses of her consciousness and continued her shower.

  Minu made a simple breakfast of eggs and toast then carried it into the second bedroom she'd converted to an office. Inside was an array of instruments, computers and technology very unlike the anachronistic cabin’s exterior appearance. She signed onto the Chosen computer network and downloaded her course load through the orbital relays. Munching on an egg sandwich she began studying. Leadership was one of her responsibilities, learning the other. "We learn our whole lives," her father had said many times, "whether we admit it or not. It is your choice if what you learn is worth the effort."

  Today’s studies were different. Unlike the last several years it was not just classes taken from other teachers. Now she was beginning preparations for courses she would be teaching by herself. The student was finally becoming the teacher, and at only eighteen years old. Well, almost eighteen. Her own degrees were in technology and science, and she didn't fool herself that she was at all worthy to teach those subjects. Instead she would be an instructor in a very different course of studies. Her first class was labeled "Military Sciences 101" and was the culmination of years of work, on her own part and with the help of others. The course work covered an eclectic collection of military methodology leading from Roman military training in the third century, to Concordian troop deployment protocols only recently uncovered. Of course that information was not available to anyone but herself. This was data pilfered by Pip over a year ago, before he was left a crippled vegetable.

  The Tog carefully guarded their data networks, but there were ways around those safeguards. Many years more research would be required just to fully understand those exabytes of data her friend stole. The deeper into the data she went, the more Minu found herself missing Pip. Especially now as she prepared to teach this course, one he'd co-conceived and that rightfully he should be co-teaching with her.

  Military Sciences 101 was not really intended to impart information, although it did to some extent. The wide swath of history
and species it covered was too broad to be worth much. This class was more of a recruiting tool for future military commanders and strategists. Two hundred were signed up for the first class taught by Chosen Minu Alma, architect of the human victory over the Rasa Vendetta. The fact that she was also behind the creation of the Soldier branch of the Chosen, designer of the new network of Forts, and inventor of the Shock Rifle was less important and less well known to the average human. She knew her fame (or infamy) would bring in the curious, she only hoped the tantalizing taste of information provided would hook the truly brilliant and the naturally talented.

  MilSci 101 would be a prerequisite for entry into the Chosen War College, part of a much bigger dream. Realization of that dream would take decades, and perhaps finally make humanity safe. Hopefully more than safe. The galaxy was full of predators, and they were nothing but naked apes, running around with their first clubs.

  She worked for a few hours, a bevy of computer tablets scattered across the desk. One contained sorted and organized files for the class she was to teach. Another was the data pilfered by Pip, while still another monitored her various email accounts for activity. She worked on the pilfered data, occasionally transferring a file or two of data to the first computer. The private network in her cabin moved the data seamlessly and required no more thought than putting a clean fork into a drawer. Being so far from another network was part of her motivation in moving her private residence to the cabin. The two hour flight by her sleek red aerocar was a mild inconvenience, at worst. The ability to do what she had done to herself laying outside that morning was another advantage. In the year since she'd moved to the cabin, an inheritance from her father, she'd yet to see another human on the near distant shores, or even a craft flying over in the sky above.

  Minu picked up a fourth tablet and sorted for more details. This one carried data from the Chosen network including terabytes of human history. More files were transferred to the first computer. The fifth and final tablet in use just then held far less data. This one was the tablet she was using to build War College. It was still a work in progress. Minu admitted to herself months ago that she needed help bringing the War College to life. Originally she'd planned to tap Christian for that, but the fates hadn't worked in her favor. He might still be able to help, he might even be willing to help, but she didn't want the conflict and pain that it would bring. She needed to find someone else and somehow draft them into helping her.

  There was another tablet resting on a shelf above the desk, seldom used but deeply treasured. That one linked her with the past just as deeply as the sapphire necklace she wore. Her father, Chriso Alma, former First among the Chosen, was missing somewhere in the galaxy. He'd gone missing on a mission during her trials, and never returned. He'd managed to send a message from beyond, relayed mysteriously through a seldom seen aunt. The chip contained hundreds of files by her father, Chriso. Files on the Concordia, the planets around the galaxy, technology, and even his own random thoughts. Still, some files remained locked. A few tentative clues pointed to answers on distant worlds that would unlock those files. If only she had time.

  With command of the soldiers she now possessed the power to search for him. Maybe finally answer the question of whether he was still alive, or how he'd died. As usual her duty kept her from it. She couldn't abuse the power of her three stars, or take advantage of the loyalty of her men in such a baseless personal pursuit. She didn't have time to pursue clues to unlock the hidden files, or try and find him.

  Like the computer files, the sapphire necklace she never removed was a link to her past, having belonged to the legendary Mindy Harper. Originally hung by a thin silver chain and clasp, it was now draped around her neck with a dualloy rope that had no clasp. The look the jeweler gave her as he used a Concordia made tool to cold fuse the chain to the gold sapphire mounting and permanently around her neck was a memorable one. The computer file delivered by her aunt remained a mystery for months until she eventually found the password. Typical of her father, the password was linked to that very necklace. Sapphire. Even what she could now read was tantalizing.

  Like a theory she'd first heard years ago, it suggested that the all-powerful Concordia was in decay, and maybe even dying. Visiting the thousands of worlds full of thriving cities would make most people scoff at the very notion of a decaying empire. But she'd also seen an equal number of empty planets in the frontier, many with abandoned cities and perfectly habitable atmospheres. It gave the theory credence. What more had her father hidden away from her?

  The sun passed its zenith and eventually her stomach and bladder conspired to call her away from the tablets. She left the office, visited the bathroom, then the kitchen. She saw the freezer was getting empty and made a mental note to stop at the store in Dodge City on her way out next time. The bustling city near Fort Jovich had grown up since its construction began. First, to serve as a temporary home to the thousands of workers, now it fit the bill of a classic military town on old Earth, serving the soldiers trained and billeted at the fort. She made herself a mutton sandwich, potato chips, and a tall glass of grape juice. All but the chips were made locally to Fort Jovich. Much closer in fact. They were produced in Lizardville, the Chosen nickname for the Rasa settlement over the hill from the fort (the real name was unpronounceable by human mouths, sounding rather like a leaky steam heater). Minu had found it amusing to have the Rasa raise their own food. The aliens had taken to it so thoroughly though, that they made a healthy profit from the surplus. Their tenderly reared sheep were slaughtered and consumed as soon as they reached adulthood. They considered the killing of young animals cruel, so no true lamb came from Lizardville. Like many, Minu had tasted mutton long ago, before the Rasa started growing them. It was so strong as to be almost inedible outside of a stew or casserole. These sheep weren't old, wool bearing animals past their usefulness and only then slaughtered for barely edible meat. The Rasa only kept a few beyond maturing, for mating, and other practices. Of course she'd heard of their hunting the rams which were turned out wild into the countryside. The first humans to witness the ritual came away white faced and firmly reminded that the Rasa were not human, regardless of how normal they might appear while watching a movie or conducting business in Dodge City. The Rasa presence on Bellatrix was only a thinly veiled secret now. She wondered if only the politicians weren't aware of them.

  When Minu had asked Var'at if they were interested in hunting Kloth the question was met with shock and disgust. When Minu asked why not, she got a terse reply. "Would you have wished to hunt Neanderthal humans?" Of course the answer was no, but Minu still found the comparison imperfect. The Rasa and the Kloth didn't share a genetic history, unlike humans and their caveman ancestors. Still, she was amazed yet again at how much the Rasa were learning about their human hosts. Amazed and concerned. It was a good thing they were fierce allies now.

  The sandwich, with its thick slice of mutton, was just as savory as always and left her licking juice from her fingers. Afterwards, she dressed in shorts and a loose fitting tank top to go for a run. After the rainy season the island’s ground firmed up nicely. In the last year she had managed to wear a fairly good path winding through the small woods of the island. It was her personal jogging track. Once around the island, exactly one kilometer. Ten laps today, just an easy one hour run and raising a good sweat. "I need to hit the gym at the fort more," she breathed after the run, sitting in the shade of the porch in the afternoon sun. She eyed her car parked on the newly installed ceramic concrete parking pad. Unlike the cabin it had air conditioning. "You’re getting soft," she admonished herself and stubbornly went inside. She opened the windows to let the slight breeze cool the cabin's interior. After a quick shower it was back to work sorting data and making notes, no need for clothing. The hot cabin made staying naked much more comfortable anyway. In the back of her mind Minu wondered if she were becoming a closet nudist.

  The syllabus for the class was nearly complete but there were months
more work to be done before the War College would be ready. After a few hours she leaned back in her chair, sweat dripping off her face and between her breasts. She went to the bathroom and took another cold shower and returned to work with a towel around her neck. She quickly got damp again from sweat but the towel caught most of it before it dripped distractingly down her body.

  As the sun began to set she did some casual housework. Dirty clothes and towels went into the Concordia made laundry machine and she walked out to the dock. Minu considered fishing for a minute then decided against it. She dropped her sweat soaked towel on the dock and dove into the water. The lake was only a few degrees cooler than the air, but cooler was cooler. She swam with strong strokes, not bothering to check her direction or distance. It was just over a kilometer to the shore and she'd swam the distance more than once, but not lately. The far shore was a muddy tangle of water plants and reeds. She'd almost clogged the shower trying to clean off her legs last time. Instead of going all the way she swam until she felt underwater plants tickling her tummy, a sign that the bottom was rising to meet her.

  It was usually when skinny dipping in her lake that she fantasized about being caught by a curious observer. The idea that some lecherous man might be watching her naked body sliding through the water made warm feelings run up her legs. She teased herself with the idea, and then remembered never realized plans of taking Christian out here and doing very naughty things for days on end. "I need a boyfriend," she admitted to the lake. A howler in a nearby tree barked angrily. "Oh shut up," she yelled back. It barked even louder and set off another in reply. Soon the woods around the lake were full of barking lizards. "Great, it'll be hours before they calm down."

  Serenaded by reptiles, Minu switched to a backstroke and swam back towards the island. Might as well give the fantasy voyeur a better view, she thought. She climbed from the water using the ladder on the dock. The island shore of the island wasn't muddy like the other shore, but the rocks were often sharp enough to cut your foot. Clear of the water she used the hose she kept there to give her body a quick rinse. There were no water animals native to Bellatrix larger than a primitive trout species, but there were leaches. They weren't as aggressive as their Earthly cousins she'd read about. As long as you spent less than an hour in the water and rinsed briskly after wards, they didn't have time to gnaw through your skin. She noted a couple washing off her ankles and took extra care rinsing her groin. None had ever turned up there, but she still shuddered at the thought. She always rinsed outside because the houses water system was a closed system, and the mud incident cost her a week of maintenance. This water was pumped from the lake nearby and only used for this purpose. Besides, she didn't like the idea of the leaches ending up in her drinking water. With a shiver she replaced the hose and headed for the cabin.


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